BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
daisyCOPYING.MIT: Re-add missing licenseNathan Rossi10 years
daisy-eneaopenssl: addapt patch to latest version 1.0.1pTudor Florea10 years
dannytune-microblaze: Reorder PKGARCH suffixesNathan Rossi12 years
dizzyCOPYING.MIT: Re-add missing licenseNathan Rossi10 years
doraCOPYING.MIT: Re-add missing licenseNathan Rossi10 years
dylanexternal-xilinx-toochain: Created recipeNathan Rossi11 years Do not clobber COMPATIBLE_MACHINENathan Rossi9 years
gatesgarthbinutils/gdb: Disable hunk from microblaze patchMark Hatle4 years
honisterxlnx-embeddedsw: Move PV to appendMark Hatle2 years Do not clobber COMPATIBLE_MACHINENathan Rossi9 years Move to xlnx specific versions of libmetal and open-ampMark Hatle2 years Do not clobber COMPATIBLE_MACHINENathan Rossi9 years
langdaleu-boot-xlnx: Restore 2023.1 versionMark Hatle9 months
mastermeta-xilinx-standalone: Rework embeddedsw integrationMark Hatle3 months Explicitly set builddir pathSai Hari Chandana Kalluri5 years
mickledore.gitmodules: Correct the reference to gen-machine-confMark Hatle16 months
mortydevice-tree/microzed-zynq7.dts: Replace with kernel source versionNathan Rossi8 years
nanbield.gitmodules: Correct the reference to gen-machine-confMark Hatle16 months Remove image_types_ubootAlistair Francis7 years
rockogcc-source: Add all Xilinx MicroBlaze GCC 7.2 patchesNathan Rossi7 years
scarthgapmeta-xilinx-standalone-sdt: Make libmetal/open-amp optionalMark Hatle3 months
sumou-boot_%.bbappend: Fix the breakage on platform init filesManjukumar Matha7 years
thudxf86-video-armsoc: Remove the recipe for xf86-video-armsocMadhurkiran Harikrishnan5 years
warriormeta-xilinx-contrib: Fix drm patch for v4.19 kernelManjukumar Matha5 years
zeuslibmali-xlnx: Provide single shlib provider for Hari Chandana Kalluri5 years