BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
daisygdal: fix sqlite, expat and libtiff detectionMartin Jansa10 years
daisy-140929initial commit for Enea Linux 4.0-140929Tudor Florea10 years
daisy-eneafuse: fix for CVE-2015-3202 Privilegde EscalationTudor Florea10 years
daisy-enea-231026Adding the source code from EneaLinux 4.0_6Bogdan Oprescu16 months
daisy-nextgdal: fix sqlite, expat and libtiff detectionMartin Jansa10 years
dannycifs-utils: Add runtime recommendation to CIFS kernel moduleOtavio Salvador12 years
danny-nextsip-native: fix SRC_URIEric BENARD12 years
denzilMerge branch 'denzil-next' into denzilEric Bénard12 years
denzil-nextcpuburn-neon: fix packaging to use a date as version and valid sourcesOtavio Salvador12 years
dizzymariadb: add dependency libeventKang Kai9 years
dizzy-enealibssh2: CVE-2016-0787Sona Sarmadi9 years
dizzy-nextmariadb: add dependency libeventKang Kai9 years
doragdal: fix sqlite, expat and libtiff detectionMartin Jansa10 years
dora-nextevtest: Stop using Cgit based archiveOtavio Salvador10 years
dunfellwireshark: fix CVE-2023-6175Hitendra Prajapati10 months
dunfell-nextwireshark: fix CVE-2023-6175Hitendra Prajapati10 months
dylanopencv: Update SRC_URI to use gitKhem Raj10 years
dylan-nextx264: fix SRCREV after upstream repository changePaul Eggleton11 years
fidopython-m2crypto: fix SSLv2 symbol issueArmin Kuster9 years
fido-nextpython-m2crypto: fix SSLv2 symbol issueArmin Kuster9 years
gatesgarthostree: switch from default master branch to main to fix do_fetch failureMartin Jansa4 years
gatesgarth-nextostree: switch from default master branch to main to fix do_fetch failureMartin Jansa4 years
gatesgarthg-nextmeta-oe/README: add Ubuntu prerequisite informationakuster4 years
hardknottfix renamed patchkueken3 years
hardknott-nextmakedumpfile: Upgrade to 1.6.9Mingli Yu3 years
honisterostree: prevent ostree-native depending on target virtual/kernel to provide k...Martin Jansa3 years
honister-nextpython3-matplotlib: add missing dependencyAdrian Fiergolski3 years
jansa/dizzylibsecret: add missing dependency on intltool-nativeMartin Jansa10 years
jansa/fidolibsecret: add missing dependency on intltool-nativeMartin Jansa10 years
jansa/masteremacs,libgpiod,cockpit: Fix override syntax in using FILES_${PN}Khem Raj4 years
jethrowireshark: update package to 1.12.13 for security fixes.Armin Kuster8 years
jethro-nextwireshark: update package to 1.12.13 for security fixes.Armin Kuster8 years
kirkstonepython3-sqlparse: Fix CVE-2024-4340Soumya Sambu6 weeks
kirkstone-nextphpmyadmin: fix CVE-2025-24529/CVE-2025-24530Changqing Li3 weeks
kirtstone-nextcryptsetup: Add support for building without SSH tokensPeter Kjellerstedt3 years
kraj/dunfelldovecot: add CVE-2016-4983 to allowlistArmin Kuster4 years
krogothpcsc-lite: Seperate GPLV3 portions from BSDDavis, Michael8 years
krogoth-nextpcsc-lite: Seperate GPLV3 portions from BSDDavis, Michael8 years
langdalepython3-gcovr: Add missing runtime dependencyJasper Orschulko22 months
langdale-nextpython3-gcovr: Add missing runtime dependencyJasper Orschulko22 months
masterlvm2: upgrade 2.03.30 -> 2.03.31Yi Zhao30 hours
master-nextgnome-control-center: update 47.3 -> 48.betaMarkus Volk6 hours
mickledorenginx: fix CVE-2023-44487Meenali Gupta14 months
mickledore-netlmsensors: do not pull in unneeded perl modules for run-time dependenciesBeniamin Sandu19 months
mickledore-nextnginx: fix CVE-2023-44487Meenali Gupta14 months
mortydnsmasq: backport CVE fixes from dnsmasq 2.78Zhang Xiao7 years
morty-nextdnsmasq: backport CVE fixes from dnsmasq 2.78Zhang Xiao7 years
nanbieldlibssh: upgrade 0.10.5 -> 0.10.6Wang Mingyu14 months
nanbield-nextlayer.conf: Add libdevmapper-native PREFERRED_RPROVIDERJose Quaresma12 months
pyrowireshark: Update Package to 2.2.12Armin Kuster7 years
pyro-nextwireshark: Update Package to 2.2.12Armin Kuster7 years
pyro-nfvaccessopencv: disable broken Intel FP16 detectionRandy MacLeod8 years
rockoglm: update -> 0.9.9-a2 to fix x86_64 (sse-simd) buildAndreas Müller6 years
rocko-nextglm: update -> 0.9.9-a2 to fix x86_64 (sse-simd) buildAndreas Müller6 years
scarthgapmodejs: upgrade 20.18.0 -> 20.18.2Archana Polampalli4 weeks
scarthgap-nextmodejs: upgrade 20.18.0 -> 20.18.2Archana Polampalli4 weeks
stable/dufell-nutdovecot: refresh patchesArmin kuster3 years
stable/kirkstone-nutindent: fix CVE-2023-40305Yogita Urade16 months
stable/mickledore-nutpoppler: fix CVE-2023-34872Yogita Urade18 months
stable/thud-nextmozjs: Avoid use of X11 from host when X11 is disabledOtavio Salvador6 years
stable/thud-nmutmozjs: Avoid use of X11 from host when X11 is disabledOtavio Salvador6 years
stagging/master-nextntp: refresh patchMartin Jansa7 years
styheadsip: Upgrade 6.8.3 -> 6.8.6Leon Anavi6 days
styhead-nextsip: Upgrade 6.8.3 -> 6.8.6Leon Anavi6 days
sumowireshark: 2.4.8 src moved to all-versionsArmin Kuster6 years
sumo-nextUpdate wireshark to 2.4.9Stefan Lendl6 years
thudtcpdump: Fix CVE-2017-16808Peiran Hong5 years
thud-nexttcpdump: Fix CVE-2017-16808Peiran Hong5 years
warriortcpdump: Delete unused patchPeiran Hong5 years
warrior-nexttcpdump: Delete unused patchPeiran Hong5 years
yoe/mutXXX: Add Github actions support for CIKhem Raj18 months
zeustremor: update SRC_URI as project moved to gitlabArmin Kuster5 years
zeus-nexttremor: update SRC_URI as project moved to gitlabArmin Kuster5 years