About This Release
Introduction Enea NFV Core is based on the OPNFV Danube release, and is compatible with the ETSI NFV reference architecture. It leverages several OPNFV community projects, including Functest, Yardstick, Doctor, Fuel, and Armband. This release consists of the following components: Component Version / Details Installer Fuel v.10 OPNFV version Danube OpenStack Version OpenStack Newton OS for Controller / Compute Nodes Debian 9 Pacemaker 2:9.1.3-1~u16.04+mos4 HA Proxy 1.6.3-1~u16.04+mos3 Open vSwitch 2.7.0-0ubuntu3 plus other patches DPDK 16.11.2-3 upgraded to 17.02.1 plus other patches Qemu-KVM 1:2.8+dfsg-3ubuntu1 upgraded to 1:2.9~rc1+dfsg-0+amos1~u16.04 plus other patches EDK2 0~20160813.de74668f-1ubuntu0.1 plus other patches Libvirt 3.5.0-1ubuntu3 plus other patches Linux Kernel 4.10 plus other patches Aodh 3.0.2-1~u16.04+mos0 Ceilometer 1:7.0.3-1~u16.04+mos2 Tacker 0.7.0 plus other patches Heat 1:7.0.2-1~u16.04+mos4 TOSCA-Parser 0.8.1 plus other patches cloud-init 0.7.9-90-g61eb03fe-0+amos1~u16.04 Ceph Object Storage 10.2.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 RabbitMQ Messaging 3.6.6-1+amos1~u16.04+mos1 Zabbix 1:2.4.8-1+trusty plus other patches Vitrage 1.0.2.dev5 Erlang 1:18.3.4+dfsg-1~u16.04+mos1 Percona XtraBackup 2.4.5-1+amos1~u16.04 plus other patches MongoDB 1:2.6.10-0+amos1~u16.04 Galera cluster for MySQL consists of: Component Version / Details MySQL-wsrep 5.6.36 Galera 3.21 wsrep API 25 Components that are included but not pre-integrated or verified in the release testing scenarios, (not formally supported): Component Version / Details OpenDaylight Boron Congress 4.0.0 with Doctor datasource