Installing Tacker Tacker is an OpenStack project, building a generic VNF Manager and a NFV Orchestrator in order to deploy and operate Network Services and Virtual Network Functions on an NFV infrastructure platform. It is based on ETSI MANO Architectural Framework and provides a functional stack to Orchestrate Network Services end-to-end using VNFs. Execute the following in the Fuel master console: Go to the tacker plugin directory:cd /var/www/nailgun/plugins/tacker-1.0/repositories/tacker Execute the following to install Ansible: yum install ansible Run the initialization script:./files/init.shThis will create a hosts file for ansible /etc/ansible/hosts of the form:********** [controllers] node-3 mac_addr+68:05:ca:46:8b:64 ipmi_ip= ipmi_user=****** ipmi_pass=****** node-2 mac_addr+68:05:ca:46:8c:d4 ipmi_ip= ipmi_user=****** ipmi_pass=****** node-1 mac_addr+68:05:ca:46:8c:45 ipmi_ip= ipmi_user=****** ipmi_pass=****** [main_cont] node-3 [computes] node-5 mac_addr+68:05:ca:46:8c:c9 ipmi_ip= ipmi_user=****** ipmi_pass=****** node-4 mac_addr+68:05:ca:46:8c:c2 ipmi_ip= ipmi_user=****** ipmi_pass=****** [nodes:children] controllers computes ********** Use your favorite text editor to manually edit ipmi_ip with the ip address of the ipmi interface, ipmi_user with the user for accessing the ipmi interface, and ipmi_psss with the password used by the user to access the ipmi interface for all the nodes. Run the ansible playbook responsible with the installation and configuration of tacker plugin.ansible-playbook tacker_deploy.yaml