Mixed Arch Deployment Mixed Arch deployment support allows a user to install Enea NFV Core on a cluster containing a mixture of servers, with x86_64 and aarch64 CPU families. The recommended topologies consist of deploying x86 Controllers and aarch64 Compute nodes, or mixed x86_64 and aarch64 Compute nodes.
Launching Instances in a Mixed Arch environment Before launching an instance, the user needs to ensure certain prerequisites are present: Have OpenStack images installed for both architectures: #image for x86 glance image-create --name dpdk-image-x86 --visibility public --disk-format raw \ --container-format bare --file dpdk-image-x86-compiled #image for ARM glance image-create --name dpdk-image-arm --visibility public --disk-format raw \ --container-format bare --file dpdk-image-arm-compiled glance image-update [ID] --property hw_firmware_type=uefi Have Openstack configured with per-arch scheduling information. The following is an example configuration: Create a host aggregate: nova aggregate-create x86_64 nova aggregate-set-metadata x86_64 arch=x86_64 nova aggregate-add-host x86_64 node-6.domain.tld Create a flavor and tie it to the aggregate: openstack flavor create --ram 4096 --disk 4 --vcpus 4 dpdk-x86 nova flavor-key dpdk-x86 set aggregate_instance_extra_specs:arch=x86_64 nova flavor-key dpdk-x86 set hw:mem_page_size=any openstack flavor set --property hw:cpu_policy=dedicated dpdk-x86 Launch the VM: nova boot --image dpdk-image-x86 --flavor dpdk-x86 pktgen-x86 It will be placed on the x86 hypervisor from node-6.