#!/usr/bin/python -tt # # Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 Intel Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; version 2 of the License # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import os import sys import time import tempfile import re import shutil import glob import hashlib import subprocess import platform import traceback try: import sqlite3 as sqlite except ImportError: import sqlite try: from xml.etree import cElementTree except ImportError: import cElementTree xmlparse = cElementTree.parse from mic import msger from mic.utils.errors import CreatorError, SquashfsError from mic.utils.fs_related import find_binary_path, makedirs from mic.utils.proxy import get_proxy_for from mic.utils import runner RPM_RE = re.compile("(.*)\.(.*) (.*)-(.*)") RPM_FMT = "%(name)s.%(arch)s %(version)s-%(release)s" SRPM_RE = re.compile("(.*)-(\d+.*)-(\d+\.\d+).src.rpm") def build_name(kscfg, release=None, prefix = None, suffix = None): """Construct and return an image name string. This is a utility function to help create sensible name and fslabel strings. The name is constructed using the sans-prefix-and-extension kickstart filename and the supplied prefix and suffix. kscfg -- a path to a kickstart file release -- a replacement to suffix for image release prefix -- a prefix to prepend to the name; defaults to None, which causes no prefix to be used suffix -- a suffix to append to the name; defaults to None, which causes a YYYYMMDDHHMM suffix to be used Note, if maxlen is less then the len(suffix), you get to keep both pieces. """ name = os.path.basename(kscfg) idx = name.rfind('.') if idx >= 0: name = name[:idx] if release is not None: suffix = "" if prefix is None: prefix = "" if suffix is None: suffix = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") if name.startswith(prefix): name = name[len(prefix):] prefix = "%s-" % prefix if prefix else "" suffix = "-%s" % suffix if suffix else "" ret = prefix + name + suffix return ret def get_distro(): """Detect linux distribution, support "meego" """ support_dists = ('SuSE', 'debian', 'fedora', 'redhat', 'centos', 'meego', 'moblin', 'tizen') try: (dist, ver, id) = platform.linux_distribution( \ supported_dists = support_dists) except: (dist, ver, id) = platform.dist( \ supported_dists = support_dists) return (dist, ver, id) def get_distro_str(): """Get composited string for current linux distribution """ (dist, ver, id) = get_distro() if not dist: return 'Unknown Linux Distro' else: distro_str = ' '.join(map(str.strip, (dist, ver, id))) return distro_str.strip() _LOOP_RULE_PTH = None def hide_loopdev_presentation(): udev_rules = "80-prevent-loop-present.rules" udev_rules_dir = [ '/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/', '/lib/udev/rules.d/', '/etc/udev/rules.d/' ] global _LOOP_RULE_PTH for rdir in udev_rules_dir: if os.path.exists(rdir): _LOOP_RULE_PTH = os.path.join(rdir, udev_rules) if not _LOOP_RULE_PTH: return try: with open(_LOOP_RULE_PTH, 'w') as wf: wf.write('KERNEL=="loop*", ENV{UDISKS_PRESENTATION_HIDE}="1"') runner.quiet('udevadm trigger') except: pass def unhide_loopdev_presentation(): global _LOOP_RULE_PTH if not _LOOP_RULE_PTH: return try: os.unlink(_LOOP_RULE_PTH) runner.quiet('udevadm trigger') except: pass def extract_rpm(rpmfile, targetdir): rpm2cpio = find_binary_path("rpm2cpio") cpio = find_binary_path("cpio") olddir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(targetdir) msger.verbose("Extract rpm file with cpio: %s" % rpmfile) p1 = subprocess.Popen([rpm2cpio, rpmfile], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p2 = subprocess.Popen([cpio, "-idv"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (sout, serr) = p2.communicate() msger.verbose(sout or serr) os.chdir(olddir) def compressing(fpath, method): comp_map = { "gz": "gzip", "bz2": "bzip2" } if method not in comp_map: raise CreatorError("Unsupport compress format: %s, valid values: %s" % (method, ','.join(comp_map.keys()))) cmd = find_binary_path(comp_map[method]) rc = runner.show([cmd, "-f", fpath]) if rc: raise CreatorError("Failed to %s file: %s" % (comp_map[method], fpath)) def taring(dstfile, target): import tarfile basen, ext = os.path.splitext(dstfile) comp = {".tar": None, ".gz": "gz", # for .tar.gz ".bz2": "bz2", # for .tar.bz2 ".tgz": "gz", ".tbz": "bz2"}[ext] # specify tarball file path if not comp: tarpath = dstfile elif basen.endswith(".tar"): tarpath = basen else: tarpath = basen + ".tar" wf = tarfile.open(tarpath, 'w') if os.path.isdir(target): for item in os.listdir(target): wf.add(os.path.join(target, item), item) else: wf.add(target, os.path.basename(target)) wf.close() if comp: compressing(tarpath, comp) # when dstfile ext is ".tgz" and ".tbz", should rename if not basen.endswith(".tar"): shutil.move("%s.%s" % (tarpath, comp), dstfile) def ziping(dstfile, target): import zipfile wf = zipfile.ZipFile(dstfile, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) if os.path.isdir(target): for item in os.listdir(target): fpath = os.path.join(target, item) if not os.path.isfile(fpath): continue wf.write(fpath, item, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) else: wf.write(target, os.path.basename(target), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) wf.close() pack_formats = { ".tar": taring, ".tar.gz": taring, ".tar.bz2": taring, ".tgz": taring, ".tbz": taring, ".zip": ziping, } def packing(dstfile, target): (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(dstfile) if ext in (".gz", ".bz2") and base.endswith(".tar"): ext = ".tar" + ext if ext not in pack_formats: raise CreatorError("Unsupport pack format: %s, valid values: %s" % (ext, ','.join(pack_formats.keys()))) func = pack_formats[ext] # func should be callable func(dstfile, target) def human_size(size): """Return human readable string for Bytes size """ if size <= 0: return "0M" import math measure = ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'] expo = int(math.log(size, 1024)) mant = float(size/math.pow(1024, expo)) return "{0:.1f}{1:s}".format(mant, measure[expo]) def get_block_size(file_obj): """ Returns block size for file object 'file_obj'. Errors are indicated by the 'IOError' exception. """ from fcntl import ioctl import struct # Get the block size of the host file-system for the image file by calling # the FIGETBSZ ioctl (number 2). binary_data = ioctl(file_obj, 2, struct.pack('I', 0)) return struct.unpack('I', binary_data)[0] def check_space_pre_cp(src, dst): """Check whether disk space is enough before 'cp' like operations, else exception will be raised. """ srcsize = get_file_size(src) * 1024 * 1024 freesize = get_filesystem_avail(dst) if srcsize > freesize: raise CreatorError("space on %s(%s) is not enough for about %s files" % (dst, human_size(freesize), human_size(srcsize))) def calc_hashes(file_path, hash_names, start = 0, end = None): """ Calculate hashes for a file. The 'file_path' argument is the file to calculate hash functions for, 'start' and 'end' are the starting and ending file offset to calculate the has functions for. The 'hash_names' argument is a list of hash names to calculate. Returns the the list of calculated hash values in the hexadecimal form in the same order as 'hash_names'. """ if end == None: end = os.path.getsize(file_path) chunk_size = 65536 to_read = end - start read = 0 hashes = [] for hash_name in hash_names: hashes.append(hashlib.new(hash_name)) with open(file_path, "rb") as f: f.seek(start) while read < to_read: if read + chunk_size > to_read: chunk_size = to_read - read chunk = f.read(chunk_size) for hash_obj in hashes: hash_obj.update(chunk) read += chunk_size result = [] for hash_obj in hashes: result.append(hash_obj.hexdigest()) return result def get_md5sum(fpath): return calc_hashes(fpath, ('md5', ))[0] def normalize_ksfile(ksconf, release, arch): ''' Return the name of a normalized ks file in which macro variables @BUILD_ID@ and @ARCH@ are replace with real values. The original ks file is returned if no special macro is used, otherwise a temp file is created and returned, which will be deleted when program exits normally. ''' if not release: release = "latest" if not arch or re.match(r'i.86', arch): arch = "ia32" with open(ksconf) as f: ksc = f.read() if "@ARCH@" not in ksc and "@BUILD_ID@" not in ksc: return ksconf msger.info("Substitute macro variable @BUILD_ID@/@ARCH@ in ks: %s" % ksconf) ksc = ksc.replace("@ARCH@", arch) ksc = ksc.replace("@BUILD_ID@", release) fd, ksconf = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=os.path.basename(ksconf)) os.write(fd, ksc) os.close(fd) msger.debug('normalized ks file:%s' % ksconf) def remove_temp_ks(): try: os.unlink(ksconf) except OSError, err: msger.warning('Failed to remove temp ks file:%s:%s' % (ksconf, err)) import atexit atexit.register(remove_temp_ks) return ksconf def _check_mic_chroot(rootdir): def _path(path): return rootdir.rstrip('/') + path release_files = map(_path, [ "/etc/moblin-release", "/etc/meego-release", "/etc/tizen-release"]) if not any(map(os.path.exists, release_files)): msger.warning("Dir %s is not a MeeGo/Tizen chroot env" % rootdir) if not glob.glob(rootdir + "/boot/vmlinuz-*"): msger.warning("Failed to find kernel module under %s" % rootdir) return def selinux_check(arch, fstypes): try: getenforce = find_binary_path('getenforce') except CreatorError: return selinux_status = runner.outs([getenforce]) if arch and arch.startswith("arm") and selinux_status == "Enforcing": raise CreatorError("Can't create arm image if selinux is enabled, " "please run 'setenforce 0' to disable selinux") use_btrfs = filter(lambda typ: typ == 'btrfs', fstypes) if use_btrfs and selinux_status == "Enforcing": raise CreatorError("Can't create btrfs image if selinux is enabled," " please run 'setenforce 0' to disable selinux") def get_image_type(path): def _get_extension_name(path): match = re.search("(?<=\.)\w+$", path) if match: return match.group(0) else: return None if os.path.isdir(path): _check_mic_chroot(path) return "fs" maptab = { "tar": "loop", "raw":"raw", "vmdk":"vmdk", "vdi":"vdi", "iso":"livecd", "usbimg":"liveusb", } extension = _get_extension_name(path) if extension in maptab: return maptab[extension] fd = open(path, "rb") file_header = fd.read(1024) fd.close() vdi_flag = "<<< Sun VirtualBox Disk Image >>>" if file_header[0:len(vdi_flag)] == vdi_flag: return maptab["vdi"] output = runner.outs(['file', path]) isoptn = re.compile(r".*ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem.*(bootable).*") usbimgptn = re.compile(r".*x86 boot sector.*active.*") rawptn = re.compile(r".*x86 boot sector.*") vmdkptn = re.compile(r".*VMware. disk image.*") ext3fsimgptn = re.compile(r".*Linux.*ext3 filesystem data.*") ext4fsimgptn = re.compile(r".*Linux.*ext4 filesystem data.*") btrfsimgptn = re.compile(r".*BTRFS.*") if isoptn.match(output): return maptab["iso"] elif usbimgptn.match(output): return maptab["usbimg"] elif rawptn.match(output): return maptab["raw"] elif vmdkptn.match(output): return maptab["vmdk"] elif ext3fsimgptn.match(output): return "ext3fsimg" elif ext4fsimgptn.match(output): return "ext4fsimg" elif btrfsimgptn.match(output): return "btrfsimg" else: raise CreatorError("Cannot detect the type of image: %s" % path) def get_file_size(filename): """ Return size in MB unit """ cmd = ['du', "-s", "-b", "-B", "1M", filename] rc, duOutput = runner.runtool(cmd) if rc != 0: raise CreatorError("Failed to run: %s" % ' '.join(cmd)) size1 = int(duOutput.split()[0]) cmd = ['du', "-s", "-B", "1M", filename] rc, duOutput = runner.runtool(cmd) if rc != 0: raise CreatorError("Failed to run: %s" % ' '.join(cmd)) size2 = int(duOutput.split()[0]) return max(size1, size2) def get_filesystem_avail(fs): vfstat = os.statvfs(fs) return vfstat.f_bavail * vfstat.f_bsize def convert_image(srcimg, srcfmt, dstimg, dstfmt): #convert disk format if dstfmt != "raw": raise CreatorError("Invalid destination image format: %s" % dstfmt) msger.debug("converting %s image to %s" % (srcimg, dstimg)) if srcfmt == "vmdk": path = find_binary_path("qemu-img") argv = [path, "convert", "-f", "vmdk", srcimg, "-O", dstfmt, dstimg] elif srcfmt == "vdi": path = find_binary_path("VBoxManage") argv = [path, "internalcommands", "converttoraw", srcimg, dstimg] else: raise CreatorError("Invalid soure image format: %s" % srcfmt) rc = runner.show(argv) if rc == 0: msger.debug("convert successful") if rc != 0: raise CreatorError("Unable to convert disk to %s" % dstfmt) def uncompress_squashfs(squashfsimg, outdir): """Uncompress file system from squshfs image""" unsquashfs = find_binary_path("unsquashfs") args = [ unsquashfs, "-d", outdir, squashfsimg ] rc = runner.show(args) if (rc != 0): raise SquashfsError("Failed to uncompress %s." % squashfsimg) def mkdtemp(dir = "/var/tmp", prefix = "wic-tmp-"): """ FIXME: use the dir in wic.conf instead """ makedirs(dir) return tempfile.mkdtemp(dir = dir, prefix = prefix) def get_repostrs_from_ks(ks): def _get_temp_reponame(baseurl): md5obj = hashlib.md5(baseurl) tmpreponame = "%s" % md5obj.hexdigest() return tmpreponame kickstart_repos = [] for repodata in ks.handler.repo.repoList: repo = {} for attr in ('name', 'baseurl', 'mirrorlist', 'includepkgs', # val is list 'excludepkgs', # val is list 'cost', # int 'priority',# int 'save', 'proxy', 'proxyuser', 'proxypasswd', 'proxypasswd', 'debuginfo', 'source', 'gpgkey', 'ssl_verify'): if hasattr(repodata, attr) and getattr(repodata, attr): repo[attr] = getattr(repodata, attr) if 'name' not in repo: repo['name'] = _get_temp_reponame(repodata.baseurl) kickstart_repos.append(repo) return kickstart_repos def _get_uncompressed_data_from_url(url, filename, proxies): filename = myurlgrab(url, filename, proxies) suffix = None if filename.endswith(".gz"): suffix = ".gz" runner.quiet(['gunzip', "-f", filename]) elif filename.endswith(".bz2"): suffix = ".bz2" runner.quiet(['bunzip2', "-f", filename]) if suffix: filename = filename.replace(suffix, "") return filename def _get_metadata_from_repo(baseurl, proxies, cachedir, reponame, filename, sumtype=None, checksum=None): url = os.path.join(baseurl, filename) filename_tmp = str("%s/%s/%s" % (cachedir, reponame, os.path.basename(filename))) if os.path.splitext(filename_tmp)[1] in (".gz", ".bz2"): filename = os.path.splitext(filename_tmp)[0] else: filename = filename_tmp if sumtype and checksum and os.path.exists(filename): try: sumcmd = find_binary_path("%ssum" % sumtype) except: file_checksum = None else: file_checksum = runner.outs([sumcmd, filename]).split()[0] if file_checksum and file_checksum == checksum: return filename return _get_uncompressed_data_from_url(url,filename_tmp,proxies) def get_metadata_from_repos(repos, cachedir): my_repo_metadata = [] for repo in repos: reponame = repo['name'] baseurl = repo['baseurl'] if 'proxy' in repo: proxy = repo['proxy'] else: proxy = get_proxy_for(baseurl) proxies = None if proxy: proxies = {str(baseurl.split(":")[0]):str(proxy)} makedirs(os.path.join(cachedir, reponame)) url = os.path.join(baseurl, "repodata/repomd.xml") filename = os.path.join(cachedir, reponame, 'repomd.xml') repomd = myurlgrab(url, filename, proxies) try: root = xmlparse(repomd) except SyntaxError: raise CreatorError("repomd.xml syntax error.") ns = root.getroot().tag ns = ns[0:ns.rindex("}")+1] filepaths = {} checksums = {} sumtypes = {} for elm in root.getiterator("%sdata" % ns): if elm.attrib["type"] == "patterns": filepaths['patterns'] = elm.find("%slocation" % ns).attrib['href'] checksums['patterns'] = elm.find("%sopen-checksum" % ns).text sumtypes['patterns'] = elm.find("%sopen-checksum" % ns).attrib['type'] break for elm in root.getiterator("%sdata" % ns): if elm.attrib["type"] in ("group_gz", "group"): filepaths['comps'] = elm.find("%slocation" % ns).attrib['href'] checksums['comps'] = elm.find("%sopen-checksum" % ns).text sumtypes['comps'] = elm.find("%sopen-checksum" % ns).attrib['type'] break primary_type = None for elm in root.getiterator("%sdata" % ns): if elm.attrib["type"] in ("primary_db", "primary"): primary_type = elm.attrib["type"] filepaths['primary'] = elm.find("%slocation" % ns).attrib['href'] checksums['primary'] = elm.find("%sopen-checksum" % ns).text sumtypes['primary'] = elm.find("%sopen-checksum" % ns).attrib['type'] break if not primary_type: continue for item in ("primary", "patterns", "comps"): if item not in filepaths: filepaths[item] = None continue if not filepaths[item]: continue filepaths[item] = _get_metadata_from_repo(baseurl, proxies, cachedir, reponame, filepaths[item], sumtypes[item], checksums[item]) """ Get repo key """ try: repokey = _get_metadata_from_repo(baseurl, proxies, cachedir, reponame, "repodata/repomd.xml.key") except CreatorError: repokey = None msger.debug("\ncan't get %s/%s" % (baseurl, "repodata/repomd.xml.key")) my_repo_metadata.append({"name":reponame, "baseurl":baseurl, "repomd":repomd, "primary":filepaths['primary'], "cachedir":cachedir, "proxies":proxies, "patterns":filepaths['patterns'], "comps":filepaths['comps'], "repokey":repokey}) return my_repo_metadata def get_rpmver_in_repo(repometadata): for repo in repometadata: if repo["primary"].endswith(".xml"): root = xmlparse(repo["primary"]) ns = root.getroot().tag ns = ns[0:ns.rindex("}")+1] versionlist = [] for elm in root.getiterator("%spackage" % ns): if elm.find("%sname" % ns).text == 'rpm': for node in elm.getchildren(): if node.tag == "%sversion" % ns: versionlist.append(node.attrib['ver']) if versionlist: return reversed( sorted( versionlist, key = lambda ver: map(int, ver.split('.')))).next() elif repo["primary"].endswith(".sqlite"): con = sqlite.connect(repo["primary"]) for row in con.execute("select version from packages where " "name=\"rpm\" ORDER by version DESC"): con.close() return row[0] return None def get_arch(repometadata): archlist = [] for repo in repometadata: if repo["primary"].endswith(".xml"): root = xmlparse(repo["primary"]) ns = root.getroot().tag ns = ns[0:ns.rindex("}")+1] for elm in root.getiterator("%spackage" % ns): if elm.find("%sarch" % ns).text not in ("noarch", "src"): arch = elm.find("%sarch" % ns).text if arch not in archlist: archlist.append(arch) elif repo["primary"].endswith(".sqlite"): con = sqlite.connect(repo["primary"]) for row in con.execute("select arch from packages where arch not in (\"src\", \"noarch\")"): if row[0] not in archlist: archlist.append(row[0]) con.close() uniq_arch = [] for i in range(len(archlist)): if archlist[i] not in rpmmisc.archPolicies.keys(): continue need_append = True j = 0 while j < len(uniq_arch): if archlist[i] in rpmmisc.archPolicies[uniq_arch[j]].split(':'): need_append = False break if uniq_arch[j] in rpmmisc.archPolicies[archlist[i]].split(':'): if need_append: uniq_arch[j] = archlist[i] need_append = False else: uniq_arch.remove(uniq_arch[j]) continue j += 1 if need_append: uniq_arch.append(archlist[i]) return uniq_arch, archlist def get_package(pkg, repometadata, arch = None): ver = "" target_repo = None if not arch: arches = [] elif arch not in rpmmisc.archPolicies: arches = [arch] else: arches = rpmmisc.archPolicies[arch].split(':') arches.append('noarch') for repo in repometadata: if repo["primary"].endswith(".xml"): root = xmlparse(repo["primary"]) ns = root.getroot().tag ns = ns[0:ns.rindex("}")+1] for elm in root.getiterator("%spackage" % ns): if elm.find("%sname" % ns).text == pkg: if elm.find("%sarch" % ns).text in arches: version = elm.find("%sversion" % ns) tmpver = "%s-%s" % (version.attrib['ver'], version.attrib['rel']) if tmpver > ver: ver = tmpver location = elm.find("%slocation" % ns) pkgpath = "%s" % location.attrib['href'] target_repo = repo break if repo["primary"].endswith(".sqlite"): con = sqlite.connect(repo["primary"]) if arch: sql = 'select version, release, location_href from packages ' \ 'where name = "%s" and arch IN ("%s")' % \ (pkg, '","'.join(arches)) for row in con.execute(sql): tmpver = "%s-%s" % (row[0], row[1]) if tmpver > ver: ver = tmpver pkgpath = "%s" % row[2] target_repo = repo break else: sql = 'select version, release, location_href from packages ' \ 'where name = "%s"' % pkg for row in con.execute(sql): tmpver = "%s-%s" % (row[0], row[1]) if tmpver > ver: ver = tmpver pkgpath = "%s" % row[2] target_repo = repo break con.close() if target_repo: makedirs("%s/packages/%s" % (target_repo["cachedir"], target_repo["name"])) url = os.path.join(target_repo["baseurl"], pkgpath) filename = str("%s/packages/%s/%s" % (target_repo["cachedir"], target_repo["name"], os.path.basename(pkgpath))) if os.path.exists(filename): ret = rpmmisc.checkRpmIntegrity('rpm', filename) if ret == 0: return filename msger.warning("package %s is damaged: %s" % (os.path.basename(filename), filename)) os.unlink(filename) pkg = myurlgrab(str(url), filename, target_repo["proxies"]) return pkg else: return None def get_source_name(pkg, repometadata): def get_bin_name(pkg): m = RPM_RE.match(pkg) if m: return m.group(1) return None def get_src_name(srpm): m = SRPM_RE.match(srpm) if m: return m.group(1) return None ver = "" target_repo = None pkg_name = get_bin_name(pkg) if not pkg_name: return None for repo in repometadata: if repo["primary"].endswith(".xml"): root = xmlparse(repo["primary"]) ns = root.getroot().tag ns = ns[0:ns.rindex("}")+1] for elm in root.getiterator("%spackage" % ns): if elm.find("%sname" % ns).text == pkg_name: if elm.find("%sarch" % ns).text != "src": version = elm.find("%sversion" % ns) tmpver = "%s-%s" % (version.attrib['ver'], version.attrib['rel']) if tmpver > ver: ver = tmpver fmt = elm.find("%sformat" % ns) if fmt: fns = fmt.getchildren()[0].tag fns = fns[0:fns.rindex("}")+1] pkgpath = fmt.find("%ssourcerpm" % fns).text target_repo = repo break if repo["primary"].endswith(".sqlite"): con = sqlite.connect(repo["primary"]) for row in con.execute("select version, release, rpm_sourcerpm from packages where name = \"%s\" and arch != \"src\"" % pkg_name): tmpver = "%s-%s" % (row[0], row[1]) if tmpver > ver: pkgpath = "%s" % row[2] target_repo = repo break con.close() if target_repo: return get_src_name(pkgpath) else: return None def get_pkglist_in_patterns(group, patterns): found = False pkglist = [] try: root = xmlparse(patterns) except SyntaxError: raise SyntaxError("%s syntax error." % patterns) for elm in list(root.getroot()): ns = elm.tag ns = ns[0:ns.rindex("}")+1] name = elm.find("%sname" % ns) summary = elm.find("%ssummary" % ns) if name.text == group or summary.text == group: found = True break if not found: return pkglist found = False for requires in list(elm): if requires.tag.endswith("requires"): found = True break if not found: return pkglist for pkg in list(requires): pkgname = pkg.attrib["name"] if pkgname not in pkglist: pkglist.append(pkgname) return pkglist def get_pkglist_in_comps(group, comps): found = False pkglist = [] try: root = xmlparse(comps) except SyntaxError: raise SyntaxError("%s syntax error." % comps) for elm in root.getiterator("group"): id = elm.find("id") name = elm.find("name") if id.text == group or name.text == group: packagelist = elm.find("packagelist") found = True break if not found: return pkglist for require in elm.getiterator("packagereq"): if require.tag.endswith("packagereq"): pkgname = require.text if pkgname not in pkglist: pkglist.append(pkgname) return pkglist def is_statically_linked(binary): return ", statically linked, " in runner.outs(['file', binary]) def setup_qemu_emulator(rootdir, arch): # mount binfmt_misc if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists("/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc"): modprobecmd = find_binary_path("modprobe") runner.show([modprobecmd, "binfmt_misc"]) if not os.path.exists("/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register"): mountcmd = find_binary_path("mount") runner.show([mountcmd, "-t", "binfmt_misc", "none", "/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc"]) # qemu_emulator is a special case, we can't use find_binary_path # qemu emulator should be a statically-linked executable file qemu_emulator = "/usr/bin/qemu-arm" if not os.path.exists(qemu_emulator) or not is_statically_linked(qemu_emulator): qemu_emulator = "/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static" if not os.path.exists(qemu_emulator): raise CreatorError("Please install a statically-linked qemu-arm") # qemu emulator version check armv7_list = [arch for arch in rpmmisc.archPolicies.keys() if arch.startswith('armv7')] if arch in armv7_list: # need qemu (>=0.13.0) qemuout = runner.outs([qemu_emulator, "-h"]) m = re.search("version\s*([.\d]+)", qemuout) if m: qemu_version = m.group(1) if qemu_version < "0.13": raise CreatorError("Requires %s version >=0.13 for %s" % (qemu_emulator, arch)) else: msger.warning("Can't get version info of %s, please make sure it's higher than 0.13.0" % qemu_emulator) if not os.path.exists(rootdir + "/usr/bin"): makedirs(rootdir + "/usr/bin") shutil.copy(qemu_emulator, rootdir + "/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static") qemu_emulator = "/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static" # disable selinux, selinux will block qemu emulator to run if os.path.exists("/usr/sbin/setenforce"): msger.info('Try to disable selinux') runner.show(["/usr/sbin/setenforce", "0"]) # unregister it if it has been registered and is a dynamically-linked executable node = "/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/arm" if os.path.exists(node): qemu_unregister_string = "-1\n" fd = open("/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/arm", "w") fd.write(qemu_unregister_string) fd.close() # register qemu emulator for interpreting other arch executable file if not os.path.exists(node): qemu_arm_string = ":arm:M::\\x7fELF\\x01\\x01\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x02\\x00\\x28\\x00:\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff\\x00\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xfa\\xff\\xff\\xff:%s:\n" % qemu_emulator fd = open("/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register", "w") fd.write(qemu_arm_string) fd.close() return qemu_emulator def SrcpkgsDownload(pkgs, repometadata, instroot, cachedir): def get_source_repometadata(repometadata): src_repometadata=[] for repo in repometadata: if repo["name"].endswith("-source"): src_repometadata.append(repo) if src_repometadata: return src_repometadata return None def get_src_name(srpm): m = SRPM_RE.match(srpm) if m: return m.group(1) return None src_repometadata = get_source_repometadata(repometadata) if not src_repometadata: msger.warning("No source repo found") return None src_pkgs = [] lpkgs_dict = {} lpkgs_path = [] for repo in src_repometadata: cachepath = "%s/%s/packages/*.src.rpm" %(cachedir, repo["name"]) lpkgs_path += glob.glob(cachepath) for lpkg in lpkgs_path: lpkg_name = get_src_name(os.path.basename(lpkg)) lpkgs_dict[lpkg_name] = lpkg localpkgs = lpkgs_dict.keys() cached_count = 0 destdir = instroot+'/usr/src/SRPMS' if not os.path.exists(destdir): os.makedirs(destdir) srcpkgset = set() for _pkg in pkgs: srcpkg_name = get_source_name(_pkg, repometadata) if not srcpkg_name: continue srcpkgset.add(srcpkg_name) for pkg in list(srcpkgset): if pkg in localpkgs: cached_count += 1 shutil.copy(lpkgs_dict[pkg], destdir) src_pkgs.append(os.path.basename(lpkgs_dict[pkg])) else: src_pkg = get_package(pkg, src_repometadata, 'src') if src_pkg: shutil.copy(src_pkg, destdir) src_pkgs.append(src_pkg) msger.info("%d source packages gotten from cache" % cached_count) return src_pkgs def strip_end(text, suffix): if not text.endswith(suffix): return text return text[:-len(suffix)]