#!/usr/bin/python -tt # # Copyright (c) 2011 Intel, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; version 2 of the License # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import os import shutil import re import tempfile from mic import chroot, msger from mic.utils import misc, fs_related, errors, runner, cmdln from mic.conf import configmgr from mic.plugin import pluginmgr from mic.utils.partitionedfs import PartitionedMount import mic.imager.raw as raw from mic.pluginbase import ImagerPlugin class RawPlugin(ImagerPlugin): name = 'raw' @classmethod @cmdln.option("--compress-disk-image", dest="compress_image", type='choice', choices=("gz", "bz2"), default=None, help="Same with --compress-image") @cmdln.option("--compress-image", dest="compress_image", type='choice', choices=("gz", "bz2"), default = None, help="Compress all raw images before package") @cmdln.option("--generate-bmap", action="store_true", default = None, help="also generate the block map file") @cmdln.option("--fstab-entry", dest="fstab_entry", type='choice', choices=("name", "uuid"), default="uuid", help="Set fstab entry, 'name' means using device names, " "'uuid' means using filesystem uuid") def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create raw image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if creatoropts['runtime'] == "bootstrap": configmgr._ksconf = ksconf rt_util.bootstrap_mic() recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') if 'vcs' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('vcs') configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # Called After setting the configmgr._ksconf as the creatoropts['name'] is reset there. if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creatoropts['outdir'] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % (creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release'], creatoropts['name']) # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None backends = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend') if 'auto' == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: for key in configmgr.prefer_backends: if key in backends: pkgmgr = backends[key] break else: for key in backends.keys(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = backends[key] break if not pkgmgr: raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find backend: %s, " "available choices: %s" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ','.join(backends.keys()))) creator = raw.RawImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr, opts.compress_image, opts.generate_bmap, opts.fstab_entry) if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs images = ["%s-%s.raw" % (creator.name, disk_name) for disk_name in creator.get_disk_names()] self.check_image_exists(creator.destdir, creator.pack_to, images, creatoropts['release']) try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.generate_bmap() creator.package(creatoropts["outdir"]) if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup() msger.info("Finished.") return 0 @classmethod def do_chroot(cls, target, cmd=[]): img = target imgsize = misc.get_file_size(img) * 1024L * 1024L partedcmd = fs_related.find_binary_path("parted") disk = fs_related.SparseLoopbackDisk(img, imgsize) imgmnt = misc.mkdtemp() imgloop = PartitionedMount(imgmnt, skipformat = True) imgloop.add_disk('/dev/sdb', disk) img_fstype = "ext3" msger.info("Partition Table:") partnum = [] for line in runner.outs([partedcmd, "-s", img, "print"]).splitlines(): # no use strip to keep line output here if "Number" in line: msger.raw(line) if line.strip() and line.strip()[0].isdigit(): partnum.append(line.strip()[0]) msger.raw(line) rootpart = None if len(partnum) > 1: rootpart = msger.choice("please choose root partition", partnum) # Check the partitions from raw disk. # if choose root part, the mark it as mounted if rootpart: root_mounted = True else: root_mounted = False partition_mounts = 0 for line in runner.outs([partedcmd,"-s",img,"unit","B","print"]).splitlines(): line = line.strip() # Lines that start with number are the partitions, # because parted can be translated we can't refer to any text lines. if not line or not line[0].isdigit(): continue # Some vars have extra , as list seperator. line = line.replace(",","") # Example of parted output lines that are handled: # Number Start End Size Type File system Flags # 1 512B 3400000511B 3400000000B primary # 2 3400531968B 3656384511B 255852544B primary linux-swap(v1) # 3 3656384512B 3720347647B 63963136B primary fat16 boot, lba partition_info = re.split("\s+",line) size = partition_info[3].split("B")[0] if len(partition_info) < 6 or partition_info[5] in ["boot"]: # No filesystem can be found from partition line. Assuming # btrfs, because that is the only MeeGo fs that parted does # not recognize properly. # TODO: Can we make better assumption? fstype = "btrfs" elif partition_info[5] in ["ext2","ext3","ext4","btrfs"]: fstype = partition_info[5] elif partition_info[5] in ["fat16","fat32"]: fstype = "vfat" elif "swap" in partition_info[5]: fstype = "swap" else: raise errors.CreatorError("Could not recognize partition fs type '%s'." % partition_info[5]) if rootpart and rootpart == line[0]: mountpoint = '/' elif not root_mounted and fstype in ["ext2","ext3","ext4","btrfs"]: # TODO: Check that this is actually the valid root partition from /etc/fstab mountpoint = "/" root_mounted = True elif fstype == "swap": mountpoint = "swap" else: # TODO: Assing better mount points for the rest of the partitions. partition_mounts += 1 mountpoint = "/media/partition_%d" % partition_mounts if "boot" in partition_info: boot = True else: boot = False msger.verbose("Size: %s Bytes, fstype: %s, mountpoint: %s, boot: %s" % (size, fstype, mountpoint, boot)) # TODO: add_partition should take bytes as size parameter. imgloop.add_partition((int)(size)/1024/1024, "/dev/sdb", mountpoint, fstype = fstype, boot = boot) try: imgloop.mount() except errors.MountError: imgloop.cleanup() raise try: if len(cmd) != 0: cmdline = ' '.join(cmd) else: cmdline = "/bin/bash" envcmd = fs_related.find_binary_inchroot("env", imgmnt) if envcmd: cmdline = "%s HOME=/root %s" % (envcmd, cmdline) chroot.chroot(imgmnt, None, cmdline) except: raise errors.CreatorError("Failed to chroot to %s." %img) finally: chroot.cleanup_after_chroot("img", imgloop, None, imgmnt) @classmethod def do_unpack(cls, srcimg): srcimgsize = (misc.get_file_size(srcimg)) * 1024L * 1024L srcmnt = misc.mkdtemp("srcmnt") disk = fs_related.SparseLoopbackDisk(srcimg, srcimgsize) srcloop = PartitionedMount(srcmnt, skipformat = True) srcloop.add_disk('/dev/sdb', disk) srcloop.add_partition(srcimgsize/1024/1024, "/dev/sdb", "/", "ext3", boot=False) try: srcloop.mount() except errors.MountError: srcloop.cleanup() raise image = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir = "/var/tmp", prefix = "tmp"), "target.img") args = ['dd', "if=%s" % srcloop.partitions[0]['device'], "of=%s" % image] msger.info("`dd` image ...") rc = runner.show(args) srcloop.cleanup() shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(srcmnt), ignore_errors = True) if rc != 0: raise errors.CreatorError("Failed to dd") else: return image