#!/usr/bin/python -tt # # Copyright (c) 2007 Red Hat Inc. # Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 Intel, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; version 2 of the License # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import os, sys import re import tempfile import glob from string import Template import rpmUtils import yum from mic import msger from mic.kickstart import ksparser from mic.utils import misc, rpmmisc from mic.utils.grabber import TextProgress from mic.utils.proxy import get_proxy_for from mic.utils.errors import CreatorError from mic.imager.baseimager import BaseImageCreator YUMCONF_TEMP = """[main] installroot=$installroot cachedir=/var/cache/yum persistdir=/var/lib/yum plugins=0 reposdir= failovermethod=priority http_caching=packages sslverify=1 """ class MyYumRepository(yum.yumRepo.YumRepository): def __del__(self): pass def dirSetup(self): super(MyYumRepository, self).dirSetup() # relocate package dir pkgdir = os.path.join(self.basecachedir, 'packages', self.id) self.setAttribute('_dir_setup_pkgdir', pkgdir) self._dirSetupMkdir_p(self.pkgdir) def _getFile(self, url=None, relative=None, local=None, start=None, end=None, copy_local=None, checkfunc=None, text=None, reget='simple', cache=True, size=None): m2c_connection = None if not self.sslverify: try: import M2Crypto m2c_connection = M2Crypto.SSL.Connection.clientPostConnectionCheck M2Crypto.SSL.Connection.clientPostConnectionCheck = None except ImportError, err: raise CreatorError("%s, please try to install python-m2crypto" % str(err)) proxy = None if url: proxy = get_proxy_for(url) else: proxy = get_proxy_for(self.urls[0]) if proxy: self.proxy = str(proxy) size = int(size) if size else None rvalue = super(MyYumRepository, self)._getFile(url, relative, local, start, end, copy_local, checkfunc, text, reget, cache, size) if m2c_connection and \ not M2Crypto.SSL.Connection.clientPostConnectionCheck: M2Crypto.SSL.Connection.clientPostConnectionCheck = m2c_connection return rvalue from mic.pluginbase import BackendPlugin class Yum(BackendPlugin, yum.YumBase): name = 'yum' def __init__(self, target_arch, instroot, cachedir): yum.YumBase.__init__(self) self.cachedir = cachedir self.instroot = instroot self.target_arch = target_arch if self.target_arch: if not rpmUtils.arch.arches.has_key(self.target_arch): rpmUtils.arch.arches["armv7hl"] = "noarch" rpmUtils.arch.arches["armv7tnhl"] = "armv7nhl" rpmUtils.arch.arches["armv7tnhl"] = "armv7thl" rpmUtils.arch.arches["armv7thl"] = "armv7hl" rpmUtils.arch.arches["armv7nhl"] = "armv7hl" self.arch.setup_arch(self.target_arch) self.__pkgs_license = {} self.__pkgs_content = {} self.__pkgs_vcsinfo = {} self.install_debuginfo = False def doFileLogSetup(self, uid, logfile): # don't do the file log for the livecd as it can lead to open fds # being left and an inability to clean up after ourself pass def close(self): try: os.unlink(self.confpath) os.unlink(self.conf.installroot + "/yum.conf") except: pass if self.ts: self.ts.close() self._delRepos() self._delSacks() yum.YumBase.close(self) self.closeRpmDB() if not os.path.exists("/etc/fedora-release") and \ not os.path.exists("/etc/meego-release"): for i in range(3, os.sysconf("SC_OPEN_MAX")): try: os.close(i) except: pass def __del__(self): pass def _writeConf(self, confpath, installroot): conf = Template(YUMCONF_TEMP).safe_substitute(installroot=installroot) f = file(confpath, "w+") f.write(conf) f.close() os.chmod(confpath, 0644) def _cleanupRpmdbLocks(self, installroot): # cleans up temporary files left by bdb so that differing # versions of rpm don't cause problems for f in glob.glob(installroot + "/var/lib/rpm/__db*"): os.unlink(f) def setup(self): # create yum.conf (fn, self.confpath) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.cachedir, prefix='yum.conf-') os.close(fn) self._writeConf(self.confpath, self.instroot) self._cleanupRpmdbLocks(self.instroot) # do setup self.doConfigSetup(fn = self.confpath, root = self.instroot) self.conf.cache = 0 self.doTsSetup() self.doRpmDBSetup() self.doRepoSetup() self.doSackSetup() def preInstall(self, pkg): # FIXME: handle pre-install package return None def selectPackage(self, pkg): """Select a given package. Can be specified with name.arch or name* """ try: self.install(pattern = pkg) return None except yum.Errors.InstallError: return "No package(s) available to install" except yum.Errors.RepoError, e: raise CreatorError("Unable to download from repo : %s" % (e,)) except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e: raise CreatorError("Unable to install: %s" % (e,)) def deselectPackage(self, pkg): """Deselect package. Can be specified as name.arch or name* """ sp = pkg.rsplit(".", 2) txmbrs = [] if len(sp) == 2: txmbrs = self.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name=sp[0], arch=sp[1]) if len(txmbrs) == 0: exact, match, unmatch = yum.packages.parsePackages( self.pkgSack.returnPackages(), [pkg], casematch=1) for p in exact + match: txmbrs.append(p) if len(txmbrs) > 0: for x in txmbrs: self.tsInfo.remove(x.pkgtup) # we also need to remove from the conditionals # dict so that things don't get pulled back in as a result # of them. yes, this is ugly. conditionals should die. for req, pkgs in self.tsInfo.conditionals.iteritems(): if x in pkgs: pkgs.remove(x) self.tsInfo.conditionals[req] = pkgs else: msger.warning("No such package %s to remove" %(pkg,)) def selectGroup(self, grp, include = ksparser.GROUP_DEFAULT): try: yum.YumBase.selectGroup(self, grp) if include == ksparser.GROUP_REQUIRED: for p in grp.default_packages.keys(): self.deselectPackage(p) elif include == ksparser.GROUP_ALL: for p in grp.optional_packages.keys(): self.selectPackage(p) return None except (yum.Errors.InstallError, yum.Errors.GroupsError), e: return e except yum.Errors.RepoError, e: raise CreatorError("Unable to download from repo : %s" % (e,)) except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e: raise CreatorError("Unable to install: %s" % (e,)) def addRepository(self, name, url = None, mirrorlist = None, proxy = None, proxy_username = None, proxy_password = None, inc = None, exc = None, ssl_verify=True, nocache=False, cost = None, priority=None): # TODO: Handle priority attribute for repos def _varSubstitute(option): # takes a variable and substitutes like yum configs do option = option.replace("$basearch", rpmUtils.arch.getBaseArch()) option = option.replace("$arch", rpmUtils.arch.getCanonArch()) return option repo = MyYumRepository(name) # Set proxy repo.proxy = proxy repo.proxy_username = proxy_username repo.proxy_password = proxy_password if url: repo.baseurl.append(_varSubstitute(url)) # check LICENSE files if not rpmmisc.checkRepositoryEULA(name, repo): msger.warning('skip repo:%s for failed EULA confirmation' % name) return None if mirrorlist: repo.mirrorlist = _varSubstitute(mirrorlist) conf = yum.config.RepoConf() for k, v in conf.iteritems(): if v or not hasattr(repo, k): repo.setAttribute(k, v) repo.sslverify = ssl_verify repo.cache = not nocache repo.basecachedir = self.cachedir repo.base_persistdir = self.conf.persistdir repo.failovermethod = "priority" repo.metadata_expire = 0 # Enable gpg check for verifying corrupt packages repo.gpgcheck = 1 repo.enable() repo.setup(0) self.repos.add(repo) if cost: repo.cost = cost msger.verbose('repo: %s was added' % name) return repo def installLocal(self, pkg, po=None, updateonly=False): ts = rpmUtils.transaction.initReadOnlyTransaction() try: hdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, pkg) except rpmUtils.RpmUtilsError, e: raise yum.Errors.MiscError, \ 'Could not open local rpm file: %s: %s' % (pkg, e) self.deselectPackage(hdr['name']) yum.YumBase.installLocal(self, pkg, po, updateonly) def installHasFile(self, file): provides_pkg = self.whatProvides(file, None, None) dlpkgs = map( lambda x: x.po, filter( lambda txmbr: txmbr.ts_state in ("i", "u"), self.tsInfo.getMembers())) for p in dlpkgs: for q in provides_pkg: if (p == q): return True return False def runInstall(self, checksize = 0): os.environ["HOME"] = "/" os.environ["LD_PRELOAD"] = "" try: (res, resmsg) = self.buildTransaction() except yum.Errors.RepoError, e: raise CreatorError("Unable to download from repo : %s" %(e,)) if res != 2: raise CreatorError("Failed to build transaction : %s" \ % str.join("\n", resmsg)) dlpkgs = map( lambda x: x.po, filter( lambda txmbr: txmbr.ts_state in ("i", "u"), self.tsInfo.getMembers())) # record all pkg and the content for pkg in dlpkgs: pkg_long_name = misc.RPM_FMT % { 'name': pkg.name, 'arch': pkg.arch, 'version': pkg.version, 'release': pkg.release } self.__pkgs_content[pkg_long_name] = pkg.files license = pkg.license if license in self.__pkgs_license.keys(): self.__pkgs_license[license].append(pkg_long_name) else: self.__pkgs_license[license] = [pkg_long_name] total_count = len(dlpkgs) cached_count = 0 download_total_size = sum(map(lambda x: int(x.packagesize), dlpkgs)) msger.info("\nChecking packages cached ...") for po in dlpkgs: local = po.localPkg() repo = filter(lambda r: r.id == po.repoid, self.repos.listEnabled())[0] if not repo.cache and os.path.exists(local): os.unlink(local) if not os.path.exists(local): continue if not self.verifyPkg(local, po, False): msger.warning("Package %s is damaged: %s" \ % (os.path.basename(local), local)) else: download_total_size -= int(po.packagesize) cached_count +=1 cache_avail_size = misc.get_filesystem_avail(self.cachedir) if cache_avail_size < download_total_size: raise CreatorError("No enough space used for downloading.") # record the total size of installed pkgs pkgs_total_size = 0L for x in dlpkgs: if hasattr(x, 'installedsize'): pkgs_total_size += int(x.installedsize) else: pkgs_total_size += int(x.size) # check needed size before actually download and install if checksize and pkgs_total_size > checksize: raise CreatorError("No enough space used for installing, " "please resize partition size in ks file") msger.info("Packages: %d Total, %d Cached, %d Missed" \ % (total_count, cached_count, total_count - cached_count)) try: repos = self.repos.listEnabled() for repo in repos: repo.setCallback(TextProgress(total_count - cached_count)) self.downloadPkgs(dlpkgs) # FIXME: sigcheck? self.initActionTs() self.populateTs(keepold=0) deps = self.ts.check() if len(deps) != 0: # This isn't fatal, Ubuntu has this issue but it is ok. msger.debug(deps) msger.warning("Dependency check failed!") rc = self.ts.order() if rc != 0: raise CreatorError("ordering packages for installation failed") # FIXME: callback should be refactored a little in yum cb = rpmmisc.RPMInstallCallback(self.ts) cb.tsInfo = self.tsInfo cb.filelog = False msger.warning('\nCaution, do NOT interrupt the installation, ' 'else mic cannot finish the cleanup.') installlogfile = "%s/__catched_stderr.buf" % (self.instroot) msger.enable_logstderr(installlogfile) self.runTransaction(cb) self._cleanupRpmdbLocks(self.conf.installroot) except rpmUtils.RpmUtilsError, e: raise CreatorError("mic does NOT support delta rpm: %s" % e) except yum.Errors.RepoError, e: raise CreatorError("Unable to download from repo : %s" % e) except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e: raise CreatorError("Unable to install: %s" % e) finally: msger.disable_logstderr() def getVcsInfo(self): return self.__pkgs_vcsinfo def getAllContent(self): return self.__pkgs_content def getPkgsLicense(self): return self.__pkgs_license def getFilelist(self, pkgname): if not pkgname: return None pkg = filter(lambda txmbr: txmbr.po.name == pkgname, self.tsInfo.getMembers()) if not pkg: return None return pkg[0].po.filelist def package_url(self, pkgname): pkgs = self.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=pkgname) if pkgs: proxy = None proxies = None url = pkgs[0].remote_url repoid = pkgs[0].repoid repos = filter(lambda r: r.id == repoid, self.repos.listEnabled()) if repos: proxy = repos[0].proxy if not proxy: proxy = get_proxy_for(url) if proxy: proxies = {str(url.split(':')[0]): str(proxy)} return (url, proxies) return (None, None)