#!/usr/bin/python -tt # # Copyright (c) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 Intel, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; version 2 of the License # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import os, sys, re import shutil import subprocess import string import pykickstart.sections as kssections import pykickstart.commands as kscommands import pykickstart.constants as ksconstants import pykickstart.errors as kserrors import pykickstart.parser as ksparser import pykickstart.version as ksversion from pykickstart.handlers.control import commandMap from pykickstart.handlers.control import dataMap from mic import msger from mic.utils import errors, misc, runner, fs_related as fs from custom_commands import wicboot, partition AUTH_URL_PTN = r"(?P.*)://(?P.*)(:?P.*)?@(?P.*)" class PrepackageSection(kssections.Section): sectionOpen = "%prepackages" def handleLine(self, line): if not self.handler: return (h, s, t) = line.partition('#') line = h.rstrip() self.handler.prepackages.add([line]) def handleHeader(self, lineno, args): kssections.Section.handleHeader(self, lineno, args) class AttachmentSection(kssections.Section): sectionOpen = "%attachment" def handleLine(self, line): if not self.handler: return (h, s, t) = line.partition('#') line = h.rstrip() self.handler.attachment.add([line]) def handleHeader(self, lineno, args): kssections.Section.handleHeader(self, lineno, args) def apply_wrapper(func): def wrapper(*kargs, **kwargs): try: func(*kargs, **kwargs) except (OSError, IOError, errors.KsError), err: cfgcls = kargs[0].__class__.__name__ if msger.ask("Failed to apply %s, skip and continue?" % cfgcls): msger.warning("%s" % err) pass else: # just throw out the exception raise return wrapper def read_kickstart(path): """Parse a kickstart file and return a KickstartParser instance. This is a simple utility function which takes a path to a kickstart file, parses it and returns a pykickstart KickstartParser instance which can be then passed to an ImageCreator constructor. If an error occurs, a CreatorError exception is thrown. """ #version = ksversion.makeVersion() #ks = ksparser.KickstartParser(version) using_version = ksversion.DEVEL commandMap[using_version]["bootloader"] = wicboot.Wic_Bootloader commandMap[using_version]["part"] = partition.Wic_Partition commandMap[using_version]["partition"] = partition.Wic_Partition dataMap[using_version]["PartData"] = partition.Wic_PartData superclass = ksversion.returnClassForVersion(version=using_version) class KSHandlers(superclass): def __init__(self): superclass.__init__(self, mapping=commandMap[using_version]) self.prepackages = ksparser.Packages() self.attachment = ksparser.Packages() ks = ksparser.KickstartParser(KSHandlers(), errorsAreFatal=False) ks.registerSection(PrepackageSection(ks.handler)) ks.registerSection(AttachmentSection(ks.handler)) try: ks.readKickstart(path) except (kserrors.KickstartParseError, kserrors.KickstartError), err: if msger.ask("Errors occured on kickstart file, skip and continue?"): msger.warning("%s" % err) pass else: raise errors.KsError("%s" % err) return ks class KickstartConfig(object): """A base class for applying kickstart configurations to a system.""" def __init__(self, instroot): self.instroot = instroot def path(self, subpath): return self.instroot + subpath def _check_sysconfig(self): if not os.path.exists(self.path("/etc/sysconfig")): fs.makedirs(self.path("/etc/sysconfig")) def chroot(self): os.chroot(self.instroot) os.chdir("/") def call(self, args): if not os.path.exists("%s/%s" %(self.instroot, args[0])): raise errors.KsError("Can't find %s in chroot" % args[0]) subprocess.call(args, preexec_fn = self.chroot) def apply(self): pass class LanguageConfig(KickstartConfig): """A class to apply a kickstart language configuration to a system.""" @apply_wrapper def apply(self, kslang): self._check_sysconfig() if kslang.lang: f = open(self.path("/etc/sysconfig/i18n"), "w+") f.write("LANG=\"" + kslang.lang + "\"\n") f.close() class KeyboardConfig(KickstartConfig): """A class to apply a kickstart keyboard configuration to a system.""" @apply_wrapper def apply(self, kskeyboard): # # FIXME: # should this impact the X keyboard config too? # or do we want to make X be able to do this mapping? # #k = rhpl.keyboard.Keyboard() #if kskeyboard.keyboard: # k.set(kskeyboard.keyboard) #k.write(self.instroot) pass class TimezoneConfig(KickstartConfig): """A class to apply a kickstart timezone configuration to a system.""" @apply_wrapper def apply(self, kstimezone): self._check_sysconfig() tz = kstimezone.timezone or "America/New_York" utc = str(kstimezone.isUtc) f = open(self.path("/etc/sysconfig/clock"), "w+") f.write("ZONE=\"" + tz + "\"\n") f.write("UTC=" + utc + "\n") f.close() tz_source = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/%s" % (tz) tz_dest = "/etc/localtime" try: cpcmd = fs.find_binary_inchroot('cp', self.instroot) if cpcmd: self.call([cpcmd, "-f", tz_source, tz_dest]) else: cpcmd = fs.find_binary_path('cp') subprocess.call([cpcmd, "-f", self.path(tz_source), self.path(tz_dest)]) except (IOError, OSError), (errno, msg): raise errors.KsError("Timezone setting error: %s" % msg) class AuthConfig(KickstartConfig): """A class to apply a kickstart authconfig configuration to a system.""" @apply_wrapper def apply(self, ksauthconfig): auth = ksauthconfig.authconfig or "--useshadow --enablemd5" args = ["/usr/share/authconfig/authconfig.py", "--update", "--nostart"] self.call(args + auth.split()) class FirewallConfig(KickstartConfig): """A class to apply a kickstart firewall configuration to a system.""" @apply_wrapper def apply(self, ksfirewall): # # FIXME: should handle the rest of the options # if not os.path.exists(self.path("/usr/sbin/lokkit")): return if ksfirewall.enabled: status = "--enabled" else: status = "--disabled" self.call(["/usr/sbin/lokkit", "-f", "--quiet", "--nostart", status]) class RootPasswordConfig(KickstartConfig): """A class to apply a kickstart root password configuration to a system.""" def unset(self): self.call(["/usr/bin/passwd", "-d", "root"]) def set_encrypted(self, password): self.call(["/usr/sbin/usermod", "-p", password, "root"]) def set_unencrypted(self, password): for p in ("/bin/echo", "/usr/sbin/chpasswd"): if not os.path.exists("%s/%s" %(self.instroot, p)): raise errors.KsError("Unable to set unencrypted password due " "to lack of %s" % p) p1 = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/echo", "root:%s" %password], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn = self.chroot) p2 = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/sbin/chpasswd", "-m"], stdin = p1.stdout, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn = self.chroot) p2.communicate() @apply_wrapper def apply(self, ksrootpw): if ksrootpw.isCrypted: self.set_encrypted(ksrootpw.password) elif ksrootpw.password != "": self.set_unencrypted(ksrootpw.password) else: self.unset() class UserConfig(KickstartConfig): def set_empty_passwd(self, user): self.call(["/usr/bin/passwd", "-d", user]) def set_encrypted_passwd(self, user, password): self.call(["/usr/sbin/usermod", "-p", "%s" % password, user]) def set_unencrypted_passwd(self, user, password): for p in ("/bin/echo", "/usr/sbin/chpasswd"): if not os.path.exists("%s/%s" %(self.instroot, p)): raise errors.KsError("Unable to set unencrypted password due " "to lack of %s" % p) p1 = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/echo", "%s:%s" %(user, password)], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn = self.chroot) p2 = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/sbin/chpasswd", "-m"], stdin = p1.stdout, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn = self.chroot) p2.communicate() def addUser(self, userconfig): args = [ "/usr/sbin/useradd" ] if userconfig.groups: args += [ "--groups", string.join(userconfig.groups, ",") ] if userconfig.name: args += [ "-m"] args += [ "-d", "/home/%s" % userconfig.name ] args.append(userconfig.name) try: dev_null = os.open("/dev/null", os.O_WRONLY) msger.debug('adding user with %s' % args) subprocess.call(args, stdout = dev_null, stderr = dev_null, preexec_fn = self.chroot) os.close(dev_null) except: msger.warning('Cannot add user using "useradd"') if userconfig.password not in (None, ""): if userconfig.isCrypted: self.set_encrypted_passwd(userconfig.name, userconfig.password) else: self.set_unencrypted_passwd(userconfig.name, userconfig.password) else: self.set_empty_passwd(userconfig.name) else: raise errors.KsError("Invalid kickstart command: %s" \ % userconfig.__str__()) @apply_wrapper def apply(self, user): for userconfig in user.userList: self.addUser(userconfig) class ServicesConfig(KickstartConfig): """A class to apply a kickstart services configuration to a system.""" @apply_wrapper def apply(self, ksservices): if not os.path.exists(self.path("/sbin/chkconfig")): return for s in ksservices.enabled: self.call(["/sbin/chkconfig", s, "on"]) for s in ksservices.disabled: self.call(["/sbin/chkconfig", s, "off"]) class XConfig(KickstartConfig): """A class to apply a kickstart X configuration to a system.""" @apply_wrapper def apply(self, ksxconfig): if ksxconfig.startX and os.path.exists(self.path("/etc/inittab")): f = open(self.path("/etc/inittab"), "rw+") buf = f.read() buf = buf.replace("id:3:initdefault", "id:5:initdefault") f.seek(0) f.write(buf) f.close() if ksxconfig.defaultdesktop: self._check_sysconfig() f = open(self.path("/etc/sysconfig/desktop"), "w") f.write("DESKTOP="+ksxconfig.defaultdesktop+"\n") f.close() class DesktopConfig(KickstartConfig): """A class to apply a kickstart desktop configuration to a system.""" @apply_wrapper def apply(self, ksdesktop): if ksdesktop.defaultdesktop: self._check_sysconfig() f = open(self.path("/etc/sysconfig/desktop"), "w") f.write("DESKTOP="+ksdesktop.defaultdesktop+"\n") f.close() if os.path.exists(self.path("/etc/gdm/custom.conf")): f = open(self.path("/etc/skel/.dmrc"), "w") f.write("[Desktop]\n") f.write("Session="+ksdesktop.defaultdesktop.lower()+"\n") f.close() if ksdesktop.session: if os.path.exists(self.path("/etc/sysconfig/uxlaunch")): f = open(self.path("/etc/sysconfig/uxlaunch"), "a+") f.write("session="+ksdesktop.session.lower()+"\n") f.close() if ksdesktop.autologinuser: self._check_sysconfig() f = open(self.path("/etc/sysconfig/desktop"), "a+") f.write("AUTOLOGIN_USER=" + ksdesktop.autologinuser + "\n") f.close() if os.path.exists(self.path("/etc/gdm/custom.conf")): f = open(self.path("/etc/gdm/custom.conf"), "w") f.write("[daemon]\n") f.write("AutomaticLoginEnable=true\n") f.write("AutomaticLogin=" + ksdesktop.autologinuser + "\n") f.close() class MoblinRepoConfig(KickstartConfig): """A class to apply a kickstart desktop configuration to a system.""" def __create_repo_section(self, repo, type, fd): baseurl = None mirrorlist = None reposuffix = {"base":"", "debuginfo":"-debuginfo", "source":"-source"} reponame = repo.name + reposuffix[type] if type == "base": if repo.baseurl: baseurl = repo.baseurl if repo.mirrorlist: mirrorlist = repo.mirrorlist elif type == "debuginfo": if repo.baseurl: if repo.baseurl.endswith("/"): baseurl = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(repo.baseurl)) else: baseurl = os.path.dirname(repo.baseurl) baseurl += "/debug" if repo.mirrorlist: variant = repo.mirrorlist[repo.mirrorlist.find("$"):] mirrorlist = repo.mirrorlist[0:repo.mirrorlist.find("$")] mirrorlist += "debug" + "-" + variant elif type == "source": if repo.baseurl: if repo.baseurl.endswith("/"): baseurl = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(repo.baseurl))) else: baseurl = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(repo.baseurl)) baseurl += "/source" if repo.mirrorlist: variant = repo.mirrorlist[repo.mirrorlist.find("$"):] mirrorlist = repo.mirrorlist[0:repo.mirrorlist.find("$")] mirrorlist += "source" + "-" + variant fd.write("[" + reponame + "]\n") fd.write("name=" + reponame + "\n") fd.write("failovermethod=priority\n") if baseurl: auth_url = re.compile(AUTH_URL_PTN) m = auth_url.match(baseurl) if m: baseurl = "%s://%s" % (m.group('scheme'), m.group('url')) fd.write("baseurl=" + baseurl + "\n") if mirrorlist: fd.write("mirrorlist=" + mirrorlist + "\n") """ Skip saving proxy settings """ #if repo.proxy: # fd.write("proxy=" + repo.proxy + "\n") #if repo.proxy_username: # fd.write("proxy_username=" + repo.proxy_username + "\n") #if repo.proxy_password: # fd.write("proxy_password=" + repo.proxy_password + "\n") if repo.gpgkey: fd.write("gpgkey=" + repo.gpgkey + "\n") fd.write("gpgcheck=1\n") else: fd.write("gpgcheck=0\n") if type == "source" or type == "debuginfo" or repo.disable: fd.write("enabled=0\n") else: fd.write("enabled=1\n") fd.write("\n") def __create_repo_file(self, repo, repodir): fs.makedirs(self.path(repodir)) f = open(self.path(repodir + "/" + repo.name + ".repo"), "w") self.__create_repo_section(repo, "base", f) if repo.debuginfo: self.__create_repo_section(repo, "debuginfo", f) if repo.source: self.__create_repo_section(repo, "source", f) f.close() @apply_wrapper def apply(self, ksrepo, repodata, repourl): for repo in ksrepo.repoList: if repo.name in repourl: repo.baseurl = repourl[repo.name] if repo.save: #self.__create_repo_file(repo, "/etc/yum.repos.d") self.__create_repo_file(repo, "/etc/zypp/repos.d") """ Import repo gpg keys """ if repodata: for repo in repodata: if repo['repokey']: runner.quiet(['rpm', "--root=%s" % self.instroot, "--import", repo['repokey']]) class RPMMacroConfig(KickstartConfig): """A class to apply the specified rpm macros to the filesystem""" @apply_wrapper def apply(self, ks): if not ks: return if not os.path.exists(self.path("/etc/rpm")): os.mkdir(self.path("/etc/rpm")) f = open(self.path("/etc/rpm/macros.imgcreate"), "w+") if exclude_docs(ks): f.write("%_excludedocs 1\n") f.write("%__file_context_path %{nil}\n") if inst_langs(ks) != None: f.write("%_install_langs ") f.write(inst_langs(ks)) f.write("\n") f.close() class NetworkConfig(KickstartConfig): """A class to apply a kickstart network configuration to a system.""" def write_ifcfg(self, network): p = self.path("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-" + network.device) f = file(p, "w+") os.chmod(p, 0644) f.write("DEVICE=%s\n" % network.device) f.write("BOOTPROTO=%s\n" % network.bootProto) if network.bootProto.lower() == "static": if network.ip: f.write("IPADDR=%s\n" % network.ip) if network.netmask: f.write("NETMASK=%s\n" % network.netmask) if network.onboot: f.write("ONBOOT=on\n") else: f.write("ONBOOT=off\n") if network.essid: f.write("ESSID=%s\n" % network.essid) if network.ethtool: if network.ethtool.find("autoneg") == -1: network.ethtool = "autoneg off " + network.ethtool f.write("ETHTOOL_OPTS=%s\n" % network.ethtool) if network.bootProto.lower() == "dhcp": if network.hostname: f.write("DHCP_HOSTNAME=%s\n" % network.hostname) if network.dhcpclass: f.write("DHCP_CLASSID=%s\n" % network.dhcpclass) if network.mtu: f.write("MTU=%s\n" % network.mtu) f.close() def write_wepkey(self, network): if not network.wepkey: return p = self.path("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/keys-" + network.device) f = file(p, "w+") os.chmod(p, 0600) f.write("KEY=%s\n" % network.wepkey) f.close() def write_sysconfig(self, useipv6, hostname, gateway): path = self.path("/etc/sysconfig/network") f = file(path, "w+") os.chmod(path, 0644) f.write("NETWORKING=yes\n") if useipv6: f.write("NETWORKING_IPV6=yes\n") else: f.write("NETWORKING_IPV6=no\n") if hostname: f.write("HOSTNAME=%s\n" % hostname) else: f.write("HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain\n") if gateway: f.write("GATEWAY=%s\n" % gateway) f.close() def write_hosts(self, hostname): localline = "" if hostname and hostname != "localhost.localdomain": localline += hostname + " " l = hostname.split(".") if len(l) > 1: localline += l[0] + " " localline += "localhost.localdomain localhost" path = self.path("/etc/hosts") f = file(path, "w+") os.chmod(path, 0644) f.write("\t\t%s\n" % localline) f.write("::1\t\tlocalhost6.localdomain6 localhost6\n") f.close() def write_resolv(self, nodns, nameservers): if nodns or not nameservers: return path = self.path("/etc/resolv.conf") f = file(path, "w+") os.chmod(path, 0644) for ns in (nameservers): if ns: f.write("nameserver %s\n" % ns) f.close() @apply_wrapper def apply(self, ksnet): fs.makedirs(self.path("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts")) useipv6 = False nodns = False hostname = None gateway = None nameservers = None for network in ksnet.network: if not network.device: raise errors.KsError("No --device specified with " "network kickstart command") if (network.onboot and network.bootProto.lower() != "dhcp" and not (network.ip and network.netmask)): raise errors.KsError("No IP address and/or netmask " "specified with static " "configuration for '%s'" % network.device) self.write_ifcfg(network) self.write_wepkey(network) if network.ipv6: useipv6 = True if network.nodns: nodns = True if network.hostname: hostname = network.hostname if network.gateway: gateway = network.gateway if network.nameserver: nameservers = network.nameserver.split(",") self.write_sysconfig(useipv6, hostname, gateway) self.write_hosts(hostname) self.write_resolv(nodns, nameservers) def use_installerfw(ks, feature): """ Check if the installer framework has to be used for a feature "feature". """ features = ks.handler.installerfw.features if features: if feature in features or "all" in features: return True return False def get_image_size(ks, default = None): __size = 0 for p in ks.handler.partition.partitions: if p.mountpoint == "/" and p.size: __size = p.size if __size > 0: return int(__size) * 1024L * 1024L else: return default def get_image_fstype(ks, default = None): for p in ks.handler.partition.partitions: if p.mountpoint == "/" and p.fstype: return p.fstype return default def get_image_fsopts(ks, default = None): for p in ks.handler.partition.partitions: if p.mountpoint == "/" and p.fsopts: return p.fsopts return default def get_modules(ks): devices = [] if isinstance(ks.handler.device, kscommands.device.FC3_Device): devices.append(ks.handler.device) else: devices.extend(ks.handler.device.deviceList) modules = [] for device in devices: if not device.moduleName: continue modules.extend(device.moduleName.split(":")) return modules def get_timeout(ks, default = None): if not hasattr(ks.handler.bootloader, "timeout"): return default if ks.handler.bootloader.timeout is None: return default return int(ks.handler.bootloader.timeout) def get_kernel_args(ks, default = "ro rd.live.image"): if not hasattr(ks.handler.bootloader, "appendLine"): return default if ks.handler.bootloader.appendLine is None: return default return "%s %s" %(default, ks.handler.bootloader.appendLine) def get_menu_args(ks, default = ""): if not hasattr(ks.handler.bootloader, "menus"): return default if ks.handler.bootloader.menus in (None, ""): return default return "%s" % ks.handler.bootloader.menus def get_default_kernel(ks, default = None): if not hasattr(ks.handler.bootloader, "default"): return default if not ks.handler.bootloader.default: return default return ks.handler.bootloader.default def get_repos(ks, repo_urls=None): repos = {} for repo in ks.handler.repo.repoList: inc = [] if hasattr(repo, "includepkgs"): inc.extend(repo.includepkgs) exc = [] if hasattr(repo, "excludepkgs"): exc.extend(repo.excludepkgs) baseurl = repo.baseurl mirrorlist = repo.mirrorlist if repo_urls and repo.name in repo_urls: baseurl = repo_urls[repo.name] mirrorlist = None if repos.has_key(repo.name): msger.warning("Overriding already specified repo %s" %(repo.name,)) proxy = None if hasattr(repo, "proxy"): proxy = repo.proxy proxy_username = None if hasattr(repo, "proxy_username"): proxy_username = repo.proxy_username proxy_password = None if hasattr(repo, "proxy_password"): proxy_password = repo.proxy_password if hasattr(repo, "debuginfo"): debuginfo = repo.debuginfo if hasattr(repo, "source"): source = repo.source if hasattr(repo, "gpgkey"): gpgkey = repo.gpgkey if hasattr(repo, "disable"): disable = repo.disable ssl_verify = True if hasattr(repo, "ssl_verify"): ssl_verify = repo.ssl_verify == "yes" nocache = False if hasattr(repo, "nocache"): nocache = repo.nocache cost = None if hasattr(repo, "cost"): cost = repo.cost priority = None if hasattr(repo, "priority"): priority = repo.priority repos[repo.name] = (repo.name, baseurl, mirrorlist, inc, exc, proxy, proxy_username, proxy_password, debuginfo, source, gpgkey, disable, ssl_verify, nocache, cost, priority) return repos.values() def convert_method_to_repo(ks): try: ks.handler.repo.methodToRepo() except (AttributeError, kserrors.KickstartError): pass def get_attachment(ks, required=()): return ks.handler.attachment.packageList + list(required) def get_pre_packages(ks, required=()): return ks.handler.prepackages.packageList + list(required) def get_packages(ks, required=()): return ks.handler.packages.packageList + list(required) def get_groups(ks, required=()): return ks.handler.packages.groupList + list(required) def get_excluded(ks, required=()): return ks.handler.packages.excludedList + list(required) def get_partitions(ks): return ks.handler.partition.partitions def ignore_missing(ks): return ks.handler.packages.handleMissing == ksconstants.KS_MISSING_IGNORE def exclude_docs(ks): return ks.handler.packages.excludeDocs def inst_langs(ks): if hasattr(ks.handler.packages, "instLange"): return ks.handler.packages.instLange elif hasattr(ks.handler.packages, "instLangs"): return ks.handler.packages.instLangs return "" def get_post_scripts(ks): scripts = [] for s in ks.handler.scripts: if s.type != ksparser.KS_SCRIPT_POST: continue scripts.append(s) return scripts def add_repo(ks, repostr): args = repostr.split() repoobj = ks.handler.repo.parse(args[1:]) if repoobj and repoobj not in ks.handler.repo.repoList: ks.handler.repo.repoList.append(repoobj) def remove_all_repos(ks): while len(ks.handler.repo.repoList) != 0: del ks.handler.repo.repoList[0] def remove_duplicate_repos(ks): i = 0 j = i + 1 while True: if len(ks.handler.repo.repoList) < 2: break if i >= len(ks.handler.repo.repoList) - 1: break name = ks.handler.repo.repoList[i].name baseurl = ks.handler.repo.repoList[i].baseurl if j < len(ks.handler.repo.repoList): if (ks.handler.repo.repoList[j].name == name or \ ks.handler.repo.repoList[j].baseurl == baseurl): del ks.handler.repo.repoList[j] else: j += 1 if j >= len(ks.handler.repo.repoList): i += 1 j = i + 1 else: i += 1 j = i + 1 def resolve_groups(creatoropts, repometadata): iszypp = False if 'zypp' == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: iszypp = True ks = creatoropts['ks'] for repo in repometadata: """ Mustn't replace group with package list if repo is ready for the corresponding package manager. """ if iszypp and repo["patterns"]: continue if not iszypp and repo["comps"]: continue # But we also must handle such cases, use zypp but repo only has comps, # use yum but repo only has patterns, use zypp but use_comps is true, # use yum but use_comps is false. groupfile = None if iszypp and repo["comps"]: groupfile = repo["comps"] get_pkglist_handler = misc.get_pkglist_in_comps if not iszypp and repo["patterns"]: groupfile = repo["patterns"] get_pkglist_handler = misc.get_pkglist_in_patterns if groupfile: i = 0 while True: if i >= len(ks.handler.packages.groupList): break pkglist = get_pkglist_handler( ks.handler.packages.groupList[i].name, groupfile) if pkglist: del ks.handler.packages.groupList[i] for pkg in pkglist: if pkg not in ks.handler.packages.packageList: ks.handler.packages.packageList.append(pkg) else: i = i + 1