# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation. # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # DESCRIPTION # This module implements the templating engine used by 'yocto-bsp' to # create BSPs. The BSP templates are simply the set of files expected # to appear in a generated BSP, marked up with a small set of tags # used to customize the output. The engine parses through the # templates and generates a Python program containing all the logic # and input elements needed to display and retrieve BSP-specific # information from the user. The resulting program uses those results # to generate the final BSP files. # # AUTHORS # Tom Zanussi # import os import sys from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from .tags import * import shlex import json import subprocess import shutil class Line(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Generic (abstract) container representing a line that will appear in the BSP-generating program. """ def __init__(self, line): self.line = line self.generated_line = "" self.prio = sys.maxsize self.discard = False @abstractmethod def gen(self, context = None): """ Generate the final executable line that will appear in the BSP-generation program. """ pass def escape(self, line): """ Escape single and double quotes and backslashes until I find something better (re.escape() escapes way too much). """ return line.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("'", "\\'") def parse_error(self, msg, lineno, line): raise SyntaxError("%s: %s" % (msg, line)) class NormalLine(Line): """ Container for normal (non-tag) lines. """ def __init__(self, line): Line.__init__(self, line) self.is_filename = False self.is_dirname = False self.out_filebase = None def gen(self, context = None): if self.is_filename: line = "current_file = \"" + os.path.join(self.out_filebase, self.escape(self.line)) + "\"; of = open(current_file, \"w\")" elif self.is_dirname: dirname = os.path.join(self.out_filebase, self.escape(self.line)) line = "if not os.path.exists(\"" + dirname + "\"): os.mkdir(\"" + dirname + "\")" else: line = "of.write(\"" + self.escape(self.line) + "\\n\")" return line class CodeLine(Line): """ Container for Python code tag lines. """ def __init__(self, line): Line.__init__(self, line) def gen(self, context = None): return self.line class Assignment: """ Representation of everything we know about {{=name }} tags. Instances of these are used by Assignment lines. """ def __init__(self, start, end, name): self.start = start self.end = end self.name = name class AssignmentLine(NormalLine): """ Container for normal lines containing assignment tags. Assignment tags must be in ascending order of 'start' value. """ def __init__(self, line): NormalLine.__init__(self, line) self.assignments = [] def add_assignment(self, start, end, name): self.assignments.append(Assignment(start, end, name)) def gen(self, context = None): line = self.escape(self.line) for assignment in self.assignments: replacement = "\" + " + assignment.name + " + \"" idx = line.find(ASSIGN_TAG) line = line[:idx] + replacement + line[idx + assignment.end - assignment.start:] if self.is_filename: return "current_file = \"" + os.path.join(self.out_filebase, line) + "\"; of = open(current_file, \"w\")" elif self.is_dirname: dirname = os.path.join(self.out_filebase, line) return "if not os.path.exists(\"" + dirname + "\"): os.mkdir(\"" + dirname + "\")" else: return "of.write(\"" + line + "\\n\")" class InputLine(Line): """ Base class for Input lines. """ def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno): Line.__init__(self, tag) self.props = props self.lineno = lineno try: self.prio = int(props["prio"]) except KeyError: self.prio = sys.maxsize def gen(self, context = None): try: depends_on = self.props["depends-on"] try: depends_on_val = self.props["depends-on-val"] except KeyError: self.parse_error("No 'depends-on-val' for 'depends-on' property", self.lineno, self.line) except KeyError: pass class EditBoxInputLine(InputLine): """ Base class for 'editbox' Input lines. props: name: example - "Load address" msg: example - "Please enter the load address" result: Sets the value of the variable specified by 'name' to whatever the user typed. """ def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno): InputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno) def gen(self, context = None): InputLine.gen(self, context) name = self.props["name"] if not name: self.parse_error("No input 'name' property found", self.lineno, self.line) msg = self.props["msg"] if not msg: self.parse_error("No input 'msg' property found", self.lineno, self.line) try: default_choice = self.props["default"] except KeyError: default_choice = "" msg += " [default: " + default_choice + "]" line = name + " = default(input(\"" + msg + " \"), " + name + ")" return line class GitRepoEditBoxInputLine(EditBoxInputLine): """ Base class for 'editbox' Input lines for user input of remote git repos. This class verifies the existence and connectivity of the specified git repo. props: name: example - "Load address" msg: example - "Please enter the load address" result: Sets the value of the variable specified by 'name' to whatever the user typed. """ def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno): EditBoxInputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno) def gen(self, context = None): EditBoxInputLine.gen(self, context) name = self.props["name"] if not name: self.parse_error("No input 'name' property found", self.lineno, self.line) msg = self.props["msg"] if not msg: self.parse_error("No input 'msg' property found", self.lineno, self.line) try: default_choice = self.props["default"] except KeyError: default_choice = "" msg += " [default: " + default_choice + "]" line = name + " = get_verified_git_repo(\"" + msg + "\"," + name + ")" return line class FileEditBoxInputLine(EditBoxInputLine): """ Base class for 'editbox' Input lines for user input of existing files. This class verifies the existence of the specified file. props: name: example - "Load address" msg: example - "Please enter the load address" result: Sets the value of the variable specified by 'name' to whatever the user typed. """ def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno): EditBoxInputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno) def gen(self, context = None): EditBoxInputLine.gen(self, context) name = self.props["name"] if not name: self.parse_error("No input 'name' property found", self.lineno, self.line) msg = self.props["msg"] if not msg: self.parse_error("No input 'msg' property found", self.lineno, self.line) try: default_choice = self.props["default"] except KeyError: default_choice = "" msg += " [default: " + default_choice + "]" line = name + " = get_verified_file(\"" + msg + "\"," + name + ", True)" return line class BooleanInputLine(InputLine): """ Base class for boolean Input lines. props: name: example - "keyboard" msg: example - "Got keyboard?" result: Sets the value of the variable specified by 'name' to "yes" or "no" example - keyboard = "yes" """ def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno): InputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno) def gen(self, context = None): InputLine.gen(self, context) name = self.props["name"] if not name: self.parse_error("No input 'name' property found", self.lineno, self.line) msg = self.props["msg"] if not msg: self.parse_error("No input 'msg' property found", self.lineno, self.line) try: default_choice = self.props["default"] except KeyError: default_choice = "" msg += " [default: " + default_choice + "]" line = name + " = boolean(input(\"" + msg + " \"), " + name + ")" return line class ListInputLine(InputLine, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Base class for List-based Input lines. e.g. Choicelist, Checklist. """ def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno): InputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno) self.choices = [] def gen_choicepair_list(self): """Generate a list of 2-item val:desc lists from self.choices.""" if not self.choices: return None choicepair_list = list() for choice in self.choices: choicepair = [] choicepair.append(choice.val) choicepair.append(choice.desc) choicepair_list.append(choicepair) return choicepair_list def gen_degenerate_choicepair_list(self, choices): """Generate a list of 2-item val:desc with val=desc from passed-in choices.""" choicepair_list = list() for choice in choices: choicepair = [] choicepair.append(choice) choicepair.append(choice) choicepair_list.append(choicepair) return choicepair_list def exec_listgen_fn(self, context = None): """ Execute the list-generating function contained as a string in the "gen" property. """ retval = None try: fname = self.props["gen"] modsplit = fname.split('.') mod_fn = modsplit.pop() mod = '.'.join(modsplit) __import__(mod) # python 2.7 has a better way to do this using importlib.import_module m = sys.modules[mod] fn = getattr(m, mod_fn) if not fn: self.parse_error("couldn't load function specified for 'gen' property ", self.lineno, self.line) retval = fn(context) if not retval: self.parse_error("function specified for 'gen' property returned nothing ", self.lineno, self.line) except KeyError: pass return retval def gen_choices_str(self, choicepairs): """ Generate a numbered list of choices from a list of choicepairs for display to the user. """ choices_str = "" for i, choicepair in enumerate(choicepairs): choices_str += "\t" + str(i + 1) + ") " + choicepair[1] + "\n" return choices_str def gen_choices_val_str(self, choicepairs): """ Generate an array of choice values corresponding to the numbered list generated by gen_choices_str(). """ choices_val_list = "[" for i, choicepair in enumerate(choicepairs): choices_val_list += "\"" + choicepair[0] + "\"," choices_val_list += "]" return choices_val_list def gen_choices_val_list(self, choicepairs): """ Generate an array of choice values corresponding to the numbered list generated by gen_choices_str(). """ choices_val_list = [] for i, choicepair in enumerate(choicepairs): choices_val_list.append(choicepair[0]) return choices_val_list def gen_choices_list(self, context = None, checklist = False): """ Generate an array of choice values corresponding to the numbered list generated by gen_choices_str(). """ choices = self.exec_listgen_fn(context) if choices: if len(choices) == 0: self.parse_error("No entries available for input list", self.lineno, self.line) choicepairs = self.gen_degenerate_choicepair_list(choices) else: if len(self.choices) == 0: self.parse_error("No entries available for input list", self.lineno, self.line) choicepairs = self.gen_choicepair_list() return choicepairs def gen_choices(self, context = None, checklist = False): """ Generate an array of choice values corresponding to the numbered list generated by gen_choices_str(), display it to the user, and process the result. """ msg = self.props["msg"] if not msg: self.parse_error("No input 'msg' property found", self.lineno, self.line) try: default_choice = self.props["default"] except KeyError: default_choice = "" msg += " [default: " + default_choice + "]" choicepairs = self.gen_choices_list(context, checklist) choices_str = self.gen_choices_str(choicepairs) choices_val_list = self.gen_choices_val_list(choicepairs) if checklist: choiceval = default(find_choicevals(input(msg + "\n" + choices_str), choices_val_list), default_choice) else: choiceval = default(find_choiceval(input(msg + "\n" + choices_str), choices_val_list), default_choice) return choiceval def find_choiceval(choice_str, choice_list): """ Take number as string and return val string from choice_list, empty string if oob. choice_list is a simple python list. """ choice_val = "" try: choice_idx = int(choice_str) if choice_idx <= len(choice_list): choice_idx -= 1 choice_val = choice_list[choice_idx] except ValueError: pass return choice_val def find_choicevals(choice_str, choice_list): """ Take numbers as space-separated string and return vals list from choice_list, empty list if oob. choice_list is a simple python list. """ choice_vals = [] choices = choice_str.split() for choice in choices: choice_vals.append(find_choiceval(choice, choice_list)) return choice_vals def default(input_str, name): """ Return default if no input_str, otherwise stripped input_str. """ if not input_str: return name return input_str.strip() def verify_git_repo(giturl): """ Verify that the giturl passed in can be connected to. This can be used as a check for the existence of the given repo and/or basic git remote connectivity. Returns True if the connection was successful, fals otherwise """ if not giturl: return False gitcmd = "git ls-remote %s > /dev/null 2>&1" % (giturl) rc = subprocess.call(gitcmd, shell=True) if rc == 0: return True return False def get_verified_git_repo(input_str, name): """ Return git repo if verified, otherwise loop forever asking user for filename. """ msg = input_str.strip() + " " giturl = default(input(msg), name) while True: if verify_git_repo(giturl): return giturl giturl = default(input(msg), name) def get_verified_file(input_str, name, filename_can_be_null): """ Return filename if the file exists, otherwise loop forever asking user for filename. """ msg = input_str.strip() + " " filename = default(input(msg), name) while True: if not filename and filename_can_be_null: return filename if os.path.isfile(filename): return filename filename = default(input(msg), name) def replace_file(replace_this, with_this): """ Replace the given file with the contents of filename, retaining the original filename. """ try: replace_this.close() shutil.copy(with_this, replace_this.name) except IOError: pass def boolean(input_str, name): """ Return lowercase version of first char in string, or value in name. """ if not input_str: return name str = input_str.lower().strip() if str and str[0] == "y" or str[0] == "n": return str[0] else: return name def strip_base(input_str): """ strip '/base' off the end of input_str, so we can use 'base' in the branch names we present to the user. """ if input_str and input_str.endswith("/base"): return input_str[:-len("/base")] return input_str.strip() deferred_choices = {} def gen_choices_defer(input_line, context, checklist = False): """ Save the context hashed the name of the input item, which will be passed to the gen function later. """ name = input_line.props["name"] try: nameappend = input_line.props["nameappend"] except KeyError: nameappend = "" try: branches_base = input_line.props["branches_base"] except KeyError: branches_base = "" filename = input_line.props["filename"] closetag_start = filename.find(CLOSE_TAG) if closetag_start != -1: filename = filename[closetag_start + len(CLOSE_TAG):] filename = filename.strip() filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] captured_context = capture_context(context) context["filename"] = filename captured_context["filename"] = filename context["nameappend"] = nameappend captured_context["nameappend"] = nameappend context["branches_base"] = branches_base captured_context["branches_base"] = branches_base deferred_choice = (input_line, captured_context, checklist) key = name + "_" + filename + "_" + nameappend deferred_choices[key] = deferred_choice def invoke_deferred_choices(name): """ Invoke the choice generation function using the context hashed by 'name'. """ deferred_choice = deferred_choices[name] input_line = deferred_choice[0] context = deferred_choice[1] checklist = deferred_choice[2] context["name"] = name choices = input_line.gen_choices(context, checklist) return choices class ChoicelistInputLine(ListInputLine): """ Base class for choicelist Input lines. props: name: example - "xserver_choice" msg: example - "Please select an xserver for this machine" result: Sets the value of the variable specified by 'name' to whichever Choice was chosen example - xserver_choice = "xserver_vesa" """ def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno): ListInputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno) def gen(self, context = None): InputLine.gen(self, context) gen_choices_defer(self, context) name = self.props["name"] nameappend = context["nameappend"] filename = context["filename"] try: default_choice = self.props["default"] except KeyError: default_choice = "" line = name + " = default(invoke_deferred_choices(\"" + name + "_" + filename + "_" + nameappend + "\"), \"" + default_choice + "\")" return line class ListValInputLine(InputLine): """ Abstract base class for choice and checkbox Input lines. """ def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno): InputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno) try: self.val = self.props["val"] except KeyError: self.parse_error("No input 'val' property found", self.lineno, self.line) try: self.desc = self.props["msg"] except KeyError: self.parse_error("No input 'msg' property found", self.lineno, self.line) class ChoiceInputLine(ListValInputLine): """ Base class for choicelist item Input lines. """ def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno): ListValInputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno) def gen(self, context = None): return None class ChecklistInputLine(ListInputLine): """ Base class for checklist Input lines. """ def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno): ListInputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno) def gen(self, context = None): InputLine.gen(self, context) gen_choices_defer(self, context, True) name = self.props["name"] nameappend = context["nameappend"] filename = context["filename"] try: default_choice = self.props["default"] except KeyError: default_choice = "" line = name + " = default(invoke_deferred_choices(\"" + name + "_" + filename + "_" + nameappend + "\"), \"" + default_choice + "\")" return line class CheckInputLine(ListValInputLine): """ Base class for checklist item Input lines. """ def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno): ListValInputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno) def gen(self, context = None): return None dirname_substitutions = {} class SubstrateBase(object): """ Base class for both expanded and unexpanded file and dir container objects. """ def __init__(self, filename, filebase, out_filebase): self.filename = filename self.filebase = filebase self.translated_filename = filename self.out_filebase = out_filebase self.raw_lines = [] self.expanded_lines = [] self.prev_choicelist = None def parse_error(self, msg, lineno, line): raise SyntaxError("%s: [%s: %d]: %s" % (msg, self.filename, lineno, line)) def expand_input_tag(self, tag, lineno): """ Input tags consist of the word 'input' at the beginning, followed by name:value property pairs which are converted into a dictionary. """ propstr = tag[len(INPUT_TAG):] props = dict(prop.split(":", 1) for prop in shlex.split(propstr)) props["filename"] = self.filename input_type = props[INPUT_TYPE_PROPERTY] if not props[INPUT_TYPE_PROPERTY]: self.parse_error("No input 'type' property found", lineno, tag) if input_type == "boolean": return BooleanInputLine(props, tag, lineno) if input_type == "edit": return EditBoxInputLine(props, tag, lineno) if input_type == "edit-git-repo": return GitRepoEditBoxInputLine(props, tag, lineno) if input_type == "edit-file": return FileEditBoxInputLine(props, tag, lineno) elif input_type == "choicelist": self.prev_choicelist = ChoicelistInputLine(props, tag, lineno) return self.prev_choicelist elif input_type == "choice": if not self.prev_choicelist: self.parse_error("Found 'choice' input tag but no previous choicelist", lineno, tag) choice = ChoiceInputLine(props, tag, lineno) self.prev_choicelist.choices.append(choice) return choice elif input_type == "checklist": return ChecklistInputLine(props, tag, lineno) elif input_type == "check": return CheckInputLine(props, tag, lineno) def expand_assignment_tag(self, start, line, lineno): """ Expand all tags in a line. """ expanded_line = AssignmentLine(line.rstrip()) while start != -1: end = line.find(CLOSE_TAG, start) if end == -1: self.parse_error("No close tag found for assignment tag", lineno, line) else: name = line[start + len(ASSIGN_TAG):end].strip() expanded_line.add_assignment(start, end + len(CLOSE_TAG), name) start = line.find(ASSIGN_TAG, end) return expanded_line def expand_tag(self, line, lineno): """ Returns a processed tag line, or None if there was no tag The rules for tags are very simple: - No nested tags - Tags start with {{ and end with }} - An assign tag, {{=, can appear anywhere and will be replaced with what the assignment evaluates to - Any other tag occupies the whole line it is on - if there's anything else on the tag line, it's an error - if it starts with 'input', it's an input tag and will only be used for prompting and setting variables - anything else is straight Python - tags are in effect only until the next blank line or tag or 'pass' tag - we don't have indentation in tags, but we need some way to end a block forcefully without blank lines or other tags - that's the 'pass' tag - todo: implement pass tag - directories and filenames can have tags as well, but only assignment and 'if' code lines - directories and filenames are the only case where normal tags can coexist with normal text on the same 'line' """ start = line.find(ASSIGN_TAG) if start != -1: return self.expand_assignment_tag(start, line, lineno) start = line.find(OPEN_TAG) if start == -1: return None end = line.find(CLOSE_TAG, 0) if end == -1: self.parse_error("No close tag found for open tag", lineno, line) tag = line[start + len(OPEN_TAG):end].strip() if not tag.lstrip().startswith(INPUT_TAG): return CodeLine(tag) return self.expand_input_tag(tag, lineno) def append_translated_filename(self, filename): """ Simply append filename to translated_filename """ self.translated_filename = os.path.join(self.translated_filename, filename) def get_substituted_file_or_dir_name(self, first_line, tag): """ If file or dir names contain name substitutions, return the name to substitute. Note that this is just the file or dirname and doesn't include the path. """ filename = first_line.find(tag) if filename != -1: filename += len(tag) substituted_filename = first_line[filename:].strip() this = substituted_filename.find(" this") if this != -1: head, tail = os.path.split(self.filename) substituted_filename = substituted_filename[:this + 1] + tail if tag == DIRNAME_TAG: # get rid of .noinstall in dirname substituted_filename = substituted_filename.split('.')[0] return substituted_filename def get_substituted_filename(self, first_line): """ If a filename contains a name substitution, return the name to substitute. Note that this is just the filename and doesn't include the path. """ return self.get_substituted_file_or_dir_name(first_line, FILENAME_TAG) def get_substituted_dirname(self, first_line): """ If a dirname contains a name substitution, return the name to substitute. Note that this is just the dirname and doesn't include the path. """ return self.get_substituted_file_or_dir_name(first_line, DIRNAME_TAG) def substitute_filename(self, first_line): """ Find the filename in first_line and append it to translated_filename. """ substituted_filename = self.get_substituted_filename(first_line) self.append_translated_filename(substituted_filename); def substitute_dirname(self, first_line): """ Find the dirname in first_line and append it to translated_filename. """ substituted_dirname = self.get_substituted_dirname(first_line) self.append_translated_filename(substituted_dirname); def is_filename_substitution(self, line): """ Do we have a filename subustition? """ if line.find(FILENAME_TAG) != -1: return True return False def is_dirname_substitution(self, line): """ Do we have a dirname subustition? """ if line.find(DIRNAME_TAG) != -1: return True return False def translate_dirname(self, first_line): """ Just save the first_line mapped by filename. The later pass through the directories will look for a dirname.noinstall match and grab the substitution line. """ dirname_substitutions[self.filename] = first_line def translate_dirnames_in_path(self, path): """ Translate dirnames below this file or dir, not including tail. dirname_substititions is keyed on actual untranslated filenames. translated_path contains the subsititutions for each element. """ remainder = path[len(self.filebase)+1:] translated_path = untranslated_path = self.filebase untranslated_dirs = remainder.split(os.sep) for dir in untranslated_dirs: key = os.path.join(untranslated_path, dir + '.noinstall') try: first_line = dirname_substitutions[key] except KeyError: translated_path = os.path.join(translated_path, dir) untranslated_path = os.path.join(untranslated_path, dir) continue substituted_dir = self.get_substituted_dirname(first_line) translated_path = os.path.join(translated_path, substituted_dir) untranslated_path = os.path.join(untranslated_path, dir) return translated_path def translate_file_or_dir_name(self): """ Originally we were allowed to use open/close/assign tags and python code in the filename, which fit in nicely with the way we processed the templates and generated code. Now that we can't do that, we make those tags proper file contents and have this pass substitute the nice but non-functional names with those 'strange' ones, and then proceed as usual. So, if files or matching dir<.noinstall> files contain filename substitutions, this function translates them into the corresponding 'strange' names, which future passes will expand as they always have. The resulting pathname is kept in the file or directory's translated_filename. Another way to think about it is that self.filename is the input filename, and translated_filename is the output filename before expansion. """ # remove leaf file or dirname head, tail = os.path.split(self.filename) translated_path = self.translate_dirnames_in_path(head) self.translated_filename = translated_path # This is a dirname - does it have a matching .noinstall with # a substitution? If so, apply the dirname subsititution. if not os.path.isfile(self.filename): key = self.filename + ".noinstall" try: first_line = dirname_substitutions[key] except KeyError: self.append_translated_filename(tail) return self.substitute_dirname(first_line) return f = open(self.filename) first_line = f.readline() f.close() # This is a normal filename not needing translation, just use # it as-is. if not first_line or not first_line.startswith("#"): self.append_translated_filename(tail) return # If we have a filename substitution (first line in the file # is a FILENAME_TAG line) do the substitution now. If we have # a dirname substitution (DIRNAME_TAG in dirname.noinstall # meta-file), hash it so we can apply it when we see the # matching dirname later. Otherwise we have a regular # filename, just use it as-is. if self.is_filename_substitution(first_line): self.substitute_filename(first_line) elif self.is_dirname_substitution(first_line): self.translate_dirname(first_line) else: self.append_translated_filename(tail) def expand_file_or_dir_name(self): """ Expand file or dir names into codeline. Dirnames and filenames can only have assignments or if statements. First translate if statements into CodeLine + (dirname or filename creation). """ lineno = 0 line = self.translated_filename[len(self.filebase):] if line.startswith("/"): line = line[1:] opentag_start = -1 start = line.find(OPEN_TAG) while start != -1: if not line[start:].startswith(ASSIGN_TAG): opentag_start = start break start += len(ASSIGN_TAG) start = line.find(OPEN_TAG, start) if opentag_start != -1: end = line.find(CLOSE_TAG, opentag_start) if end == -1: self.parse_error("No close tag found for open tag", lineno, line) # we have a {{ tag i.e. code tag = line[opentag_start + len(OPEN_TAG):end].strip() if not tag.lstrip().startswith(IF_TAG): self.parse_error("Only 'if' tags are allowed in file or directory names", lineno, line) self.expanded_lines.append(CodeLine(tag)) # everything after }} is the actual filename (possibly with assignments) # everything before is the pathname line = line[:opentag_start] + line[end + len(CLOSE_TAG):].strip() assign_start = line.find(ASSIGN_TAG) if assign_start != -1: assignment_tag = self.expand_assignment_tag(assign_start, line, lineno) if isinstance(self, SubstrateFile): assignment_tag.is_filename = True assignment_tag.out_filebase = self.out_filebase elif isinstance(self, SubstrateDir): assignment_tag.is_dirname = True assignment_tag.out_filebase = self.out_filebase self.expanded_lines.append(assignment_tag) return normal_line = NormalLine(line) if isinstance(self, SubstrateFile): normal_line.is_filename = True normal_line.out_filebase = self.out_filebase elif isinstance(self, SubstrateDir): normal_line.is_dirname = True normal_line.out_filebase = self.out_filebase self.expanded_lines.append(normal_line) def expand(self): """ Expand the file or dir name first, eventually this ends up creating the file or dir. """ self.translate_file_or_dir_name() self.expand_file_or_dir_name() class SubstrateFile(SubstrateBase): """ Container for both expanded and unexpanded substrate files. """ def __init__(self, filename, filebase, out_filebase): SubstrateBase.__init__(self, filename, filebase, out_filebase) def read(self): if self.raw_lines: return f = open(self.filename) self.raw_lines = f.readlines() def expand(self): """Expand the contents of all template tags in the file.""" SubstrateBase.expand(self) self.read() for lineno, line in enumerate(self.raw_lines): # only first line can be a filename substitition if lineno == 0 and line.startswith("#") and FILENAME_TAG in line: continue # skip it - we've already expanded it expanded_line = self.expand_tag(line, lineno + 1) # humans not 0-based if not expanded_line: expanded_line = NormalLine(line.rstrip()) self.expanded_lines.append(expanded_line) def gen(self, context = None): """Generate the code that generates the BSP.""" base_indent = 0 indent = new_indent = base_indent for line in self.expanded_lines: genline = line.gen(context) if not genline: continue if isinstance(line, InputLine): line.generated_line = genline continue if genline.startswith(OPEN_START): if indent == 1: base_indent = 1 if indent: if genline == BLANKLINE_STR or (not genline.startswith(NORMAL_START) and not genline.startswith(OPEN_START)): indent = new_indent = base_indent if genline.endswith(":"): new_indent = base_indent + 1 line.generated_line = (indent * INDENT_STR) + genline indent = new_indent class SubstrateDir(SubstrateBase): """ Container for both expanded and unexpanded substrate dirs. """ def __init__(self, filename, filebase, out_filebase): SubstrateBase.__init__(self, filename, filebase, out_filebase) def expand(self): SubstrateBase.expand(self) def gen(self, context = None): """Generate the code that generates the BSP.""" indent = new_indent = 0 for line in self.expanded_lines: genline = line.gen(context) if not genline: continue if genline.endswith(":"): new_indent = 1 else: new_indent = 0 line.generated_line = (indent * INDENT_STR) + genline indent = new_indent def expand_target(target, all_files, out_filebase): """ Expand the contents of all template tags in the target. This means removing tags and categorizing or creating lines so that future passes can process and present input lines and generate the corresponding lines of the Python program that will be exec'ed to actually produce the final BSP. 'all_files' includes directories. """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(target): for file in files: if file.endswith("~") or file.endswith("#"): continue f = os.path.join(root, file) sfile = SubstrateFile(f, target, out_filebase) sfile.expand() all_files.append(sfile) for dir in dirs: d = os.path.join(root, dir) sdir = SubstrateDir(d, target, out_filebase) sdir.expand() all_files.append(sdir) def gen_program_machine_lines(machine, program_lines): """ Use the input values we got from the command line. """ line = "machine = \"" + machine + "\"" program_lines.append(line) line = "layer_name = \"" + machine + "\"" program_lines.append(line) def sort_inputlines(input_lines): """Sort input lines according to priority (position).""" input_lines.sort(key = lambda l: l.prio) def find_parent_dependency(lines, depends_on): for i, line in lines: if isinstance(line, CodeLine): continue if line.props["name"] == depends_on: return i return -1 def process_inputline_dependencies(input_lines, all_inputlines): """If any input lines depend on others, put the others first.""" for line in input_lines: if isinstance(line, InputLineGroup): group_inputlines = [] process_inputline_dependencies(line.group, group_inputlines) line.group = group_inputlines all_inputlines.append(line) continue if isinstance(line, CodeLine) or isinstance(line, NormalLine): all_inputlines.append(line) continue try: depends_on = line.props["depends-on"] depends_codeline = "if " + line.props["depends-on"] + " == \"" + line.props["depends-on-val"] + "\":" all_inputlines.append(CodeLine(depends_codeline)) all_inputlines.append(line) except KeyError: all_inputlines.append(line) def conditional_filename(filename): """ Check if the filename itself contains a conditional statement. If so, return a codeline for it. """ opentag_start = filename.find(OPEN_TAG) if opentag_start != -1: if filename[opentag_start:].startswith(ASSIGN_TAG): return None end = filename.find(CLOSE_TAG, opentag_start) if end == -1: print("No close tag found for open tag in filename %s" % filename) sys.exit(1) # we have a {{ tag i.e. code tag = filename[opentag_start + len(OPEN_TAG):end].strip() if not tag.lstrip().startswith(IF_TAG): print("Only 'if' tags are allowed in file or directory names, filename: %s" % filename) sys.exit(1) return CodeLine(tag) return None class InputLineGroup(InputLine): """ InputLine that does nothing but group other input lines corresponding to all the input lines in a SubstrateFile so they can be generated as a group. prio is the only property used. """ def __init__(self, codeline): InputLine.__init__(self, {}, "", 0) self.group = [] self.prio = sys.maxsize self.group.append(codeline) def append(self, line): self.group.append(line) if line.prio < self.prio: self.prio = line.prio def len(self): return len(self.group) def gather_inputlines(files): """ Gather all the InputLines - we want to generate them first. """ all_inputlines = [] input_lines = [] for file in files: if isinstance(file, SubstrateFile): group = None basename = os.path.basename(file.translated_filename) codeline = conditional_filename(basename) if codeline: group = InputLineGroup(codeline) have_condition = False condition_to_write = None for line in file.expanded_lines: if isinstance(line, CodeLine): have_condition = True condition_to_write = line continue if isinstance(line, InputLine): if group: if condition_to_write: condition_to_write.prio = line.prio condition_to_write.discard = True group.append(condition_to_write) condition_to_write = None group.append(line) else: if condition_to_write: condition_to_write.prio = line.prio condition_to_write.discard = True input_lines.append(condition_to_write) condition_to_write = None input_lines.append(line) else: if condition_to_write: condition_to_write = None if have_condition: if not line.line.strip(): line.discard = True input_lines.append(line) have_condition = False if group and group.len() > 1: input_lines.append(group) sort_inputlines(input_lines) process_inputline_dependencies(input_lines, all_inputlines) return all_inputlines def run_program_lines(linelist, codedump): """ For a single file, print all the python code into a buf and execute it. """ buf = "\n".join(linelist) if codedump: of = open("bspgen.out", "w") of.write(buf) of.close() exec(buf) def gen_target(files, context = None): """ Generate the python code for each file. """ for file in files: file.gen(context) def gen_program_header_lines(program_lines): """ Generate any imports we need. """ program_lines.append("current_file = \"\"") def gen_supplied_property_vals(properties, program_lines): """ Generate user-specified entries for input values instead of generating input prompts. """ for name, val in properties.items(): program_line = name + " = \"" + val + "\"" program_lines.append(program_line) def gen_initial_property_vals(input_lines, program_lines): """ Generate null or default entries for input values, so we don't have undefined variables. """ for line in input_lines: if isinstance(line, InputLineGroup): gen_initial_property_vals(line.group, program_lines) continue if isinstance(line, InputLine): try: name = line.props["name"] try: default_val = "\"" + line.props["default"] + "\"" except: default_val = "\"\"" program_line = name + " = " + default_val program_lines.append(program_line) except KeyError: pass def gen_program_input_lines(input_lines, program_lines, context, in_group = False): """ Generate only the input lines used for prompting the user. For that, we only have input lines and CodeLines that affect the next input line. """ indent = new_indent = 0 for line in input_lines: if isinstance(line, InputLineGroup): gen_program_input_lines(line.group, program_lines, context, True) continue if not line.line.strip(): continue genline = line.gen(context) if not genline: continue if genline.endswith(":"): new_indent += 1 else: if indent > 1 or (not in_group and indent): new_indent -= 1 line.generated_line = (indent * INDENT_STR) + genline program_lines.append(line.generated_line) indent = new_indent def gen_program_lines(target_files, program_lines): """ Generate the program lines that make up the BSP generation program. This appends the generated lines of all target_files to program_lines, and skips input lines, which are dealt with separately, or omitted. """ for file in target_files: if file.filename.endswith("noinstall"): continue for line in file.expanded_lines: if isinstance(line, InputLine): continue if line.discard: continue program_lines.append(line.generated_line) def create_context(machine, arch, scripts_path): """ Create a context object for use in deferred function invocation. """ context = {} context["machine"] = machine context["arch"] = arch context["scripts_path"] = scripts_path return context def capture_context(context): """ Create a context object for use in deferred function invocation. """ captured_context = {} captured_context["machine"] = context["machine"] captured_context["arch"] = context["arch"] captured_context["scripts_path"] = context["scripts_path"] return captured_context def expand_targets(context, bsp_output_dir, expand_common=True): """ Expand all the tags in both the common and machine-specific 'targets'. If expand_common is False, don't expand the common target (this option is used to create special-purpose layers). """ target_files = [] machine = context["machine"] arch = context["arch"] scripts_path = context["scripts_path"] lib_path = scripts_path + '/lib' bsp_path = lib_path + '/bsp' arch_path = bsp_path + '/substrate/target/arch' if expand_common: common = os.path.join(arch_path, "common") expand_target(common, target_files, bsp_output_dir) arches = os.listdir(arch_path) if arch not in arches or arch == "common": print("Invalid karch, exiting\n") sys.exit(1) target = os.path.join(arch_path, arch) expand_target(target, target_files, bsp_output_dir) gen_target(target_files, context) return target_files def yocto_common_create(machine, target, scripts_path, layer_output_dir, codedump, properties_file, properties_str="", expand_common=True): """ Common layer-creation code machine - user-defined machine name (if needed, will generate 'machine' var) target - the 'target' the layer will be based on, must be one in scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch scripts_path - absolute path to yocto /scripts dir layer_output_dir - dirname to create for layer codedump - dump generated code to bspgen.out properties_file - use values from this file if nonempty i.e no prompting properties_str - use values from this string if nonempty i.e no prompting expand_common - boolean, use the contents of (for bsp layers) arch/common """ if os.path.exists(layer_output_dir): print("\nlayer output dir already exists, exiting. (%s)" % layer_output_dir) sys.exit(1) properties = None if properties_file: try: infile = open(properties_file, "r") except IOError: print("Couldn't open properties file %s for reading, exiting" % properties_file) sys.exit(1) properties = json.load(infile) if properties_str and not properties: properties = json.loads(properties_str) os.mkdir(layer_output_dir) context = create_context(machine, target, scripts_path) target_files = expand_targets(context, layer_output_dir, expand_common) input_lines = gather_inputlines(target_files) program_lines = [] gen_program_header_lines(program_lines) gen_initial_property_vals(input_lines, program_lines) if properties: gen_supplied_property_vals(properties, program_lines) gen_program_machine_lines(machine, program_lines) if not properties: gen_program_input_lines(input_lines, program_lines, context) gen_program_lines(target_files, program_lines) run_program_lines(program_lines, codedump) def yocto_layer_create(layer_name, scripts_path, layer_output_dir, codedump, properties_file, properties=""): """ Create yocto layer layer_name - user-defined layer name scripts_path - absolute path to yocto /scripts dir layer_output_dir - dirname to create for layer codedump - dump generated code to bspgen.out properties_file - use values from this file if nonempty i.e no prompting properties - use values from this string if nonempty i.e no prompting """ yocto_common_create(layer_name, "layer", scripts_path, layer_output_dir, codedump, properties_file, properties, False) print("\nNew layer created in %s.\n" % layer_output_dir) print("Don't forget to add it to your BBLAYERS (for details see %s/README)." % layer_output_dir) def yocto_bsp_create(machine, arch, scripts_path, bsp_output_dir, codedump, properties_file, properties=None): """ Create bsp machine - user-defined machine name arch - the arch the bsp will be based on, must be one in scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch scripts_path - absolute path to yocto /scripts dir bsp_output_dir - dirname to create for BSP codedump - dump generated code to bspgen.out properties_file - use values from this file if nonempty i.e no prompting properties - use values from this string if nonempty i.e no prompting """ yocto_common_create(machine, arch, scripts_path, bsp_output_dir, codedump, properties_file, properties) print("\nNew %s BSP created in %s" % arch, bsp_output_dir) def print_dict(items, indent = 0): """ Print the values in a possibly nested dictionary. """ for key, val in items.items(): print(" "*indent + "\"%s\" :" % key) if type(val) == dict: print("{") print_dict(val, indent + 1) print(" "*indent + "}") else: print("%s" % val) def get_properties(input_lines): """ Get the complete set of properties for all the input items in the BSP, as a possibly nested dictionary. """ properties = {} for line in input_lines: if isinstance(line, InputLineGroup): statement = line.group[0].line group_properties = get_properties(line.group) properties[statement] = group_properties continue if not isinstance(line, InputLine): continue if isinstance(line, ChoiceInputLine): continue props = line.props item = {} name = props["name"] for key, val in props.items(): if not key == "name": item[key] = val properties[name] = item return properties def yocto_layer_list_properties(arch, scripts_path, properties_file, expand_common=True): """ List the complete set of properties for all the input items in the layer. If properties_file is non-null, write the complete set of properties as a nested JSON object corresponding to a possibly nested dictionary. """ context = create_context("unused", arch, scripts_path) target_files = expand_targets(context, "unused", expand_common) input_lines = gather_inputlines(target_files) properties = get_properties(input_lines) if properties_file: try: of = open(properties_file, "w") except IOError: print("Couldn't open properties file %s for writing, exiting" % properties_file) sys.exit(1) json.dump(properties, of, indent=1) else: print_dict(properties) def split_nested_property(property): """ A property name of the form x.y describes a nested property i.e. the property y is contained within x and can be addressed using standard JSON syntax for nested properties. Note that if a property name itself contains '.', it should be contained in double quotes. """ splittable_property = "" in_quotes = False for c in property: if c == '.' and not in_quotes: splittable_property += '\n' continue if c == '"': in_quotes = not in_quotes splittable_property += c split_properties = splittable_property.split('\n') if len(split_properties) > 1: return split_properties return None def find_input_line_group(substring, input_lines): """ Find and return the InputLineGroup containing the specified substring. """ for line in input_lines: if isinstance(line, InputLineGroup): if substring in line.group[0].line: return line return None def find_input_line(name, input_lines): """ Find the input line with the specified name. """ for line in input_lines: if isinstance(line, InputLineGroup): l = find_input_line(name, line.group) if l: return l if isinstance(line, InputLine): try: if line.props["name"] == name: return line if line.props["name"] + "_" + line.props["nameappend"] == name: return line except KeyError: pass return None def print_values(type, values_list): """ Print the values in the given list of values. """ if type == "choicelist": for value in values_list: print("[\"%s\", \"%s\"]" % (value[0], value[1])) elif type == "boolean": for value in values_list: print("[\"%s\", \"%s\"]" % (value[0], value[1])) def yocto_layer_list_property_values(arch, property, scripts_path, properties_file, expand_common=True): """ List the possible values for a given input property. If properties_file is non-null, write the complete set of properties as a JSON object corresponding to an array of possible values. """ context = create_context("unused", arch, scripts_path) context["name"] = property target_files = expand_targets(context, "unused", expand_common) input_lines = gather_inputlines(target_files) properties = get_properties(input_lines) nested_properties = split_nested_property(property) if nested_properties: # currently the outer property of a nested property always # corresponds to an input line group input_line_group = find_input_line_group(nested_properties[0], input_lines) if input_line_group: input_lines[:] = input_line_group.group[1:] # The inner property of a nested property name is the # actual property name we want, so reset to that property = nested_properties[1] input_line = find_input_line(property, input_lines) if not input_line: print("Couldn't find values for property %s" % property) return values_list = [] type = input_line.props["type"] if type == "boolean": values_list.append(["y", "n"]) elif type == "choicelist" or type == "checklist": try: gen_fn = input_line.props["gen"] if nested_properties: context["filename"] = nested_properties[0] try: context["branches_base"] = input_line.props["branches_base"] except KeyError: context["branches_base"] = None values_list = input_line.gen_choices_list(context, False) except KeyError: for choice in input_line.choices: choicepair = [] choicepair.append(choice.val) choicepair.append(choice.desc) values_list.append(choicepair) if properties_file: try: of = open(properties_file, "w") except IOError: print("Couldn't open properties file %s for writing, exiting" % properties_file) sys.exit(1) json.dump(values_list, of) print_values(type, values_list) def yocto_bsp_list(args, scripts_path, properties_file): """ Print available architectures, or the complete list of properties defined by the BSP, or the possible values for a particular BSP property. """ if len(args) < 1: return False if args[0] == "karch": lib_path = scripts_path + '/lib' bsp_path = lib_path + '/bsp' arch_path = bsp_path + '/substrate/target/arch' print("Architectures available:") for arch in os.listdir(arch_path): if arch == "common" or arch == "layer": continue print(" %s" % arch) return True else: arch = args[0] if len(args) < 2 or len(args) > 3: return False if len(args) == 2: if args[1] == "properties": yocto_layer_list_properties(arch, scripts_path, properties_file) else: return False if len(args) == 3: if args[1] == "property": yocto_layer_list_property_values(arch, args[2], scripts_path, properties_file) else: return False return True def yocto_layer_list(args, scripts_path, properties_file): """ Print the complete list of input properties defined by the layer, or the possible values for a particular layer property. """ if len(args) < 1: return False if len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 2: return False if len(args) == 1: if args[0] == "properties": yocto_layer_list_properties("layer", scripts_path, properties_file, False) else: return False if len(args) == 2: if args[0] == "property": yocto_layer_list_property_values("layer", args[1], scripts_path, properties_file, False) else: return False return True def map_standard_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch): """ Return the linux-yocto bsp branch to use with the specified kbranch. This handles the -standard variants for 3.4 and 3.8; the other variants don't need mappings. """ if need_new_kbranch == "y": kbranch = new_kbranch else: kbranch = existing_kbranch if kbranch.startswith("standard/common-pc-64"): return "bsp/common-pc-64/common-pc-64-standard.scc" if kbranch.startswith("standard/common-pc"): return "bsp/common-pc/common-pc-standard.scc" else: return "ktypes/standard/standard.scc" def map_preempt_rt_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch): """ Return the linux-yocto bsp branch to use with the specified kbranch. This handles the -preempt-rt variants for 3.4 and 3.8; the other variants don't need mappings. """ if need_new_kbranch == "y": kbranch = new_kbranch else: kbranch = existing_kbranch if kbranch.startswith("standard/preempt-rt/common-pc-64"): return "bsp/common-pc-64/common-pc-64-preempt-rt.scc" if kbranch.startswith("standard/preempt-rt/common-pc"): return "bsp/common-pc/common-pc-preempt-rt.scc" else: return "ktypes/preempt-rt/preempt-rt.scc" def map_tiny_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch): """ Return the linux-yocto bsp branch to use with the specified kbranch. This handles the -tiny variants for 3.4 and 3.8; the other variants don't need mappings. """ if need_new_kbranch == "y": kbranch = new_kbranch else: kbranch = existing_kbranch if kbranch.startswith("standard/tiny/common-pc"): return "bsp/common-pc/common-pc-tiny.scc" else: return "ktypes/tiny/tiny.scc"