SUMMARY = "GStreamer plug-in for communication with OpenMAX IL components" DESCRIPTION = "GstOpenMAX is a GStreamer plug-in that allows \ communication with OpenMAX Integration Layer (IL) components. OpenMAX \ IL is an industry standard that provides an abstraction layer for \ computer graphics, video, and sound routines." HOMEPAGE = "" DEPENDS = "gstreamer" RDEPENDS_${PN} = "libomxil" LICENSE = "LGPLv2.1" LICENSE_FLAGS = "commercial" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=fbc093901857fcd118f065f900982c24 \ file://util/sem.h;beginline=1;endline=20;md5=accce5550d5583b839b441a0623f09fc" SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.bz2 \ file://gcc_4.6.patch \ file://ptr-array.patch \ " inherit autotools # Tell configure that this isn't a development snapshot so we don't want # -Werror (hopefully fixed in 0.10.2) export GST_CVS="no" EXTRA_OECONF += "--disable-valgrind" PR = "r4" FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/gstreamer-0.10/" FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/gstreamer-0.10/" FILES_${PN}-staticdev += "${libdir}/gstreamer-0.10/libgstomx.a" FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/gstreamer-0.10/.debug/" SRC_URI[md5sum] = "4d0370bfe99dea20918c84347abadb4e" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "9074d5a0591995133d19cfb15144f19664f902c1623f996595695cf2c2070e1f"