SUMMARY = "Perl extension for converting Pod to old-style Pod" DESCRIPTION = "Pod::Plainer uses Pod::Parser which takes Pod with the (new) 'C<< .. >>' \ constructs and returns the old(er) style with just 'C<>'; '<' and '>' are replaced by \ 'E' and 'E'. \ \ This can be used to pre-process Pod before using tools which do not recognise the new style Pods." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "libs" LICENSE = "Artistic-1.0 | GPL-1.0+" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://README;beginline=27;md5=80b4a99d477135bfcd1d0a44a041c63c" SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz" SRC_URI[md5sum] = "15d42071d6bd861cb72daa8cc3111cd3" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "9d153b1d8609606a3424f07a7f4ce955af32131d484cb9602812122bb1ee745b" S = "${WORKDIR}/Pod-Plainer-${PV}" inherit cpan BBCLASSEXTEND = "native"