SUMMARY = "X driver" HOMEPAGE = "" BUGTRACKER = "" SECTION = "x11/drivers" LICENSE = "MIT-X" PE = "2" DEPENDS = "virtual/xserver xorgproto util-macros" SRC_URI = "${XORG_MIRROR}/individual/driver/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.bz2" FILES:${PN} += " ${libdir}/xorg/modules/drivers/*.so" XORGBUILDCLASS ??= "autotools" inherit ${XORGBUILDCLASS} pkgconfig features_check # depends on virtual/xserver REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES = "x11" # FIXME: We don't want to include the libtool archives (*.la) from modules # directory, as they serve no useful purpose. Upstream should fix do_install:append() { find ${D}${libdir}/xorg/modules -regex ".*\.la$" | xargs rm -f -- } # Function to add the relevant ABI dependency to drivers, which should be called # from a PACKAGEFUNC. def _add_xorg_abi_depends(d, name): # Map of ABI names exposed in the dependencies to pkg-config variables abis = { "video": "abi_videodrv", "input": "abi_xinput" } output = os.popen("pkg-config xorg-server --variable=%s" % abis[name]).read() mlprefix = d.getVar('MLPREFIX') or '' abi = "%sxorg-abi-%s-%s" % (mlprefix, name, output.split(".")[0]) pn = d.getVar("PN") d.appendVar('RDEPENDS:' + pn, ' ' + abi) SECURITY_LDFLAGS = "${SECURITY_X_LDFLAGS}"