DESCRIPTION = "Highly configurable, modular and secure inetd" HOMEPAGE = "" # xinetd is a BSD-like license # Apple and Gentoo say BSD here. LICENSE = "BSD" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYRIGHT;md5=8ad8615198542444f84d28a6cf226dd8" DEPENDS = "" PR = "r0" SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz \ file://xinetd.init \ file://xinetd.conf \ file://xinetd.default \ file://Various-fixes-from-the-previous-maintainer.patch \ file://Disable-services-from-inetd.conf-if-a-service-with-t.patch \ file://xinetd-should-be-able-to-listen-on-IPv6-even-in-ine.patch \ " SRC_URI[md5sum] = "77358478fd58efa6366accae99b8b04c" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "bf4e060411c75605e4dcbdf2ac57c6bd9e1904470a2f91e01ba31b50a80a5be3" inherit autotools update-rc.d INITSCRIPT_NAME = "xinetd" INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "defaults" EXTRA_OECONF="--disable-nls" do_configure() { # Looks like is broken, so we are skipping # rebuilding configure and are just using the shipped one oe_runconf } do_install() { # Same here, the Makefile does some really stupid things, # but since we only want two files why not override # do_install from autotools and doing it ourselfs? install -d "${D}/usr/sbin" install -d "${D}/etc/init.d" install -d "${D}/etc/xinetd.d" install -d "${D}/etc/default" install -m 644 "${WORKDIR}/xinetd.conf" "${D}/etc" install -m 755 "${WORKDIR}/xinetd.init" "${D}/etc/init.d/xinetd" install -m 644 "${WORKDIR}/xinetd.default" "${D}/etc/default/xinetd" install -m 755 "${S}/xinetd/xinetd" "${D}/usr/sbin" install -m 755 "${S}/xinetd/itox" "${D}/usr/sbin" } CONFFILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/xinetd.conf"