LICENSE = "GPL" SUMMARY = "Utilities for managing processes on your system" DESCRIPTION = "The psmisc package contains utilities for managing processes on your \ system: pstree, killall and fuser. The pstree command displays a tree \ structure of all of the running processes on your system. The killall \ command sends a specified signal (SIGTERM if nothing is specified) to \ processes identified by name. The fuser command identifies the PIDs \ of processes that are using specified files or filesystems." SECTION = "base" PRIORITY = "required" DEPENDS = "ncurses virtual/libintl" SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/psmisc/psmisc-${PV}.tar.gz \ file://libintl-link.patch;patch=1" S = "${WORKDIR}/psmisc-${PV}" inherit autotools gettext ALLOW_EMPTY = "1" PACKAGES = "${PN} \ fuser-dbg fuser fuser-doc \ killall-dbg killall killall-doc \ pstree-dbg pstree pstree-doc" FILES_${PN} = "" RDEPENDS_${PN} = "fuser killall pstree" FILES_fuser = "${bindir}/fuser.${PN}" FILES_fuser-doc = "${mandir}/man1/fuser*" FILES_fuser-dbg = "${bindir}/.debug/fuser" FILES_killall = "${bindir}/killall.${PN}" FILES_killall-doc = "${mandir}/man1/killall*" FILES_killall-dbg = "${bindir}/.debug/killall*" FILES_pstree = "${bindir}/pstree" FILES_pstree-doc = "${mandir}/man1/pstree*" FILES_pstree-dbg = "${bindir}/.debug/pstree" do_install_append() { mv ${D}${bindir}/killall ${D}${bindir}/killall.${PN} mv ${D}${bindir}/fuser ${D}${bindir}/fuser.${PN} } pkg_postinst_killall() { update-alternatives --install ${bindir}/killall killall killall.${PN} 90 } pkg_postrm_killall() { update-alternatives --remove ${bindir}/killall killall.${PN} } pkg_postinst_fuser() { update-alternatives --install ${bindir}/fuser fuser fuser.${PN} 90 } pkg_postrm_fuser() { update-alternatives --remove ${bindir}/fuser fuser.${PN} }