#!/bin/sh en_US=`locale -a | grep en_US*` fr_FR=`locale -a | grep fr_FR*` de_DE=`locale -a | grep de_DE*` if [ -z "$en_US" ] then echo "Warning: The en_US* locales is needed to run the intl.tests, please add it." fi if [ -z "$fr_FR" ] then echo "Warning: The fr_FR* locales is needed to run the intl.tests, please add it." fi if [ -z "$de_DE" ] then echo "Warning: The de_DE* locales is needed to run the intl.tests, please add it." fi useradd bash_user chown -R bash_user:bash_user ./tests su bash_user -c "make -k THIS_SH=/bin/bash BUILD_DIR=`pwd` srcdir=`pwd` runtest" chown -R root:root ./tests userdel bash_user