SUMMARY = "Try::Tiny - Minimal try/catch with proper preservation of $@" DESCRIPTION = "This module provides bare bones try/catch/finally statements \ that are designed to minimize common mistakes with eval blocks, and NOTHING \ else." HOMEPAGE = "" BUGTRACKER = "" SECTION = "libs" LICENSE = "MIT" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENCE;md5=5dc332c2d4aade55f5db244681000091" SRC_URI = "${CPAN_MIRROR}/authors/id/E/ET/ETHER/Try-Tiny-${PV}.tar.gz" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "3300d31d8a4075b26d8f46ce864a1d913e0e8467ceeba6655d5d2b2e206c11be" S = "${WORKDIR}/Try-Tiny-${PV}" inherit cpan ptest-perl RDEPENDS:${PN} += "\ perl-module-carp \ perl-module-constant \ perl-module-exporter \ " RRECOMMENDS:${PN} += "\ perl-module-sub-util \ " RDEPENDS:${PN}-ptest += "\ perl-module-extutils-makemaker \ perl-module-extutils-mm-unix \ perl-module-file-spec \ perl-module-if \ perl-module-test-more \ " BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"