DEPENDS = "virtual/${TUNE_PKGARCH}-go go-native" DEPENDS:class-nativesdk = "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}go go-native" DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP = "\ -fdebug-prefix-map=${STAGING_DIR_HOST}= \ -fdebug-prefix-map=${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}= \ " export CGO_CFLAGS = "${CFLAGS}" export CGO_CPPFLAGS = "${CPPFLAGS}" export CGO_CXXFLAGS = "${CXXFLAGS}" # Filter out -fdebug-prefix-map options as they clash with the GO's build system export CGO_LDFLAGS = "${@ ' '.join(filter(lambda f: not f.startswith('-fdebug-prefix-map'), d.getVar('LDFLAGS').split())) }" export GOCACHE = "${B}/.cache" GO_LDFLAGS = "" GO_LDFLAGS:class-nativesdk = " -linkmode external" export GO_LDFLAGS export GOBUILDFLAGS = "-gcflags=-trimpath=$GOPATH -asmflags=-trimpath=$GOPATH -trimpath" CC:append:class-nativesdk = " ${SECURITY_NOPIE_CFLAGS}" do_configure[noexec] = "1" do_compile() { export CC_FOR_${TARGET_GOOS}_${TARGET_GOARCH}="${CC}" export CXX_FOR_${TARGET_GOOS}_${TARGET_GOARCH}="${CXX}" cd src ./make.bash --target-only --no-banner cd ${B} } do_compile[cleandirs] += "${GOTMPDIR} ${B}/bin ${B}/pkg" do_install() { install -d ${D}${libdir}/go/pkg/tool cp --preserve=mode,timestamps -R ${B}/pkg/tool/${TARGET_GOTUPLE} ${D}${libdir}/go/pkg/tool/ install -d ${D}${libdir}/go/src cp --preserve=mode,timestamps -R ${S}/src/cmd ${D}${libdir}/go/src/ find ${D}${libdir}/go/src -depth -type d -name testdata -exec rm -rf {} \; install -d ${D}${libdir}/go/bin install -d ${D}${bindir} for f in ${B}/${GO_BUILD_BINDIR}/*; do name=`basename $f` install -m 0755 $f ${D}${libdir}/go/bin/ ln -sf ../${baselib}/go/bin/$name ${D}${bindir}/ done rm -rf ${D}${libdir}/go/src } PACKAGES = "${PN} ${PN}-dev" FILES:${PN} = "${libdir}/go/bin ${libdir}/go/pkg/tool/${TARGET_GOTUPLE} ${bindir}" RDEPENDS:${PN} = "go-runtime" INSANE_SKIP:${PN} = "ldflags" BBCLASSEXTEND = "nativesdk"