DESCRIPTION = "A collection of utilities and DSOs to handle compiled objects." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "base" LICENSE = "GPLv2 with exceptions" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=0636e73ff0215e8d672dc4c32c317bb3\ file://EXCEPTION;md5=570adcb0c1218ab57f2249c67d0ce417" DEPENDS = "libtool" PR = "r1" SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.bz2" # pick the patch from debian # SRC_URI += "\ file://redhat-portability.diff \ file://redhat-robustify.diff \ file://hppa_backend.diff \ file://arm_backend.diff \ file://mips_backend.diff \ file://m68k_backend.diff \ file://do-autoreconf.diff \ file://testsuite-ignore-elflint.diff \ file://elf_additions.diff \ file://elfutils-fsize.patch \ " # The buildsystem wants to generate 2 .h files from source using a binary it just built, # which can not pass the cross compiling, so let's work around it by adding 2 .h files # along with the do_configure_prepend() SRC_URI += "\ file://i386_dis.h \ file://x86_64_dis.h \ " inherit autotools EXTRA_OECONF = "--program-prefix=eu-" do_configure_prepend() { sed -i 's:./i386_gendis:echo\ \#:g' ${S}/libcpu/ cp ${WORKDIR}/*dis.h ${S}/libcpu } BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk" # Package utilities separately PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-binutils" FILES_${PN}-binutils = "\ ${bindir}/eu-addr2line \ ${bindir}/eu-ld \ ${bindir}/eu-nm \ ${bindir}/eu-readelf \ ${bindir}/eu-size \ ${bindir}/eu-strip" # Fix library issues FILES_${PN} =+ "${libdir}/*-${PV}.so" # The elfutils package contains symlinks that trip up insane INSANE_SKIP_elfutils = "1"