SUMMARY = "Advanced front-end for dpkg" LICENSE = "GPLv2.0+" SECTION = "base" # Triehash script taken from SRC_URI = "${DEBIAN_MIRROR}/main/a/apt/${BPN}_${PV}.tar.xz \ file://triehash \ file://0001-Disable-documentation-directory-altogether.patch \ file://0001-Fix-musl-build.patch \ file://0001-CMakeLists.txt-avoid-changing-install-paths-based-on.patch \ " SRC_URI_append_class-native = " \ file://0001-Do-not-init-tables-from-dpkg-configuration.patch \ file://0001-Revert-always-run-dpkg-configure-a-at-the-end-of-our.patch \ file://0001-Do-not-configure-packages-on-installation.patch \ " SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "6d447f2e9437ec24e78350b63bb0592bee1f050811d51990b0c783183b0983f8" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING.GPL;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263" # the package is taken from; that source is static and goes stale # so we check the latest upstream from a directory that does get updated UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI = "${DEBIAN_MIRROR}/main/a/apt/" inherit cmake perlnative bash-completion upstream-version-is-even BBCLASSEXTEND = "native" DEPENDS += "virtual/libiconv virtual/libintl db gnutls lz4 zlib bzip2 xz" EXTRA_OECMAKE_append = " -DCURRENT_VENDOR=debian -DWITH_DOC=False -DUSE_NLS=False -DDPKG_DATADIR=${datadir}/dpkg -DTRIEHASH_EXECUTABLE=${WORKDIR}/triehash" do_configure_prepend () { echo "set( CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE BOTH )" >> ${WORKDIR}/toolchain.cmake } # Unfortunately apt hardcodes this all over the place FILES_${PN} += "${prefix}/lib/dpkg ${prefix}/lib/apt" RDEPENDS_${PN} += "bash perl dpkg" do_install_append_class-native() { cat > ${D}${sysconfdir}/apt/apt.conf.sample << EOF Dir "${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/" { State "var/lib/apt/" { Lists "#APTCONF#/lists/"; status "#ROOTFS#/var/lib/dpkg/status"; }; Cache "var/cache/apt/" { Archives "archives/"; pkgcache ""; srcpkgcache ""; }; Bin "${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/" { methods "${STAGING_LIBDIR}/apt/methods/"; gzip "/bin/gzip"; dpkg "dpkg"; dpkg-source "dpkg-source"; dpkg-buildpackage "dpkg-buildpackage"; apt-get "apt-get"; apt-cache "apt-cache"; }; Etc "#APTCONF#" { Preferences "preferences"; }; Log "var/log/apt"; }; APT { Install-Recommends "true"; Immediate-Configure "false"; Architecture "i586"; Get { Assume-Yes "true"; }; }; Acquire { AllowInsecureRepositories "true"; }; DPkg::Options {"--root=#ROOTFS#";"--admindir=#ROOTFS#/var/lib/dpkg";"--force-all";"--no-debsig"}; DPkg::Path ""; EOF } do_install_append_class-target() { #Write the correct apt-architecture to apt.conf APT_CONF=${D}/etc/apt/apt.conf echo 'APT::Architecture "${DPKG_ARCH}";' > ${APT_CONF} } # Avoid non-reproducible -src package do_install_append () { sed -i -e "s,${B},,g" \ ${B}/apt-pkg/ }