inherit allarch SUMMARY = "Operating system identification" DESCRIPTION = "The /usr/lib/os-release file contains operating system identification data." LICENSE = "MIT" INHIBIT_DEFAULT_DEPS = "1" do_fetch[noexec] = "1" do_unpack[noexec] = "1" do_patch[noexec] = "1" do_configure[noexec] = "1" # Other valid fields: BUILD_ID ID_LIKE ANSI_COLOR CPE_NAME # HOME_URL SUPPORT_URL BUG_REPORT_URL OS_RELEASE_FIELDS = "ID ID_LIKE NAME VERSION VERSION_ID PRETTY_NAME" ID = "${DISTRO}" NAME = "${DISTRO_NAME}" VERSION = "${DISTRO_VERSION}${@' (%s)' % DISTRO_CODENAME if 'DISTRO_CODENAME' in d else ''}" VERSION_ID = "${DISTRO_VERSION}" PRETTY_NAME = "${DISTRO_NAME} ${VERSION}" BUILD_ID ?= "${DATETIME}" BUILD_ID[vardepsexclude] = "DATETIME" def sanitise_version(ver): # VERSION_ID should be (from os-release(5)): # lower-case string (mostly numeric, no spaces or other characters # outside of 0-9, a-z, ".", "_" and "-") ret = ver.replace('+', '-').replace(' ','_') return ret.lower() python do_compile () { import shutil with open(d.expand('${B}/os-release'), 'w') as f: for field in d.getVar('OS_RELEASE_FIELDS').split(): value = d.getVar(field) if value and field == 'VERSION_ID': value = sanitise_version(value) if value: f.write('{0}="{1}"\n'.format(field, value)) } do_compile[vardeps] += "${OS_RELEASE_FIELDS}" do_install () { install -d ${D}${libdir} ${D}${sysconfdir} install -m 0644 os-release ${D}${libdir}/ lnr ${D}${libdir}/os-release ${D}${sysconfdir}/os-release } FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/os-release"