import unittest import os import logging import re import shutil import tempfile import glob import oeqa.utils.ftools as ftools from oeqa.selftest.base import oeSelfTest from oeqa.utils.commands import runCmd, bitbake, get_bb_var from oeqa.utils.decorators import testcase class DevtoolTests(oeSelfTest): def test_create_workspace(self): # Check preconditions workspacedir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'workspace') self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(workspacedir), 'This test cannot be run with a workspace directory under the build directory') result = runCmd('bitbake-layers show-layers') self.assertTrue('/workspace' not in result.output, 'This test cannot be run with a workspace layer in bblayers.conf') # Try creating a workspace layer with a specific path tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='devtoolqa') self.track_for_cleanup(tempdir) result = runCmd('devtool create-workspace %s' % tempdir) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tempdir, 'conf', 'layer.conf'))) result = runCmd('bitbake-layers show-layers') self.assertIn(tempdir, result.output) # Try creating a workspace layer with the default path self.track_for_cleanup(workspacedir) self.add_command_to_tearDown('bitbake-layers remove-layer */workspace') result = runCmd('devtool create-workspace') self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(workspacedir, 'conf', 'layer.conf'))) result = runCmd('bitbake-layers show-layers') self.assertNotIn(tempdir, result.output) self.assertIn(workspacedir, result.output) def test_recipetool_create(self): # Try adding a recipe tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='devtoolqa') self.track_for_cleanup(tempdir) tempsrc = os.path.join(tempdir, 'srctree') os.makedirs(tempsrc) recipefile = os.path.join(tempdir, '') srcuri = '' result = runCmd('recipetool create -o %s %s -x %s' % (recipefile, srcuri, tempsrc)) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(recipefile)) checkvars = {} checkvars['LICENSE'] = 'GPLv2' checkvars['LIC_FILES_CHKSUM'] = 'file://COPYING;md5=18810669f13b87348459e611d31ab760' checkvars['SRC_URI'] = '${PV}.tar.gz' checkvars['SRC_URI[md5sum]'] = '99e08503ef24c3e2e3ff74cc5f3be213' checkvars['SRC_URI[sha256sum]'] = 'f6ba691f40e30e640efa2752c1f9499a3f9738257660994de70a45fe00d12b64' with open(recipefile, 'r') as f: for line in f: if '=' in line: splitline = line.split('=', 1) var = splitline[0].rstrip() value = splitline[1].strip().strip('"') if var in checkvars: needvalue = checkvars.pop(var) self.assertEqual(value, needvalue) if line.startswith('inherit '): inherits = line.split()[1:] self.assertEqual(checkvars, {}, 'Some variables not found') def test_recipetool_create_git(self): # Ensure we have the right data in shlibs/pkgdata bitbake('libpng pango libx11 libxext') # Try adding a recipe tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='devtoolqa') self.track_for_cleanup(tempdir) tempsrc = os.path.join(tempdir, 'srctree') os.makedirs(tempsrc) recipefile = os.path.join(tempdir, '') srcuri = 'git://' result = runCmd('recipetool create -o %s %s -x %s' % (recipefile, srcuri, tempsrc)) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(recipefile), 'recipetool did not create recipe file; output:\n%s' % result.output) checkvars = {} checkvars['LICENSE'] = 'LGPLv2.1' checkvars['LIC_FILES_CHKSUM'] = 'file://COPYING;md5=7fbc338309ac38fefcd64b04bb903e34' checkvars['S'] = '${WORKDIR}/git' checkvars['PV'] = '1.0+git${SRCPV}' checkvars['SRC_URI'] = srcuri checkvars['DEPENDS'] = 'libpng pango libx11 libxext' inherits = [] with open(recipefile, 'r') as f: for line in f: if '=' in line: splitline = line.split('=', 1) var = splitline[0].rstrip() value = splitline[1].strip().strip('"') if var in checkvars: needvalue = checkvars.pop(var) self.assertEqual(value, needvalue) if line.startswith('inherit '): inherits = line.split()[1:] self.assertEqual(checkvars, {}, 'Some variables not found') self.assertIn('autotools', inherits, 'Missing inherit of autotools') self.assertIn('pkgconfig', inherits, 'Missing inherit of pkgconfig') def test_devtool_add(self): # Check preconditions workspacedir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'workspace') self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(workspacedir), 'This test cannot be run with a workspace directory under the build directory') # Fetch source tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='devtoolqa') self.track_for_cleanup(tempdir) url = '' result = runCmd('wget %s' % url, cwd=tempdir) result = runCmd('tar xfv pv-1.5.3.tar.bz2', cwd=tempdir) srcdir = os.path.join(tempdir, 'pv-1.5.3') self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(srcdir, 'configure')), 'Unable to find configure script in source directory') # Test devtool add self.track_for_cleanup(workspacedir) self.add_command_to_tearDown('bitbake -c cleansstate pv') self.add_command_to_tearDown('bitbake-layers remove-layer */workspace') result = runCmd('devtool add pv %s' % srcdir) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(workspacedir, 'conf', 'layer.conf')), 'Workspace directory not created') # Test devtool status result = runCmd('devtool status') self.assertIn('pv', result.output) self.assertIn(srcdir, result.output) # Clean up anything in the workdir/sysroot/sstate cache (have to do this *after* devtool add since the recipe only exists then) bitbake('pv -c cleansstate') # Test devtool build result = runCmd('devtool build pv') installdir = get_bb_var('D', 'pv') self.assertTrue(installdir, 'Could not query installdir variable') bindir = get_bb_var('bindir', 'pv') self.assertTrue(bindir, 'Could not query bindir variable') if bindir[0] == '/': bindir = bindir[1:] self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(installdir, bindir, 'pv')), 'pv binary not found in D') def test_devtool_add_library(self): # Check preconditions workspacedir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'workspace') self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(workspacedir), 'This test cannot be run with a workspace directory under the build directory') # We don't have the ability to pick up this dependency automatically yet... bitbake('libusb1') # Fetch source tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='devtoolqa') self.track_for_cleanup(tempdir) url = '' result = runCmd('wget %s' % url, cwd=tempdir) result = runCmd('tar xfv libftdi1-1.1.tar.bz2', cwd=tempdir) srcdir = os.path.join(tempdir, 'libftdi1-1.1') self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(srcdir, 'CMakeLists.txt')), 'Unable to find CMakeLists.txt in source directory') # Test devtool add self.track_for_cleanup(workspacedir) self.add_command_to_tearDown('bitbake-layers remove-layer */workspace') result = runCmd('devtool add libftdi %s' % srcdir) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(workspacedir, 'conf', 'layer.conf')), 'Workspace directory not created') # Test devtool status result = runCmd('devtool status') self.assertIn('libftdi', result.output) self.assertIn(srcdir, result.output) # Clean up anything in the workdir/sysroot/sstate cache (have to do this *after* devtool add since the recipe only exists then) bitbake('libftdi -c cleansstate') # Test devtool build result = runCmd('devtool build libftdi') staging_libdir = get_bb_var('STAGING_LIBDIR', 'libftdi') self.assertTrue(staging_libdir, 'Could not query STAGING_LIBDIR variable') self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(staging_libdir, '')), 'libftdi binary not found in STAGING_LIBDIR') # Test devtool reset stampprefix = get_bb_var('STAMP', 'libftdi') result = runCmd('devtool reset libftdi') result = runCmd('devtool status') self.assertNotIn('libftdi', result.output) self.assertTrue(stampprefix, 'Unable to get STAMP value for recipe libftdi') matches = glob.glob(stampprefix + '*') self.assertFalse(matches, 'Stamp files exist for recipe libftdi that should have been cleaned') self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(staging_libdir, '')), 'libftdi binary still found in STAGING_LIBDIR after cleaning') def test_devtool_modify(self): # Check preconditions workspacedir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'workspace') self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(workspacedir), 'This test cannot be run with a workspace directory under the build directory') # Clean up anything in the workdir/sysroot/sstate cache bitbake('mdadm -c cleansstate') # Try modifying a recipe tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='devtoolqa') self.track_for_cleanup(tempdir) self.track_for_cleanup(workspacedir) self.add_command_to_tearDown('bitbake-layers remove-layer */workspace') self.add_command_to_tearDown('bitbake -c clean mdadm') result = runCmd('devtool modify mdadm -x %s' % tempdir) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, 'Makefile')), 'Extracted source could not be found') self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tempdir, '.git')), 'git repository for external source tree not found') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(workspacedir, 'conf', 'layer.conf')), 'Workspace directory not created') matches = glob.glob(os.path.join(workspacedir, 'appends', 'mdadm_*.bbappend')) self.assertTrue(matches, 'bbappend not created') # Test devtool status result = runCmd('devtool status') self.assertIn('mdadm', result.output) self.assertIn(tempdir, result.output) # Check git repo result = runCmd('git status --porcelain', cwd=tempdir) self.assertEqual(result.output.strip(), "", 'Created git repo is not clean') result = runCmd('git symbolic-ref HEAD', cwd=tempdir) self.assertEqual(result.output.strip(), "refs/heads/devtool", 'Wrong branch in git repo') # Try building bitbake('mdadm') # Try making (minor) modifications to the source result = runCmd("sed -i 's!^\.TH.*!.TH MDADM 8 \"\" v9.999-custom!' %s" % os.path.join(tempdir, '')) bitbake('mdadm -c package') pkgd = get_bb_var('PKGD', 'mdadm') self.assertTrue(pkgd, 'Could not query PKGD variable') mandir = get_bb_var('mandir', 'mdadm') self.assertTrue(mandir, 'Could not query mandir variable') if mandir[0] == '/': mandir = mandir[1:] with open(os.path.join(pkgd, mandir, 'man8', 'mdadm.8'), 'r') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('.TH'): self.assertEqual(line.rstrip(), '.TH MDADM 8 "" v9.999-custom', 'man file not modified') # Test devtool reset stampprefix = get_bb_var('STAMP', 'mdadm') result = runCmd('devtool reset mdadm') result = runCmd('devtool status') self.assertNotIn('mdadm', result.output) self.assertTrue(stampprefix, 'Unable to get STAMP value for recipe mdadm') matches = glob.glob(stampprefix + '*') self.assertFalse(matches, 'Stamp files exist for recipe mdadm that should have been cleaned') def test_devtool_modify_git(self): # Check preconditions workspacedir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'workspace') self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(workspacedir), 'This test cannot be run with a workspace directory under the build directory') testrecipe = 'mkelfimage' src_uri = get_bb_var('SRC_URI', testrecipe) self.assertIn('git://', src_uri, 'This test expects the %s recipe to be a git recipe' % testrecipe) # Clean up anything in the workdir/sysroot/sstate cache bitbake('%s -c cleansstate' % testrecipe) # Try modifying a recipe tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='devtoolqa') self.track_for_cleanup(tempdir) self.track_for_cleanup(workspacedir) self.add_command_to_tearDown('bitbake-layers remove-layer */workspace') self.add_command_to_tearDown('bitbake -c clean %s' % testrecipe) result = runCmd('devtool modify %s -x %s' % (testrecipe, tempdir)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, 'Makefile')), 'Extracted source could not be found') self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tempdir, '.git')), 'git repository for external source tree not found') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(workspacedir, 'conf', 'layer.conf')), 'Workspace directory not created') matches = glob.glob(os.path.join(workspacedir, 'appends', 'mkelfimage_*.bbappend')) self.assertTrue(matches, 'bbappend not created') # Test devtool status result = runCmd('devtool status') self.assertIn(testrecipe, result.output) self.assertIn(tempdir, result.output) # Check git repo result = runCmd('git status --porcelain', cwd=tempdir) self.assertEqual(result.output.strip(), "", 'Created git repo is not clean') result = runCmd('git symbolic-ref HEAD', cwd=tempdir) self.assertEqual(result.output.strip(), "refs/heads/devtool", 'Wrong branch in git repo') # Try building bitbake(testrecipe) def test_devtool_update_recipe(self): # Check preconditions workspacedir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'workspace') self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(workspacedir), 'This test cannot be run with a workspace directory under the build directory') testrecipe = 'minicom' recipefile = get_bb_var('FILE', testrecipe) src_uri = get_bb_var('SRC_URI', testrecipe) self.assertNotIn('git://', src_uri, 'This test expects the %s recipe to NOT be a git recipe' % testrecipe) result = runCmd('git status . --porcelain', cwd=os.path.dirname(recipefile)) self.assertEqual(result.output.strip(), "", '%s recipe is not clean' % testrecipe) # First, modify a recipe tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='devtoolqa') self.track_for_cleanup(tempdir) self.track_for_cleanup(workspacedir) self.add_command_to_tearDown('bitbake-layers remove-layer */workspace') # (don't bother with cleaning the recipe on teardown, we won't be building it) result = runCmd('devtool modify %s -x %s' % (testrecipe, tempdir)) # Check git repo self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tempdir, '.git')), 'git repository for external source tree not found') result = runCmd('git status --porcelain', cwd=tempdir) self.assertEqual(result.output.strip(), "", 'Created git repo is not clean') result = runCmd('git symbolic-ref HEAD', cwd=tempdir) self.assertEqual(result.output.strip(), "refs/heads/devtool", 'Wrong branch in git repo') # Add a couple of commits # FIXME: this only tests adding, need to also test update and remove result = runCmd('echo "Additional line" >> README', cwd=tempdir) result = runCmd('git commit -a -m "Change the README"', cwd=tempdir) result = runCmd('echo "A new file" > devtool-new-file', cwd=tempdir) result = runCmd('git add devtool-new-file', cwd=tempdir) result = runCmd('git commit -m "Add a new file"', cwd=tempdir) self.add_command_to_tearDown('cd %s; rm %s/*.patch; git checkout %s %s' % (os.path.dirname(recipefile), testrecipe, testrecipe, os.path.basename(recipefile))) result = runCmd('devtool update-recipe %s' % testrecipe) result = runCmd('git status . --porcelain', cwd=os.path.dirname(recipefile)) self.assertNotEqual(result.output.strip(), "", '%s recipe should be modified' % testrecipe) status = result.output.splitlines() self.assertEqual(len(status), 3, 'Less/more files modified than expected. Entire status:\n%s' % result.output) for line in status: if line.endswith('0001-Change-the-README.patch'): self.assertEqual(line[:3], '?? ', 'Unexpected status in line: %s' % line) elif line.endswith('0002-Add-a-new-file.patch'): self.assertEqual(line[:3], '?? ', 'Unexpected status in line: %s' % line) elif'%s_[^_]*.bb$' % testrecipe, line): self.assertEqual(line[:3], ' M ', 'Unexpected status in line: %s' % line) else: raise AssertionError('Unexpected modified file in status: %s' % line) def test_devtool_update_recipe_git(self): # Check preconditions workspacedir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'workspace') self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(workspacedir), 'This test cannot be run with a workspace directory under the build directory') testrecipe = 'mtd-utils' recipefile = get_bb_var('FILE', testrecipe) src_uri = get_bb_var('SRC_URI', testrecipe) self.assertIn('git://', src_uri, 'This test expects the %s recipe to be a git recipe' % testrecipe) result = runCmd('git status . --porcelain', cwd=os.path.dirname(recipefile)) self.assertEqual(result.output.strip(), "", '%s recipe is not clean' % testrecipe) # First, modify a recipe tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='devtoolqa') self.track_for_cleanup(tempdir) self.track_for_cleanup(workspacedir) self.add_command_to_tearDown('bitbake-layers remove-layer */workspace') # (don't bother with cleaning the recipe on teardown, we won't be building it) result = runCmd('devtool modify %s -x %s' % (testrecipe, tempdir)) # Check git repo self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tempdir, '.git')), 'git repository for external source tree not found') result = runCmd('git status --porcelain', cwd=tempdir) self.assertEqual(result.output.strip(), "", 'Created git repo is not clean') result = runCmd('git symbolic-ref HEAD', cwd=tempdir) self.assertEqual(result.output.strip(), "refs/heads/devtool", 'Wrong branch in git repo') # Add a couple of commits # FIXME: this only tests adding, need to also test update and remove result = runCmd('echo "# Additional line" >> Makefile', cwd=tempdir) result = runCmd('git commit -a -m "Change the Makefile"', cwd=tempdir) result = runCmd('echo "A new file" > devtool-new-file', cwd=tempdir) result = runCmd('git add devtool-new-file', cwd=tempdir) result = runCmd('git commit -m "Add a new file"', cwd=tempdir) self.add_command_to_tearDown('cd %s; git checkout %s %s' % (os.path.dirname(recipefile), testrecipe, os.path.basename(recipefile))) result = runCmd('devtool update-recipe %s' % testrecipe) result = runCmd('git status . --porcelain', cwd=os.path.dirname(recipefile)) self.assertNotEqual(result.output.strip(), "", '%s recipe should be modified' % testrecipe) status = result.output.splitlines() self.assertEqual(len(status), 3, 'Less/more files modified than expected. Entire status:\n%s' % result.output) for line in status: if line.endswith('add-exclusion-to-mkfs-jffs2-git-2.patch'): self.assertEqual(line[:3], ' D ', 'Unexpected status in line: %s' % line) elif line.endswith('fix-armv7-neon-alignment.patch'): self.assertEqual(line[:3], ' D ', 'Unexpected status in line: %s' % line) elif'%s_[^_]*.bb$' % testrecipe, line): self.assertEqual(line[:3], ' M ', 'Unexpected status in line: %s' % line) else: raise AssertionError('Unexpected modified file in status: %s' % line) result = runCmd('git diff %s' % os.path.basename(recipefile), cwd=os.path.dirname(recipefile)) addlines = ['SRCREV = ".*"', 'SRC_URI = "git://"'] removelines = ['SRCREV = ".*"', 'SRC_URI = "git:// \\\\', 'file://add-exclusion-to-mkfs-jffs2-git-2.patch \\\\', 'file://fix-armv7-neon-alignment.patch \\\\', '"'] for line in result.output.splitlines(): if line.startswith('+++') or line.startswith('---'): continue elif line.startswith('+'): matched = False for item in addlines: if re.match(item, line[1:].strip()): matched = True break self.assertTrue(matched, 'Unexpected diff add line: %s' % line) elif line.startswith('-'): matched = False for item in removelines: if re.match(item, line[1:].strip()): matched = True break self.assertTrue(matched, 'Unexpected diff remove line: %s' % line) def test_devtool_extract(self): # Check preconditions workspacedir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'workspace') self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(workspacedir), 'This test cannot be run with a workspace directory under the build directory') tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='devtoolqa') # Try devtool extract self.track_for_cleanup(tempdir) self.track_for_cleanup(workspacedir) self.add_command_to_tearDown('bitbake-layers remove-layer */workspace') result = runCmd('devtool extract remake %s' % tempdir) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(tempdir, '')), 'Extracted source could not be found') self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tempdir, '.git')), 'git repository for external source tree not found') def test_devtool_reset_all(self): # Check preconditions workspacedir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'workspace') self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(workspacedir), 'This test cannot be run with a workspace directory under the build directory') tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='devtoolqa') self.track_for_cleanup(tempdir) self.track_for_cleanup(workspacedir) self.add_command_to_tearDown('bitbake-layers remove-layer */workspace') testrecipe1 = 'mdadm' testrecipe2 = 'cronie' result = runCmd('devtool modify -x %s %s' % (testrecipe1, os.path.join(tempdir, testrecipe1))) result = runCmd('devtool modify -x %s %s' % (testrecipe2, os.path.join(tempdir, testrecipe2))) result = runCmd('devtool build %s' % testrecipe1) result = runCmd('devtool build %s' % testrecipe2) stampprefix1 = get_bb_var('STAMP', testrecipe1) self.assertTrue(stampprefix1, 'Unable to get STAMP value for recipe %s' % testrecipe1) stampprefix2 = get_bb_var('STAMP', testrecipe2) self.assertTrue(stampprefix2, 'Unable to get STAMP value for recipe %s' % testrecipe2) result = runCmd('devtool reset -a') self.assertIn(testrecipe1, result.output) self.assertIn(testrecipe2, result.output) result = runCmd('devtool status') self.assertNotIn(testrecipe1, result.output) self.assertNotIn(testrecipe2, result.output) matches1 = glob.glob(stampprefix1 + '*') self.assertFalse(matches1, 'Stamp files exist for recipe %s that should have been cleaned' % testrecipe1) matches2 = glob.glob(stampprefix2 + '*') self.assertFalse(matches2, 'Stamp files exist for recipe %s that should have been cleaned' % testrecipe2)