import logging import os import oe.classutils import shlex from bb.process import Popen, ExecutionError logger = logging.getLogger('BitBake.OE.Terminal') class UnsupportedTerminal(StandardError): pass class NoSupportedTerminals(StandardError): pass class Registry(oe.classutils.ClassRegistry): command = None def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): super(Registry, cls).__init__(name.lower(), bases, attrs) @property def implemented(cls): return bool(cls.command) class Terminal(Popen): __metaclass__ = Registry def __init__(self, command, title=None, env=None): self.format_command(command, title) try: Popen.__init__(self, self.command, env=env) except OSError as exc: import errno if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise UnsupportedTerminal( else: raise def format_command(self, command, title): fmt = {'title': title or 'Terminal', 'command': command} if isinstance(self.command, basestring): self.command = shlex.split(self.command.format(**fmt)) else: self.command = [element.format(**fmt) for element in self.command] class XTerminal(Terminal): def __init__(self, command, title=None, env=None): Terminal.__init__(self, command, title, env) if not os.environ.get('DISPLAY'): raise UnsupportedTerminal( class Gnome(XTerminal): command = 'gnome-terminal --disable-factory -t "{title}" -x {command}' priority = 2 class Konsole(XTerminal): command = 'konsole -T "{title}" -e {command}' priority = 2 class XTerm(XTerminal): command = 'xterm -T "{title}" -e {command}' priority = 1 class Rxvt(XTerminal): command = 'rxvt -T "{title}" -e {command}' priority = 1 class Screen(Terminal): command = 'screen -D -m -t "{title}" {command}' def prioritized(): return Registry.prioritized() def spawn_preferred(command, title=None, env=None): """Spawn the first supported terminal, by priority""" for terminal in prioritized(): try: spawn(, command, title, env) break except UnsupportedTerminal: continue else: raise NoSupportedTerminals() def spawn(name, command, title=None, env=None): """Spawn the specified terminal, by name""" logger.debug(1, 'Attempting to spawn terminal "%s"', name) try: terminal = Registry.registry[name] except KeyError: raise UnsupportedTerminal(name) pipe = terminal(command, title, env) output = pipe.communicate()[0] if pipe.returncode != 0: raise ExecutionError(pipe.command, pipe.returncode, output)