# Utility functions for reading and modifying recipes # # Some code borrowed from the OE layer index # # Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Intel Corporation # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # import sys import os import os.path import tempfile import textwrap import difflib from . import utils import shutil import re import fnmatch import glob import bb.tinfoil from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict from bb.utils import vercmp_string # Help us to find places to insert values recipe_progression = ['SUMMARY', 'DESCRIPTION', 'HOMEPAGE', 'BUGTRACKER', 'SECTION', 'LICENSE', 'LICENSE_FLAGS', 'LIC_FILES_CHKSUM', 'PROVIDES', 'DEPENDS', 'PR', 'PV', 'SRCREV', 'SRC_URI', 'S', 'do_fetch()', 'do_unpack()', 'do_patch()', 'EXTRA_OECONF', 'EXTRA_OECMAKE', 'EXTRA_OESCONS', 'do_configure()', 'EXTRA_OEMAKE', 'do_compile()', 'do_install()', 'do_populate_sysroot()', 'INITSCRIPT', 'USERADD', 'GROUPADD', 'PACKAGES', 'FILES', 'RDEPENDS', 'RRECOMMENDS', 'RSUGGESTS', 'RPROVIDES', 'RREPLACES', 'RCONFLICTS', 'ALLOW_EMPTY', 'populate_packages()', 'do_package()', 'do_deploy()', 'BBCLASSEXTEND'] # Variables that sometimes are a bit long but shouldn't be wrapped nowrap_vars = ['SUMMARY', 'HOMEPAGE', 'BUGTRACKER', r'SRC_URI\[(.+\.)?md5sum\]', r'SRC_URI\[(.+\.)?sha[0-9]+sum\]'] list_vars = ['SRC_URI', 'LIC_FILES_CHKSUM'] meta_vars = ['SUMMARY', 'DESCRIPTION', 'HOMEPAGE', 'BUGTRACKER', 'SECTION'] def simplify_history(history, d): """ Eliminate any irrelevant events from a variable history """ ret_history = [] has_set = False # Go backwards through the history and remove any immediate operations # before the most recent set for event in reversed(history): if 'flag' in event or not 'file' in event: continue if event['op'] == 'set': if has_set: continue has_set = True elif event['op'] in ('append', 'prepend', 'postdot', 'predot'): # Reminder: "append" and "prepend" mean += and =+ respectively, NOT :append / :prepend if has_set: continue ret_history.insert(0, event) return ret_history def get_var_files(fn, varlist, d): """Find the file in which each of a list of variables is set. Note: requires variable history to be enabled when parsing. """ varfiles = {} for v in varlist: files = [] if '[' in v: varsplit = v.split('[') varflag = varsplit[1].split(']')[0] history = d.varhistory.variable(varsplit[0]) for event in history: if 'file' in event and event.get('flag', '') == varflag: files.append(event['file']) else: history = d.varhistory.variable(v) for event in history: if 'file' in event and not 'flag' in event: files.append(event['file']) if files: actualfile = files[-1] else: actualfile = None varfiles[v] = actualfile return varfiles def split_var_value(value, assignment=True): """ Split a space-separated variable's value into a list of items, taking into account that some of the items might be made up of expressions containing spaces that should not be split. Parameters: value: The string value to split assignment: True to assume that the value represents an assignment statement, False otherwise. If True, and an assignment statement is passed in the first item in the returned list will be the part of the assignment statement up to and including the opening quote character, and the last item will be the closing quote. """ inexpr = 0 lastchar = None out = [] buf = '' for char in value: if char == '{': if lastchar == '$': inexpr += 1 elif char == '}': inexpr -= 1 elif assignment and char in '"\'' and inexpr == 0: if buf: out.append(buf) out.append(char) char = '' buf = '' elif char.isspace() and inexpr == 0: char = '' if buf: out.append(buf) buf = '' buf += char lastchar = char if buf: out.append(buf) # Join together assignment statement and opening quote outlist = out if assignment: assigfound = False for idx, item in enumerate(out): if '=' in item: assigfound = True if assigfound: if '"' in item or "'" in item: outlist = [' '.join(out[:idx+1])] outlist.extend(out[idx+1:]) break return outlist def patch_recipe_lines(fromlines, values, trailing_newline=True): """Update or insert variable values into lines from a recipe. Note that some manual inspection/intervention may be required since this cannot handle all situations. """ import bb.utils if trailing_newline: newline = '\n' else: newline = '' nowrap_vars_res = [] for item in nowrap_vars: nowrap_vars_res.append(re.compile('^%s$' % item)) recipe_progression_res = [] recipe_progression_restrs = [] for item in recipe_progression: if item.endswith('()'): key = item[:-2] else: key = item restr = r'%s(_[a-zA-Z0-9-_$(){}]+|\[[^\]]*\])?' % key if item.endswith('()'): recipe_progression_restrs.append(restr + '()') else: recipe_progression_restrs.append(restr) recipe_progression_res.append(re.compile('^%s$' % restr)) def get_recipe_pos(variable): for i, p in enumerate(recipe_progression_res): if p.match(variable): return i return -1 remainingnames = {} for k in values.keys(): remainingnames[k] = get_recipe_pos(k) remainingnames = OrderedDict(sorted(remainingnames.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])) modifying = False def outputvalue(name, lines, rewindcomments=False): if values[name] is None: return if isinstance(values[name], tuple): op, value = values[name] if op == '+=' and value.strip() == '': return else: value = values[name] op = '=' rawtext = '%s %s "%s"%s' % (name, op, value, newline) addlines = [] nowrap = False for nowrap_re in nowrap_vars_res: if nowrap_re.match(name): nowrap = True break if nowrap: addlines.append(rawtext) elif name in list_vars: splitvalue = split_var_value(value, assignment=False) if len(splitvalue) > 1: linesplit = ' \\\n' + (' ' * (len(name) + 4)) addlines.append('%s %s "%s%s"%s' % (name, op, linesplit.join(splitvalue), linesplit, newline)) else: addlines.append(rawtext) else: wrapped = textwrap.wrap(rawtext) for wrapline in wrapped[:-1]: addlines.append('%s \\%s' % (wrapline, newline)) addlines.append('%s%s' % (wrapped[-1], newline)) # Split on newlines - this isn't strictly necessary if you are only # going to write the output to disk, but if you want to compare it # (as patch_recipe_file() will do if patch=True) then it's important. addlines = [line for l in addlines for line in l.splitlines(True)] if rewindcomments: # Ensure we insert the lines before any leading comments # (that we'd want to ensure remain leading the next value) for i, ln in reversed(list(enumerate(lines))): if not ln.startswith('#'): lines[i+1:i+1] = addlines break else: lines.extend(addlines) else: lines.extend(addlines) existingnames = [] def patch_recipe_varfunc(varname, origvalue, op, newlines): if modifying: # Insert anything that should come before this variable pos = get_recipe_pos(varname) for k in list(remainingnames): if remainingnames[k] > -1 and pos >= remainingnames[k] and not k in existingnames: outputvalue(k, newlines, rewindcomments=True) del remainingnames[k] # Now change this variable, if it needs to be changed if varname in existingnames and op in ['+=', '=', '=+']: if varname in remainingnames: outputvalue(varname, newlines) del remainingnames[varname] return None, None, 0, True else: if varname in values: existingnames.append(varname) return origvalue, None, 0, True # First run - establish which values we want to set are already in the file varlist = [re.escape(item) for item in values.keys()] bb.utils.edit_metadata(fromlines, varlist, patch_recipe_varfunc) # Second run - actually set everything modifying = True varlist.extend(recipe_progression_restrs) changed, tolines = bb.utils.edit_metadata(fromlines, varlist, patch_recipe_varfunc, match_overrides=True) if remainingnames: if tolines and tolines[-1].strip() != '': tolines.append('\n') for k in remainingnames.keys(): outputvalue(k, tolines) return changed, tolines def patch_recipe_file(fn, values, patch=False, relpath='', redirect_output=None): """Update or insert variable values into a recipe file (assuming you have already identified the exact file you want to update.) Note that some manual inspection/intervention may be required since this cannot handle all situations. """ with open(fn, 'r') as f: fromlines = f.readlines() _, tolines = patch_recipe_lines(fromlines, values) if redirect_output: with open(os.path.join(redirect_output, os.path.basename(fn)), 'w') as f: f.writelines(tolines) return None elif patch: relfn = os.path.relpath(fn, relpath) diff = difflib.unified_diff(fromlines, tolines, 'a/%s' % relfn, 'b/%s' % relfn) return diff else: with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.writelines(tolines) return None def localise_file_vars(fn, varfiles, varlist): """Given a list of variables and variable history (fetched with get_var_files()) find where each variable should be set/changed. This handles for example where a recipe includes an inc file where variables might be changed - in most cases we want to update the inc file when changing the variable value rather than adding it to the recipe itself. """ fndir = os.path.dirname(fn) + os.sep first_meta_file = None for v in meta_vars: f = varfiles.get(v, None) if f: actualdir = os.path.dirname(f) + os.sep if actualdir.startswith(fndir): first_meta_file = f break filevars = defaultdict(list) for v in varlist: f = varfiles[v] # Only return files that are in the same directory as the recipe or in some directory below there # (this excludes bbclass files and common inc files that wouldn't be appropriate to set the variable # in if we were going to set a value specific to this recipe) if f: actualfile = f else: # Variable isn't in a file, if it's one of the "meta" vars, use the first file with a meta var in it if first_meta_file: actualfile = first_meta_file else: actualfile = fn actualdir = os.path.dirname(actualfile) + os.sep if not actualdir.startswith(fndir): actualfile = fn filevars[actualfile].append(v) return filevars def patch_recipe(d, fn, varvalues, patch=False, relpath='', redirect_output=None): """Modify a list of variable values in the specified recipe. Handles inc files if used by the recipe. """ overrides = d.getVar('OVERRIDES').split(':') def override_applicable(hevent): op = hevent['op'] if '[' in op: opoverrides = op.split('[')[1].split(']')[0].split(':') for opoverride in opoverrides: if not opoverride in overrides: return False return True varlist = varvalues.keys() fn = os.path.abspath(fn) varfiles = get_var_files(fn, varlist, d) locs = localise_file_vars(fn, varfiles, varlist) patches = [] for f,v in locs.items(): vals = {k: varvalues[k] for k in v} f = os.path.abspath(f) if f == fn: extravals = {} for var, value in vals.items(): if var in list_vars: history = simplify_history(d.varhistory.variable(var), d) recipe_set = False for event in history: if os.path.abspath(event['file']) == fn: if event['op'] == 'set': recipe_set = True if not recipe_set: for event in history: if event['op'].startswith(':remove'): continue if not override_applicable(event): continue newvalue = value.replace(event['detail'], '') if newvalue == value and os.path.abspath(event['file']) == fn and event['op'].startswith(':'): op = event['op'].replace('[', ':').replace(']', '') extravals[var + op] = None value = newvalue vals[var] = ('+=', value) vals.update(extravals) patchdata = patch_recipe_file(f, vals, patch, relpath, redirect_output) if patch: patches.append(patchdata) if patch: return patches else: return None def copy_recipe_files(d, tgt_dir, whole_dir=False, download=True, all_variants=False): """Copy (local) recipe files, including both files included via include/require, and files referred to in the SRC_URI variable.""" import bb.fetch2 import oe.path # FIXME need a warning if the unexpanded SRC_URI value contains variable references uri_values = [] localpaths = [] def fetch_urls(rdata): # Collect the local paths from SRC_URI srcuri = rdata.getVar('SRC_URI') or "" if srcuri not in uri_values: fetch = bb.fetch2.Fetch(srcuri.split(), rdata) if download: fetch.download() for pth in fetch.localpaths(): if pth not in localpaths: localpaths.append(os.path.abspath(pth)) uri_values.append(srcuri) fetch_urls(d) if all_variants: # Get files for other variants e.g. in the case of a SRC_URI:append localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d) variants = (localdata.getVar('BBCLASSEXTEND') or '').split() if variants: # Ensure we handle class-target if we're dealing with one of the variants variants.append('target') for variant in variants: localdata.setVar('CLASSOVERRIDE', 'class-%s' % variant) fetch_urls(localdata) # Copy local files to target directory and gather any remote files bb_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(d.getVar('FILE'))) + os.sep remotes = [] copied = [] # Need to do this in two steps since we want to check against the absolute path includes = [os.path.abspath(path) for path in d.getVar('BBINCLUDED').split() if os.path.exists(path)] # We also check this below, but we don't want any items in this list being considered remotes includes = [path for path in includes if path.startswith(bb_dir)] for path in localpaths + includes: # Only import files that are under the meta directory if path.startswith(bb_dir): if not whole_dir: relpath = os.path.relpath(path, bb_dir) subdir = os.path.join(tgt_dir, os.path.dirname(relpath)) if not os.path.exists(subdir): os.makedirs(subdir) shutil.copy2(path, os.path.join(tgt_dir, relpath)) copied.append(relpath) else: remotes.append(path) # Simply copy whole meta dir, if requested if whole_dir: shutil.copytree(bb_dir, tgt_dir) return copied, remotes def get_recipe_local_files(d, patches=False, archives=False): """Get a list of local files in SRC_URI within a recipe.""" import oe.patch uris = (d.getVar('SRC_URI') or "").split() fetch = bb.fetch2.Fetch(uris, d) # FIXME this list should be factored out somewhere else (such as the # fetcher) though note that this only encompasses actual container formats # i.e. that can contain multiple files as opposed to those that only # contain a compressed stream (i.e. .tar.gz as opposed to just .gz) archive_exts = ['.tar', '.tgz', '.tar.gz', '.tar.Z', '.tbz', '.tbz2', '.tar.bz2', '.txz', '.tar.xz', '.tar.lz', '.zip', '.jar', '.rpm', '.srpm', '.deb', '.ipk', '.tar.7z', '.7z'] ret = {} for uri in uris: if fetch.ud[uri].type == 'file': if (not patches and oe.patch.patch_path(uri, fetch, '', expand=False)): continue # Skip files that are referenced by absolute path fname = fetch.ud[uri].basepath if os.path.isabs(fname): continue # Handle subdir= subdir = fetch.ud[uri].parm.get('subdir', '') if subdir: if os.path.isabs(subdir): continue fname = os.path.join(subdir, fname) localpath = fetch.localpath(uri) if not archives: # Ignore archives that will be unpacked if localpath.endswith(tuple(archive_exts)): unpack = fetch.ud[uri].parm.get('unpack', True) if unpack: continue if os.path.isdir(localpath): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(localpath): for fname in files: fileabspath = os.path.join(root,fname) srcdir = os.path.dirname(localpath) ret[os.path.relpath(fileabspath,srcdir)] = fileabspath else: ret[fname] = localpath return ret def get_recipe_patches(d): """Get a list of the patches included in SRC_URI within a recipe.""" import oe.patch patches = oe.patch.src_patches(d, expand=False) patchfiles = [] for patch in patches: _, _, local, _, _, parm = bb.fetch.decodeurl(patch) patchfiles.append(local) return patchfiles def get_recipe_patched_files(d): """ Get the list of patches for a recipe along with the files each patch modifies. Params: d: the datastore for the recipe Returns: a dict mapping patch file path to a list of tuples of changed files and change mode ('A' for add, 'D' for delete or 'M' for modify) """ import oe.patch patches = oe.patch.src_patches(d, expand=False) patchedfiles = {} for patch in patches: _, _, patchfile, _, _, parm = bb.fetch.decodeurl(patch) striplevel = int(parm['striplevel']) patchedfiles[patchfile] = oe.patch.PatchSet.getPatchedFiles(patchfile, striplevel, os.path.join(d.getVar('S'), parm.get('patchdir', ''))) return patchedfiles def validate_pn(pn): """Perform validation on a recipe name (PN) for a new recipe.""" reserved_names = ['forcevariable', 'append', 'prepend', 'remove'] if not re.match('^[0-9a-z-.+]+$', pn): return 'Recipe name "%s" is invalid: only characters 0-9, a-z, -, + and . are allowed' % pn elif pn in reserved_names: return 'Recipe name "%s" is invalid: is a reserved keyword' % pn elif pn.startswith('pn-'): return 'Recipe name "%s" is invalid: names starting with "pn-" are reserved' % pn elif pn.endswith(('.bb', '.bbappend', '.bbclass', '.inc', '.conf')): return 'Recipe name "%s" is invalid: should be just a name, not a file name' % pn return '' def get_bbfile_path(d, destdir, extrapathhint=None): """ Determine the correct path for a recipe within a layer Parameters: d: Recipe-specific datastore destdir: destination directory. Can be the path to the base of the layer or a partial path somewhere within the layer. extrapathhint: a path relative to the base of the layer to try """ import bb.cookerdata destdir = os.path.abspath(destdir) destlayerdir = find_layerdir(destdir) # Parse the specified layer's layer.conf file directly, in case the layer isn't in bblayers.conf confdata = d.createCopy() confdata.setVar('BBFILES', '') confdata.setVar('LAYERDIR', destlayerdir) destlayerconf = os.path.join(destlayerdir, "conf", "layer.conf") confdata = bb.cookerdata.parse_config_file(destlayerconf, confdata) pn = d.getVar('PN') # Parse BBFILES_DYNAMIC and append to BBFILES bbfiles_dynamic = (confdata.getVar('BBFILES_DYNAMIC') or "").split() collections = (confdata.getVar('BBFILE_COLLECTIONS') or "").split() invalid = [] for entry in bbfiles_dynamic: parts = entry.split(":", 1) if len(parts) != 2: invalid.append(entry) continue l, f = parts invert = l[0] == "!" if invert: l = l[1:] if (l in collections and not invert) or (l not in collections and invert): confdata.appendVar("BBFILES", " " + f) if invalid: return None bbfilespecs = (confdata.getVar('BBFILES') or '').split() if destdir == destlayerdir: for bbfilespec in bbfilespecs: if not bbfilespec.endswith('.bbappend'): for match in glob.glob(bbfilespec): splitext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(match)) if splitext[1] == '.bb': mpn = splitext[0].split('_')[0] if mpn == pn: return os.path.dirname(match) # Try to make up a path that matches BBFILES # this is a little crude, but better than nothing bpn = d.getVar('BPN') recipefn = os.path.basename(d.getVar('FILE')) pathoptions = [destdir] if extrapathhint: pathoptions.append(os.path.join(destdir, extrapathhint)) if destdir == destlayerdir: pathoptions.append(os.path.join(destdir, 'recipes-%s' % bpn, bpn)) pathoptions.append(os.path.join(destdir, 'recipes', bpn)) pathoptions.append(os.path.join(destdir, bpn)) elif not destdir.endswith(('/' + pn, '/' + bpn)): pathoptions.append(os.path.join(destdir, bpn)) closepath = '' for pathoption in pathoptions: bbfilepath = os.path.join(pathoption, 'test.bb') for bbfilespec in bbfilespecs: if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(bbfilepath, bbfilespec): return pathoption return None def get_bbappend_path(d, destlayerdir, wildcardver=False): """Determine how a bbappend for a recipe should be named and located within another layer""" import bb.cookerdata destlayerdir = os.path.abspath(destlayerdir) recipefile = d.getVar('FILE') recipefn = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(recipefile))[0] if wildcardver and '_' in recipefn: recipefn = recipefn.split('_', 1)[0] + '_%' appendfn = recipefn + '.bbappend' # Parse the specified layer's layer.conf file directly, in case the layer isn't in bblayers.conf confdata = d.createCopy() confdata.setVar('BBFILES', '') confdata.setVar('LAYERDIR', destlayerdir) destlayerconf = os.path.join(destlayerdir, "conf", "layer.conf") confdata = bb.cookerdata.parse_config_file(destlayerconf, confdata) origlayerdir = find_layerdir(recipefile) if not origlayerdir: return (None, False) # Now join this to the path where the bbappend is going and check if it is covered by BBFILES appendpath = os.path.join(destlayerdir, os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(recipefile), origlayerdir), appendfn) closepath = '' pathok = True for bbfilespec in confdata.getVar('BBFILES').split(): if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(appendpath, bbfilespec): # Our append path works, we're done break elif bbfilespec.startswith(destlayerdir) and fnmatch.fnmatchcase('test.bbappend', os.path.basename(bbfilespec)): # Try to find the longest matching path if len(bbfilespec) > len(closepath): closepath = bbfilespec else: # Unfortunately the bbappend layer and the original recipe's layer don't have the same structure if closepath: # bbappend layer's layer.conf at least has a spec that picks up .bbappend files # Now we just need to substitute out any wildcards appendsubdir = os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(closepath), destlayerdir) if 'recipes-*' in appendsubdir: # Try to copy this part from the original recipe path res = re.search('/recipes-[^/]+/', recipefile) if res: appendsubdir = appendsubdir.replace('/recipes-*/', res.group(0)) # This is crude, but we have to do something appendsubdir = appendsubdir.replace('*', recipefn.split('_')[0]) appendsubdir = appendsubdir.replace('?', 'a') appendpath = os.path.join(destlayerdir, appendsubdir, appendfn) else: pathok = False return (appendpath, pathok) def bbappend_recipe(rd, destlayerdir, srcfiles, install=None, wildcardver=False, machine=None, extralines=None, removevalues=None, redirect_output=None, params=None, update_original_recipe=False): """ Writes a bbappend file for a recipe Parameters: rd: data dictionary for the recipe destlayerdir: base directory of the layer to place the bbappend in (subdirectory path from there will be determined automatically) srcfiles: dict of source files to add to SRC_URI, where the key is the full path to the file to be added, and the value is a dict with following optional keys: path: the original filename as it would appear in SRC_URI or None if it isn't already present. patchdir: the patchdir parameter newname: the name to give to the new added file. None to use the default value: basename(path) You may pass None for this parameter if you simply want to specify your own content via the extralines parameter. install: dict mapping entries in srcfiles to a tuple of two elements: install path (*without* ${D} prefix) and permission value (as a string, e.g. '0644'). wildcardver: True to use a % wildcard in the bbappend filename, or False to make the bbappend specific to the recipe version. machine: If specified, make the changes in the bbappend specific to this machine. This will also cause PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE_ARCH}" to be added to the bbappend. extralines: Extra lines to add to the bbappend. This may be a dict of name value pairs, or simply a list of the lines. removevalues: Variable values to remove - a dict of names/values. redirect_output: If specified, redirects writing the output file to the specified directory (for dry-run purposes) params: Parameters to use when adding entries to SRC_URI. If specified, should be a list of dicts with the same length as srcfiles. update_original_recipe: Force to update the original recipe instead of creating/updating a bbapend. destlayerdir must contain the original recipe """ if not removevalues: removevalues = {} recipefile = rd.getVar('FILE') if update_original_recipe: if destlayerdir not in recipefile: bb.error("destlayerdir %s doesn't contain the original recipe (%s), cannot update it" % (destlayerdir, recipefile)) return (None, None) appendpath = recipefile else: # Determine how the bbappend should be named appendpath, pathok = get_bbappend_path(rd, destlayerdir, wildcardver) if not appendpath: bb.error('Unable to determine layer directory containing %s' % recipefile) return (None, None) if not pathok: bb.warn('Unable to determine correct subdirectory path for bbappend file - check that what %s adds to BBFILES also matches .bbappend files. Using %s for now, but until you fix this the bbappend will not be applied.' % (os.path.join(destlayerdir, 'conf', 'layer.conf'), os.path.dirname(appendpath))) appenddir = os.path.dirname(appendpath) if not redirect_output: bb.utils.mkdirhier(appenddir) # FIXME check if the bbappend doesn't get overridden by a higher priority layer? layerdirs = [os.path.abspath(layerdir) for layerdir in rd.getVar('BBLAYERS').split()] if not os.path.abspath(destlayerdir) in layerdirs: bb.warn('Specified layer is not currently enabled in bblayers.conf, you will need to add it before this bbappend will be active') bbappendlines = [] if extralines: if isinstance(extralines, dict): for name, value in extralines.items(): bbappendlines.append((name, '=', value)) else: # Do our best to split it for line in extralines: if line[-1] == '\n': line = line[:-1] splitline = line.split(None, 2) if len(splitline) == 3: bbappendlines.append(tuple(splitline)) else: raise Exception('Invalid extralines value passed') def popline(varname): for i in range(0, len(bbappendlines)): if bbappendlines[i][0] == varname: line = bbappendlines.pop(i) return line return None def appendline(varname, op, value): for i in range(0, len(bbappendlines)): item = bbappendlines[i] if item[0] == varname: bbappendlines[i] = (item[0], item[1], item[2] + ' ' + value) break else: bbappendlines.append((varname, op, value)) destsubdir = rd.getVar('PN') if not update_original_recipe and srcfiles: bbappendlines.append(('FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend', ':=', '${THISDIR}/${PN}:')) appendoverride = '' if machine: bbappendlines.append(('PACKAGE_ARCH', '=', '${MACHINE_ARCH}')) appendoverride = ':%s' % machine copyfiles = {} if srcfiles: instfunclines = [] for i, (newfile, param) in enumerate(srcfiles.items()): srcurientry = None if not 'path' in param or not param['path']: if 'newname' in param and param['newname']: srcfile = param['newname'] else: srcfile = os.path.basename(newfile) srcurientry = 'file://%s' % srcfile oldentry = None for uri in rd.getVar('SRC_URI').split(): if srcurientry in uri: oldentry = uri if params and params[i]: srcurientry = '%s;%s' % (srcurientry, ';'.join('%s=%s' % (k,v) for k,v in params[i].items())) # Double-check it's not there already # FIXME do we care if the entry is added by another bbappend that might go away? if not srcurientry in rd.getVar('SRC_URI').split(): if machine: if oldentry: appendline('SRC_URI:remove%s' % appendoverride, '=', ' ' + oldentry) appendline('SRC_URI:append%s' % appendoverride, '=', ' ' + srcurientry) else: if oldentry: if update_original_recipe: removevalues['SRC_URI'] = oldentry else: appendline('SRC_URI:remove', '=', oldentry) appendline('SRC_URI', '+=', srcurientry) param['path'] = srcfile else: srcfile = param['path'] copyfiles[newfile] = param if install: institem = install.pop(newfile, None) if institem: (destpath, perms) = institem instdestpath = replace_dir_vars(destpath, rd) instdirline = 'install -d ${D}%s' % os.path.dirname(instdestpath) if not instdirline in instfunclines: instfunclines.append(instdirline) instfunclines.append('install -m %s ${UNPACKDIR}/%s ${D}%s' % (perms, os.path.basename(srcfile), instdestpath)) if instfunclines: bbappendlines.append(('do_install:append%s()' % appendoverride, '', instfunclines)) if redirect_output: bb.note('Writing append file %s (dry-run)' % appendpath) outfile = os.path.join(redirect_output, os.path.basename(appendpath)) # Only take a copy if the file isn't already there (this function may be called # multiple times per operation when we're handling overrides) if os.path.exists(appendpath) and not os.path.exists(outfile): shutil.copy2(appendpath, outfile) elif update_original_recipe: outfile = recipefile else: bb.note('Writing append file %s' % appendpath) outfile = appendpath if os.path.exists(outfile): # Work around lack of nonlocal in python 2 extvars = {'destsubdir': destsubdir} def appendfile_varfunc(varname, origvalue, op, newlines): if varname == 'FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend': if origvalue.startswith('${THISDIR}/'): popline('FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend') extvars['destsubdir'] = rd.expand(origvalue.split('${THISDIR}/', 1)[1].rstrip(':')) elif varname == 'PACKAGE_ARCH': if machine: popline('PACKAGE_ARCH') return (machine, None, 4, False) elif varname.startswith('do_install:append'): func = popline(varname) if func: instfunclines = [line.strip() for line in origvalue.strip('\n').splitlines()] for line in func[2]: if not line in instfunclines: instfunclines.append(line) return (instfunclines, None, 4, False) else: splitval = split_var_value(origvalue, assignment=False) changed = False removevar = varname if varname in ['SRC_URI', 'SRC_URI:append%s' % appendoverride]: removevar = 'SRC_URI' line = popline(varname) if line: if line[2] not in splitval: splitval.append(line[2]) changed = True else: line = popline(varname) if line: splitval = [line[2]] changed = True if removevar in removevalues: remove = removevalues[removevar] if isinstance(remove, str): if remove in splitval: splitval.remove(remove) changed = True else: for removeitem in remove: if removeitem in splitval: splitval.remove(removeitem) changed = True if changed: newvalue = splitval if len(newvalue) == 1: # Ensure it's written out as one line if ':append' in varname: newvalue = ' ' + newvalue[0] else: newvalue = newvalue[0] if not newvalue and (op in ['+=', '.='] or ':append' in varname): # There's no point appending nothing newvalue = None if varname.endswith('()'): indent = 4 else: indent = -1 return (newvalue, None, indent, True) return (origvalue, None, 4, False) varnames = [item[0] for item in bbappendlines] if removevalues: varnames.extend(list(removevalues.keys())) with open(outfile, 'r') as f: (updated, newlines) = bb.utils.edit_metadata(f, varnames, appendfile_varfunc) destsubdir = extvars['destsubdir'] else: updated = False newlines = [] if bbappendlines: for line in bbappendlines: if line[0].endswith('()'): newlines.append('%s {\n %s\n}\n' % (line[0], '\n '.join(line[2]))) else: newlines.append('%s %s "%s"\n\n' % line) updated = True if updated: with open(outfile, 'w') as f: f.writelines(newlines) if copyfiles: if machine: destsubdir = os.path.join(destsubdir, machine) if redirect_output: outdir = redirect_output else: outdir = appenddir for newfile, param in copyfiles.items(): srcfile = param['path'] patchdir = param.get('patchdir', ".") if patchdir != ".": newfile = os.path.join(os.path.split(newfile)[0], patchdir, os.path.split(newfile)[1]) filedest = os.path.join(outdir, destsubdir, os.path.basename(srcfile)) if os.path.abspath(newfile) != os.path.abspath(filedest): if newfile.startswith(tempfile.gettempdir()): newfiledisp = os.path.basename(newfile) else: newfiledisp = newfile if redirect_output: bb.note('Copying %s to %s (dry-run)' % (newfiledisp, os.path.join(appenddir, destsubdir, os.path.basename(srcfile)))) else: bb.note('Copying %s to %s' % (newfiledisp, filedest)) bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(filedest)) shutil.copyfile(newfile, filedest) return (appendpath, os.path.join(appenddir, destsubdir)) def find_layerdir(fn): """ Figure out the path to the base of the layer containing a file (e.g. a recipe)""" pth = os.path.abspath(fn) layerdir = '' while pth: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pth, 'conf', 'layer.conf')): layerdir = pth break pth = os.path.dirname(pth) if pth == '/': return None return layerdir def replace_dir_vars(path, d): """Replace common directory paths with appropriate variable references (e.g. /etc becomes ${sysconfdir})""" dirvars = {} # Sort by length so we get the variables we're interested in first for var in sorted(list(d.keys()), key=len): if var.endswith('dir') and var.lower() == var: value = d.getVar(var) if value.startswith('/') and not '\n' in value and value not in dirvars: dirvars[value] = var for dirpath in sorted(list(dirvars.keys()), reverse=True): path = path.replace(dirpath, '${%s}' % dirvars[dirpath]) return path def get_recipe_pv_with_pfx_sfx(pv, uri_type): """ Get PV separating prefix and suffix components. Returns tuple with pv, prefix and suffix. """ pfx = '' sfx = '' if uri_type == 'git': git_regex = re.compile(r"(?Pv?)(?P.*?)(?P\+[^\+]*(git)?r?(AUTOINC\+)?)(?P.*)") m = git_regex.match(pv) if m: pv = m.group('ver') pfx = m.group('pfx') sfx = m.group('sfx') else: regex = re.compile(r"(?P(v|r)?)(?P.*)") m = regex.match(pv) if m: pv = m.group('ver') pfx = m.group('pfx') return (pv, pfx, sfx) def get_recipe_upstream_version(rd): """ Get upstream version of recipe using bb.fetch2 methods with support for http, https, ftp and git. bb.fetch2 exceptions can be raised, FetchError when don't have network access or upstream site don't response. NoMethodError when uri latest_versionstring method isn't implemented. Returns a dictonary with version, repository revision, current_version, type and datetime. Type can be A for Automatic, M for Manual and U for Unknown. """ from bb.fetch2 import decodeurl from datetime import datetime ru = {} ru['current_version'] = rd.getVar('PV') ru['version'] = '' ru['type'] = 'U' ru['datetime'] = '' ru['revision'] = '' # XXX: If don't have SRC_URI means that don't have upstream sources so # returns the current recipe version, so that upstream version check # declares a match. src_uris = rd.getVar('SRC_URI') if not src_uris: ru['version'] = ru['current_version'] ru['type'] = 'M' ru['datetime'] = datetime.now() return ru # XXX: we suppose that the first entry points to the upstream sources src_uri = src_uris.split()[0] uri_type, _, _, _, _, _ = decodeurl(src_uri) (pv, pfx, sfx) = get_recipe_pv_with_pfx_sfx(rd.getVar('PV'), uri_type) ru['current_version'] = pv manual_upstream_version = rd.getVar("RECIPE_UPSTREAM_VERSION") if manual_upstream_version: # manual tracking of upstream version. ru['version'] = manual_upstream_version ru['type'] = 'M' manual_upstream_date = rd.getVar("CHECK_DATE") if manual_upstream_date: date = datetime.strptime(manual_upstream_date, "%b %d, %Y") else: date = datetime.now() ru['datetime'] = date elif uri_type == "file": # files are always up-to-date ru['version'] = pv ru['type'] = 'A' ru['datetime'] = datetime.now() else: ud = bb.fetch2.FetchData(src_uri, rd) if rd.getVar("UPSTREAM_CHECK_COMMITS") == "1": bb.fetch2.get_srcrev(rd) revision = ud.method.latest_revision(ud, rd, 'default') upversion = pv if revision != rd.getVar("SRCREV"): upversion = upversion + "-new-commits-available" else: pupver = ud.method.latest_versionstring(ud, rd) (upversion, revision) = pupver if upversion: ru['version'] = upversion ru['type'] = 'A' if revision: ru['revision'] = revision ru['datetime'] = datetime.now() return ru def _get_recipe_upgrade_status(data): uv = get_recipe_upstream_version(data) pn = data.getVar('PN') cur_ver = uv['current_version'] upstream_version_unknown = data.getVar('UPSTREAM_VERSION_UNKNOWN') if not uv['version']: status = "UNKNOWN" if upstream_version_unknown else "UNKNOWN_BROKEN" else: cmp = vercmp_string(uv['current_version'], uv['version']) if cmp == -1: status = "UPDATE" if not upstream_version_unknown else "KNOWN_BROKEN" elif cmp == 0: status = "MATCH" if not upstream_version_unknown else "KNOWN_BROKEN" else: status = "UNKNOWN" if upstream_version_unknown else "UNKNOWN_BROKEN" next_ver = uv['version'] if uv['version'] else "N/A" revision = uv['revision'] if uv['revision'] else "N/A" maintainer = data.getVar('RECIPE_MAINTAINER') no_upgrade_reason = data.getVar('RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON') return (pn, status, cur_ver, next_ver, maintainer, revision, no_upgrade_reason) def get_recipe_upgrade_status(recipes=None): pkgs_list = [] data_copy_list = [] copy_vars = ('SRC_URI', 'PV', 'DL_DIR', 'PN', 'CACHE', 'PERSISTENT_DIR', 'BB_URI_HEADREVS', 'UPSTREAM_CHECK_COMMITS', 'UPSTREAM_CHECK_GITTAGREGEX', 'UPSTREAM_CHECK_REGEX', 'UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI', 'UPSTREAM_VERSION_UNKNOWN', 'RECIPE_MAINTAINER', 'RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON', 'RECIPE_UPSTREAM_VERSION', 'RECIPE_UPSTREAM_DATE', 'CHECK_DATE', 'FETCHCMD_bzr', 'FETCHCMD_ccrc', 'FETCHCMD_cvs', 'FETCHCMD_git', 'FETCHCMD_hg', 'FETCHCMD_npm', 'FETCHCMD_osc', 'FETCHCMD_p4', 'FETCHCMD_repo', 'FETCHCMD_s3', 'FETCHCMD_svn', 'FETCHCMD_wget', ) with bb.tinfoil.Tinfoil() as tinfoil: tinfoil.prepare(config_only=False) if not recipes: recipes = tinfoil.all_recipe_files(variants=False) for fn in recipes: try: if fn.startswith("/"): data = tinfoil.parse_recipe_file(fn) else: data = tinfoil.parse_recipe(fn) except bb.providers.NoProvider: bb.note(" No provider for %s" % fn) continue unreliable = data.getVar('UPSTREAM_CHECK_UNRELIABLE') if unreliable == "1": bb.note(" Skip package %s as upstream check unreliable" % pn) continue data_copy = bb.data.init() for var in copy_vars: data_copy.setVar(var, data.getVar(var)) for k in data: if k.startswith('SRCREV'): data_copy.setVar(k, data.getVar(k)) data_copy_list.append(data_copy) from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=utils.cpu_count()) as executor: pkgs_list = executor.map(_get_recipe_upgrade_status, data_copy_list) return pkgs_list