# # Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # SPDX_VERSION ??= "" DEPLOY_DIR_SPDX ??= "${DEPLOY_DIR}/spdx/${SPDX_VERSION}" # The product name that the CVE database uses. Defaults to BPN, but may need to # be overriden per recipe (for example tiff.bb sets CVE_PRODUCT=libtiff). CVE_PRODUCT ??= "${BPN}" CVE_VERSION ??= "${PV}" SPDXDIR ??= "${WORKDIR}/spdx/${SPDX_VERSION}" SPDXDEPLOY = "${SPDXDIR}/deploy" SPDXWORK = "${SPDXDIR}/work" SPDXIMAGEWORK = "${SPDXDIR}/image-work" SPDXSDKWORK = "${SPDXDIR}/sdk-work" SPDXSDKEXTWORK = "${SPDXDIR}/sdk-ext-work" SPDXDEPS = "${SPDXDIR}/deps.json" SPDX_TOOL_NAME ??= "oe-spdx-creator" SPDX_TOOL_VERSION ??= "1.0" SPDXRUNTIMEDEPLOY = "${SPDXDIR}/runtime-deploy" SPDX_INCLUDE_SOURCES ??= "0" SPDX_ARCHIVE_SOURCES ??= "0" SPDX_ARCHIVE_PACKAGED ??= "0" SPDX_UUID_NAMESPACE ??= "sbom.openembedded.org" SPDX_NAMESPACE_PREFIX ??= "http://spdx.org/spdxdocs" SPDX_PRETTY ??= "0" SPDX_LICENSES ??= "${COREBASE}/meta/files/spdx-licenses.json" SPDX_CUSTOM_ANNOTATION_VARS ??= "" SPDX_MULTILIB_SSTATE_ARCHS ??= "${SSTATE_ARCHS}" python do_collect_spdx_deps() { # This task calculates the build time dependencies of the recipe, and is # required because while a task can deptask on itself, those dependencies # do not show up in BB_TASKDEPDATA. To work around that, this task does the # deptask on do_create_spdx and writes out the dependencies it finds, then # do_create_spdx reads in the found dependencies when writing the actual # SPDX document import json import oe.spdx_common from pathlib import Path spdx_deps_file = Path(d.getVar("SPDXDEPS")) deps = oe.spdx_common.collect_direct_deps(d, "do_create_spdx") with spdx_deps_file.open("w") as f: json.dump(deps, f) } # NOTE: depending on do_unpack is a hack that is necessary to get it's dependencies for archive the source addtask do_collect_spdx_deps after do_unpack do_collect_spdx_deps[depends] += "${PATCHDEPENDENCY}" do_collect_spdx_deps[deptask] = "do_create_spdx" do_collect_spdx_deps[dirs] = "${SPDXDIR}" oe.spdx_common.collect_direct_deps[vardepsexclude] += "BB_TASKDEPDATA" oe.spdx_common.collect_direct_deps[vardeps] += "DEPENDS" oe.spdx_common.collect_package_providers[vardepsexclude] += "BB_TASKDEPDATA" oe.spdx_common.get_patched_src[vardepsexclude] += "STAGING_KERNEL_DIR"