SUMMARY:${PN}-ptest ?= "${SUMMARY} - Package test files" DESCRIPTION:${PN}-ptest ?= "${DESCRIPTION} \ This package contains a test directory ${PTEST_PATH} for package test purposes." PTEST_PATH ?= "${libdir}/${BPN}/ptest" PTEST_BUILD_HOST_FILES ?= "Makefile" PTEST_BUILD_HOST_PATTERN ?= "" FILES:${PN}-ptest += "${PTEST_PATH}" SECTION:${PN}-ptest = "devel" ALLOW_EMPTY:${PN}-ptest = "1" PTEST_ENABLED = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ptest', '1', '0', d)}" PTEST_ENABLED:class-native = "" PTEST_ENABLED:class-nativesdk = "" PTEST_ENABLED:class-cross-canadian = "" RDEPENDS:${PN}-ptest += "${PN}" RDEPENDS:${PN}-ptest:class-native = "" RDEPENDS:${PN}-ptest:class-nativesdk = "" RRECOMMENDS:${PN}-ptest += "ptest-runner" PACKAGES =+ "${@bb.utils.contains('PTEST_ENABLED', '1', '${PN}-ptest', '', d)}" require conf/distro/include/ do_configure_ptest() { : } do_configure_ptest_base() { do_configure_ptest } do_compile_ptest() { : } do_compile_ptest_base() { do_compile_ptest } do_install_ptest() { : } do_install_ptest_base() { if [ -f ${WORKDIR}/run-ptest ]; then install -D ${WORKDIR}/run-ptest ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/run-ptest fi if grep -q install-ptest: Makefile; then oe_runmake DESTDIR=${D}${PTEST_PATH} install-ptest fi do_install_ptest chown -R root:root ${D}${PTEST_PATH} # Strip build host paths from any installed Makefile for filename in ${PTEST_BUILD_HOST_FILES}; do for installed_ptest_file in $(find ${D}${PTEST_PATH} -type f -name $filename); do bbnote "Stripping host paths from: $installed_ptest_file" sed -e 's#${HOSTTOOLS_DIR}/*##g' \ -e 's#${WORKDIR}/*=#.=#g' \ -e 's#${WORKDIR}/*##g' \ -i $installed_ptest_file if [ -n "${PTEST_BUILD_HOST_PATTERN}" ]; then sed -E '/${PTEST_BUILD_HOST_PATTERN}/d' \ -i $installed_ptest_file fi done done } PTEST_BINDIR_PKGD_PATH = "${PKGD}${PTEST_PATH}/bin" # This function needs to run after apply_update_alternative_renames because the # aforementioned function will update the ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME flag. Append is # used here to make this function to run as late as possible. PACKAGE_PREPROCESS_FUNCS:append = "${@bb.utils.contains('PTEST_BINDIR', '1', \ bb.utils.contains('PTEST_ENABLED', '1', ' ptest_update_alternatives', '', d), '', d)}" python ptest_update_alternatives() { """ This function will generate the symlinks in the PTEST_BINDIR_PKGD_PATH to match the renamed binaries by update-alternatives. """ if not'update-alternatives', d) \ or not update_alternatives_enabled(d): return bb.note("Generating symlinks for ptest") bin_paths = { d.getVar("bindir"), d.getVar("base_bindir"), d.getVar("sbindir"), d.getVar("base_sbindir") } ptest_bindir = d.getVar("PTEST_BINDIR_PKGD_PATH") os.mkdir(ptest_bindir) for pkg in (d.getVar('PACKAGES') or "").split(): alternatives = update_alternatives_alt_targets(d, pkg) for alt_name, alt_link, alt_target, _ in alternatives: # Some alternatives are for man pages, # check if the alternative is in PATH if os.path.dirname(alt_link) in bin_paths: os.symlink(alt_target, os.path.join(ptest_bindir, alt_name)) } do_configure_ptest_base[dirs] = "${B}" do_compile_ptest_base[dirs] = "${B}" do_install_ptest_base[dirs] = "${B}" do_install_ptest_base[cleandirs] = "${D}${PTEST_PATH}" addtask configure_ptest_base after do_configure before do_compile addtask compile_ptest_base after do_compile before do_install addtask install_ptest_base after do_install before do_package do_populate_sysroot python () { if not'native', d) and not'cross', d): d.setVarFlag('do_install_ptest_base', 'fakeroot', '1') d.setVarFlag('do_install_ptest_base', 'umask', '022') # Remove all '*ptest_base' tasks when ptest is not enabled if not(d.getVar('PTEST_ENABLED') == "1"): for i in ['do_configure_ptest_base', 'do_compile_ptest_base', 'do_install_ptest_base']:, d) } QARECIPETEST[missing-ptest] = "package_qa_check_missing_ptest" def package_qa_check_missing_ptest(pn, d, messages): # This checks that ptest package is actually included # in standard oe-core ptest images - only for oe-core recipes if not 'meta/recipes' in d.getVar('FILE') or not(d.getVar('PTEST_ENABLED') == "1"): return enabled_ptests = " ".join([d.getVar('PTESTS_FAST'), d.getVar('PTESTS_SLOW'), d.getVar('PTESTS_PROBLEMS')]).split() if (pn + "-ptest").replace(d.getVar('MLPREFIX'), '') not in enabled_ptests: package_qa_handle_error("missing-ptest", "supports ptests but is not included in oe-core's", d)