# Debian package renaming only occurs when a package is built # We therefore have to make sure we build all runtime packages # before building the current package to make the packages runtime # depends are correct # # Custom library package names can be defined setting # DEBIANNAME_ + pkgname to the desired name. # # Better expressed as ensure all RDEPENDS package before we package # This means we can't have circular RDEPENDS/RRECOMMENDS AUTO_LIBNAME_PKGS = "${PACKAGES}" inherit package DEBIANRDEP = "do_packagedata" do_package_write_ipk[rdeptask] = "${DEBIANRDEP}" do_package_write_deb[rdeptask] = "${DEBIANRDEP}" do_package_write_tar[rdeptask] = "${DEBIANRDEP}" do_package_write_rpm[rdeptask] = "${DEBIANRDEP}" python () { if not d.getVar("PACKAGES"): d.setVar("DEBIANRDEP", "") } python debian_package_name_hook () { import glob, copy, stat, errno, re, pathlib pkgdest = d.getVar("PKGDEST") packages = d.getVar('PACKAGES') so_re = re.compile("lib.*\.so") def socrunch(s): s = s.lower().replace('_', '-') m = re.match("^(.*)(.)\.so\.(.*)$", s) if m is None: return None if m.group(2) in '0123456789': bin = '%s%s-%s' % (m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)) else: bin = m.group(1) + m.group(2) + m.group(3) dev = m.group(1) + m.group(2) return (bin, dev) def isexec(path): try: s = os.stat(path) except (os.error, AttributeError): return 0 return (s[stat.ST_MODE] & stat.S_IEXEC) def add_rprovides(pkg, d): newpkg = d.getVar('PKG_' + pkg) if newpkg and newpkg != pkg: provs = (d.getVar('RPROVIDES_' + pkg) or "").split() if pkg not in provs: d.appendVar('RPROVIDES_' + pkg, " " + pkg + " (=" + d.getVar("PKGV") + ")") def auto_libname(packages, orig_pkg): p = lambda var: pathlib.PurePath(d.getVar(var)) libdirs = (p("base_libdir"), p("libdir")) bindirs = (p("base_bindir"), p("base_sbindir"), p("bindir"), p("sbindir")) sonames = [] has_bins = 0 has_libs = 0 for f in pkgfiles[orig_pkg]: # This is .../packages-split/orig_pkg/ pkgpath = pathlib.PurePath(pkgdest, orig_pkg) # Strip pkgpath off the full path to a file in the package, re-root # so it is absolute, and then get the parent directory of the file. path = pathlib.PurePath("/") / (pathlib.PurePath(f).relative_to(pkgpath).parent) if path in bindirs: has_bins = 1 if path in libdirs: has_libs = 1 if so_re.match(os.path.basename(f)): cmd = (d.getVar('TARGET_PREFIX') or "") + "objdump -p " + f + " 2>/dev/null" fd = os.popen(cmd) lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for l in lines: m = re.match("\s+SONAME\s+([^\s]*)", l) if m and not m.group(1) in sonames: sonames.append(m.group(1)) bb.debug(1, 'LIBNAMES: pkg %s libs %d bins %d sonames %s' % (orig_pkg, has_libs, has_bins, sonames)) soname = None if len(sonames) == 1: soname = sonames[0] elif len(sonames) > 1: lead = d.getVar('LEAD_SONAME') if lead: r = re.compile(lead) filtered = [] for s in sonames: if r.match(s): filtered.append(s) if len(filtered) == 1: soname = filtered[0] elif len(filtered) > 1: bb.note("Multiple matches (%s) for LEAD_SONAME '%s'" % (", ".join(filtered), lead)) else: bb.note("Multiple libraries (%s) found, but LEAD_SONAME '%s' doesn't match any of them" % (", ".join(sonames), lead)) else: bb.note("Multiple libraries (%s) found and LEAD_SONAME not defined" % ", ".join(sonames)) if has_libs and not has_bins and soname: soname_result = socrunch(soname) if soname_result: (pkgname, devname) = soname_result for pkg in packages.split(): if (d.getVar('PKG_' + pkg, False) or d.getVar('DEBIAN_NOAUTONAME_' + pkg, False)): add_rprovides(pkg, d) continue debian_pn = d.getVar('DEBIANNAME_' + pkg, False) if debian_pn: newpkg = debian_pn elif pkg == orig_pkg: newpkg = pkgname else: newpkg = pkg.replace(orig_pkg, devname, 1) mlpre=d.getVar('MLPREFIX') if mlpre: if not newpkg.find(mlpre) == 0: newpkg = mlpre + newpkg if newpkg != pkg: bb.note("debian: renaming %s to %s" % (pkg, newpkg)) d.setVar('PKG_' + pkg, newpkg) add_rprovides(pkg, d) else: add_rprovides(orig_pkg, d) # reversed sort is needed when some package is substring of another # ie in ncurses we get without reverse sort: # DEBUG: LIBNAMES: pkgname libtic5 devname libtic pkg ncurses-libtic orig_pkg ncurses-libtic debian_pn None newpkg libtic5 # and later # DEBUG: LIBNAMES: pkgname libtic5 devname libtic pkg ncurses-libticw orig_pkg ncurses-libtic debian_pn None newpkg libticw # so we need to handle ncurses-libticw->libticw5 before ncurses-libtic->libtic5 for pkg in sorted((d.getVar('AUTO_LIBNAME_PKGS') or "").split(), reverse=True): auto_libname(packages, pkg) } EXPORT_FUNCTIONS package_name_hook DEBIAN_NAMES = "1"