# # Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors # # Filter the license, the copyleft_should_include returns True for the # COPYLEFT_LICENSE_INCLUDE recipe, and False for the # COPYLEFT_LICENSE_EXCLUDE. # # By default, includes all GPL and LGPL, and excludes CLOSED and Proprietary. COPYLEFT_LICENSE_INCLUDE ?= 'GPL* LGPL* AGPL*' COPYLEFT_LICENSE_INCLUDE[type] = 'list' COPYLEFT_LICENSE_INCLUDE[doc] = 'Space separated list of globs which include licenses' COPYLEFT_LICENSE_EXCLUDE ?= 'CLOSED Proprietary' COPYLEFT_LICENSE_EXCLUDE[type] = 'list' COPYLEFT_LICENSE_EXCLUDE[doc] = 'Space separated list of globs which exclude licenses' COPYLEFT_RECIPE_TYPE ?= '${@copyleft_recipe_type(d)}' COPYLEFT_RECIPE_TYPE[doc] = 'The "type" of the current recipe (e.g. target, native, cross)' COPYLEFT_RECIPE_TYPES ?= 'target' COPYLEFT_RECIPE_TYPES[type] = 'list' COPYLEFT_RECIPE_TYPES[doc] = 'Space separated list of recipe types to include' COPYLEFT_AVAILABLE_RECIPE_TYPES = 'target native nativesdk cross crosssdk cross-canadian' COPYLEFT_AVAILABLE_RECIPE_TYPES[type] = 'list' COPYLEFT_AVAILABLE_RECIPE_TYPES[doc] = 'Space separated list of available recipe types' COPYLEFT_PN_INCLUDE ?= '' COPYLEFT_PN_INCLUDE[type] = 'list' COPYLEFT_PN_INCLUDE[doc] = 'Space separated list of recipe names to include' COPYLEFT_PN_EXCLUDE ?= '' COPYLEFT_PN_EXCLUDE[type] = 'list' COPYLEFT_PN_EXCLUDE[doc] = 'Space separated list of recipe names to exclude' def copyleft_recipe_type(d): for recipe_type in oe.data.typed_value('COPYLEFT_AVAILABLE_RECIPE_TYPES', d): if oe.utils.inherits(d, recipe_type): return recipe_type return 'target' def copyleft_should_include(d): """ Determine if this recipe's sources should be deployed for compliance """ import ast import oe.license from fnmatch import fnmatchcase as fnmatch recipe_type = d.getVar('COPYLEFT_RECIPE_TYPE') if recipe_type not in oe.data.typed_value('COPYLEFT_RECIPE_TYPES', d): included, motive = False, 'recipe type "%s" is excluded' % recipe_type else: included, motive = False, 'recipe did not match anything' include = oe.data.typed_value('COPYLEFT_LICENSE_INCLUDE', d) exclude = oe.data.typed_value('COPYLEFT_LICENSE_EXCLUDE', d) try: is_included, reason = oe.license.is_included(d.getVar('LICENSE'), include, exclude) except oe.license.LicenseError as exc: bb.fatal('%s: %s' % (d.getVar('PF'), exc)) else: if is_included: if reason: included, motive = True, 'recipe has included licenses: %s' % ', '.join(reason) else: included, motive = False, 'recipe does not include a copyleft license' else: included, motive = False, 'recipe has excluded licenses: %s' % ', '.join(reason) if any(fnmatch(d.getVar('PN'), name) \ for name in oe.data.typed_value('COPYLEFT_PN_INCLUDE', d)): included, motive = True, 'recipe included by name' if any(fnmatch(d.getVar('PN'), name) \ for name in oe.data.typed_value('COPYLEFT_PN_EXCLUDE', d)): included, motive = False, 'recipe excluded by name' return included, motive