# returns all the elements from the src uri that are .cfg files def find_cfgs(d): sources=src_patches(d, True) sources_list=[] for s in sources: if s.endswith('.cfg'): sources_list.append(s) return sources_list cml1_do_configure() { set -e unset CFLAGS CPPFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS yes '' | oe_runmake oldconfig } EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_configure addtask configure after do_unpack do_patch before do_compile inherit terminal OE_TERMINAL_EXPORTS += "HOST_EXTRACFLAGS HOSTLDFLAGS TERMINFO CROSS_CURSES_LIB CROSS_CURSES_INC" HOST_EXTRACFLAGS = "${BUILD_CFLAGS} ${BUILD_LDFLAGS}" HOSTLDFLAGS = "${BUILD_LDFLAGS}" CROSS_CURSES_LIB = "-lncurses -ltinfo" CROSS_CURSES_INC = '-DCURSES_LOC=""' TERMINFO = "${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/terminfo" KCONFIG_CONFIG_COMMAND ??= "menuconfig" python do_menuconfig() { import shutil try: mtime = os.path.getmtime(".config") shutil.copy(".config", ".config.orig") except OSError: mtime = 0 # setup native pkg-config variables (kconfig scripts call pkg-config directly, cannot generically be overriden to pkg-config-native) d.setVar("PKG_CONFIG_DIR", "${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${libdir_native}/pkgconfig") d.setVar("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "${PKG_CONFIG_DIR}:${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/pkgconfig") d.setVar("PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR", "${PKG_CONFIG_DIR}") d.setVarFlag("PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR", "unexport", "1") # ensure that environment variables are overwritten with this tasks 'd' values d.appendVar("OE_TERMINAL_EXPORTS", " PKG_CONFIG_DIR PKG_CONFIG_PATH PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR") oe_terminal("sh -c \"make %s; if [ \\$? -ne 0 ]; then echo 'Command failed.'; printf 'Press any key to continue... '; read r; fi\"" % d.getVar('KCONFIG_CONFIG_COMMAND'), d.getVar('PN') + ' Configuration', d) # FIXME this check can be removed when the minimum bitbake version has been bumped if hasattr(bb.build, 'write_taint'): try: newmtime = os.path.getmtime(".config") except OSError: newmtime = 0 if newmtime > mtime: bb.note("Configuration changed, recompile will be forced") bb.build.write_taint('do_compile', d) } do_menuconfig[depends] += "ncurses-native:do_populate_sysroot" do_menuconfig[nostamp] = "1" do_menuconfig[dirs] = "${B}" addtask menuconfig after do_configure python do_diffconfig() { import shutil import subprocess workdir = d.getVar('WORKDIR') fragment = workdir + '/fragment.cfg' configorig = '.config.orig' config = '.config' try: md5newconfig = bb.utils.md5_file(configorig) md5config = bb.utils.md5_file(config) isdiff = md5newconfig != md5config except IOError as e: bb.fatal("No config files found. Did you do menuconfig ?\n%s" % e) if isdiff: statement = 'diff --unchanged-line-format= --old-line-format= --new-line-format="%L" ' + configorig + ' ' + config + '>' + fragment subprocess.call(statement, shell=True) # No need to check the exit code as we know it's going to be # non-zero, but that's what we expect. shutil.copy(configorig, config) bb.plain("Config fragment has been dumped into:\n %s" % fragment) else: if os.path.exists(fragment): os.unlink(fragment) } do_diffconfig[nostamp] = "1" do_diffconfig[dirs] = "${B}" addtask diffconfig