# # Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # inherit goarch inherit linuxloader GO_PARALLEL_BUILD ?= "${@oe.utils.parallel_make_argument(d, '-p %d')}" export GODEBUG = "gocachehash=1" GOROOT:class-native = "${STAGING_LIBDIR_NATIVE}/go" GOROOT:class-nativesdk = "${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${libdir}/go" GOROOT = "${STAGING_LIBDIR}/go" export GOROOT export GOROOT_FINAL = "${libdir}/go" export GOCACHE = "${B}/.cache" export GOARCH = "${TARGET_GOARCH}" export GOOS = "${TARGET_GOOS}" export GOHOSTARCH = "${BUILD_GOARCH}" export GOHOSTOS = "${BUILD_GOOS}" GOARM[export] = "0" GOARM:arm:class-target = "${TARGET_GOARM}" GOARM:arm:class-target[export] = "1" GO386[export] = "0" GO386:x86:class-target = "${TARGET_GO386}" GO386:x86:class-target[export] = "1" GOMIPS[export] = "0" GOMIPS:mips:class-target = "${TARGET_GOMIPS}" GOMIPS:mips:class-target[export] = "1" DEPENDS_GOLANG:class-target = "virtual/${TUNE_PKGARCH}-go virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}go-runtime" DEPENDS_GOLANG:class-native = "go-native" DEPENDS_GOLANG:class-nativesdk = "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}go virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}go-runtime" DEPENDS:append = " ${DEPENDS_GOLANG}" GO_LINKSHARED ?= "${@'-linkshared' if d.getVar('GO_DYNLINK') else ''}" GO_RPATH_LINK = "${@'-Wl,-rpath-link=${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${libdir}/go/pkg/${TARGET_GOTUPLE}_dynlink' if d.getVar('GO_DYNLINK') else ''}" GO_RPATH = "${@'-r ${libdir}/go/pkg/${TARGET_GOTUPLE}_dynlink' if d.getVar('GO_DYNLINK') else ''}" GO_RPATH:class-native = "${@'-r ${STAGING_LIBDIR_NATIVE}/go/pkg/${TARGET_GOTUPLE}_dynlink' if d.getVar('GO_DYNLINK') else ''}" GO_RPATH_LINK:class-native = "${@'-Wl,-rpath-link=${STAGING_LIBDIR_NATIVE}/go/pkg/${TARGET_GOTUPLE}_dynlink' if d.getVar('GO_DYNLINK') else ''}" GO_EXTLDFLAGS ?= "${HOST_CC_ARCH}${TOOLCHAIN_OPTIONS} ${GO_RPATH_LINK} ${LDFLAGS}" GO_LINKMODE ?= "" GO_EXTRA_LDFLAGS ?= "" GO_LINUXLOADER ?= "-I ${@get_linuxloader(d)}" # Use system loader. If uninative is used, the uninative loader will be patched automatically GO_LINUXLOADER:class-native = "" GO_LDFLAGS ?= '-ldflags="${GO_RPATH} ${GO_LINKMODE} ${GO_LINUXLOADER} ${GO_EXTRA_LDFLAGS} -extldflags '${GO_EXTLDFLAGS}'"' export GOBUILDFLAGS ?= "-v ${GO_LDFLAGS} -trimpath" export GOPATH_OMIT_IN_ACTIONID ?= "1" export GOPTESTBUILDFLAGS ?= "${GOBUILDFLAGS} -c" export GOPTESTFLAGS ?= "" GOBUILDFLAGS:prepend:task-compile = "${GO_PARALLEL_BUILD} " export GO = "${HOST_PREFIX}go" GOTOOLDIR = "${STAGING_LIBDIR_NATIVE}/${TARGET_SYS}/go/pkg/tool/${BUILD_GOTUPLE}" GOTOOLDIR:class-native = "${STAGING_LIBDIR_NATIVE}/go/pkg/tool/${BUILD_GOTUPLE}" export GOTOOLDIR export CGO_ENABLED ?= "1" export CGO_CFLAGS ?= "${CFLAGS}" export CGO_CPPFLAGS ?= "${CPPFLAGS}" export CGO_CXXFLAGS ?= "${CXXFLAGS}" export CGO_LDFLAGS ?= "${LDFLAGS}" GO_INSTALL ?= "${GO_IMPORT}/..." GO_INSTALL_FILTEROUT ?= "${GO_IMPORT}/vendor/" B = "${WORKDIR}/build" export GOPATH = "${B}" export GOENV = "off" export GOPROXY ??= "https://proxy.golang.org,direct" export GOTMPDIR ?= "${WORKDIR}/build-tmp" GOTMPDIR[vardepvalue] = "" GO_SRCURI_DESTSUFFIX = "${@os.path.join(os.path.basename(d.getVar('S')), 'src', d.getVar('GO_IMPORT')) + '/'}" go_list_packages() { ${GO} list -f '{{.ImportPath}}' ${GOBUILDFLAGS} ${GO_INSTALL} | \ egrep -v '${GO_INSTALL_FILTEROUT}' } go_list_package_tests() { ${GO} list -f '{{.ImportPath}} {{.TestGoFiles}}' ${GOBUILDFLAGS} ${GO_INSTALL} | \ grep -v '\[\]$' | \ egrep -v '${GO_INSTALL_FILTEROUT}' | \ awk '{ print $1 }' } go_do_configure() { ln -snf ${S}/src ${B}/ } do_configure[dirs] =+ "${GOTMPDIR}" go_do_compile() { export TMPDIR="${GOTMPDIR}" if [ -n "${GO_INSTALL}" ]; then if [ -n "${GO_LINKSHARED}" ]; then ${GO} install ${GOBUILDFLAGS} `go_list_packages` rm -rf ${B}/bin fi ${GO} install ${GO_LINKSHARED} ${GOBUILDFLAGS} `go_list_packages` fi } do_compile[dirs] =+ "${GOTMPDIR}" do_compile[cleandirs] = "${B}/bin ${B}/pkg" go_do_install() { install -d ${D}${libdir}/go/src/${GO_IMPORT} tar -C ${S}/src/${GO_IMPORT} -cf - --exclude-vcs --exclude '*.test' --exclude 'testdata' . | \ tar -C ${D}${libdir}/go/src/${GO_IMPORT} --no-same-owner -xf - tar -C ${B} -cf - --exclude-vcs --exclude '*.test' --exclude 'testdata' pkg | \ tar -C ${D}${libdir}/go --no-same-owner -xf - if ls ${B}/${GO_BUILD_BINDIR}/* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then install -d ${D}${bindir} install -m 0755 ${B}/${GO_BUILD_BINDIR}/* ${D}${bindir}/ fi } go_stage_testdata() { oldwd="$PWD" cd ${S}/src find ${GO_IMPORT} -depth -type d -name testdata | while read d; do if echo "$d" | grep -q '/vendor/'; then continue fi parent=`dirname $d` install -d ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/$parent cp --preserve=mode,timestamps -R $d ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/$parent/ done cd "$oldwd" } EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_configure do_compile do_install FILES:${PN}-dev = "${libdir}/go/src" FILES:${PN}-staticdev = "${libdir}/go/pkg" INSANE_SKIP:${PN} += "ldflags" # Add -buildmode=pie to GOBUILDFLAGS to satisfy "textrel" QA checking, but mips # doesn't support -buildmode=pie, so skip the QA checking for mips/rv32 and its # variants. python() { if 'mips' in d.getVar('TARGET_ARCH') or 'riscv32' in d.getVar('TARGET_ARCH'): d.appendVar('INSANE_SKIP:%s' % d.getVar('PN'), " textrel") else: d.appendVar('GOBUILDFLAGS', ' -buildmode=pie') }