# # Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # SSTATE_VERSION = "12" SSTATE_ZSTD_CLEVEL ??= "8" SSTATE_MANIFESTS ?= "${TMPDIR}/sstate-control" SSTATE_MANFILEPREFIX = "${SSTATE_MANIFESTS}/manifest-${SSTATE_MANMACH}-${PN}" def generate_sstatefn(spec, hash, taskname, siginfo, d): if taskname is None: return "" extension = ".tar.zst" # 8 chars reserved for siginfo limit = 254 - 8 if siginfo: limit = 254 extension = ".tar.zst.siginfo" if not hash: hash = "INVALID" fn = spec + hash + "_" + taskname + extension # If the filename is too long, attempt to reduce it if len(fn) > limit: components = spec.split(":") # Fields 0,5,6 are mandatory, 1 is most useful, 2,3,4 are just for information # 7 is for the separators avail = (limit - len(hash + "_" + taskname + extension) - len(components[0]) - len(components[1]) - len(components[5]) - len(components[6]) - 7) // 3 components[2] = components[2][:avail] components[3] = components[3][:avail] components[4] = components[4][:avail] spec = ":".join(components) fn = spec + hash + "_" + taskname + extension if len(fn) > limit: bb.fatal("Unable to reduce sstate name to less than 255 chararacters") return hash[:2] + "/" + hash[2:4] + "/" + fn SSTATE_PKGARCH = "${PACKAGE_ARCH}" SSTATE_PKGSPEC = "sstate:${PN}:${PACKAGE_ARCH}${TARGET_VENDOR}-${TARGET_OS}:${PV}:${PR}:${SSTATE_PKGARCH}:${SSTATE_VERSION}:" SSTATE_SWSPEC = "sstate:${PN}::${PV}:${PR}::${SSTATE_VERSION}:" SSTATE_PKGNAME = "${SSTATE_EXTRAPATH}${@generate_sstatefn(d.getVar('SSTATE_PKGSPEC'), d.getVar('BB_UNIHASH'), d.getVar('SSTATE_CURRTASK'), False, d)}" SSTATE_PKG = "${SSTATE_DIR}/${SSTATE_PKGNAME}" SSTATE_EXTRAPATH = "" SSTATE_EXTRAPATHWILDCARD = "" SSTATE_PATHSPEC = "${SSTATE_DIR}/${SSTATE_EXTRAPATHWILDCARD}*/*/${SSTATE_PKGSPEC}*_${SSTATE_PATH_CURRTASK}.tar.zst*" # explicitly make PV to depend on evaluated value of PV variable PV[vardepvalue] = "${PV}" # We don't want the sstate to depend on things like the distro string # of the system, we let the sstate paths take care of this. SSTATE_EXTRAPATH[vardepvalue] = "" SSTATE_EXTRAPATHWILDCARD[vardepvalue] = "" # Avoid docbook/sgml catalog warnings for now SSTATE_ALLOW_OVERLAP_FILES += "${STAGING_ETCDIR_NATIVE}/sgml ${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/sgml" # sdk-provides-dummy-nativesdk and nativesdk-buildtools-perl-dummy overlap for different SDKMACHINE SSTATE_ALLOW_OVERLAP_FILES += "${DEPLOY_DIR_RPM}/sdk_provides_dummy_nativesdk/ ${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK}/sdk-provides-dummy-nativesdk/" SSTATE_ALLOW_OVERLAP_FILES += "${DEPLOY_DIR_RPM}/buildtools_dummy_nativesdk/ ${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK}/buildtools-dummy-nativesdk/" # target-sdk-provides-dummy overlaps that allarch is disabled when multilib is used SSTATE_ALLOW_OVERLAP_FILES += "${COMPONENTS_DIR}/sdk-provides-dummy-target/ ${DEPLOY_DIR_RPM}/sdk_provides_dummy_target/ ${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK}/sdk-provides-dummy-target/" # Archive the sources for many architectures in one deploy folder SSTATE_ALLOW_OVERLAP_FILES += "${DEPLOY_DIR_SRC}" # ovmf/grub-efi/systemd-boot/intel-microcode multilib recipes can generate identical overlapping files SSTATE_ALLOW_OVERLAP_FILES += "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/ovmf" SSTATE_ALLOW_OVERLAP_FILES += "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/grub-efi" SSTATE_ALLOW_OVERLAP_FILES += "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/systemd-boot" SSTATE_ALLOW_OVERLAP_FILES += "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/microcode" SSTATE_SCAN_FILES ?= "*.la *-config *_config postinst-*" SSTATE_SCAN_CMD ??= 'find ${SSTATE_BUILDDIR} \( -name "${@"\" -o -name \"".join(d.getVar("SSTATE_SCAN_FILES").split())}" \) -type f' SSTATE_SCAN_CMD_NATIVE ??= 'grep -Irl -e ${RECIPE_SYSROOT} -e ${RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE} -e ${HOSTTOOLS_DIR} ${SSTATE_BUILDDIR}' SSTATE_HASHEQUIV_FILEMAP ?= " \ populate_sysroot:*/postinst-useradd-*:${TMPDIR} \ populate_sysroot:*/postinst-useradd-*:${COREBASE} \ populate_sysroot:*/postinst-useradd-*:regex-\s(PATH|PSEUDO_IGNORE_PATHS|HOME|LOGNAME|OMP_NUM_THREADS|USER)=.*\s \ populate_sysroot:*/crossscripts/*:${TMPDIR} \ populate_sysroot:*/crossscripts/*:${COREBASE} \ " BB_HASHFILENAME = "False ${SSTATE_PKGSPEC} ${SSTATE_SWSPEC}" SSTATE_ARCHS_TUNEPKG ??= "${TUNE_PKGARCH}" SSTATE_ARCHS = " \ ${BUILD_ARCH} \ ${BUILD_ARCH}_${ORIGNATIVELSBSTRING} \ ${BUILD_ARCH}_${SDK_ARCH}_${SDK_OS} \ ${SDK_ARCH}_${SDK_OS} \ ${SDK_ARCH}_${SDK_ARCH}-${SDKPKGSUFFIX} \ allarch \ ${SSTATE_ARCHS_TUNEPKG} \ ${PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS} \ ${MACHINE_ARCH}" SSTATE_ARCHS[vardepsexclude] = "ORIGNATIVELSBSTRING" SSTATE_MANMACH ?= "${SSTATE_PKGARCH}" SSTATECREATEFUNCS += "sstate_hardcode_path" SSTATECREATEFUNCS[vardeps] = "SSTATE_SCAN_FILES" SSTATEPOSTCREATEFUNCS = "" SSTATEPREINSTFUNCS = "" SSTATEPOSTUNPACKFUNCS = "sstate_hardcode_path_unpack" SSTATEPOSTINSTFUNCS = "" EXTRA_STAGING_FIXMES ?= "HOSTTOOLS_DIR" # Check whether sstate exists for tasks that support sstate and are in the # locked signatures file. SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_SSTATE_EXISTS_CHECK ?= 'error' # Check whether the task's computed hash matches the task's hash in the # locked signatures file. SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_TASKSIG_CHECK ?= "error" # The GnuPG key ID and passphrase to use to sign sstate archives (or unset to # not sign) SSTATE_SIG_KEY ?= "" SSTATE_SIG_PASSPHRASE ?= "" # Whether to verify the GnUPG signatures when extracting sstate archives SSTATE_VERIFY_SIG ?= "0" # List of signatures to consider valid. SSTATE_VALID_SIGS ??= "" SSTATE_VALID_SIGS[vardepvalue] = "" SSTATE_HASHEQUIV_METHOD ?= "oe.sstatesig.OEOuthashBasic" SSTATE_HASHEQUIV_METHOD[doc] = "The fully-qualified function used to calculate \ the output hash for a task, which in turn is used to determine equivalency. \ " SSTATE_HASHEQUIV_REPORT_TASKDATA ?= "0" SSTATE_HASHEQUIV_REPORT_TASKDATA[doc] = "Report additional useful data to the \ hash equivalency server, such as PN, PV, taskname, etc. This information \ is very useful for developers looking at task data, but may leak sensitive \ data if the equivalence server is public. \ " python () { if bb.data.inherits_class('native', d): d.setVar('SSTATE_PKGARCH', d.getVar('BUILD_ARCH', False)) elif bb.data.inherits_class('crosssdk', d): d.setVar('SSTATE_PKGARCH', d.expand("${BUILD_ARCH}_${SDK_ARCH}_${SDK_OS}")) elif bb.data.inherits_class('cross', d): d.setVar('SSTATE_PKGARCH', d.expand("${BUILD_ARCH}")) elif bb.data.inherits_class('nativesdk', d): d.setVar('SSTATE_PKGARCH', d.expand("${SDK_ARCH}_${SDK_OS}")) elif bb.data.inherits_class('cross-canadian', d): d.setVar('SSTATE_PKGARCH', d.expand("${SDK_ARCH}_${PACKAGE_ARCH}")) elif bb.data.inherits_class('allarch', d) and d.getVar("PACKAGE_ARCH") == "all": d.setVar('SSTATE_PKGARCH', "allarch") else: d.setVar('SSTATE_MANMACH', d.expand("${PACKAGE_ARCH}")) if bb.data.inherits_class('native', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('crosssdk', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('cross', d): d.setVar('SSTATE_EXTRAPATH', "${NATIVELSBSTRING}/") d.setVar('BB_HASHFILENAME', "True ${SSTATE_PKGSPEC} ${SSTATE_SWSPEC}") d.setVar('SSTATE_EXTRAPATHWILDCARD', "${NATIVELSBSTRING}/") unique_tasks = sorted(set((d.getVar('SSTATETASKS') or "").split())) d.setVar('SSTATETASKS', " ".join(unique_tasks)) for task in unique_tasks: d.prependVarFlag(task, 'prefuncs', "sstate_task_prefunc ") d.appendVarFlag(task, 'postfuncs', " sstate_task_postfunc") d.setVarFlag(task, 'network', '1') d.setVarFlag(task + "_setscene", 'network', '1') } def sstate_init(task, d): ss = {} ss['task'] = task ss['dirs'] = [] ss['plaindirs'] = [] ss['lockfiles'] = [] ss['lockfiles-shared'] = [] return ss def sstate_state_fromvars(d, task = None): if task is None: task = d.getVar('BB_CURRENTTASK') if not task: bb.fatal("sstate code running without task context?!") task = task.replace("_setscene", "") if task.startswith("do_"): task = task[3:] inputs = (d.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-inputdirs') or "").split() outputs = (d.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-outputdirs') or "").split() plaindirs = (d.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-plaindirs') or "").split() lockfiles = (d.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-lockfile') or "").split() lockfilesshared = (d.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-lockfile-shared') or "").split() interceptfuncs = (d.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-interceptfuncs') or "").split() fixmedir = d.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-fixmedir') or "" if not task or len(inputs) != len(outputs): bb.fatal("sstate variables not setup correctly?!") if task == "populate_lic": d.setVar("SSTATE_PKGSPEC", "${SSTATE_SWSPEC}") d.setVar("SSTATE_EXTRAPATH", "") d.setVar('SSTATE_EXTRAPATHWILDCARD', "") ss = sstate_init(task, d) for i in range(len(inputs)): sstate_add(ss, inputs[i], outputs[i], d) ss['lockfiles'] = lockfiles ss['lockfiles-shared'] = lockfilesshared ss['plaindirs'] = plaindirs ss['interceptfuncs'] = interceptfuncs ss['fixmedir'] = fixmedir return ss def sstate_add(ss, source, dest, d): if not source.endswith("/"): source = source + "/" if not dest.endswith("/"): dest = dest + "/" source = os.path.normpath(source) dest = os.path.normpath(dest) srcbase = os.path.basename(source) ss['dirs'].append([srcbase, source, dest]) return ss def sstate_install(ss, d): import oe.path import oe.sstatesig import subprocess sharedfiles = [] shareddirs = [] bb.utils.mkdirhier(d.expand("${SSTATE_MANIFESTS}")) sstateinst = d.expand("${WORKDIR}/sstate-install-%s/" % ss['task']) manifest, d2 = oe.sstatesig.sstate_get_manifest_filename(ss['task'], d) if os.access(manifest, os.R_OK): bb.fatal("Package already staged (%s)?!" % manifest) d.setVar("SSTATE_INST_POSTRM", manifest + ".postrm") locks = [] for lock in ss['lockfiles-shared']: locks.append(bb.utils.lockfile(lock, True)) for lock in ss['lockfiles']: locks.append(bb.utils.lockfile(lock)) for state in ss['dirs']: bb.debug(2, "Staging files from %s to %s" % (state[1], state[2])) for walkroot, dirs, files in os.walk(state[1]): for file in files: srcpath = os.path.join(walkroot, file) dstpath = srcpath.replace(state[1], state[2]) #bb.debug(2, "Staging %s to %s" % (srcpath, dstpath)) sharedfiles.append(dstpath) for dir in dirs: srcdir = os.path.join(walkroot, dir) dstdir = srcdir.replace(state[1], state[2]) #bb.debug(2, "Staging %s to %s" % (srcdir, dstdir)) if os.path.islink(srcdir): sharedfiles.append(dstdir) continue if not dstdir.endswith("/"): dstdir = dstdir + "/" shareddirs.append(dstdir) # Check the file list for conflicts against files which already exist overlap_allowed = (d.getVar("SSTATE_ALLOW_OVERLAP_FILES") or "").split() match = [] for f in sharedfiles: if os.path.exists(f): f = os.path.normpath(f) realmatch = True for w in overlap_allowed: w = os.path.normpath(w) if f.startswith(w): realmatch = False break if realmatch: match.append(f) sstate_search_cmd = "grep -rlF '%s' %s --exclude=index-* | sed -e 's:^.*/::'" % (f, d.expand("${SSTATE_MANIFESTS}")) search_output = subprocess.Popen(sstate_search_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] if search_output: match.append(" (matched in %s)" % search_output.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) else: match.append(" (not matched to any task)") if match: bb.fatal("Recipe %s is trying to install files into a shared " \ "area when those files already exist. The files and the manifests listing " \ "them are:\n %s\n" "Please adjust the recipes so only one recipe provides a given file. " % \ (d.getVar('PN'), "\n ".join(match))) if ss['fixmedir'] and os.path.exists(ss['fixmedir'] + "/fixmepath.cmd"): sharedfiles.append(ss['fixmedir'] + "/fixmepath.cmd") sharedfiles.append(ss['fixmedir'] + "/fixmepath") # Write out the manifest f = open(manifest, "w") for file in sharedfiles: f.write(file + "\n") # We want to ensure that directories appear at the end of the manifest # so that when we test to see if they should be deleted any contents # added by the task will have been removed first. dirs = sorted(shareddirs, key=len) # Must remove children first, which will have a longer path than the parent for di in reversed(dirs): f.write(di + "\n") f.close() # Append to the list of manifests for this PACKAGE_ARCH i = d2.expand("${SSTATE_MANIFESTS}/index-${SSTATE_MANMACH}") l = bb.utils.lockfile(i + ".lock") filedata = d.getVar("STAMP") + " " + d2.getVar("SSTATE_MANFILEPREFIX") + " " + d.getVar("WORKDIR") + "\n" manifests = [] if os.path.exists(i): with open(i, "r") as f: manifests = f.readlines() # We append new entries, we don't remove older entries which may have the same # manifest name but different versions from stamp/workdir. See below. if filedata not in manifests: with open(i, "a+") as f: f.write(filedata) bb.utils.unlockfile(l) # Run the actual file install for state in ss['dirs']: if os.path.exists(state[1]): oe.path.copyhardlinktree(state[1], state[2]) for postinst in (d.getVar('SSTATEPOSTINSTFUNCS') or '').split(): # All hooks should run in the SSTATE_INSTDIR bb.build.exec_func(postinst, d, (sstateinst,)) for lock in locks: bb.utils.unlockfile(lock) sstate_install[vardepsexclude] += "SSTATE_ALLOW_OVERLAP_FILES SSTATE_MANMACH SSTATE_MANFILEPREFIX" sstate_install[vardeps] += "${SSTATEPOSTINSTFUNCS}" def sstate_installpkg(ss, d): from oe.gpg_sign import get_signer sstateinst = d.expand("${WORKDIR}/sstate-install-%s/" % ss['task']) d.setVar("SSTATE_CURRTASK", ss['task']) sstatefetch = d.getVar('SSTATE_PKGNAME') sstatepkg = d.getVar('SSTATE_PKG') verify_sig = bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar("SSTATE_VERIFY_SIG"), False) if not os.path.exists(sstatepkg) or (verify_sig and not os.path.exists(sstatepkg + '.sig')): pstaging_fetch(sstatefetch, d) if not os.path.isfile(sstatepkg): bb.note("Sstate package %s does not exist" % sstatepkg) return False sstate_clean(ss, d) d.setVar('SSTATE_INSTDIR', sstateinst) if verify_sig: if not os.path.isfile(sstatepkg + '.sig'): bb.warn("No signature file for sstate package %s, skipping acceleration..." % sstatepkg) return False signer = get_signer(d, 'local') if not signer.verify(sstatepkg + '.sig', d.getVar("SSTATE_VALID_SIGS")): bb.warn("Cannot verify signature on sstate package %s, skipping acceleration..." % sstatepkg) return False # Empty sstateinst directory, ensure its clean if os.path.exists(sstateinst): oe.path.remove(sstateinst) bb.utils.mkdirhier(sstateinst) sstateinst = d.getVar("SSTATE_INSTDIR") d.setVar('SSTATE_FIXMEDIR', ss['fixmedir']) for f in (d.getVar('SSTATEPREINSTFUNCS') or '').split() + ['sstate_unpack_package']: # All hooks should run in the SSTATE_INSTDIR bb.build.exec_func(f, d, (sstateinst,)) return sstate_installpkgdir(ss, d) def sstate_installpkgdir(ss, d): import oe.path import subprocess sstateinst = d.getVar("SSTATE_INSTDIR") d.setVar('SSTATE_FIXMEDIR', ss['fixmedir']) for f in (d.getVar('SSTATEPOSTUNPACKFUNCS') or '').split(): # All hooks should run in the SSTATE_INSTDIR bb.build.exec_func(f, d, (sstateinst,)) def prepdir(dir): # remove dir if it exists, ensure any parent directories do exist if os.path.exists(dir): oe.path.remove(dir) bb.utils.mkdirhier(dir) oe.path.remove(dir) for state in ss['dirs']: prepdir(state[1]) bb.utils.rename(sstateinst + state[0], state[1]) sstate_install(ss, d) for plain in ss['plaindirs']: workdir = d.getVar('WORKDIR') sharedworkdir = os.path.join(d.getVar('TMPDIR'), "work-shared") src = sstateinst + "/" + plain.replace(workdir, '') if sharedworkdir in plain: src = sstateinst + "/" + plain.replace(sharedworkdir, '') dest = plain bb.utils.mkdirhier(src) prepdir(dest) bb.utils.rename(src, dest) return True python sstate_hardcode_path_unpack () { # Fixup hardcoded paths # # Note: The logic below must match the reverse logic in # sstate_hardcode_path(d) import subprocess sstateinst = d.getVar('SSTATE_INSTDIR') sstatefixmedir = d.getVar('SSTATE_FIXMEDIR') fixmefn = sstateinst + "fixmepath" if os.path.isfile(fixmefn): staging_target = d.getVar('RECIPE_SYSROOT') staging_host = d.getVar('RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE') if bb.data.inherits_class('native', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('cross-canadian', d): sstate_sed_cmd = "sed -i -e 's:FIXMESTAGINGDIRHOST:%s:g'" % (staging_host) elif bb.data.inherits_class('cross', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('crosssdk', d): sstate_sed_cmd = "sed -i -e 's:FIXMESTAGINGDIRTARGET:%s:g; s:FIXMESTAGINGDIRHOST:%s:g'" % (staging_target, staging_host) else: sstate_sed_cmd = "sed -i -e 's:FIXMESTAGINGDIRTARGET:%s:g'" % (staging_target) extra_staging_fixmes = d.getVar('EXTRA_STAGING_FIXMES') or '' for fixmevar in extra_staging_fixmes.split(): fixme_path = d.getVar(fixmevar) sstate_sed_cmd += " -e 's:FIXME_%s:%s:g'" % (fixmevar, fixme_path) # Add sstateinst to each filename in fixmepath, use xargs to efficiently call sed sstate_hardcode_cmd = "sed -e 's:^:%s:g' %s | xargs %s" % (sstateinst, fixmefn, sstate_sed_cmd) # Defer do_populate_sysroot relocation command if sstatefixmedir: bb.utils.mkdirhier(sstatefixmedir) with open(sstatefixmedir + "/fixmepath.cmd", "w") as f: sstate_hardcode_cmd = sstate_hardcode_cmd.replace(fixmefn, sstatefixmedir + "/fixmepath") sstate_hardcode_cmd = sstate_hardcode_cmd.replace(sstateinst, "FIXMEFINALSSTATEINST") sstate_hardcode_cmd = sstate_hardcode_cmd.replace(staging_host, "FIXMEFINALSSTATEHOST") sstate_hardcode_cmd = sstate_hardcode_cmd.replace(staging_target, "FIXMEFINALSSTATETARGET") f.write(sstate_hardcode_cmd) bb.utils.copyfile(fixmefn, sstatefixmedir + "/fixmepath") return bb.note("Replacing fixme paths in sstate package: %s" % (sstate_hardcode_cmd)) subprocess.check_call(sstate_hardcode_cmd, shell=True) # Need to remove this or we'd copy it into the target directory and may # conflict with another writer os.remove(fixmefn) } def sstate_clean_cachefile(ss, d): import oe.path if d.getVarFlag('do_%s' % ss['task'], 'task'): d.setVar("SSTATE_PATH_CURRTASK", ss['task']) sstatepkgfile = d.getVar('SSTATE_PATHSPEC') bb.note("Removing %s" % sstatepkgfile) oe.path.remove(sstatepkgfile) def sstate_clean_cachefiles(d): for task in (d.getVar('SSTATETASKS') or "").split(): ld = d.createCopy() ss = sstate_state_fromvars(ld, task) sstate_clean_cachefile(ss, ld) def sstate_clean_manifest(manifest, d, canrace=False, prefix=None): import oe.path mfile = open(manifest) entries = mfile.readlines() mfile.close() for entry in entries: entry = entry.strip() if prefix and not entry.startswith("/"): entry = prefix + "/" + entry bb.debug(2, "Removing manifest: %s" % entry) # We can race against another package populating directories as we're removing them # so we ignore errors here. try: if entry.endswith("/"): if os.path.islink(entry[:-1]): os.remove(entry[:-1]) elif os.path.exists(entry) and len(os.listdir(entry)) == 0 and not canrace: # Removing directories whilst builds are in progress exposes a race. Only # do it in contexts where it is safe to do so. os.rmdir(entry[:-1]) else: os.remove(entry) except OSError: pass postrm = manifest + ".postrm" if os.path.exists(manifest + ".postrm"): import subprocess os.chmod(postrm, 0o755) subprocess.check_call(postrm, shell=True) oe.path.remove(postrm) oe.path.remove(manifest) def sstate_clean(ss, d): import oe.path import glob d2 = d.createCopy() stamp_clean = d.getVar("STAMPCLEAN") extrainf = d.getVarFlag("do_" + ss['task'], 'stamp-extra-info') if extrainf: d2.setVar("SSTATE_MANMACH", extrainf) wildcard_stfile = "%s.do_%s*.%s" % (stamp_clean, ss['task'], extrainf) else: wildcard_stfile = "%s.do_%s*" % (stamp_clean, ss['task']) manifest = d2.expand("${SSTATE_MANFILEPREFIX}.%s" % ss['task']) if os.path.exists(manifest): locks = [] for lock in ss['lockfiles-shared']: locks.append(bb.utils.lockfile(lock)) for lock in ss['lockfiles']: locks.append(bb.utils.lockfile(lock)) sstate_clean_manifest(manifest, d, canrace=True) for lock in locks: bb.utils.unlockfile(lock) # Remove the current and previous stamps, but keep the sigdata. # # The glob() matches do_task* which may match multiple tasks, for # example: do_package and do_package_write_ipk, so we need to # exactly match *.do_task.* and *.do_task_setscene.* rm_stamp = '.do_%s.' % ss['task'] rm_setscene = '.do_%s_setscene.' % ss['task'] # For BB_SIGNATURE_HANDLER = "noop" rm_nohash = ".do_%s" % ss['task'] for stfile in glob.glob(wildcard_stfile): # Keep the sigdata if ".sigdata." in stfile or ".sigbasedata." in stfile: continue # Preserve taint files in the stamps directory if stfile.endswith('.taint'): continue if rm_stamp in stfile or rm_setscene in stfile or \ stfile.endswith(rm_nohash): oe.path.remove(stfile) sstate_clean[vardepsexclude] = "SSTATE_MANFILEPREFIX" CLEANFUNCS += "sstate_cleanall" python sstate_cleanall() { bb.note("Removing shared state for package %s" % d.getVar('PN')) manifest_dir = d.getVar('SSTATE_MANIFESTS') if not os.path.exists(manifest_dir): return tasks = d.getVar('SSTATETASKS').split() for name in tasks: ld = d.createCopy() shared_state = sstate_state_fromvars(ld, name) sstate_clean(shared_state, ld) } python sstate_hardcode_path () { import subprocess, platform # Need to remove hardcoded paths and fix these when we install the # staging packages. # # Note: the logic in this function needs to match the reverse logic # in sstate_installpkg(ss, d) staging_target = d.getVar('RECIPE_SYSROOT') staging_host = d.getVar('RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE') sstate_builddir = d.getVar('SSTATE_BUILDDIR') sstate_sed_cmd = "sed -i -e 's:%s:FIXMESTAGINGDIRHOST:g'" % staging_host if bb.data.inherits_class('native', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('cross-canadian', d): sstate_grep_cmd = "grep -l -e '%s'" % (staging_host) elif bb.data.inherits_class('cross', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('crosssdk', d): sstate_grep_cmd = "grep -l -e '%s' -e '%s'" % (staging_target, staging_host) sstate_sed_cmd += " -e 's:%s:FIXMESTAGINGDIRTARGET:g'" % staging_target else: sstate_grep_cmd = "grep -l -e '%s' -e '%s'" % (staging_target, staging_host) sstate_sed_cmd += " -e 's:%s:FIXMESTAGINGDIRTARGET:g'" % staging_target extra_staging_fixmes = d.getVar('EXTRA_STAGING_FIXMES') or '' for fixmevar in extra_staging_fixmes.split(): fixme_path = d.getVar(fixmevar) sstate_sed_cmd += " -e 's:%s:FIXME_%s:g'" % (fixme_path, fixmevar) sstate_grep_cmd += " -e '%s'" % (fixme_path) fixmefn = sstate_builddir + "fixmepath" sstate_scan_cmd = d.getVar('SSTATE_SCAN_CMD') sstate_filelist_cmd = "tee %s" % (fixmefn) # fixmepath file needs relative paths, drop sstate_builddir prefix sstate_filelist_relative_cmd = "sed -i -e 's:^%s::g' %s" % (sstate_builddir, fixmefn) xargs_no_empty_run_cmd = '--no-run-if-empty' if platform.system() == 'Darwin': xargs_no_empty_run_cmd = '' # Limit the fixpaths and sed operations based on the initial grep search # This has the side effect of making sure the vfs cache is hot sstate_hardcode_cmd = "%s | xargs %s | %s | xargs %s %s" % (sstate_scan_cmd, sstate_grep_cmd, sstate_filelist_cmd, xargs_no_empty_run_cmd, sstate_sed_cmd) bb.note("Removing hardcoded paths from sstate package: '%s'" % (sstate_hardcode_cmd)) subprocess.check_output(sstate_hardcode_cmd, shell=True, cwd=sstate_builddir) # If the fixmefn is empty, remove it.. if os.stat(fixmefn).st_size == 0: os.remove(fixmefn) else: bb.note("Replacing absolute paths in fixmepath file: '%s'" % (sstate_filelist_relative_cmd)) subprocess.check_output(sstate_filelist_relative_cmd, shell=True) } def sstate_package(ss, d): import oe.path import time tmpdir = d.getVar('TMPDIR') fixtime = False if ss['task'] == "package": fixtime = True def fixtimestamp(root, path): f = os.path.join(root, path) if os.lstat(f).st_mtime > sde: os.utime(f, (sde, sde), follow_symlinks=False) sstatebuild = d.expand("${WORKDIR}/sstate-build-%s/" % ss['task']) sde = int(d.getVar("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH") or time.time()) d.setVar("SSTATE_CURRTASK", ss['task']) bb.utils.remove(sstatebuild, recurse=True) bb.utils.mkdirhier(sstatebuild) for state in ss['dirs']: if not os.path.exists(state[1]): continue srcbase = state[0].rstrip("/").rsplit('/', 1)[0] # Find and error for absolute symlinks. We could attempt to relocate but its not # clear where the symlink is relative to in this context. We could add that markup # to sstate tasks but there aren't many of these so better just avoid them entirely. for walkroot, dirs, files in os.walk(state[1]): for file in files + dirs: if fixtime: fixtimestamp(walkroot, file) srcpath = os.path.join(walkroot, file) if not os.path.islink(srcpath): continue link = os.readlink(srcpath) if not os.path.isabs(link): continue if not link.startswith(tmpdir): continue bb.error("sstate found an absolute path symlink %s pointing at %s. Please replace this with a relative link." % (srcpath, link)) bb.debug(2, "Preparing tree %s for packaging at %s" % (state[1], sstatebuild + state[0])) bb.utils.rename(state[1], sstatebuild + state[0]) workdir = d.getVar('WORKDIR') sharedworkdir = os.path.join(d.getVar('TMPDIR'), "work-shared") for plain in ss['plaindirs']: pdir = plain.replace(workdir, sstatebuild) if sharedworkdir in plain: pdir = plain.replace(sharedworkdir, sstatebuild) bb.utils.mkdirhier(plain) bb.utils.mkdirhier(pdir) bb.utils.rename(plain, pdir) if fixtime: fixtimestamp(pdir, "") for walkroot, dirs, files in os.walk(pdir): for file in files + dirs: fixtimestamp(walkroot, file) d.setVar('SSTATE_BUILDDIR', sstatebuild) d.setVar('SSTATE_INSTDIR', sstatebuild) if d.getVar('SSTATE_SKIP_CREATION') == '1': return sstate_create_package = ['sstate_report_unihash', 'sstate_create_and_sign_package'] for f in (d.getVar('SSTATECREATEFUNCS') or '').split() + \ sstate_create_package + \ (d.getVar('SSTATEPOSTCREATEFUNCS') or '').split(): # All hooks should run in SSTATE_BUILDDIR. bb.build.exec_func(f, d, (sstatebuild,)) # SSTATE_PKG may have been changed by sstate_report_unihash siginfo = d.getVar('SSTATE_PKG') + ".siginfo" if not os.path.exists(siginfo): bb.siggen.dump_this_task(siginfo, d) else: try: os.utime(siginfo, None) except PermissionError: pass except OSError as e: # Handle read-only file systems gracefully import errno if e.errno != errno.EROFS: raise e return sstate_package[vardepsexclude] += "SSTATE_SIG_KEY" def pstaging_fetch(sstatefetch, d): import bb.fetch2 # Only try and fetch if the user has configured a mirror mirrors = d.getVar('SSTATE_MIRRORS') if not mirrors: return # Copy the data object and override DL_DIR and SRC_URI localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d) dldir = localdata.expand("${SSTATE_DIR}") bb.utils.mkdirhier(dldir) localdata.delVar('MIRRORS') localdata.setVar('FILESPATH', dldir) localdata.setVar('DL_DIR', dldir) localdata.setVar('PREMIRRORS', mirrors) # if BB_NO_NETWORK is set but we also have SSTATE_MIRROR_ALLOW_NETWORK, # we'll want to allow network access for the current set of fetches. if bb.utils.to_boolean(localdata.getVar('BB_NO_NETWORK')) and \ bb.utils.to_boolean(localdata.getVar('SSTATE_MIRROR_ALLOW_NETWORK')): localdata.delVar('BB_NO_NETWORK') # Try a fetch from the sstate mirror, if it fails just return and # we will build the package uris = ['file://{0};downloadfilename={0}'.format(sstatefetch), 'file://{0}.siginfo;downloadfilename={0}.siginfo'.format(sstatefetch)] if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar("SSTATE_VERIFY_SIG"), False): uris += ['file://{0}.sig;downloadfilename={0}.sig'.format(sstatefetch)] for srcuri in uris: localdata.delVar('SRC_URI') localdata.setVar('SRC_URI', srcuri) try: fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch([srcuri], localdata, cache=False) fetcher.checkstatus() fetcher.download() except bb.fetch2.BBFetchException: pass def sstate_setscene(d): shared_state = sstate_state_fromvars(d) accelerate = sstate_installpkg(shared_state, d) if not accelerate: msg = "No sstate archive obtainable, will run full task instead." bb.warn(msg) raise bb.BBHandledException(msg) python sstate_task_prefunc () { shared_state = sstate_state_fromvars(d) sstate_clean(shared_state, d) } sstate_task_prefunc[dirs] = "${WORKDIR}" python sstate_task_postfunc () { shared_state = sstate_state_fromvars(d) for intercept in shared_state['interceptfuncs']: bb.build.exec_func(intercept, d, (d.getVar("WORKDIR"),)) omask = os.umask(0o002) if omask != 0o002: bb.note("Using umask 0o002 (not %0o) for sstate packaging" % omask) sstate_package(shared_state, d) os.umask(omask) sstateinst = d.getVar("SSTATE_INSTDIR") d.setVar('SSTATE_FIXMEDIR', shared_state['fixmedir']) sstate_installpkgdir(shared_state, d) bb.utils.remove(d.getVar("SSTATE_BUILDDIR"), recurse=True) } sstate_task_postfunc[dirs] = "${WORKDIR}" # Create a sstate package # If enabled, sign the package. # Package and signature are created in a sub-directory # and renamed in place once created. python sstate_create_and_sign_package () { from pathlib import Path # Best effort touch def touch(file): try: file.touch() except: pass def update_file(src, dst, force=False): if dst.is_symlink() and not dst.exists(): force=True try: # This relies on that src is a temporary file that can be renamed # or left as is. if force: src.rename(dst) else: os.link(src, dst) return True except: pass if dst.exists(): touch(dst) return False sign_pkg = ( bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar("SSTATE_VERIFY_SIG")) and bool(d.getVar("SSTATE_SIG_KEY")) ) sstate_pkg = Path(d.getVar("SSTATE_PKG")) sstate_pkg_sig = Path(str(sstate_pkg) + ".sig") if sign_pkg: if sstate_pkg.exists() and sstate_pkg_sig.exists(): touch(sstate_pkg) touch(sstate_pkg_sig) return else: if sstate_pkg.exists(): touch(sstate_pkg) return # Create the required sstate directory if it is not present. if not sstate_pkg.parent.is_dir(): with bb.utils.umask(0o002): bb.utils.mkdirhier(str(sstate_pkg.parent)) if sign_pkg: from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory(dir=sstate_pkg.parent) as tmp_dir: tmp_pkg = Path(tmp_dir) / sstate_pkg.name d.setVar("TMP_SSTATE_PKG", str(tmp_pkg)) bb.build.exec_func('sstate_archive_package', d) from oe.gpg_sign import get_signer signer = get_signer(d, 'local') signer.detach_sign(str(tmp_pkg), d.getVar('SSTATE_SIG_KEY'), None, d.getVar('SSTATE_SIG_PASSPHRASE'), armor=False) tmp_pkg_sig = Path(tmp_dir) / sstate_pkg_sig.name if not update_file(tmp_pkg_sig, sstate_pkg_sig): # If the created signature file could not be copied into place, # then we should not use the sstate package either. return # If the .sig file was updated, then the sstate package must also # be updated. update_file(tmp_pkg, sstate_pkg, force=True) else: from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=sstate_pkg.name, dir=sstate_pkg.parent) as tmp_pkg_fd: tmp_pkg = tmp_pkg_fd.name d.setVar("TMP_SSTATE_PKG", str(tmp_pkg)) bb.build.exec_func('sstate_archive_package',d) update_file(tmp_pkg, sstate_pkg) # update_file() may have renamed tmp_pkg, which must exist when the # NamedTemporaryFile() context handler ends. touch(Path(tmp_pkg)) } # Shell function to generate a sstate package from a directory # set as SSTATE_BUILDDIR. Will be run from within SSTATE_BUILDDIR. # The calling function handles moving the sstate package into the final # destination. sstate_archive_package () { OPT="-cS" ZSTD="zstd -${SSTATE_ZSTD_CLEVEL} -T${ZSTD_THREADS}" # Use pzstd if available if [ -x "$(command -v pzstd)" ]; then ZSTD="pzstd -${SSTATE_ZSTD_CLEVEL} -p ${ZSTD_THREADS}" fi # Need to handle empty directories if [ "$(ls -A)" ]; then set +e tar -I "$ZSTD" $OPT -f ${TMP_SSTATE_PKG} * ret=$? if [ $ret -ne 0 ] && [ $ret -ne 1 ]; then exit 1 fi set -e else tar -I "$ZSTD" $OPT --file=${TMP_SSTATE_PKG} --files-from=/dev/null fi chmod 0664 ${TMP_SSTATE_PKG} } python sstate_report_unihash() { report_unihash = getattr(bb.parse.siggen, 'report_unihash', None) if report_unihash: ss = sstate_state_fromvars(d) report_unihash(os.getcwd(), ss['task'], d) } # # Shell function to decompress and prepare a package for installation # Will be run from within SSTATE_INSTDIR. # sstate_unpack_package () { ZSTD="zstd -T${ZSTD_THREADS}" # Use pzstd if available if [ -x "$(command -v pzstd)" ]; then ZSTD="pzstd -p ${ZSTD_THREADS}" fi tar -I "$ZSTD" -xvpf ${SSTATE_PKG} # update .siginfo atime on local/NFS mirror if it is a symbolic link [ ! -h ${SSTATE_PKG}.siginfo ] || [ ! -e ${SSTATE_PKG}.siginfo ] || touch -a ${SSTATE_PKG}.siginfo 2>/dev/null || true # update each symbolic link instead of any referenced file touch --no-dereference ${SSTATE_PKG} 2>/dev/null || true [ ! -e ${SSTATE_PKG}.sig ] || touch --no-dereference ${SSTATE_PKG}.sig 2>/dev/null || true [ ! -e ${SSTATE_PKG}.siginfo ] || touch --no-dereference ${SSTATE_PKG}.siginfo 2>/dev/null || true } BB_HASHCHECK_FUNCTION = "sstate_checkhashes" def sstate_checkhashes(sq_data, d, siginfo=False, currentcount=0, summary=True, **kwargs): import itertools found = set() missed = set() def gethash(task): return sq_data['unihash'][task] def getpathcomponents(task, d): # Magic data from BB_HASHFILENAME splithashfn = sq_data['hashfn'][task].split(" ") spec = splithashfn[1] if splithashfn[0] == "True": extrapath = d.getVar("NATIVELSBSTRING") + "/" else: extrapath = "" tname = bb.runqueue.taskname_from_tid(task)[3:] if tname in ["fetch", "unpack", "patch", "populate_lic", "preconfigure"] and splithashfn[2]: spec = splithashfn[2] extrapath = "" return spec, extrapath, tname def getsstatefile(tid, siginfo, d): spec, extrapath, tname = getpathcomponents(tid, d) return extrapath + generate_sstatefn(spec, gethash(tid), tname, siginfo, d) for tid in sq_data['hash']: sstatefile = d.expand("${SSTATE_DIR}/" + getsstatefile(tid, siginfo, d)) if os.path.exists(sstatefile): oe.utils.touch(sstatefile) found.add(tid) bb.debug(2, "SState: Found valid sstate file %s" % sstatefile) else: missed.add(tid) bb.debug(2, "SState: Looked for but didn't find file %s" % sstatefile) foundLocal = len(found) mirrors = d.getVar("SSTATE_MIRRORS") if mirrors: # Copy the data object and override DL_DIR and SRC_URI localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d) dldir = localdata.expand("${SSTATE_DIR}") localdata.delVar('MIRRORS') localdata.setVar('FILESPATH', dldir) localdata.setVar('DL_DIR', dldir) localdata.setVar('PREMIRRORS', mirrors) bb.debug(2, "SState using premirror of: %s" % mirrors) # if BB_NO_NETWORK is set but we also have SSTATE_MIRROR_ALLOW_NETWORK, # we'll want to allow network access for the current set of fetches. if bb.utils.to_boolean(localdata.getVar('BB_NO_NETWORK')) and \ bb.utils.to_boolean(localdata.getVar('SSTATE_MIRROR_ALLOW_NETWORK')): localdata.delVar('BB_NO_NETWORK') from bb.fetch2 import FetchConnectionCache def checkstatus_init(): while not connection_cache_pool.full(): connection_cache_pool.put(FetchConnectionCache()) def checkstatus_end(): while not connection_cache_pool.empty(): connection_cache = connection_cache_pool.get() connection_cache.close_connections() def checkstatus(arg): (tid, sstatefile) = arg connection_cache = connection_cache_pool.get() localdata2 = bb.data.createCopy(localdata) srcuri = "file://" + sstatefile localdata2.setVar('SRC_URI', srcuri) bb.debug(2, "SState: Attempting to fetch %s" % srcuri) import traceback try: fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch(srcuri.split(), localdata2, connection_cache=connection_cache) fetcher.checkstatus() bb.debug(2, "SState: Successful fetch test for %s" % srcuri) found.add(tid) missed.remove(tid) except bb.fetch2.FetchError as e: bb.debug(2, "SState: Unsuccessful fetch test for %s (%s)\n%s" % (srcuri, repr(e), traceback.format_exc())) except Exception as e: bb.error("SState: cannot test %s: %s\n%s" % (srcuri, repr(e), traceback.format_exc())) connection_cache_pool.put(connection_cache) if progress: bb.event.fire(bb.event.ProcessProgress(msg, next(cnt_tasks_done)), d) bb.event.check_for_interrupts(d) tasklist = [] for tid in missed: sstatefile = d.expand(getsstatefile(tid, siginfo, d)) tasklist.append((tid, sstatefile)) if tasklist: nproc = min(int(d.getVar("BB_NUMBER_THREADS")), len(tasklist)) ## thread-safe counter cnt_tasks_done = itertools.count(start = 1) progress = len(tasklist) >= 100 if progress: msg = "Checking sstate mirror object availability" bb.event.fire(bb.event.ProcessStarted(msg, len(tasklist)), d) # Have to setup the fetcher environment here rather than in each thread as it would race fetcherenv = bb.fetch2.get_fetcher_environment(d) with bb.utils.environment(**fetcherenv): bb.event.enable_threadlock() import concurrent.futures from queue import Queue connection_cache_pool = Queue(nproc) checkstatus_init() with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=nproc) as executor: executor.map(checkstatus, tasklist.copy()) checkstatus_end() bb.event.disable_threadlock() if progress: bb.event.fire(bb.event.ProcessFinished(msg), d) inheritlist = d.getVar("INHERIT") if "toaster" in inheritlist: evdata = {'missed': [], 'found': []}; for tid in missed: sstatefile = d.expand(getsstatefile(tid, False, d)) evdata['missed'].append((bb.runqueue.fn_from_tid(tid), bb.runqueue.taskname_from_tid(tid), gethash(tid), sstatefile ) ) for tid in found: sstatefile = d.expand(getsstatefile(tid, False, d)) evdata['found'].append((bb.runqueue.fn_from_tid(tid), bb.runqueue.taskname_from_tid(tid), gethash(tid), sstatefile ) ) bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("MissedSstate", evdata), d) if summary: # Print some summary statistics about the current task completion and how much sstate # reuse there was. Avoid divide by zero errors. total = len(sq_data['hash']) complete = 0 if currentcount: complete = (len(found) + currentcount) / (total + currentcount) * 100 match = 0 if total: match = len(found) / total * 100 bb.plain("Sstate summary: Wanted %d Local %d Mirrors %d Missed %d Current %d (%d%% match, %d%% complete)" % (total, foundLocal, len(found)-foundLocal, len(missed), currentcount, match, complete)) if hasattr(bb.parse.siggen, "checkhashes"): bb.parse.siggen.checkhashes(sq_data, missed, found, d) return found setscene_depvalid[vardepsexclude] = "SSTATE_EXCLUDEDEPS_SYSROOT" BB_SETSCENE_DEPVALID = "setscene_depvalid" def setscene_depvalid(task, taskdependees, notneeded, d, log=None): # taskdependees is a dict of tasks which depend on task, each being a 3 item list of [PN, TASKNAME, FILENAME] # task is included in taskdependees too # Return - False - We need this dependency # - True - We can skip this dependency import re def logit(msg, log): if log is not None: log.append(msg) else: bb.debug(2, msg) logit("Considering setscene task: %s" % (str(taskdependees[task])), log) directtasks = ["do_populate_lic", "do_deploy_source_date_epoch", "do_shared_workdir", "do_stash_locale", "do_gcc_stash_builddir", "do_create_spdx", "do_deploy_archives"] def isNativeCross(x): return x.endswith("-native") or "-cross-" in x or "-crosssdk" in x or x.endswith("-cross") # We only need to trigger deploy_source_date_epoch through direct dependencies if taskdependees[task][1] in directtasks: return True # We only need to trigger packagedata through direct dependencies # but need to preserve packagedata on packagedata links if taskdependees[task][1] == "do_packagedata": for dep in taskdependees: if taskdependees[dep][1] == "do_packagedata": return False return True for dep in taskdependees: logit(" considering dependency: %s" % (str(taskdependees[dep])), log) if task == dep: continue if dep in notneeded: continue # do_package_write_* and do_package doesn't need do_package if taskdependees[task][1] == "do_package" and taskdependees[dep][1] in ['do_package', 'do_package_write_deb', 'do_package_write_ipk', 'do_package_write_rpm', 'do_packagedata', 'do_package_qa']: continue # do_package_write_* need do_populate_sysroot as they're mainly postinstall dependencies if taskdependees[task][1] == "do_populate_sysroot" and taskdependees[dep][1] in ['do_package_write_deb', 'do_package_write_ipk', 'do_package_write_rpm']: return False # do_package/packagedata/package_qa/deploy don't need do_populate_sysroot if taskdependees[task][1] == "do_populate_sysroot" and taskdependees[dep][1] in ['do_package', 'do_packagedata', 'do_package_qa', 'do_deploy']: continue # Native/Cross packages don't exist and are noexec anyway if isNativeCross(taskdependees[dep][0]) and taskdependees[dep][1] in ['do_package_write_deb', 'do_package_write_ipk', 'do_package_write_rpm', 'do_packagedata', 'do_package', 'do_package_qa']: continue # Consider sysroot depending on sysroot tasks if taskdependees[task][1] == 'do_populate_sysroot' and taskdependees[dep][1] == 'do_populate_sysroot': # Allow excluding certain recursive dependencies. If a recipe needs it should add a # specific dependency itself, rather than relying on one of its dependees to pull # them in. # See also http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-core/2018-January/146324.html not_needed = False excludedeps = d.getVar('_SSTATE_EXCLUDEDEPS_SYSROOT') if excludedeps is None: # Cache the regular expressions for speed excludedeps = [] for excl in (d.getVar('SSTATE_EXCLUDEDEPS_SYSROOT') or "").split(): excludedeps.append((re.compile(excl.split('->', 1)[0]), re.compile(excl.split('->', 1)[1]))) d.setVar('_SSTATE_EXCLUDEDEPS_SYSROOT', excludedeps) for excl in excludedeps: if excl[0].match(taskdependees[dep][0]): if excl[1].match(taskdependees[task][0]): not_needed = True break if not_needed: continue # For meta-extsdk-toolchain we want all sysroot dependencies if taskdependees[dep][0] == 'meta-extsdk-toolchain': return False # Native/Cross populate_sysroot need their dependencies if isNativeCross(taskdependees[task][0]) and isNativeCross(taskdependees[dep][0]): return False # Target populate_sysroot depended on by cross tools need to be installed if isNativeCross(taskdependees[dep][0]): return False # Native/cross tools depended upon by target sysroot are not needed # Add an exception for shadow-native as required by useradd.bbclass if isNativeCross(taskdependees[task][0]) and taskdependees[task][0] != 'shadow-native': continue # Target populate_sysroot need their dependencies return False if taskdependees[dep][1] in directtasks: continue # Safe fallthrough default logit(" Default setscene dependency fall through due to dependency: %s" % (str(taskdependees[dep])), log) return False return True addhandler sstate_eventhandler sstate_eventhandler[eventmask] = "bb.build.TaskSucceeded" python sstate_eventhandler() { d = e.data writtensstate = d.getVar('SSTATE_CURRTASK') if not writtensstate: taskname = d.getVar("BB_RUNTASK")[3:] spec = d.getVar('SSTATE_PKGSPEC') swspec = d.getVar('SSTATE_SWSPEC') if taskname in ["fetch", "unpack", "patch", "populate_lic", "preconfigure"] and swspec: d.setVar("SSTATE_PKGSPEC", "${SSTATE_SWSPEC}") d.setVar("SSTATE_EXTRAPATH", "") d.setVar("SSTATE_CURRTASK", taskname) siginfo = d.getVar('SSTATE_PKG') + ".siginfo" if not os.path.exists(siginfo): bb.siggen.dump_this_task(siginfo, d) else: oe.utils.touch(siginfo) } SSTATE_PRUNE_OBSOLETEWORKDIR ?= "1" # # Event handler which removes manifests and stamps file for recipes which are no # longer 'reachable' in a build where they once were. 'Reachable' refers to # whether a recipe is parsed so recipes in a layer which was removed would no # longer be reachable. Switching between systemd and sysvinit where recipes # became skipped would be another example. # # Also optionally removes the workdir of those tasks/recipes # addhandler sstate_eventhandler_reachablestamps sstate_eventhandler_reachablestamps[eventmask] = "bb.event.ReachableStamps" python sstate_eventhandler_reachablestamps() { import glob d = e.data stamps = e.stamps.values() removeworkdir = (d.getVar("SSTATE_PRUNE_OBSOLETEWORKDIR", False) == "1") preservestampfile = d.expand('${SSTATE_MANIFESTS}/preserve-stamps') preservestamps = [] if os.path.exists(preservestampfile): with open(preservestampfile, 'r') as f: preservestamps = f.readlines() seen = [] # The machine index contains all the stamps this machine has ever seen in this build directory. # We should only remove things which this machine once accessed but no longer does. machineindex = set() bb.utils.mkdirhier(d.expand("${SSTATE_MANIFESTS}")) mi = d.expand("${SSTATE_MANIFESTS}/index-machine-${MACHINE}") if os.path.exists(mi): with open(mi, "r") as f: machineindex = set(line.strip() for line in f.readlines()) for a in sorted(list(set(d.getVar("SSTATE_ARCHS").split()))): toremove = [] i = d.expand("${SSTATE_MANIFESTS}/index-" + a) if not os.path.exists(i): continue manseen = set() ignore = [] with open(i, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for l in reversed(lines): try: (stamp, manifest, workdir) = l.split() # The index may have multiple entries for the same manifest as the code above only appends # new entries and there may be an entry with matching manifest but differing version in stamp/workdir. # The last entry in the list is the valid one, any earlier entries with matching manifests # should be ignored. if manifest in manseen: ignore.append(l) continue manseen.add(manifest) if stamp not in stamps and stamp not in preservestamps and stamp in machineindex: toremove.append(l) if stamp not in seen: bb.debug(2, "Stamp %s is not reachable, removing related manifests" % stamp) seen.append(stamp) except ValueError: bb.fatal("Invalid line '%s' in sstate manifest '%s'" % (l, i)) if toremove: msg = "Removing %d recipes from the %s sysroot" % (len(toremove), a) bb.event.fire(bb.event.ProcessStarted(msg, len(toremove)), d) removed = 0 for r in toremove: (stamp, manifest, workdir) = r.split() for m in glob.glob(manifest + ".*"): if m.endswith(".postrm"): continue sstate_clean_manifest(m, d) bb.utils.remove(stamp + "*") if removeworkdir: bb.utils.remove(workdir, recurse = True) lines.remove(r) removed = removed + 1 bb.event.fire(bb.event.ProcessProgress(msg, removed), d) bb.event.check_for_interrupts(d) bb.event.fire(bb.event.ProcessFinished(msg), d) with open(i, "w") as f: for l in lines: if l in ignore: continue f.write(l) machineindex |= set(stamps) with open(mi, "w") as f: for l in machineindex: f.write(l + "\n") if preservestamps: os.remove(preservestampfile) } # # Bitbake can generate an event showing which setscene tasks are 'stale', # i.e. which ones will be rerun. These are ones where a stamp file is present but # it is stable (e.g. taskhash doesn't match). With that list we can go through # the manifests for matching tasks and "uninstall" those manifests now. We do # this now rather than mid build since the distribution of files between sstate # objects may have changed, new tasks may run first and if those new tasks overlap # with the stale tasks, we'd see overlapping files messages and failures. Thankfully # removing these files is fast. # addhandler sstate_eventhandler_stalesstate sstate_eventhandler_stalesstate[eventmask] = "bb.event.StaleSetSceneTasks" python sstate_eventhandler_stalesstate() { d = e.data tasks = e.tasks bb.utils.mkdirhier(d.expand("${SSTATE_MANIFESTS}")) for a in list(set(d.getVar("SSTATE_ARCHS").split())): toremove = [] i = d.expand("${SSTATE_MANIFESTS}/index-" + a) if not os.path.exists(i): continue with open(i, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for l in lines: try: (stamp, manifest, workdir) = l.split() for tid in tasks: for s in tasks[tid]: if s.startswith(stamp): taskname = bb.runqueue.taskname_from_tid(tid)[3:] manname = manifest + "." + taskname if os.path.exists(manname): bb.debug(2, "Sstate for %s is stale, removing related manifest %s" % (tid, manname)) toremove.append((manname, tid, tasks[tid])) break except ValueError: bb.fatal("Invalid line '%s' in sstate manifest '%s'" % (l, i)) if toremove: msg = "Removing %d stale sstate objects for arch %s" % (len(toremove), a) bb.event.fire(bb.event.ProcessStarted(msg, len(toremove)), d) removed = 0 for (manname, tid, stamps) in toremove: sstate_clean_manifest(manname, d) for stamp in stamps: bb.utils.remove(stamp) removed = removed + 1 bb.event.fire(bb.event.ProcessProgress(msg, removed), d) bb.event.check_for_interrupts(d) bb.event.fire(bb.event.ProcessFinished(msg), d) }