%poky; ] > Setting Up and Using Toaster
Using Toaster in Analysis Mode This section describes how to use Toaster in Analysis Mode after setting Toaster up as a local instance or as a hosted service.
Setting Up Locally and Running in Analysis Mode Follow these steps to set up a local instance of Toaster and then run in Analysis Mode: Prepare your Build System: Be sure your system has the Toaster requirements by following the steps in the "Establishing Toaster System Dependencies" section. Get Set Up to Use the Yocto Project: Get the requirements set up so that you can use the Yocto Project to build images. See the "What You Need and How You Get It" section in the Yocto Project Quick Start for information. Source your Build Environment Setup Script: From your Source Directory (e.g. poky/build), source the build environment setup script &OE_INIT_FILE; or oe-init-build-env-memres. Start Toaster: From the Build Directory, start Toaster: $ source toaster start Start Your Build Using BitBake: Use the bitbake command to start your build. Here is an example that builds the core-image-minimal image: $ bitbake core-image-minimal Open Your Browser: Open your browser and visit http://host:port/toastergui. For host and port values, see the output of the source toaster start command. For information on how to use Toaster, see the "Using the Toaster Web Interface" section.
Setting Up a Hosted Service and Running in Analysis Mode A hosted service resides on a shared server and allows multiple users to take advantage of Toaster. In a production environment, you might want to have multiple local instances of the Toaster Logging Interface running on various remote build machines, and have those local instances access and use a single web server. To do this, you need to do the following: Maintain a common SQL database. Set up separate instances of BitBake servers and Toaster Logging Interfaces for each of those separate BitBake servers. The common SQL database allows the Web server to show data from all the various BitBake builds. Setting the SQL database outside of any Build Directory maintains a separation between the various builds. The BitBake servers, the SQL server, and the Web server or servers can be run on separate machines. Follow these steps to set up and run a hosted service and run Toaster in Analysis Mode: The steps assume a Toaster installation path of /opt/bitbake/. Prepare your Build System: Be sure your system has the Toaster requirements by following the steps in the "Establishing Toaster System Dependencies" section. Get Set Up to Use the Yocto Project: Get the requirements set up so that you can use the Yocto Project to build images. See the "What You Need and How You Get It" section in the Yocto Project Quick Start for information. Install and Set up the Database Server: You can use any SQL server out of the box. It is recommended that you use mysql-server because it has the advantages of advanced SQL features along with a fast and reliable database. However, setting up mysql-server is more complex and might require a Database Administrator to tune it. Another supported database backend is sqlite3. With sqlite3, you have the advantage of no configuration and an easy installation. However, Toaster still requires direct access to the backend. The sqlite backend is also slower as compared to mysql-server, and has no transactional support. You should set up proper username and password access on the shared database for everyone that will be using Toaster. You need administrator rights for the root account, which is not the same thing as root access on the machine. Here is an example that installs mysql-server and sets up some user accounts and the database. $ apt-get install mysql-server $ mysql -u root mysql> CREATE USER 'newuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'newuser'@'localhost'; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'newuser'@'localhost'; mysql> CREATE DATABASE 'toaster'; You need a separate clone of the Source Repositories for the Database Server. This clone is only used for getting the latest Toaster files. You can set this up using the following Git command. Be sure to set up the directory outside of any Build Directories. $ git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky In the separately cloned tree for the Database Server, edit the bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/settings.py file so that the DATABASES value points to the previously created database server. Use the username and password established earlier. Here is an example: $ cat /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/settings.py ... DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': 'toaster', 'USER': 'newuser', 'PASSWORD': 'password', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '3306', } ... Install and Set Up the Web Server: For a production environment, it is recommended that you install and set up a front-end web server. This server allows for load balancing and multi-threading over Toaster and django WSGI. Here is an example that uses Apache web server. $ apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi $ a2enmod wsgi $ cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf ... # the WSGIPythonPath is global WSGIPythonPath /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/ ... #snip - in VirtualHost WSGIScriptAlias / /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/wsgi.py <Directory //opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/> <Files wsgi.py> Require all granted </Files> </Directory> ... You need to collect static media from Toaster and continue configuring Apache to serve that static media: $ mkdir /var/www.html/static && cd /var/www.html/static $ /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py collectstatic $ cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf ... # in VirtualHost, AHEAD of the WSGIScriptAlias definition Alias /static/ /var/www.html/static/ <Directory /var/www.html/static/> Require all granted </Directory> ... WSGIScript Alias / /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/wsgi.py ... Start Toaster: Synchronize the databases for toaster, and then start up the web server. Here is an example that continues with the assumed components from the previous steps: $ /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py syncdb $ /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py migrate orm $ /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py migrate bldcontrol $ service apache2 restart You can find general documentation on manage.py at the Django site. For reference information on Toaster-specific manage.py commands, see the "Useful Commands" section. Enable Build Logging to the Common SQL Server for Each Build Directory you are Using: In the Build Directory, create the required conf/toaster.conf file as described in BitBake Extra Options. Briefly, for each Build Directory, you need to inherit the toaster class by setting the following in your local.conf configuration file: INHERIT += "toaster" INHERIT += "buildhistory" BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT = "1" You also need to point to the database. You can do this by exporting the DATABASE_URL variable as follows: export DATABASE_URL=mysql://newuser:password@ Source your Build Environment Setup Script: From your Source Directory on each of the build systems, (e.g. poky/build), source the build environment setup script (i.e. &OE_INIT_FILE; or oe-init-build-env-memres). Start the BitBake Server: Start the BitBake server using the following command: $ bitbake --postread conf/toaster.conf --server-only -t xmlrpc -B localhost:0 && export BBSERVER=localhost:-1 Start the Logging Server: Start the Toaster Logging Interface using the following command: $ nohup bitbake --observe-only -u toasterui >toaster_ui.log & No hard-coded ports are used in the BitBake options as there is enough code to run autodiscovery for BitBake ports. Doing so prevents collisions. Start Builds Using BitBake: Use the bitbake command to start a build on a build system. Here is an example that builds the core-image-minimal image: $ bitbake core-image-minimal When you are finished with a build in a given Build Directory, be sure to kill the BitBake server for that build area: $ bitbake -m For information on how to use the Toaster web interface, see the "Using the Toaster Web Interface" section.
Using Toaster in Build Mode This section describes how to use Toaster in Build Mode after setting Toaster up as a local instance or as a hosted service.
Setting Up Locally and Running in Build Mode Follow these steps to set up a local instance of Toaster and then run in Build Mode: Prepare your Build System: Be sure your system has the Toaster requirements by following the steps in the "Establishing Toaster System Dependencies" section. Get Set Up to Use the Yocto Project: Get the requirements set up so that you can use the Yocto Project to build images. See the "What You Need and How You Get It" section in the Yocto Project Quick Start for information. Start Toaster: From the root of the source directory (e.g poky/), run the following command: $ bitbake/bin/toaster Create a Superuser: Django will ask you if you want to create a superuser. You can skip this step, but it is recommended that you create a superuser. You can use the superuser to access the Django administration interface and make changes to the Toaster configuration. Select the Build Log Directory: Toaster asks you to specify the directory where you want to store the build log files. Choosing a directory for these files makes sure they are always available to you. If you do not choose a directory, the logs can disappear (e.g. deleting the Build Directory). When Toaster prompts you for the Build Log directory, you can select the suggested default or provide a path to a different directory. Specify the Layer Checkout Directory: Toaster asks you to specify the directory into which layers are checked out. Toaster clones any layers needed for your builds inside this directory. When Toaster prompts you for the Layer checkout directory, you can select the suggested default or provide a path to a different directory. Specify the Build Directory Path: Toaster asks you to specify the path to the Build Directory. You can select the suggested default or provide a path to a different directory. Choose Whether or not to Import a Default Toaster Configuration File: Toaster asks you if you want to import a default Toaster configuration file. Toaster configurations are stored in JSON files called toasterconf.json and supports several types. For information on JSON files, see the "JSON Files" section. You can skip importing a configuration file by entering "0" at the prompt. However, it is recommended that you import one of the configuration files listed during this step. You can always amend the imported configuration during a later stage through the Django administration interface. For general information on Django, see the available documentation. You can also find information on Toaster-specific manage.py commands in the "Useful Commands" section. Open the Browser: If no browser window appears, open your favorite browser and enter the following: http://localhost:8000/toastergui You can now use the Toaster web interface.
Setting Up a Hosted Service and Running in Build Mode Follow these steps to set up a hosted service and run Toaster in Build Mode: Prepare your Build System: Be sure your system has the Toaster requirements by following the steps in the "Establishing Toaster System Dependencies" section. Get Set Up to Use the Yocto Project: Get the requirements set up so that you can use the Yocto Project to build images. See the "What You Need and How You Get It" section in the Yocto Project Quick Start for information. Be Sure Management is Enabled: If you are running Toaster under Apache, you need to be sure management is enabled. To enable management, set MANAGED to "True" by adding the following to the bitbake/lib/toaster/settings.py file: MANAGED="True" Configure the Build Environment: Configure the build environment by running the following: bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py checksettings For reference information on Toaster-specific manage.py commands, see the "Useful Commands" section. Load a Configuration File: Load a configuration file by running the following: bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py loadconf path-to-toasterconf.json-file For reference information on Toaster-specific manage.py commands, see the "Useful Commands" section. Set Up Toaster for Normal Usage: You need to configure each build environment, layer sources, and BitBake versions. Verify that your releases have been loaded correctly by using the Toaster web interface to create a new project. Check the "Releases" dropdown menu to be sure your newly specified releases exist. If you want to use the administration interface for this step, here is a set of example commands with some descriptions as an example: # Create the user under which the builds will run $ adduser poky # Bring up the administration interface $xdg-open http://server-address/admin/ # Login with the admin user previously created # Go to the BuildEnvironment object in Build Environments and # set address to local host, sourcedir to /home/poky, and # builddir to /home/pokybuild. # # Save your changes and exit # Go to Home, Layer Sources and select add Layer Source # Name: OpenEmbedded, Sourcetype: layerindex, # Apiurl: http://layers openembedded.org/layerindex/api/ # Save your changes and exit # Go to Home, Bitbake Versions, Add bitbake version; # Take version information from: http://git.openembedded.org/bitbake/refs/heads, # This example assumes "master" version. # set Name: master, Giturl git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake # branch master, dirpath / # Save your changes and exit You also need to configure the project releases, the default variables, and update information from the layer index. Continuing with the example: # Go to Home, Releases, Add release # set Name: master, Description: Current master release, select Bitbake Version, # and Branch: master # Save your changes and exit # Go to Home, Toaster Settings, select the Setting for DEFAULT_RELEASE # set Helptext: This selects the default release., Value: master # Save your changes and exit # Go to Home, Bitbake Versions, Add bitbake version; # take version infor from : http://git.openembedded.org/bitbake/refs/heads, # this manual assumes the master version # set Name: master, Giturl git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake # branch master, dirpath / # Save your changes and exit # Update the information # bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py lsupdates For reference information on Toaster-specific manage.py commands, see the "Useful Commands" section. Install and Set up the Database Server: You can use any SQL server out of the box. It is recommended that you use mysql-server because it has the advantages of advanced SQL features along with a fast and reliable database. However, setting up mysql-server is more complex and might require a Database Administrator to tune it. Another supported database backend is sqlite3. With sqlite3, you have the advantage of no configuration and an easy installation. However, Toaster still requires direct access to the backend. The sqlite backend is also slower as compared to mysql-server, and has no transactional support. You should set up proper username and password access on the shared database for everyone that will be using Toaster. You need administrator rights for the root account, which is not the same thing as root access on the machine. Here is an example that installs mysql-server and sets up some user accounts and the database. $ apt-get install mysql-server $ mysql -u root mysql> CREATE USER 'newuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'newuser'@'localhost'; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'newuser'@'localhost'; mysql> CREATE DATABASE 'toaster'; You need a separate clone of the Source Repositories for the Database Server. This clone is only used for getting the latest Toaster files. You can set this up using the following Git command. Be sure to set up the directory outside of any Build Directories. $ git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky In the separately cloned tree for the Database Server, edit the bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/settings.py file so that the DATABASES value points to the previously created database server. Use the username and password established earlier. Here is an example: $ cat /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/settings.py ... DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': 'toaster', 'USER': 'newuser', 'PASSWORD': 'password', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '3306', } ... Create the Database Use the following commands to create the default database structure: $ bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py syncdb $ bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py migrate orm $ bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py migrate bldcontrol The interface asks you if you want to create a superuser. Do not skip this step. You will use the superuser account to access the administration interface and make changes to the Toaster configuration. Select Where the Build Process Takes Place: You need to create three directories for storing build artifacts, downloading sources, and running builds. All three directories need to be writable by the "poky" user. The build artifacts directory needs to readable by the apache user. You also need free disk space in the range of 100 Gbytes. Following are three suggested directories: /home/poky/buildartifacts/ /home/poky/build/ /home/poky/sources/ Set Up the toasterconf.json File: Download the toasterconf.json file from the File:Toasterconf.json.txt.patch wiki page and edit it to suit your environment. For information on the relevant sections of the file, see the "JSON Files" section. Check the Toaster Settings: You can check the Toaster settings by running this command: $ bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py checksettings When prompted, paste in the directory paths created previously during Step 9. Alternatively, you can select the edited toasterconf.json file set up in Step 5. Install and Set Up the Web Server: For a production environment, it is recommended that you install and set up a front-end web server. This server allows for load balancing and multi-threading over Toaster and django WSGI. Here is an example that uses Apache web server: $ apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi $ a2enmod wsgi $ cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf ... # the WSGIPythonPath is global WSGIPythonPath /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/ ... #snip - in VirtualHost WSGIScriptAlias / /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/wsgi.py <Directory //opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/> <Files wsgi.py> Require all granted </Files> </Directory> ... You need to collect static media from Toaster and continue configuring Apache to serve that static media: $ mkdir /var/www.html/static && cd /var/www.html/static $ /opt bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py collectstatic $ cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf ... # in VirtualHost, AHEAD of the WSGIScriptAlias definition Alias /static/ /var/www.html/static/ <Directory /var/www.html/static/> Require all granted </Directory> ... WSGIScript Alias / /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/wsgi.py ... Start Toaster: Synchronize the databases for toaster, and then start up the web server. Here is an example that continues with the assumed components from the previous steps: $ /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py syncdb $ /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py migrate orm $ /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py migrate bldcontrol $ service apache2 restart For reference information on the manage.py commands used here, see the "Useful Commands" section. Set up Build Control and Open the Web Interface: You need to run the build control manager. You can do this as shown in the following example: # as the "poky" user, start the runbuilds command in a loop (or put it in crontab!) $ sudo -i -u poky $ while true; do /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py runbuilds; sleep 10; done # open up the web interface $ xdg-open http://[server-address]/toastergui/ It is suggested that you enable build control by setting runbuilds in the crontab as follows: $ crontab -l * * * * * /opt/bitbake/lit/toaster/manage.py runbuilds Open the Browser: Once the Apache server is running, connect to it with your favorite browser and verify that the Toaster interface comes up. You can track accesses and errors in the Apache service logs: http://localhost:8000/toastergui You can now use the Toaster web interface.
Using the Toaster Web Interface The Toaster web interface allows you to do the following: Browse all OpenEmbedded layers available for your selected version of the build system Import your own layers for building. Add and remove layers from your configuration. Set configuration variables. Select a target or multiple targets to build. Start your builds. See what was built (recipes and packages) and what packages were installed into your final image. Browse the directory structure of your image. See the value of all variables in your build configuration, and which files set each value. Examine error, warning and trace messages to aid in debugging. See information about the BitBake tasks executed and reused during your build, including those that used shared state. See dependency relationships between recipes, packages and tasks. See performance information such as build time, task time, CPU usage, and disk I/O. Following are several videos that show how to use the Toaster GUI: New Toaster Functionality: This video introduces the new Toaster functionality for this release. Toaster Homepage and Table Controls: This video goes over the Toaster entry page, and provides an overview of the data manipulation capabilities of Toaster, which include search, sorting and filtering by different criteria. Build Dashboard: This video shows you the build dashboard, a page providing an overview of the information available for a selected build. Image Information: This video walks through the information Toaster provides about images: packages installed and root file system. Configuration: This video shows the information Toaster provides about build configuration. Tasks: This video shows the information Toaster provides about the tasks run by the build system. Recipes and Packages Built: This video shows the information Toaster provides about recipes and packages built. Performance Data: This video shows the build performance data provided by Toaster.