#!/usr/bin/env python from hashlib import md5 from pathlib import Path import re import sys import sphinx from sphinx.application import Sphinx # This extension uses pyyaml, report an explicit # error message if it's not installed try: import yaml except ImportError: sys.stderr.write("The Yocto Project Sphinx documentation requires PyYAML.\ \nPlease make sure to install pyyaml python package.\n") sys.exit(1) __version__ = '1.0' # Variables substitutions. Uses {VAR} subst using variables defined in poky.yaml # Each .rst file is processed after source-read event (subst_vars_replace runs once per file) subst_vars = {} poky_hash = "" def subst_vars_replace(app: Sphinx, docname, source): result = source[0] for k in subst_vars: result = result.replace("&"+k+";", subst_vars[k]) source[0] = result def yocto_vars_env_get_outdated(app: Sphinx, env, added, changed, removed): ''' If poky.yaml changed (BUILDDIR/.poky.yaml.cache does not exist or contains an md5sum different from poky.yaml's current md5sum), force rebuild of all *.rst files in SOURCEDIR whose content has at least one occurence of `&.*;` (see PATTERN global variable). ''' try: poky_cache = Path(app.outdir) / ".poky.yaml.cache" cache_hash = poky_cache.read_text() except FileNotFoundError: cache_hash = None if poky_hash == cache_hash: return [] docs = [] for p in Path(app.srcdir).rglob("*.rst"): if PATTERN.search(p.read_text()): p_rel_no_ext = p.relative_to(app.srcdir).parent / p.stem docs.append(str(p_rel_no_ext)) return docs def yocto_vars_build_finished(app: Sphinx, exception): poky_cache = Path(app.outdir) / ".poky.yaml.cache" poky_cache.write_text(poky_hash) return [] PATTERN = re.compile(r'&(.*?);') def expand(val, src): return PATTERN.sub(lambda m: expand(src.get(m.group(1), ''), src), val) def setup(app: Sphinx): global poky_hash with open("poky.yaml") as file: hasher = md5() buff = file.read() hasher.update(buff.encode('utf-8')) poky_hash = hasher.hexdigest() subst_vars.update(yaml.safe_load(buff)) for k in subst_vars: subst_vars[k] = expand(subst_vars[k], subst_vars) app.connect('source-read', subst_vars_replace) app.connect('env-get-outdated', yocto_vars_env_get_outdated) app.connect('build-finished', yocto_vars_build_finished) return dict( version = __version__, parallel_read_safe = True, parallel_write_safe = True )