Working with Open Source Code This chapter presents information for users new or unfamiliar with working in an open source environment. Working in this type of environment is different than working in a closed, proprietary environment. The chapter also presents information specific to the Yocto Project environment. It specifically addresses licensing issues, code repositories, the open-source distributed version control system Git, and best practices within Yocto Project. If you are a seasoned open source developer and are familiar with Git, you might just be interested in the Yocto Project specific information in this chapter.
Open Source Philosophy Open source philosophy is characterized by software development directed by peer production, bartering, and collaboration through a concerned community of developers. Contrast this to the more standard centralized development models used by commercial software companies where a finite set of developers produce a product for sale using a defined set of procedures that ultimately result in an end-product whose architecture and source material are closed to the public. Open source projects conceptually have differing concurrent agendas, approaches, and production. These facets of the development process can come from anyone in the public (community) that has a stake in the software project. The open source environment contains new copyright, licensing, domain, and consumer issues that differ from the more traditional development environment. In an open source environment the end-product, source material, and documentation are all available to the public at no cost. A benchmark example of an open source project is the Linux Kernel, which was initially conceived and created by Finnish computer science student Linus Torvalds in 1991. Conversely, a good example of a non-open source project is the Windows family of operating systems developed by Microsoft Corporation. Wikipedia has a good historical description of the Open Source Philosophy here. You can also find helpful information on how to participate in the Linux Community here.
Yocto Project Repositories The Yocto Project team maintains complete source repositories that allow further development of Yocto Project, its tools, Board Support Packages, and so forth. As a developer who uses Yocto Project, however, you need only to be able to access your kernel or application source code and any layers (modifications) on which you might be working. For any supported release of Yocto Project you can go to the Yocto Project website’s download page and get a .bz2 tarball of the release. You can also go to this site to download any supported BSP tarballs. After obtaining the code, you can unpack the tarballs and have a working Git repository from which you can develop. Or, you can take steps to create local repositories of Yocto Project source code and metadata on your development system. See the information here for information on how to set up these local Git repositories. Should you be interested in locations of complete Yocto Project development code, there are two areas where this code is maintained: Source Repositories: This area contains IDE Plugins, Matchbox, Poky, Poky Support, Tools, Yocto Linux Kernel, and Yocto Metadata Layers. Index of /downloads: This area contains an index of the Eclipse-plugin, miscellaneous support, poky, pseudo, and all released versions of Yocto Project. [WRITER NOTE: link will be]
Licensing Because open source projects are open to the public they have different licensing structures in place. License evolution for both Open Source and Free Software has an interesting history. If you are interested in the history you can find basic information here: Open source license history Free software license history In general, Yocto Project is broadly licensed under the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) License. MIT licensing permits the reuse of software within proprietary software as long as the license is distributed with that software. MIT is also compatible with the GNU General Public License (GPL). Patches to the Yocto Project follow the up-stream licensing scheme. You can find information on the MIT License here. You can find information on the GNU GPL here. When you build an image using Yocto Project the build process uses a known list of licenses to ensure compliance. Once the build completes the list of all licenses found and used during the build are kept in the resulting build directory at <build_directory>/tmp/deploy/images/licenses. If a module requires a license that is not in the base list then the build process generates a warning during the build. It is up to the developer to resolve potential licensing issues. The base list of licenses used by the build process is a combination of the Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) list and the Open Source Initiative (OSI) projects. SPDX Group is a working group of the Linux Foundation that maintains a specification for a standard format for communicating the components, licenses, and copyrights associated with a software package. OSI is a corporation dedicated to the Open Source Definition and the effort for reviewing and approving licenses that are OSD-conformant. You can find a list of the combined SPDX and OSI licenses that the Yocto Project uses here. The wiki page discusses the license infrastructure used by the Yocto Project.
Git The Yocto Project uses Git, which is a free, open source distributed version control. Git supports distributed development, non-linear development, can handle large projects, cryptographic authentication of history, and toolkit design. It is best that you know how to work with Git if you are going to use Yocto Project for development. Git has an extensive set of commands that lets you manage and collaborate changes over the life of a project. Conveniently though, you can manage with a small set of basic operations and workflows once you understand the basic philosophy behind Git. You do not have to be an expert in Git to be functional. A good place to look for instruction on a minimal set of Git commands is here. If you need to download Git you can do so here. Git works by using branching techniques that track content change (not files) within a project (e.g. a new feature or updated documentation). Creating a tree-like structure based on project divergence allows for excellent historical information over the life of a project. This methodology also allows for an environment in which you can do lots of experimentation on your project as you develop changes or new features. For example, you can create a “branch”, experiment with some feature, and then if you like the feature you incorporate the branch into the tree. If you don’t, you cut the branch off by deleting it. If you don’t know much about Git it is strongly suggested that you educate yourself by visiting the links previously mentioned. The following list briefly describes some basic Git operations as a way to get started. As with any set of commands, this list (in most cases) simply shows the base command and omits the many arguments they support. See the Git documentation for complete descriptions and strategies on how to use these commands: git init – Initializes an empty Git repository. You cannot use Git commands unless you have a .git repository. git clone – Creates a clone of a repository. During collaboration this command allows you to create a local repository that is on equal footing with a fellow developer’s repository. git add – Adds updated file contents to the index that Git uses to track changes. All files that have changed must be added before they can be committed. git commit – Creates a “commit” that documents the changes you made. Commits are used for historical purposes, for determining if a maintainer of a project will allow the change, and for ultimately pushing the change from your local Git repository into the project’s upstream (or master) repository. git status – Reports any modified files that possibly need added and committed. git checkout <branch-name> - Changes your working branch. This command is analogous to “cd”. git checkout –b <working-branch> - Creates a working branch on your local machine where you can isolate work. It is a good idea to use local branches when adding specific features or changes. This way if you don’t like what you have done you can easily get rid of the work. git branch – Reports existing branches and tells you which branch in which you are currently working. git pull – Retrieves information from an upstream Git repository and places it in your local Git repository. You use this command to make sure you are synchronized with the upstream repository from which the project’s maintainer uses to pull changes into the master repository. git push – Sends all your local changes you have committed to an upstream Git repository. The maintainer of the project draws from these repositories when adding your changes to the project’s master repository. git merge – Combines or adds changes from one local branch of your repository with another branch. When you create a local Git repository the default branch is named “master”. A typical workflow is to create a temporary branch for isolated work, make and commit your changes, switch to the master branch, merge the changes in the temporary branch with the master branch, and then delete the temporary branch git cherry-pick – Choose and apply specific commits from one branch into another branch. There are times when you might not be able to merge all the changes in one branch with another but need to pick out certain ones. gitk – Provides a GUI view of the branches and changes in your local Git repository. This command is a good way to see where things have diverged in your local repository. git log – Reports a history of your changes to the repository.
Workflows This section provides some overview on workflows using Git. In particular, the information covers basic practices that describe roles and actions in a collaborative development environment. Again, if you are familiar with this type of development environment you might want to just skip the section. Following are the definitions for some terms used in the Yocto Project. [WRITER NOTE: I need to move this list of definitions somewhere useful.] Image - An image is a collection of recipes created with Bitbake (baked). Images run on specific hardware and use cases. Recipe - A set of instructions for building packages. A recipe describes where you get the source and which patches to apply. Recipes describe dependencies for libraries or for other recipes and they also contain configuration and compilation options. Recipes also let you ‘install’ customizations. Recipes contain the logical unit of execution, the software/images to build and use the .bb file extension. BitBake - The task executor and scheduler used by Yocto Project to build images. For more information on BitBake, see the BitBake documentation. Package - A collection of ‘baked’ recipes. You ‘bake’ something by running it through Bitbake. Layer - A logical collection of recipes representing the core, a BSP, or an application stack. Metadata - Information for a build that is generally architecture-independent. This information includes Task definitions in recipes, classes, and configuration information. Configuration File: Configuration information in the .conf files provides global definition of variables. The build/conf/local.conf configuration file defines local user-defined variables. The distro/poky.conf configuration file defines Yocto ‘distro’ configuration variables. The machine/beagleboard.conf configuration file defines machine-specific variables. Configuration files end with a .conf filename extension. Classes - Files that encapsulate and inherit logic. Class files end with the .bbclass filename extension. Tasks - Arbitrary groups of software used to contain Recipes. You simply use Tasks to hold recipes that when build usually accomplished a single task. For example, a task could contain the recipes for a company’s proprietary or value-add software. Or the task could contain the recipes that enable graphics. A task is really just another recipe. Because task files are recipes, they end with the .bb filename extension. Common OE-Core - A core set of metadata originating with OpenEmbedded (OE) that is shared between OE and the Yocto Project. A master Git repository exists that contains the project. Usually a key individual is responsible for this repository. It is the “upstream” repository where the final builds of the project occur. The maintainer is responsible for allowing changes in from other developers and for organizing the branch structure of the repository to reflect release strategies and so forth. The maintainer of the project also owns a contribution repository usually known as a “contrib” area. The contrib area temporarily holds changes to the project that have been submitted or committed by the development team. The maintainer determines if the changes are qualified to be moved into the master repository. Developers create and maintain cloned repositories of the upstream master repository. These repositories are local to their development platforms and are used to develop changes. When a developer is satisfied with a particular feature or change they “push” the changes up to the contrib repository. Developers are responsible for keeping their local repository up-to-date with the master repository. They are also responsible for straightening out any conflicts that might arise within files that are being worked on simultaneously by more than one person. All this work is done locally on the developer’s machine before anything is pushed upstream and examined at the maintainer’s level. A somewhat formal method exists by which developers commit changes and push them into the contrib area and subsequently request that the maintainer include them into the master repository. This process is called “submitting a patch” or “submitting a change.” To summarize the environment: we have a single point of entry for changes into the project’s master repository, which is controlled by the project’s maintainer. And, we have a set of developers who independently develop, test, and submit changes upstream for the maintainer to examine. The maintainer then chooses which changes are going to become permanently a part of the project. [WRITER NOTE: Would like a figure here for Git workflow] While each development environment is unique, there are some best practices or methods that help development run smoothly. The following list describes some of these practices. For more detailed information about these strategies see Git Workflows. Small Changes - It is best to keep your changes you commit small as compared to bundling many disparate changes into a single commit. This practice not only keeps things manageable but also allows the maintainer to more easily include or refuse changes. Use Branches Liberally - It is very easy to create, use, and delete local branches in your working Git repository. You can name these branches anything you like. It is helpful to give them names associated with the particular feature or change on which you are working. Once you are done with a feature or change you simply discard the branch. Merge Changes - The Git merge command allows you to take the changes from one branch and fold them into another branch. This process is especially helpful when more than a single developer might be working on different parts of the same feature. Merging changes also automatically identifies any collisions or “conflicts” that might happen resulting from the same lines of code be altered by two different developers. Manage Branches - Because branches are easy to use, you should use a system where branches indicate varying levels of code readiness. For example, you can have a “work” branch to develop in, a “test” branch where the code or change is tested, a “stage” branch where changes are ready to be committed, and so forth. As your project develops, you can merge code across the branches to reflect ever-increasing stable states of the development. Use Push and Pull - The push-pull workflow is based on the concept of developers “pushing” local commits upstream to the remote repository, which is usually a contribution repository. It is also based on the developers “pulling” known states of the project down into their local development repositories. This workflow easily allows you to pull changes submitted by other developers from the upstream repository into your work area ensuring that you have the most recent software on which to develop. Patch Workflow - This workflow allows you to notify the maintainer through an email that you have a change (or patch) you would like considered for the master repository. To send this type of change you format the patch and then send the email using the Git commands git format-patch and git send-email. You can find information on how to submit later in this chapter.
Tracking Bugs The Yocto Project uses Bugzilla to track bugs. This bug-tracking application works well for group development because it tracks bugs and code changes, can be used to communicate changes and problems with developers, can be used to submit and review patches, and can be used to manage quality assurance. You can find a good overview of Bugzilla here. Sometimes it is helpful to submit, investigate, or track a bug against the Yocto Project itself. While normally this is a process relevant only to Yocto Project developers, you can find information for Bugzilla configuration and bug tracking procedures specific to the Yocto Project here. The Yocto Project uses its own version of the Bugzilla application. You can find the home page here. You need to use this implementation of Bugzilla when logging a defect against anything released by the Yocto Project team. Here are some things to remember when dealing with bugs against the Yocto Project: The Yocto Project follows a naming bug-naming convention: [YOCTO <number>], where <number> is the assigned defect ID used in Bugzilla. So, for example, a valid way to refer to a defect when creating a commit comment would be [YOCTO 1011]. This convention becomes important if you are submitting patches against the Yocto Project code itself (see the next section “How to Submit a Change”). Defects for Yocto Project fall into one of four classifications: Yocto Projects, Infrastructure, Poky, and Yocto Metadata Layers.
How to Submit a Change During the development process it is necessary to submit your changes to the maintainer of the project. Furthermore, in a collaborative environment it is necessary to have some sort of standard or method through which you submit changes. Otherwise, things would get quite chaotic. Sometimes you might find it necessary to submit a change or patch to the Yocto Project. If so, you must follow certain procedures. In particular, the headers in patches and the commit messages must follow a certain standard. The general process is the same as described earlier in this section. For complete details on how to create proper commit messages and patch headers see [WRITER NOTE: I need the link to Mark's wiki page here that describes the process.] Following are general instructions for both pushing changes upstream and for submitting changes as patches.
Pushing a Change Upstream The basic flow for pushing a change to an upstream contrib repository is as follows: Make your changes in your local repository. Stage your commit (or change) by using the git add command. Commit the change by using the git commit command and push it to an upstream contrib repository. Be sure to provide a commit message that follows the project’s commit standards. Notify the maintainer that you have pushed a change. You can find detailed information on how to push a change upstream here.
Submitting a Patch If you have a just a few changes you can commit them and then submit them as an email to the maintainer. Here is the general procedure: Make your changes in your local repository. Stage your commit (or change) by using the git add command. Commit the change by using the git commit command. Be sure to provide a commit message that follows the project’s commit standards. Format the commit by using the git-format-patch command. This step produces a numbered series of files in the current directory – one for each commit. Import the files into your mail client by using the git-send-email command. Send the email by hand to the maintainer. Be aware that there could be protocols and standards that you need to follow for your particular project. You can find detailed information on the general process here.