BSP Development Example This appendix provides a complete BSP example. The example assumes the following: No previous preparation or use of the Yocto Project. Use of the Crown Bay Board Support Package (BSP) as a base BSP from which to work from. Shell commands assume bash Example was developed on an Intel-based Core i7 platform running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS released in April of 2010.
Getting Local Yocto Project Files and BSP Files You need to have the Yocto Project files available on your host system. You can get files through tarball extraction or by cloning the poky Git repository. See the bulleted item Yocto Project Release in Getting Setup earlier in this manual for information on how to get these files. Once you have the local poky Git repository set up, you have many development branches from which you can work. From inside the repository you can see the branch names and the tag names used in the Git repository using either of the following two commands: $ git branch -a $ git tag -l For this example we are going to use the Yocto Project 1.1 Release, which is code named "edison". These commands create a local branch named edison that tracks the remote branch of the same name. $ cd poky $ git checkout -b edison origin/edison Switched to a new branch 'edison'
Choosing a Base BSP For this example, the base BSP is the Intel Atom Processor E660 with Intel Platform Controller Hub EG20T Development Kit, which is otherwise referred to as "Crown Bay." The BSP layer is meta-crownbay. For information on how to choose a base BSP, see Developing a Board Support Package (BSP) earlier in this manual.
Getting Your Base BSP You need to have the base BSP layer on your development system. Similar to the local Yocto Project files, you can get the BSP layer one of two ways: download the BSP tarball and extract it, or set up a local Git repository that has the Yocto Project BSP layers. You should use the same method that you used to get the local Yocto Project files earlier. See Getting Setup earlier in this manual for information on how to get the BSP files. This example assumes the local meta-intel Git repository is inside the local poky Git repository. The meta-intel Git repository contains all the metadata that supports BSP creation. Because meta-intel is its own Git repository, you will want to be sure you are in the appropriate branch for your work. For this example we are going to use the edison branch. $ cd meta-intel $ git checkout -b edison origin/edison Switched to a new branch 'edison'
Making a Copy of the Base BSP to Create Your New BSP Layer Now that you have the local Yocto Project files and the base BSP files, you need to create a new layer for your BSP. To create your BSP layer, you simply copy the meta-crownbay layer to a new layer. For this example, the new layer will be named meta-mymachine. The name must follow the BSP layer naming convention, which is meta-<name>. The following example assumes your working directory is meta-intel inside the local Yocto Project files. If you downloaded and expanded a Crown Bay tarball then you simply copy the resulting meta-crownbay directory structure to a location of your choice. Good practice for a Git repository, however, is to just copy the new layer alongside the existing BSP layers in the meta-intel Git repository: $ cp -a meta-crownbay/ meta-mymachine
Making Changes to Your BSP Right now you have two identical BSP layers with different names: meta-crownbay and meta-mymachine. You need to change your configurations so that they work for your new BSP and your particular hardware. The following sections look at each of these areas of the BSP.
Changing the BSP Configuration We will look first at the configurations, which are all done in the layer’s conf directory. First, since in this example the new BSP will not support EMGD, we will get rid of the crownbay.conf file and then rename the crownbay-noemgd.conf file to mymachine.conf. Much of what we do in the configuration directory is designed to help the Yocto Project build system work with the new layer and to be able to find and use the right software. The following two commands result in a single machine configuration file named mymachine.conf. $ rm meta-mymachine/conf/machine/crownbay.conf $ mv meta-mymachine/conf/machine/crownbay-noemgd.conf \ meta-mymachine/conf/machine/mymachine.conf The next step makes changes to mymachine.conf itself. The only changes needed for this example are changes to the comment lines. Here we simply substitute the Crown Bay name with an appropriate name. Note that inside the mymachine.conf is the PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel statement. This statement identifies the kernel that the BSP is going to use. In this case, the BSP is using linux-yocto, which is the current Linux Yocto kernel based on the Linux 3.0 release. The next configuration file in the new BSP layer we need to edit is layer.conf. This file identifies build information needed for the new layer. You can see the "Layer Configuration File" section in The Board Support Packages (BSP) Development Guide for more information on this configuration file. Basically, we are changing the existing statements to work with our BSP. The file contains these statements that reference the Crown Bay BSP: BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "crownbay" BBFILE_PATTERN_crownbay := "^${LAYERDIR}/" BBFILE_PRIORITY_crownbay = "6" Simply substitute the machine string name crownbay with the new machine name mymachine to get the following: BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "mymachine" BBFILE_PATTERN_mymachine := "^${LAYERDIR}/" BBFILE_PRIORITY_mymachine = "6"
Changing the Recipes in Your BSP Now we will take a look at the recipes in your new layer. The standard BSP structure has areas for BSP, graphics, core, and kernel recipes. When you create a BSP, you use these areas for appropriate recipes and append files. Recipes take the form of .bb files. If you want to leverage the existing recipes the Yocto Project build system uses but change those recipes, you can use .bbappend files. All new recipes and append files for your layer must go in the layer’s recipes-bsp, recipes-kernel, recipes-core, and recipes-graphics directories.
Changing <filename>recipes-bsp</filename> First, let's look at recipes-bsp. For this example we are not adding any new BSP recipes. And, we only need to remove the formfactor we do not want and change the name of the remaining one that doesn't support EMGD. These commands take care of the recipes-bsp recipes: $ rm -rf meta-mymachine/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/*emgd* $ mv meta-mymachine/recipes-bsp/formfactor/formfactor/crownbay-noemgd/ \ meta-mymachine/recipes-bsp/formfactor/formfactor/mymachine
Changing <filename>recipes-graphics</filename> Now let's look at recipes-graphics. For this example we want to remove anything that supports EMGD and be sure to rename remaining directories appropriately. The following commands clean up the recipes-graphics directory: $ rm -rf meta-mymachine/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-emgd* $ rm -rf meta-mymachine/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/crownbay $ mv meta-mymachine/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/crownbay-noemgd \ meta-mymachine/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/mymachine At this point the recipes-graphics directory just has files that support Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) graphics modes and not EMGD.
Changing <filename>recipes-core</filename> Now let's look at changes in recipes-core. The file task-core-tools.bbappend in recipes-core/tasks appends the similarly named recipe located in the local Yocto Project files at meta/recipes-core/tasks. The "append" file in our layer right now is Crown Bay-specific and supports EMGD and non-EMGD. Here are the contents of the file: RRECOMMENDS_task-core-tools-profile_append_crownbay = " systemtap" RRECOMMENDS_task-core-tools-profile_append_crownbay-noemgd = " systemtap" The RRECOMMENDS statements list packages that extend usability. The first RRECOMMENDS statement can be removed, while the second one can be changed to reflect meta-mymachine: RRECOMMENDS_task-core-tools-profile_append_mymachine = " systemtap"
Changing <filename>recipes-kernel</filename> Finally, let's look at recipes-kernel changes. Recall that the BSP uses the linux-yocto kernel as determined earlier in the mymachine.conf. The recipe for that kernel is not located in the BSP layer but rather in the local Yocto Project files at meta/recipes-kernel/linux and is named The SRCREV_machine and SRCREV_meta statements point to the exact commits used by the Yocto Project development team in their source repositories that identify the right kernel for our hardware. However, in the meta-mymachine layer in recipes-kernel/linux resides a .bbappend file named linux-yocto_3.0.bbappend that is appended to the recipe of the same name in meta/recipes-kernel/linux. Thus, the SRCREV statements in the "append" file override the more general statements found in meta. The SRCREV statements in the "append" file currently identify the kernel that supports the Crown Bay BSP with and without EMGD support. Here are the statements: SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_crownbay ?= \ "2247da9131ea7e46ed4766a69bb1353dba22f873" SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_crownbay ?= \ "67a46a608f47c19f16995be7de7b272025864b1b" SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_crownbay-noemgd ?= \ "2247da9131ea7e46ed4766a69bb1353dba22f873" SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_crownbay-noemgd ?= \ "67a46a608f47c19f16995be7de7b272025864b1b" You will notice that there are two pairs of SRCREV statements. The top pair identifies the kernel that supports EMGD, which we don’t care about in this example. The bottom pair identifies the kernel that we will use: linux-yocto. At this point though, the unique commit strings all are still associated with Crown Bay and not meta-mymachine. To fix this situation in linux-yocto_3.0.bbappend we delete the two SRCREV statements that support EMGD (the top pair). We also change the remaining pair to specify mymachine and insert the commit identifiers to identify the kernel in which we are interested, which will be based on the atom-pc-standard kernel. Here are the final SRCREV statements: SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_mymachine ?= \ "06c798f25a19281d7fa944b14366dd75820ba009" SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_mymachine ?= \ "67a46a608f47c19f16995be7de7b272025864b1b" If you are familiar with Git repositories you probably won’t have trouble locating the exact commit strings in the Yocto Project source repositories you need to change the SRCREV statements. You can find all the machine and meta branch points (commits) for the linux-yocto-3.0 kernel at . If you need a little more assistance after going to the link then do the following: Expand the list of branches by clicking […] Click on the yocto/standard/common-pc/atom-pc branch Click on the commit column header to view the top commit Copy the commit string for use in the linux-yocto_3.0.bbappend file For the SRCREV statement that points to the meta branch use the same procedure except expand the meta branch in step 2 above. Also in the linux-yocto_3.0.bbappend file are COMPATIBLE_MACHINE, KMACHINE, and KERNEL_FEATURES statements. Two sets of these exist: one set supports EMGD and one set does not. Because we are not interested in supporting EMGD those three can be deleted. The remaining three must be changed so that mymachine replaces crownbay-noemgd and crownbay. Here is the final linux-yocto_3.0.bbappend file after all the edits: FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_mymachine = "mymachine" KMACHINE_mymachine = "yocto/standard/mymachine" KERNEL_FEATURES_append_mymachine += " cfg/smp.scc" SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_mymachine ?= \ "06c798f25a19281d7fa944b14366dd75820ba009" SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_mymachine ?= \ "67a46a608f47c19f16995be7de7b272025864b1b"
BSP Recipe Change Summary In summary, the edits to the layer’s recipe files result in removal of any files and statements that do not support your targeted hardware in addition to the inclusion of any new recipes you might need. In this example, it was simply a matter of ridding the new layer meta-machine of any code that supported the EMGD features and making sure we were identifying the kernel that supports our example, which is the atom-pc-standard kernel. We did not introduce any new recipes to the layer. Finally, it is also important to update the layer’s README file so that the information in it reflects your BSP.
Preparing for the Build To get ready to build your image that uses the new layer you need to do the following: Get the environment ready for the build by sourcing the environment script. The environment script is in the top-level of the local Yocto Project files directory structure. The script has the string init-build-env in the file’s name. For this example, the following command gets the build environment ready: $ source oe-init-build-env yocto-build When you source the script a build directory is created in the current working directory. In our example we were in the poky directory. Thus, entering the previous command created the yocto-build directory. If you do not provide a name for the build directory it defaults to build. The yocot-build directory contains a conf directory that has two configuration files you will need to check: bblayers.conf and local.conf. Check and edit the resulting local.conf file. This file minimally identifies the machine for which to build the image by configuring the MACHINE variable. For this example you must set the variable to mymachine as follows: MACHINE ??= “mymachine” You should also be sure any other variables in which you are interested are set. Some variables to consider are BB_NUMBER_THREADS and PARALLEL_MAKE, both of which can greatly reduce your build time if you are using a multi-threaded development system (e.g. values of 8 and j 6, respectively are optimal for a development machine that has four available cores). Update the bblayers.conf file so that it includes the path to your new BSP layer. In this example you need to include the pathname to meta-mymachine. For this example the BBLAYERS variable in the file would need to include the following path: $HOME/poky/meta-intel/meta-mymachine The appendix Reference: Variables Glossary in the Yocto Project Reference Manual has more information on configuration variables.
Building the Image To build the image for our meta-mymachine BSP enter the following command from the same shell from which you ran the setup script. You should run the bitbake command without any intervening shell commands. For example, moving your working directory around could cause problems. Here is the command for this example: $ bitbake -k core-image-sato This command specifies an image that has Sato support and that can be run from a USB device or from a CD without having to first install anything. The build process takes significant time and includes thousands of tasks, which are reported at the console. If the build results in any type of error you should check for misspellings in the files you changed or problems with your host development environment such as missing packages.