# # ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # BitBake Toaster Implementation # # Copyright (C) 2015 Intel Corporation # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # from django.views.generic import View, TemplateView from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_control from django.shortcuts import HttpResponse from django.core.cache import cache from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage from django.db.models import Q from orm.models import Project, Build from django.template import Context, Template from django.template import VariableDoesNotExist from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder from django.core.exceptions import FieldError from django.utils import timezone from toastergui.templatetags.projecttags import sectohms, get_tasks from toastergui.templatetags.projecttags import json as template_json from django.http import JsonResponse from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse import types import json import collections import re import os from toastergui.tablefilter import TableFilterMap try: from urllib import unquote_plus except ImportError: from urllib.parse import unquote_plus import logging logger = logging.getLogger("toaster") class NoFieldOrDataName(Exception): pass class ToasterTable(TemplateView): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ToasterTable, self).__init__() if 'template_name' in kwargs: self.template_name = kwargs['template_name'] self.title = "Table" self.queryset = None self.columns = [] # map from field names to Filter instances self.filter_map = TableFilterMap() self.total_count = 0 self.static_context_extra = {} self.empty_state = "Sorry - no data found" self.default_orderby = "" # prevent HTTP caching of table data @cache_control(must_revalidate=True, max_age=0, no_store=True, no_cache=True) def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(ToasterTable, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs) def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(ToasterTable, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['title'] = self.title context['table_name'] = type(self).__name__.lower() context['empty_state'] = self.empty_state # global variables context['project_enable'] = ('1' == os.environ.get('TOASTER_BUILDSERVER')) try: context['project_specific'] = ('1' == os.environ.get('TOASTER_PROJECTSPECIFIC')) except: context['project_specific'] = '' return context def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if request.GET.get('format', None) == 'json': self.setup_queryset(*args, **kwargs) # Put the project id into the context for the static_data_template if 'pid' in kwargs: self.static_context_extra['pid'] = kwargs['pid'] cmd = request.GET.get('cmd', None) if cmd and 'filterinfo' in cmd: data = self.get_filter_info(request, **kwargs) else: # If no cmd is specified we give you the table data data = self.get_data(request, **kwargs) return HttpResponse(data, content_type="application/json") return super(ToasterTable, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs) def get_filter_info(self, request, **kwargs): self.setup_filters(**kwargs) search = request.GET.get("search", None) if search: self.apply_search(search) name = request.GET.get("name", None) table_filter = self.filter_map.get_filter(name) return json.dumps(table_filter.to_json(self.queryset), indent=2, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder) def setup_columns(self, *args, **kwargs): """ function to implement in the subclass which sets up the columns """ pass def setup_filters(self, *args, **kwargs): """ function to implement in the subclass which sets up the filters """ pass def setup_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs): """ function to implement in the subclass which sets up the queryset""" pass def add_filter(self, table_filter): """Add a filter to the table. Args: table_filter: Filter instance """ self.filter_map.add_filter(table_filter.name, table_filter) def add_column(self, title="", help_text="", orderable=False, hideable=True, hidden=False, field_name="", filter_name=None, static_data_name=None, static_data_template=None): """Add a column to the table. Args: title (str): Title for the table header help_text (str): Optional help text to describe the column orderable (bool): Whether the column can be ordered. We order on the field_name. hideable (bool): Whether the user can hide the column hidden (bool): Whether the column is default hidden field_name (str or list): field(s) required for this column's data static_data_name (str, optional): The column's main identifier which will replace the field_name. static_data_template(str, optional): The template to be rendered as data """ self.columns.append({'title': title, 'help_text': help_text, 'orderable': orderable, 'hideable': hideable, 'hidden': hidden, 'field_name': field_name, 'filter_name': filter_name, 'static_data_name': static_data_name, 'static_data_template': static_data_template}) def set_column_hidden(self, title, hidden): """ Set the hidden state of the column to the value of hidden """ for col in self.columns: if col['title'] == title: col['hidden'] = hidden break def set_column_hideable(self, title, hideable): """ Set the hideable state of the column to the value of hideable """ for col in self.columns: if col['title'] == title: col['hideable'] = hideable break def render_static_data(self, template, row): """Utility function to render the static data template""" context = { 'extra': self.static_context_extra, 'data': row, } context = Context(context) template = Template(template) return template.render(context) def apply_filter(self, filters, filter_value, **kwargs): """ Apply a filter submitted in the querystring to the ToasterTable filters: (str) in the format: ':' filter_value: (str) parameters to pass to the named filter and are used to look up the correct filter in the ToasterTable's filter map; the are set on TableFilterAction* before its filter is applied and may modify the queryset returned by the filter """ self.setup_filters(**kwargs) try: filter_name, action_name = filters.split(':') action_params = unquote_plus(filter_value) except ValueError: return if "all" in action_name: return try: table_filter = self.filter_map.get_filter(filter_name) action = table_filter.get_action(action_name) action.set_filter_params(action_params) self.queryset = action.filter(self.queryset) except KeyError: # pass it to the user - programming error here raise def apply_orderby(self, orderby): # Note that django will execute this when we try to retrieve the data self.queryset = self.queryset.order_by(orderby) def apply_search(self, search_term): """Creates a query based on the model's search_allowed_fields""" if not hasattr(self.queryset.model, 'search_allowed_fields'): raise Exception("Search fields aren't defined in the model %s" % self.queryset.model) search_queries = None for st in search_term.split(" "): queries = None for field in self.queryset.model.search_allowed_fields: query = Q(**{field + '__icontains': st}) if queries: queries |= query else: queries = query if search_queries: search_queries &= queries else: search_queries = queries self.queryset = self.queryset.filter(search_queries) def get_data(self, request, **kwargs): """ Returns the data for the page requested with the specified parameters applied filters: filter and action name, e.g. "outcome:build_succeeded" filter_value: value to pass to the named filter+action, e.g. "on" (for a toggle filter) or "2015-12-11,2015-12-12" (for a date range filter) """ page_num = request.GET.get("page", 1) limit = request.GET.get("limit", 10) search = request.GET.get("search", None) filters = request.GET.get("filter", None) filter_value = request.GET.get("filter_value", "on") orderby = request.GET.get("orderby", None) nocache = request.GET.get("nocache", None) # Make a unique cache name cache_name = self.__class__.__name__ for key, val in request.GET.items(): if key == 'nocache': continue cache_name = cache_name + str(key) + str(val) for key, val in kwargs.items(): cache_name = cache_name + str(key) + str(val) # No special chars allowed in the cache name apart from dash cache_name = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9-]', "", cache_name) if nocache: cache.delete(cache_name) data = cache.get(cache_name) if data: logger.debug("Got cache data for table '%s'" % self.title) return data self.setup_columns(**kwargs) if search: self.apply_search(search) if filters: self.apply_filter(filters, filter_value, **kwargs) if orderby: self.apply_orderby(orderby) paginator = Paginator(self.queryset, limit) try: page = paginator.page(page_num) except EmptyPage: page = paginator.page(1) data = { 'total': self.queryset.count(), 'default_orderby': self.default_orderby, 'columns': self.columns, 'rows': [], 'error': "ok", } try: for model_obj in page.object_list: # Use collection to maintain the order required_data = collections.OrderedDict() for col in self.columns: field = col['field_name'] if not field: field = col['static_data_name'] if not field: raise NoFieldOrDataName("Must supply a field_name or" "static_data_name for column" "%s.%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, col) ) # Check if we need to process some static data if "static_data_name" in col and col['static_data_name']: # Overwrite the field_name with static_data_name # so that this can be used as the html class name col['field_name'] = col['static_data_name'] try: # Render the template given required_data[col['static_data_name']] = \ self.render_static_data( col['static_data_template'], model_obj) except (TemplateSyntaxError, VariableDoesNotExist) as e: logger.error("could not render template code" "%s %s %s", col['static_data_template'], e, self.__class__.__name__) required_data[col['static_data_name']] =\ '' else: # Traverse to any foriegn key in the field # e.g. recipe__layer_version__name model_data = None if "__" in field: for subfield in field.split("__"): if not model_data: # The first iteration is always going to # be on the actual model object instance. # Subsequent ones are on the result of # that. e.g. forieng key objects model_data = getattr(model_obj, subfield) else: model_data = getattr(model_data, subfield) else: model_data = getattr(model_obj, col['field_name']) # We might have a model function as the field so # call it to return the data needed if isinstance(model_data, types.MethodType): model_data = model_data() required_data[col['field_name']] = model_data data['rows'].append(required_data) except FieldError: # pass it to the user - programming-error here raise data = json.dumps(data, indent=2, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder) cache.set(cache_name, data, 60*30) return data class ToasterTypeAhead(View): """ A typeahead mechanism to support the front end typeahead widgets """ MAX_RESULTS = 6 class MissingFieldsException(Exception): pass def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ToasterTypeAhead, self).__init__() def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): def response(data): return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data, indent=2, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder), content_type="application/json") error = "ok" search_term = request.GET.get("search", None) if search_term is None: # We got no search value so return empty reponse return response({'error': error, 'results': []}) try: prj = Project.objects.get(pk=kwargs['pid']) except KeyError: prj = None results = self.apply_search(search_term, prj, request)[:ToasterTypeAhead.MAX_RESULTS] if len(results) > 0: try: self.validate_fields(results[0]) except self.MissingFieldsException as e: error = e data = {'results': results, 'error': error} return response(data) def validate_fields(self, result): if 'name' in result is False or 'detail' in result is False: raise self.MissingFieldsException( "name and detail are required fields") def apply_search(self, search_term, prj): """ Override this function to implement search. Return an array of dictionaries with a minium of a name and detail field""" pass class MostRecentBuildsView(View): def _was_yesterday_or_earlier(self, completed_on): now = timezone.now() delta = now - completed_on if delta.days >= 1: return True return False def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of builds in JSON format. """ project = None project_id = request.GET.get('project_id', None) if project_id: try: project = Project.objects.get(pk=project_id) except: # if project lookup fails, assume no project pass recent_build_objs = Build.get_recent(project) recent_builds = [] for build_obj in recent_build_objs: dashboard_url = reverse('builddashboard', args=(build_obj.pk,)) buildtime_url = reverse('buildtime', args=(build_obj.pk,)) rebuild_url = \ reverse('xhr_buildrequest', args=(build_obj.project.pk,)) cancel_url = \ reverse('xhr_buildrequest', args=(build_obj.project.pk,)) build = {} build['id'] = build_obj.pk build['dashboard_url'] = dashboard_url buildrequest_id = None if hasattr(build_obj, 'buildrequest'): buildrequest_id = build_obj.buildrequest.pk build['buildrequest_id'] = buildrequest_id if build_obj.recipes_to_parse > 0: build['recipes_parsed_percentage'] = \ int((build_obj.recipes_parsed / build_obj.recipes_to_parse) * 100) else: build['recipes_parsed_percentage'] = 0 if build_obj.repos_to_clone > 0: build['repos_cloned_percentage'] = \ int((build_obj.repos_cloned / build_obj.repos_to_clone) * 100) else: build['repos_cloned_percentage'] = 0 build['progress_item'] = build_obj.progress_item tasks_complete_percentage = 0 if build_obj.outcome in (Build.SUCCEEDED, Build.FAILED): tasks_complete_percentage = 100 elif build_obj.outcome == Build.IN_PROGRESS: tasks_complete_percentage = build_obj.completeper() build['tasks_complete_percentage'] = tasks_complete_percentage build['state'] = build_obj.get_state() build['errors'] = build_obj.errors.count() build['dashboard_errors_url'] = dashboard_url + '#errors' build['warnings'] = build_obj.warnings.count() build['dashboard_warnings_url'] = dashboard_url + '#warnings' build['buildtime'] = sectohms(build_obj.timespent_seconds) build['buildtime_url'] = buildtime_url build['rebuild_url'] = rebuild_url build['cancel_url'] = cancel_url build['is_default_project_build'] = build_obj.project.is_default build['build_targets_json'] = \ template_json(get_tasks(build_obj.target_set.all())) # convert completed_on time to user's timezone completed_on = timezone.localtime(build_obj.completed_on) completed_on_template = '%H:%M' if self._was_yesterday_or_earlier(completed_on): completed_on_template = '%d/%m/%Y ' + completed_on_template build['completed_on'] = completed_on.strftime( completed_on_template) targets = [] target_objs = build_obj.get_sorted_target_list() for target_obj in target_objs: if target_obj.task: targets.append(target_obj.target + ':' + target_obj.task) else: targets.append(target_obj.target) build['targets'] = ' '.join(targets) # abbreviated form of the full target list abbreviated_targets = '' num_targets = len(targets) if num_targets > 0: abbreviated_targets = targets[0] if num_targets > 1: abbreviated_targets += (' +%s' % (num_targets - 1)) build['targets_abbreviated'] = abbreviated_targets recent_builds.append(build) return JsonResponse(recent_builds, safe=False)