# # ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # BitBake Toaster Implementation # # Copyright (C) 2015 Intel Corporation # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. from django.views.generic import View, TemplateView from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_control from django.shortcuts import HttpResponse from django.http import HttpResponseBadRequest from django.core import serializers from django.core.cache import cache from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage from django.db.models import Q from orm.models import Project, ProjectLayer, Layer_Version from django.template import Context, Template from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder from django.core.exceptions import FieldError from django.conf.urls import url, patterns import types import json import collections import operator import re try: from urllib import unquote_plus except ImportError: from urllib.parse import unquote_plus import logging logger = logging.getLogger("toaster") from toastergui.tablefilter import TableFilterMap class NoFieldOrDataNme(Exception): pass class ToasterTable(TemplateView): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ToasterTable, self).__init__() if 'template_name' in kwargs: self.template_name = kwargs['template_name'] self.title = "Table" self.queryset = None self.columns = [] # map from field names to Filter instances self.filter_map = TableFilterMap() self.total_count = 0 self.static_context_extra = {} self.empty_state = "Sorry - no data found" self.default_orderby = "" # prevent HTTP caching of table data @cache_control(must_revalidate=True, max_age=0, no_store=True, no_cache=True) def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(ToasterTable, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs) def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(ToasterTable, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['title'] = self.title context['table_name'] = type(self).__name__.lower() context['empty_state'] = self.empty_state return context def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if request.GET.get('format', None) == 'json': self.setup_queryset(*args, **kwargs) # Put the project id into the context for the static_data_template if 'pid' in kwargs: self.static_context_extra['pid'] = kwargs['pid'] cmd = request.GET.get('cmd', None) if cmd and 'filterinfo' in cmd: data = self.get_filter_info(request, **kwargs) else: # If no cmd is specified we give you the table data data = self.get_data(request, **kwargs) return HttpResponse(data, content_type="application/json") return super(ToasterTable, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs) def get_filter_info(self, request, **kwargs): self.setup_filters(**kwargs) search = request.GET.get("search", None) if search: self.apply_search(search) name = request.GET.get("name", None) table_filter = self.filter_map.get_filter(name) return json.dumps(table_filter.to_json(self.queryset), indent=2, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder) def setup_columns(self, *args, **kwargs): """ function to implement in the subclass which sets up the columns """ pass def setup_filters(self, *args, **kwargs): """ function to implement in the subclass which sets up the filters """ pass def setup_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs): """ function to implement in the subclass which sets up the queryset""" pass def add_filter(self, table_filter): """Add a filter to the table. Args: table_filter: Filter instance """ self.filter_map.add_filter(table_filter.name, table_filter) def add_column(self, title="", help_text="", orderable=False, hideable=True, hidden=False, field_name="", filter_name=None, static_data_name=None, static_data_template=None): """Add a column to the table. Args: title (str): Title for the table header help_text (str): Optional help text to describe the column orderable (bool): Whether the column can be ordered. We order on the field_name. hideable (bool): Whether the user can hide the column hidden (bool): Whether the column is default hidden field_name (str or list): field(s) required for this column's data static_data_name (str, optional): The column's main identifier which will replace the field_name. static_data_template(str, optional): The template to be rendered as data """ self.columns.append({'title': title, 'help_text': help_text, 'orderable': orderable, 'hideable': hideable, 'hidden': hidden, 'field_name': field_name, 'filter_name': filter_name, 'static_data_name': static_data_name, 'static_data_template': static_data_template}) def set_column_hidden(self, title, hidden): """ Set the hidden state of the column to the value of hidden """ for col in self.columns: if col['title'] == title: col['hidden'] = hidden break def set_column_hideable(self, title, hideable): """ Set the hideable state of the column to the value of hideable """ for col in self.columns: if col['title'] == title: col['hideable'] = hideable break def render_static_data(self, template, row): """Utility function to render the static data template""" context = { 'extra': self.static_context_extra, 'data': row, } context = Context(context) template = Template(template) return template.render(context) def apply_filter(self, filters, filter_value, **kwargs): """ Apply a filter submitted in the querystring to the ToasterTable filters: (str) in the format: ':' filter_value: (str) parameters to pass to the named filter and are used to look up the correct filter in the ToasterTable's filter map; the are set on TableFilterAction* before its filter is applied and may modify the queryset returned by the filter """ self.setup_filters(**kwargs) try: filter_name, action_name = filters.split(':') action_params = urllib.unquote_plus(filter_value) except ValueError: return if "all" in action_name: return try: table_filter = self.filter_map.get_filter(filter_name) action = table_filter.get_action(action_name) action.set_filter_params(action_params) self.queryset = action.filter(self.queryset) except KeyError: # pass it to the user - programming error here raise def apply_orderby(self, orderby): # Note that django will execute this when we try to retrieve the data self.queryset = self.queryset.order_by(orderby) def apply_search(self, search_term): """Creates a query based on the model's search_allowed_fields""" if not hasattr(self.queryset.model, 'search_allowed_fields'): raise Exception("Search fields aren't defined in the model %s" % self.queryset.model) search_queries = None for st in search_term.split(" "): queries = None for field in self.queryset.model.search_allowed_fields: query = Q(**{field + '__icontains': st}) if queries: queries |= query else: queries = query if search_queries: search_queries &= queries else: search_queries = queries self.queryset = self.queryset.filter(search_queries) def get_data(self, request, **kwargs): """ Returns the data for the page requested with the specified parameters applied filters: filter and action name, e.g. "outcome:build_succeeded" filter_value: value to pass to the named filter+action, e.g. "on" (for a toggle filter) or "2015-12-11,2015-12-12" (for a date range filter) """ page_num = request.GET.get("page", 1) limit = request.GET.get("limit", 10) search = request.GET.get("search", None) filters = request.GET.get("filter", None) filter_value = request.GET.get("filter_value", "on") orderby = request.GET.get("orderby", None) nocache = request.GET.get("nocache", None) # Make a unique cache name cache_name = self.__class__.__name__ for key, val in request.GET.items(): if key == 'nocache': continue cache_name = cache_name + str(key) + str(val) for key, val in kwargs.items(): cache_name = cache_name + str(key) + str(val) # No special chars allowed in the cache name apart from dash cache_name = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9-]', "", cache_name) if nocache: cache.delete(cache_name) data = cache.get(cache_name) if data: logger.debug("Got cache data for table '%s'" % self.title) return data self.setup_columns(**kwargs) if search: self.apply_search(search) if filters: self.apply_filter(filters, filter_value, **kwargs) if orderby: self.apply_orderby(orderby) paginator = Paginator(self.queryset, limit) try: page = paginator.page(page_num) except EmptyPage: page = paginator.page(1) data = { 'total': self.queryset.count(), 'default_orderby': self.default_orderby, 'columns': self.columns, 'rows': [], 'error': "ok", } try: for model_obj in page.object_list: # Use collection to maintain the order required_data = collections.OrderedDict() for col in self.columns: field = col['field_name'] if not field: field = col['static_data_name'] if not field: raise NoFieldOrDataNme("Must supply a field_name or" "static_data_name for column" "%s.%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, col)) # Check if we need to process some static data if "static_data_name" in col and col['static_data_name']: # Overwrite the field_name with static_data_name # so that this can be used as the html class name col['field_name'] = col['static_data_name'] # Render the template given required_data[col['static_data_name']] = \ self.render_static_data( col['static_data_template'], model_obj) else: # Traverse to any foriegn key in the field # e.g. recipe__layer_version__name model_data = None if "__" in field: for subfield in field.split("__"): if not model_data: # The first iteration is always going to # be on the actual model object instance. # Subsequent ones are on the result of # that. e.g. forieng key objects model_data = getattr(model_obj, subfield) else: model_data = getattr(model_data, subfield) else: model_data = getattr(model_obj, col['field_name']) # We might have a model function as the field so # call it to return the data needed if isinstance(model_data, types.MethodType): model_data = model_data() required_data[col['field_name']] = model_data data['rows'].append(required_data) except FieldError: # pass it to the user - programming-error here raise data = json.dumps(data, indent=2, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder) cache.set(cache_name, data, 60*30) return data class ToasterTypeAhead(View): """ A typeahead mechanism to support the front end typeahead widgets """ MAX_RESULTS = 6 class MissingFieldsException(Exception): pass def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ToasterTypeAhead, self).__init__() def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): def response(data): return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data, indent=2, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder), content_type="application/json") error = "ok" search_term = request.GET.get("search", None) if search_term == None: # We got no search value so return empty reponse return response({'error' : error , 'results': []}) try: prj = Project.objects.get(pk=kwargs['pid']) except KeyError: prj = None results = self.apply_search(search_term, prj, request)[:ToasterTypeAhead.MAX_RESULTS] if len(results) > 0: try: self.validate_fields(results[0]) except MissingFieldsException as e: error = e data = { 'results' : results, 'error' : error, } return response(data) def validate_fields(self, result): if 'name' in result == False or 'detail' in result == False: raise MissingFieldsException("name and detail are required fields") def apply_search(self, search_term, prj): """ Override this function to implement search. Return an array of dictionaries with a minium of a name and detail field""" pass