{% extends "base.html" %} {% load projecttags %} {% load humanize %} {% block pagecontent %}
{% if builds|length > 0 or buildrequests|length > 0 %}

Recent Builds

{% for br in buildrequests %}
{{br.0.brtarget_set.all.0.target}} {%if br.brtarget_set.all.count > 1%}(+ {{br.brtarget_set.all.count|add:"-1"}}){%endif%} {{br.1.machine.value}} (Created {{br.0.created}})
{% if br.state == br.REQ_FAILED%} {% for bre in br.0.brerror_set.all %} {{bre.errmsg}} ({{bre.errtype}})

{{bre.traceback}}{%endfor%} {%endif%}
{% endfor %}
{% for build in builds %}
{%if build.outcome == build.SUCCEEDED or build.outcome == build.FAILED %}
{% if build.errors_no %} {{build.errors_no}} error{{build.errors_no|pluralize}} {% endif %}
{% if build.warnings_no %} {{build.warnings_no}} warning{{build.warnings_no|pluralize}} {% endif %}
{%endif%}{%if build.outcome == build.IN_PROGRESS %}
ETA: in {{build.eta|naturaltime}}
{% endfor %} {%endif%}

Project configuration

Add layers

Import your layer | View all layers

Added layers {{project.projectlayer_set.count}}

Add targets

View all targets

Added targets {{project.projecttarget_set.count}}

Project machine


Machine changes have a big impact on build outcome. You cannot really compare the builds for the new machine with the previous ones.

View all machines

Project details

Project name


Project owner


Owner's email


Yocto Project version

{{project.release}} - {{project.short_description}}

{% endblock %}