{% extends "package_detail_base.html" %} {% load projecttags %} {% block tabcontent %} {% with packageFileCount=package.buildfilelist_package.count %} {% if package.buildtargetlist_package.count == 0 %} {# Not included case #}
{% if packageFileCount > 0 %}
{{package.fullpackagespec}} is not included in any image. These are the files that would be added to an image root file system if you were to include it in future builds.
{% for file in package.buildfilelist_package.all|dictsort:"path" %} {% endfor %}
File Size
{{file.path}} {{file.size|filtered_filesizeformat}}
{% else %}
{{package.fullpackagespec}} does not generate any files.
{% endif %}
{% else %} {# Included case #}
Package included in: {% for itarget in package.buildtargetlist_package.all|dictsort:"target.target" %} {% if forloop.counter0 > 0 %} ,  {% endif %} {{itarget.target.target}} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endwith %} {% endblock tabcontent %}