{% load static %} {% load projecttags %} {% load humanize %} {%if mru.count > 0%}
{% for build in mru %}
{% if MANAGED and build.project %} {{build.project.name}} {% endif %}
{% if build.completed_on|format_build_date %} {{ build.completed_on|date:'d/m/y H:i' }} {% else %} {{ build.completed_on|date:'H:i' }} {% endif %}
{%if build.outcome == build.SUCCEEDED or build.outcome == build.FAILED %}
{% if build.errors_no %} {{build.errors_no}} error{{build.errors_no|pluralize}} {% endif %}
{% if build.warnings_no %} {{build.warnings_no}} warning{{build.warnings_no|pluralize}} {% endif %}
Build time: {{ build.timespent|sectohms }} {% if MANAGED and build.project %} Run again {% endif %}
{%endif%} {%if build.outcome == build.IN_PROGRESS %}
ETA: in {{build.eta|naturaltime}}
{% endfor %}