'use strict'; function tableInit(ctx){ if (ctx.url.length === 0) { throw "No url supplied for retreiving data"; } var tableChromeDone = false; var tableTotal = 0; var tableParams = { limit : 25, page : 1, orderby : null, filter : null, search : null, }; var defaultHiddenCols = []; var table = $("#" + ctx.tableName); /* if we're loading clean from a url use it's parameters as the default */ var urlParams = libtoaster.parseUrlParams(); /* Merge the tableParams and urlParams object properties */ tableParams = $.extend(tableParams, urlParams); /* Now fix the types that .extend changed for us */ tableParams.limit = Number(tableParams.limit); tableParams.page = Number(tableParams.page); loadData(tableParams); function loadData(tableParams){ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: ctx.url, data: tableParams, headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')}, success: function(tableData) { updateTable(tableData); window.history.replaceState(null, null, libtoaster.dumpsUrlParams(tableParams)); } }); } function updateTable(tableData) { var tableBody = table.children("tbody"); var pagination = $('#pagination-'+ctx.tableName); var paginationBtns = pagination.children('ul'); var tableContainer = $("#table-container-"+ctx.tableName); tableContainer.css("visibility", "hidden"); /* To avoid page re-layout flicker when paging set fixed height */ table.css("padding-bottom", table.height()); /* Reset table components */ tableBody.html(""); paginationBtns.html(""); if (tableParams.search) $('.remove-search-btn-'+ctx.tableName).show(); else $('.remove-search-btn-'+ctx.tableName).hide(); $('.table-count-' + ctx.tableName).text(tableData.total); tableTotal = tableData.total; if (tableData.total === 0){ tableContainer.hide(); /* If we were searching show the new search bar and return */ if (tableParams.search){ $("#new-search-input-"+ctx.tableName).val(tableParams.search); $("#no-results-"+ctx.tableName).show(); } table.trigger("table-done", [tableData.total, tableParams]); return; /* We don't want to clutter the place with the table chrome if there * are only a few results */ } else if (tableData.total <= 10 && !tableParams.filter && !tableParams.search){ $("#table-chrome-"+ctx.tableName).hide(); pagination.hide(); } else { tableContainer.show(); $("#no-results-"+ctx.tableName).hide(); } setupTableChrome(tableData); /* Add table data rows */ var column_index; for (var i in tableData.rows){ /* only display if the column is display-able */ var row = $(""); column_index = -1; for (var key_j in tableData.rows[i]){ /* if we have a static: version of a key, prefer the static: version for rendering */ var orig_key_j = key_j; if (key_j.indexOf("static:") === 0) { if (key_j.substr("static:".length) in tableData.rows[i]) { continue; } orig_key_j = key_j.substr("static:".length) } else if (("static:" + key_j) in tableData.rows[i]) { key_j = "static:" + key_j; } /* we skip over un-displayable column entries */ column_index += 1; if (! tableData.columns[column_index].displayable) { continue; } var td = $(""); td.prop("class", orig_key_j); if (tableData.rows[i][key_j]){ td.html(tableData.rows[i][key_j]); } row.append(td); } tableBody.append(row); /* If we have layerbtns then initialise them */ layerBtnsInit(); /* If we have popovers initialise them now */ $('td > a.btn').popover({ html:true, placement:'left', container:'body', trigger:'manual' }).click(function(e){ $('td > a.btn').not(this).popover('hide'); /* ideally we would use 'toggle' here * but it seems buggy in our Bootstrap version */ $(this).popover('show'); e.stopPropagation(); }); /* enable help information tooltip */ $(".get-help").tooltip({container:'body', html:true, delay:{show:300}}); } /* Setup the pagination controls */ var start = tableParams.page - 2; var end = tableParams.page + 2; var numPages = Math.ceil(tableData.total/tableParams.limit); if (numPages > 1){ if (tableParams.page < 3) end = 5; for (var page_i=1; page_i <= numPages; page_i++){ if (page_i >= start && page_i <= end){ var btn = $('
  • '+page_i+'
  • '); if (page_i === tableParams.page){ btn.addClass("active"); } /* Add the click handler */ btn.click(pageButtonClicked); paginationBtns.append(btn); } } } loadColumnsPreference(); table.css("padding-bottom", 0); tableContainer.css("visibility", "visible"); table.trigger("table-done", [tableData.total, tableParams]); } function setupTableChrome(tableData){ if (tableChromeDone === true) return; var tableHeadRow = table.find("thead"); var editColMenu = $("#table-chrome-"+ctx.tableName).find(".editcol"); tableHeadRow.html(""); editColMenu.html(""); if (!tableParams.orderby && tableData.default_orderby){ tableParams.orderby = tableData.default_orderby; } /* Add table header and column toggle menu */ for (var i in tableData.columns){ var col = tableData.columns[i]; if (col.displayable === false) { continue; } var header = $(""); header.prop("class", col.field_name); /* Setup the help text */ if (col.help_text.length > 0) { var help_text = $(' '); help_text.tooltip({title: col.help_text}); header.append(help_text); } /* Setup the orderable title */ if (col.orderable) { var title = $(''); title.data('field-name', col.field_name); title.text(col.title); title.click(sortColumnClicked); header.append(title); header.append(' '); header.append(' '); /* If we're currently ordered setup the visual indicator */ if (col.field_name === tableParams.orderby || '-' + col.field_name === tableParams.orderby){ header.children("a").addClass("sorted"); if (tableParams.orderby.indexOf("-") === -1){ header.find('.icon-caret-down').show(); } else { header.find('.icon-caret-up').show(); } } } else { /* Not orderable */ header.addClass("muted"); header.css("font-weight", "normal"); header.append(col.title+' '); } /* Setup the filter button */ if (col.filter_name){ var filterBtn = $(''); filterBtn.data('filter-name', col.filter_name); filterBtn.prop('id', col.filter_name); filterBtn.click(filterOpenClicked); /* If we're currently being filtered setup the visial indicator */ if (tableParams.filter && tableParams.filter.match('^'+col.filter_name)) { filterBtnActive(filterBtn, true); } header.append(filterBtn); } /* Done making the header now add it */ tableHeadRow.append(header); /* Now setup the checkbox state and click handler */ var toggler = $('
  • '); var togglerInput = toggler.find("input"); togglerInput.attr("checked","checked"); /* If we can hide the column enable the checkbox action */ if (col.hideable){ togglerInput.click(colToggleClicked); } else { toggler.find("label").addClass("muted"); togglerInput.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } if (col.hidden) { defaultHiddenCols.push(col.field_name); } editColMenu.append(toggler); } /* End for each column */ tableChromeDone = true; } /* Toggles the active state of the filter button */ function filterBtnActive(filterBtn, active){ if (active) { filterBtn.addClass("btn-primary"); filterBtn.tooltip({ html: true, title: '', placement: 'bottom', delay: { hide: 1500, show: 400, }, }); } else { filterBtn.removeClass("btn-primary"); filterBtn.tooltip('destroy'); } } /* Display or hide table columns based on the cookie preference or defaults */ function loadColumnsPreference(){ var cookie_data = $.cookie("cols"); if (cookie_data) { var cols_hidden = JSON.parse($.cookie("cols")); /* For each of the columns check if we should hide them * also update the checked status in the Edit columns menu */ $("#"+ctx.tableName+" th").each(function(){ for (var i in cols_hidden){ if ($(this).hasClass(cols_hidden[i])){ $("."+cols_hidden[i]).hide(); $("#checkbox-"+cols_hidden[i]).removeAttr("checked"); } } }); } else { /* Disable these columns by default when we have no columns * user setting. */ for (var i in defaultHiddenCols) { $("."+defaultHiddenCols[i]).hide(); $("#checkbox-"+defaultHiddenCols[i]).removeAttr("checked"); } } } function sortColumnClicked(){ /* We only have one sort at a time so remove any existing sort indicators */ $("#"+ctx.tableName+" th .icon-caret-down").hide(); $("#"+ctx.tableName+" th .icon-caret-up").hide(); $("#"+ctx.tableName+" th a").removeClass("sorted"); var fieldName = $(this).data('field-name'); /* if we're already sorted sort the other way */ if (tableParams.orderby === fieldName && tableParams.orderby.indexOf('-') === -1) { tableParams.orderby = '-' + $(this).data('field-name'); $(this).parent().children('.icon-caret-up').show(); } else { tableParams.orderby = $(this).data('field-name'); $(this).parent().children('.icon-caret-down').show(); } $(this).addClass("sorted"); loadData(tableParams); } function pageButtonClicked(e) { tableParams.page = Number($(this).text()); loadData(tableParams); /* Stop page jumps when clicking on # links */ e.preventDefault(); } /* Toggle a table column */ function colToggleClicked (){ var col = $(this).val(); var disabled_cols = []; if ($(this).prop("checked")) { $("."+col).show(); } else { $("."+col).hide(); /* If we're ordered by the column we're hiding remove the order by */ if (col === tableParams.orderby || '-' + col === tableParams.orderby){ tableParams.orderby = null; loadData(tableParams); } } /* Update the cookie with the unchecked columns */ $(".col-toggle").not(":checked").map(function(){ disabled_cols.push($(this).val()); }); $.cookie("cols", JSON.stringify(disabled_cols)); } function filterOpenClicked(){ var filterName = $(this).data('filter-name'); /* We need to pass in the curren search so that the filter counts take * into account the current search filter */ var params = { 'name' : filterName, 'search': tableParams.search, 'cmd': 'filterinfo', }; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: ctx.url, data: params, headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')}, success: function (filterData) { var filterActionRadios = $('#filter-actions-'+ctx.tableName); $('#filter-modal-title-'+ctx.tableName).text(filterData.title); filterActionRadios.text(""); for (var i in filterData.filter_actions){ var filterAction = filterData.filter_actions[i]; var action = $(''); var actionTitle = filterAction.title + ' (' + filterAction.count + ')'; var radioInput = action.children("input"); if (Number(filterAction.count) == 0){ radioInput.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } action.children(".filter-title").text(actionTitle); radioInput.val(filterName + ':' + filterAction.name); /* Setup the current selected filter, default to 'all' if * no current filter selected. */ if ((tableParams.filter && tableParams.filter === radioInput.val()) || filterAction.name == 'all') { radioInput.attr("checked", "checked"); } filterActionRadios.append(action); } $('#filter-modal-'+ctx.tableName).modal('show'); } }); } $(".get-help").tooltip({container:'body', html:true, delay:{show:300}}); /* Keep the Edit columns menu open after click by eating the event */ $('.dropdown-menu').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $(".pagesize-"+ctx.tableName).val(tableParams.limit); /* page size selector */ $(".pagesize-"+ctx.tableName).change(function(e){ tableParams.limit = Number(this.value); if ((tableParams.page * tableParams.limit) > tableTotal) tableParams.page = 1; loadData(tableParams); /* sync the other selectors on the page */ $(".pagesize-"+ctx.tableName).val(this.value); e.preventDefault(); }); $("#search-submit-"+ctx.tableName).click(function(e){ var searchTerm = $("#search-input-"+ctx.tableName).val(); tableParams.page = 1; tableParams.search = searchTerm; /* If a filter was active we remove it */ if (tableParams.filter) { var filterBtn = $("#" + tableParams.filter.split(":")[0]); filterBtnActive(filterBtn, false); tableParams.filter = null; } loadData(tableParams); e.preventDefault(); }); $('.remove-search-btn-'+ctx.tableName).click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); tableParams.page = 1; tableParams.search = null; loadData(tableParams); $("#search-input-"+ctx.tableName).val(""); $(this).hide(); }); $("#search-input-"+ctx.tableName).keyup(function(e){ if (e.which === 13) $('#search-submit-'+ctx.tableName).click(); }); /* Stop page jumps when clicking on # links */ $('a[href="#"]').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); $("#clear-filter-btn-"+ctx.tableName).click(function(){ var filterBtn = $("#" + tableParams.filter.split(":")[0]); filterBtnActive(filterBtn, false); tableParams.filter = null; loadData(tableParams); }); $("#filter-modal-form-"+ctx.tableName).submit(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); tableParams.filter = $(this).find("input[type='radio']:checked").val(); var filterBtn = $("#" + tableParams.filter.split(":")[0]); /* All === remove filter */ if (tableParams.filter.match(":all$")) { tableParams.filter = null; filterBtnActive(filterBtn, false); } else { filterBtnActive(filterBtn, true); } loadData(tableParams); $(this).parent().modal('hide'); }); }