'use strict'; function tableInit(ctx){ if (ctx.url.length === 0) { throw "No url supplied for retreiving data"; } var tableChromeDone = false; var tableTotal = 0; var tableParams = { limit : 25, page : 1, orderby : null, filter : null, search : null, }; var defaultHiddenCols = []; var table = $("#" + ctx.tableName); /* if we're loading clean from a url use it's parameters as the default */ var urlParams = libtoaster.parseUrlParams(); /* Merge the tableParams and urlParams object properties */ tableParams = $.extend(tableParams, urlParams); /* Now fix the types that .extend changed for us */ tableParams.limit = Number(tableParams.limit); tableParams.page = Number(tableParams.page); loadData(tableParams); function loadData(tableParams){ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: ctx.url, data: tableParams, headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')}, success: function(tableData) { updateTable(tableData); window.history.replaceState(null, null, libtoaster.dumpsUrlParams(tableParams)); } }); } function updateTable(tableData) { var tableBody = table.children("tbody"); var pagination = $('#pagination-'+ctx.tableName); var paginationBtns = pagination.children('ul'); var tableContainer = $("#table-container-"+ctx.tableName); tableContainer.css("visibility", "hidden"); /* To avoid page re-layout flicker when paging set fixed height */ table.css("padding-bottom", table.height()); /* Reset table components */ tableBody.html(""); paginationBtns.html(""); if (tableParams.search) $('.remove-search-btn-'+ctx.tableName).show(); else $('.remove-search-btn-'+ctx.tableName).hide(); $('.table-count-' + ctx.tableName).text(tableData.total); tableTotal = tableData.total; if (tableData.total === 0){ tableContainer.hide(); /* If we were searching show the new search bar and return */ if (tableParams.search){ $("#new-search-input-"+ctx.tableName).val(tableParams.search); $("#no-results-"+ctx.tableName).show(); } table.trigger("table-done", [tableData.total, tableParams]); return; /* We don't want to clutter the place with the table chrome if there * are only a few results */ } else if (tableData.total <= 10 && !tableParams.filter && !tableParams.search){ $("#table-chrome-"+ctx.tableName).hide(); pagination.hide(); } else { tableContainer.show(); $("#no-results-"+ctx.tableName).hide(); } setupTableChrome(tableData); /* Add table data rows */ var column_index; for (var i in tableData.rows){ /* only display if the column is display-able */ var row = $(""); column_index = -1; for (var key_j in tableData.rows[i]){ /* if we have a static: version of a key, prefer the static: version for rendering */ var orig_key_j = key_j; if (key_j.indexOf("static:") === 0) { if (key_j.substr("static:".length) in tableData.rows[i]) { continue; } orig_key_j = key_j.substr("static:".length) } else if (("static:" + key_j) in tableData.rows[i]) { key_j = "static:" + key_j; } /* we skip over un-displayable column entries */ column_index += 1; if (! tableData.columns[column_index].displayable) { continue; } var td = $(""); td.prop("class", orig_key_j); if (tableData.rows[i][key_j]){ td.html(tableData.rows[i][key_j]); } row.append(td); } tableBody.append(row); /* If we have layerbtns then initialise them */ layerBtnsInit(); /* If we have popovers initialise them now */ $('td > a.btn').popover({ html:true, placement:'left', container:'body', trigger:'manual' }).click(function(e){ $('td > a.btn').not(this).popover('hide'); /* ideally we would use 'toggle' here * but it seems buggy in our Bootstrap version */ $(this).popover('show'); e.stopPropagation(); }); /* enable help information tooltip */ $(".get-help").tooltip({container:'body', html:true, delay:{show:300}}); } /* Setup the pagination controls */ var start = tableParams.page - 2; var end = tableParams.page + 2; var numPages = Math.ceil(tableData.total/tableParams.limit); if (numPages > 1){ if (tableParams.page < 3) end = 5; for (var page_i=1; page_i <= numPages; page_i++){ if (page_i >= start && page_i <= end){ var btn = $('
  • '+page_i+'
  • '); if (page_i === tableParams.page){ btn.addClass("active"); } /* Add the click handler */ btn.click(pageButtonClicked); paginationBtns.append(btn); } } } loadColumnsPreference(); table.css("padding-bottom", 0); tableContainer.css("visibility", "visible"); table.trigger("table-done", [tableData.total, tableParams]); } function setupTableChrome(tableData){ if (tableChromeDone === true) return; var tableHeadRow = table.find("thead"); var editColMenu = $("#table-chrome-"+ctx.tableName).find(".editcol"); tableHeadRow.html(""); editColMenu.html(""); if (!tableParams.orderby && tableData.default_orderby){ tableParams.orderby = tableData.default_orderby; } /* Add table header and column toggle menu */ for (var i in tableData.columns){ var col = tableData.columns[i]; if (col.displayable === false) { continue; } var header = $(""); header.prop("class", col.field_name); /* Setup the help text */ if (col.help_text.length > 0) { var help_text = $(' '); help_text.tooltip({title: col.help_text}); header.append(help_text); } /* Setup the orderable title */ if (col.orderable) { var title = $(''); title.data('field-name', col.field_name); title.text(col.title); title.click(sortColumnClicked); header.append(title); header.append(' '); header.append(' '); /* If we're currently ordered setup the visual indicator */ if (col.field_name === tableParams.orderby || '-' + col.field_name === tableParams.orderby){ header.children("a").addClass("sorted"); if (tableParams.orderby.indexOf("-") === -1){ header.find('.icon-caret-down').show(); } else { header.find('.icon-caret-up').show(); } } } else { /* Not orderable */ header.addClass("muted"); header.css("font-weight", "normal"); header.append(col.title+' '); } /* Setup the filter button */ if (col.filter_name){ var filterBtn = $(''); filterBtn.data('filter-name', col.filter_name); filterBtn.prop('id', col.filter_name); filterBtn.click(filterOpenClicked); /* If we're currently being filtered setup the visial indicator */ if (tableParams.filter && tableParams.filter.match('^'+col.filter_name)) { filterBtnActive(filterBtn, true); } header.append(filterBtn); } /* Done making the header now add it */ tableHeadRow.append(header); /* Now setup the checkbox state and click handler */ var toggler = $('
  • '); var togglerInput = toggler.find("input"); togglerInput.attr("checked","checked"); /* If we can hide the column enable the checkbox action */ if (col.hideable){ togglerInput.click(colToggleClicked); } else { toggler.find("label").addClass("muted"); togglerInput.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } if (col.hidden) { defaultHiddenCols.push(col.field_name); } editColMenu.append(toggler); } /* End for each column */ tableChromeDone = true; } /* Toggles the active state of the filter button */ function filterBtnActive(filterBtn, active){ if (active) { filterBtn.addClass("btn-primary"); filterBtn.tooltip({ html: true, title: '', placement: 'bottom', delay: { hide: 1500, show: 400, }, }); } else { filterBtn.removeClass("btn-primary"); filterBtn.tooltip('destroy'); } } /* Display or hide table columns based on the cookie preference or defaults */ function loadColumnsPreference(){ var cookie_data = $.cookie("cols"); if (cookie_data) { var cols_hidden = JSON.parse($.cookie("cols")); /* For each of the columns check if we should hide them * also update the checked status in the Edit columns menu */ $("#"+ctx.tableName+" th").each(function(){ for (var i in cols_hidden){ if ($(this).hasClass(cols_hidden[i])){ $("."+cols_hidden[i]).hide(); $("#checkbox-"+cols_hidden[i]).removeAttr("checked"); } } }); } else { /* Disable these columns by default when we have no columns * user setting. */ for (var i in defaultHiddenCols) { $("."+defaultHiddenCols[i]).hide(); $("#checkbox-"+defaultHiddenCols[i]).removeAttr("checked"); } } } function sortColumnClicked(e){ e.preventDefault(); /* We only have one sort at a time so remove any existing sort indicators */ $("#"+ctx.tableName+" th .icon-caret-down").hide(); $("#"+ctx.tableName+" th .icon-caret-up").hide(); $("#"+ctx.tableName+" th a").removeClass("sorted"); var fieldName = $(this).data('field-name'); /* if we're already sorted sort the other way */ if (tableParams.orderby === fieldName && tableParams.orderby.indexOf('-') === -1) { tableParams.orderby = '-' + $(this).data('field-name'); $(this).parent().children('.icon-caret-up').show(); } else { tableParams.orderby = $(this).data('field-name'); $(this).parent().children('.icon-caret-down').show(); } $(this).addClass("sorted"); loadData(tableParams); } function pageButtonClicked(e) { tableParams.page = Number($(this).text()); loadData(tableParams); /* Stop page jumps when clicking on # links */ e.preventDefault(); } /* Toggle a table column */ function colToggleClicked (){ var col = $(this).val(); var disabled_cols = []; if ($(this).prop("checked")) { $("."+col).show(); } else { $("."+col).hide(); /* If we're ordered by the column we're hiding remove the order by */ if (col === tableParams.orderby || '-' + col === tableParams.orderby){ tableParams.orderby = null; loadData(tableParams); } } /* Update the cookie with the unchecked columns */ $(".col-toggle").not(":checked").map(function(){ disabled_cols.push($(this).val()); }); $.cookie("cols", JSON.stringify(disabled_cols)); } function filterOpenClicked(){ var filterName = $(this).data('filter-name'); /* We need to pass in the curren search so that the filter counts take * into account the current search filter */ var params = { 'name' : filterName, 'search': tableParams.search, 'cmd': 'filterinfo', }; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: ctx.url, data: params, headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')}, success: function (filterData) { /* filterData structure: { title: '', filter_actions: [ { title: '<label for radio button inside the popup>', name: '<name of the filter action>', count: <number of items this filter will show> } ] } each filter_action gets a radio button; the value of this is set to filterName + ':' + filter_action.name; e.g. in_current_project:in_project specifies the "in_project" action of the "in_current_project" filter the filterName is set on the column filter icon, and corresponds to a value in the table's filters property when the filter popup's "Apply" button is clicked, the value for the radio button which is checked is passed in the querystring and applied to the queryset on the table */ var filterActionRadios = $('#filter-actions-'+ctx.tableName); $('#filter-modal-title-'+ctx.tableName).text(filterData.title); filterActionRadios.text(""); for (var i in filterData.filter_actions) { var filterAction = filterData.filter_actions[i]; var action = null; if (filterAction.type === 'toggle') { var actionTitle = filterAction.title + ' (' + filterAction.count + ')'; action = $('<label class="radio">' + '<input type="radio" name="filter" value="">' + '<span class="filter-title">' + actionTitle + '</span>' + '</label>'); var radioInput = action.children("input"); if (Number(filterAction.count) == 0) { radioInput.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } radioInput.val(filterData.name + ':' + filterAction.action_name); /* Setup the current selected filter, default to 'all' if * no current filter selected. */ if ((tableParams.filter && tableParams.filter === radioInput.val()) || filterAction.action_name == 'all') { radioInput.attr("checked", "checked"); } } if (action) { filterActionRadios.append(action); } } $('#filter-modal-'+ctx.tableName).modal('show'); } }); } $(".get-help").tooltip({container:'body', html:true, delay:{show:300}}); /* Keep the Edit columns menu open after click by eating the event */ $('.dropdown-menu').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $(".pagesize-"+ctx.tableName).val(tableParams.limit); /* page size selector */ $(".pagesize-"+ctx.tableName).change(function(e){ tableParams.limit = Number(this.value); if ((tableParams.page * tableParams.limit) > tableTotal) tableParams.page = 1; loadData(tableParams); /* sync the other selectors on the page */ $(".pagesize-"+ctx.tableName).val(this.value); e.preventDefault(); }); $("#search-submit-"+ctx.tableName).click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var searchTerm = $("#search-input-"+ctx.tableName).val(); tableParams.page = 1; tableParams.search = searchTerm; /* If a filter was active we remove it */ if (tableParams.filter) { var filterBtn = $("#" + tableParams.filter.split(":")[0]); filterBtnActive(filterBtn, false); tableParams.filter = null; } loadData(tableParams); }); $('.remove-search-btn-'+ctx.tableName).click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); tableParams.page = 1; tableParams.search = null; loadData(tableParams); $("#search-input-"+ctx.tableName).val(""); $(this).hide(); }); $("#search-input-"+ctx.tableName).keyup(function(e){ if (e.which === 13) $('#search-submit-'+ctx.tableName).click(); }); /* Stop page jumps when clicking on # links */ $('a[href="#"]').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); $("#clear-filter-btn-"+ctx.tableName).click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var filterBtn = $("#" + tableParams.filter.split(":")[0]); filterBtnActive(filterBtn, false); tableParams.filter = null; loadData(tableParams); }); $("#filter-modal-form-"+ctx.tableName).submit(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); /* remove active status from all filter buttons so that only one filter can be active at a time */ $('[data-filter-on]').each(function (index, filterBtn) { filterBtnActive($(filterBtn), false); }); tableParams.filter = $(this).find("input[type='radio']:checked").val(); var filterBtn = $("#" + tableParams.filter.split(":")[0]); /* All === remove filter */ if (tableParams.filter.match(":all$")) { tableParams.filter = null; filterBtnActive(filterBtn, false); } else { filterBtnActive(filterBtn, true); } loadData(tableParams); $(this).parent().modal('hide'); }); }