function mrbSectionInit(ctx){ var projectBuilds; if (ctx.mrbType === 'project') projectBuilds = true; $(".cancel-build-btn").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var url = $(this).data('request-url'); var buildReqIds = $(this).data('buildrequest-id'); var banner = $(this).parents(".alert"); banner.find(".progress-info").fadeOut().promise().done(function(){ $("#cancelling-msg-" + buildReqIds).show(); console.log("cancel build"); libtoaster.cancelABuild(url, buildReqIds, function(){ if (projectBuilds == false){ /* the all builds page is not 'self updating' like thei * project Builds */ window.location.reload(); } }, null); }); }); $(".run-again-btn").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var url = $(this).data('request-url'); var target = $(this).data('target'); libtoaster.startABuild(url, target, function(){ window.location.reload(); }, null); }); var progressTimer; if (projectBuilds === true){ progressTimer = window.setInterval(function() { libtoaster.getProjectInfo(libtoaster.ctx.projectPageUrl, function(prjInfo){ /* These two are needed because a build can be 100% and still * in progress due to the fact that the % done is updated at the * start of a task so it can be doing the last task at 100% */ var inProgress = 0; var allPercentDone = 0; if (prjInfo.builds.length === 0) return for (var i in prjInfo.builds){ var build = prjInfo.builds[i]; if (build.outcome === "In Progress" || $(".progress .bar").length > 0){ /* Update the build progress */ var percentDone; if (build.outcome !== "In Progress"){ /* We have to ignore the value when it's Succeeded because it * goes back to 0 */ percentDone = 100; } else { percentDone = build.percentDone; inProgress++; } $("#build-pc-done-" +; $("#build-pc-done-title-" +"title", percentDone); $("#build-pc-done-bar-" +"width", String(percentDone) + "%"); allPercentDone += percentDone; } } if (allPercentDone === (100 * prjInfo.builds.length) && !inProgress) window.location.reload(); /* Our progress bar is not still showing so shutdown the polling. */ if ($(".progress .bar").length === 0) window.clearInterval(progressTimer); }); }, 1500); } }