# # ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # BitBake Toaster Implementation # # Copyright (C) 2014 Intel Corporation # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import sys import re from django.db import transaction from django.db.models import Q from bldcontrol.models import BuildEnvironment, BRLayer, BRVariable, BRTarget, BRBitbake import subprocess from toastermain import settings from bbcontroller import BuildEnvironmentController, ShellCmdException, BuildSetupException, _getgitcheckoutdirectoryname def DN(path): return "/".join(path.split("/")[0:-1]) class SSHBEController(BuildEnvironmentController): """ Implementation of the BuildEnvironmentController for the localhost; this controller manages the default build directory, the server setup and system start and stop for the localhost-type build environment """ def __init__(self, be): super(SSHBEController, self).__init__(be) self.dburl = settings.getDATABASE_URL() self.pokydirname = None self.islayerset = False def _shellcmd(self, command, cwd = None): if cwd is None: cwd = self.be.sourcedir p = subprocess.Popen("ssh %s 'cd %s && %s'" % (self.be.address, cwd, command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (out,err) = p.communicate() if p.returncode: if len(err) == 0: err = "command: %s \n%s" % (command, out) else: err = "command: %s \n%s" % (command, err) raise ShellCmdException(err) else: return out.strip() def _pathexists(self, path): try: self._shellcmd("test -e \"%s\"" % path) return True except ShellCmdException as e: return False def _pathcreate(self, path): self._shellcmd("mkdir -p \"%s\"" % path) def _setupBE(self): assert self.pokydirname and self._pathexists(self.pokydirname) self._pathcreate(self.be.builddir) self._shellcmd("bash -c \"source %s/oe-init-build-env %s\"" % (self.pokydirname, self.be.builddir)) def startBBServer(self, brbe): assert self.pokydirname and self._pathexists(self.pokydirname) assert self.islayerset cmd = self._shellcmd("bash -c \"source %s/oe-init-build-env %s && DATABASE_URL=%s source toaster start noweb brbe=%s\"" % (self.pokydirname, self.be.builddir, self.dburl, brbe)) port = "-1" for i in cmd.split("\n"): if i.startswith("Bitbake server address"): port = i.split(" ")[-1] print "Found bitbake server port ", port assert self.be.sourcedir and self._pathexists(self.be.builddir) self.be.bbaddress = self.be.address.split("@")[-1] self.be.bbport = port self.be.bbstate = BuildEnvironment.SERVER_STARTED self.be.save() def stopBBServer(self): assert self.pokydirname and self._pathexists(self.pokydirname) assert self.islayerset print self._shellcmd("bash -c \"source %s/oe-init-build-env %s && %s source toaster stop\"" % (self.pokydirname, self.be.builddir, (lambda: "" if self.be.bbtoken is None else "BBTOKEN=%s" % self.be.bbtoken)())) self.be.bbstate = BuildEnvironment.SERVER_STOPPED self.be.save() print "Stopped server" def _copyFile(self, filepath1, filepath2): p = subprocess.Popen("scp '%s' '%s'" % (filepath1, filepath2), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (out, err) = p.communicate() if p.returncode: raise ShellCmdException(err) def pullFile(self, local_filename, remote_filename): _copyFile(local_filename, "%s:%s" % (self.be.address, remote_filename)) def pushFile(self, local_filename, remote_filename): _copyFile("%s:%s" % (self.be.address, remote_filename), local_filename) def setLayers(self, bitbakes, layers): """ a word of attention: by convention, the first layer for any build will be poky! """ assert self.be.sourcedir is not None assert len(bitbakes) == 1 # set layers in the layersource # 1. get a list of repos, and map dirpaths for each layer gitrepos = {} gitrepos[bitbakes[0].giturl] = [] gitrepos[bitbakes[0].giturl].append( ("bitbake", bitbakes[0].dirpath, bitbakes[0].commit) ) for layer in layers: # we don't process local URLs if layer.giturl.startswith("file://"): continue if not layer.giturl in gitrepos: gitrepos[layer.giturl] = [] gitrepos[layer.giturl].append( (layer.name, layer.dirpath, layer.commit)) for giturl in gitrepos.keys(): commitid = gitrepos[giturl][0][2] for e in gitrepos[giturl]: if commitid != e[2]: raise BuildSetupException("More than one commit per git url, unsupported configuration") layerlist = [] # 2. checkout the repositories for giturl in gitrepos.keys(): import os localdirname = os.path.join(self.be.sourcedir, _getgitcheckoutdirectoryname(giturl)) print "DEBUG: giturl ", giturl ,"checking out in current directory", localdirname # make sure our directory is a git repository if self._pathexists(localdirname): if not giturl in self._shellcmd("git remote -v", localdirname): raise BuildSetupException("Existing git repository at %s, but with different remotes (not '%s'). Aborting." % (localdirname, giturl)) else: self._shellcmd("git clone \"%s\" \"%s\"" % (giturl, localdirname)) # checkout the needed commit commit = gitrepos[giturl][0][2] # branch magic name "HEAD" will inhibit checkout if commit != "HEAD": print "DEBUG: checking out commit ", commit, "to", localdirname self._shellcmd("git fetch --all && git checkout \"%s\"" % commit , localdirname) # take the localdirname as poky dir if we can find the oe-init-build-env if self.pokydirname is None and self._pathexists(os.path.join(localdirname, "oe-init-build-env")): print "DEBUG: selected poky dir name", localdirname self.pokydirname = localdirname # verify our repositories for name, dirpath, commit in gitrepos[giturl]: localdirpath = os.path.join(localdirname, dirpath) if not self._pathexists(localdirpath): raise BuildSetupException("Cannot find layer git path '%s' in checked out repository '%s:%s'. Aborting." % (localdirpath, giturl, commit)) if name != "bitbake": layerlist.append(localdirpath) print "DEBUG: current layer list ", layerlist # 3. configure the build environment, so we have a conf/bblayers.conf assert self.pokydirname is not None self._setupBE() # 4. update the bblayers.conf bblayerconf = os.path.join(self.be.builddir, "conf/bblayers.conf") if not self._pathexists(bblayerconf): raise BuildSetupException("BE is not consistent: bblayers.conf file missing at %s" % bblayerconf) import uuid local_bblayerconf = "/tmp/" + uuid.uuid4() + "-bblayer.conf" self.pullFile(bblayerconf, local_bblayerconf) BuildEnvironmentController._updateBBLayers(local_bblayerconf, layerlist) self.pushFile(local_bblayerconf, bblayerconf) os.unlink(local_bblayerconf) self.islayerset = True return True def release(self): assert self.be.sourcedir and self._pathexists(self.be.builddir) import shutil shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.be.sourcedir, "build")) assert not self._pathexists(self.be.builddir)