# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- """ BitBake Utility Functions """ # Copyright (C) 2004 Michael Lauer # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import re, fcntl, os, string, stat, shutil, time import sys import errno import logging import bb import bb.msg from commands import getstatusoutput from contextlib import contextmanager logger = logging.getLogger("BitBake.Util") # Version comparison separators = ".-" # Context used in better_exec, eval _context = { "os": os, "bb": bb, "time": time, } def explode_version(s): r = [] alpha_regexp = re.compile('^([a-zA-Z]+)(.*)$') numeric_regexp = re.compile('^(\d+)(.*)$') while (s != ''): if s[0] in string.digits: m = numeric_regexp.match(s) r.append(int(m.group(1))) s = m.group(2) continue if s[0] in string.letters: m = alpha_regexp.match(s) r.append(m.group(1)) s = m.group(2) continue r.append(s[0]) s = s[1:] return r def vercmp_part(a, b): va = explode_version(a) vb = explode_version(b) sa = False sb = False while True: if va == []: ca = None else: ca = va.pop(0) if vb == []: cb = None else: cb = vb.pop(0) if ca == None and cb == None: return 0 if isinstance(ca, basestring): sa = ca in separators if isinstance(cb, basestring): sb = cb in separators if sa and not sb: return -1 if not sa and sb: return 1 if ca > cb: return 1 if ca < cb: return -1 def vercmp(ta, tb): (ea, va, ra) = ta (eb, vb, rb) = tb r = int(ea or 0) - int(eb or 0) if (r == 0): r = vercmp_part(va, vb) if (r == 0): r = vercmp_part(ra, rb) return r _package_weights_ = {"pre":-2, "p":0, "alpha":-4, "beta":-3, "rc":-1} # dicts are unordered _package_ends_ = ["pre", "p", "alpha", "beta", "rc", "cvs", "bk", "HEAD" ] # so we need ordered list def relparse(myver): """Parses the last elements of a version number into a triplet, that can later be compared. """ number = 0 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 mynewver = myver.split('_') if len(mynewver) == 2: # an _package_weights_ number = float(mynewver[0]) match = 0 for x in _package_ends_: elen = len(x) if mynewver[1][:elen] == x: match = 1 p1 = _package_weights_[x] try: p2 = float(mynewver[1][elen:]) except: p2 = 0 break if not match: # normal number or number with letter at end divider = len(myver)-1 if myver[divider:] not in "1234567890": # letter at end p1 = ord(myver[divider:]) number = float(myver[0:divider]) else: number = float(myver) else: # normal number or number with letter at end divider = len(myver)-1 if myver[divider:] not in "1234567890": #letter at end p1 = ord(myver[divider:]) number = float(myver[0:divider]) else: number = float(myver) return [number, p1, p2] __vercmp_cache__ = {} def vercmp_string(val1, val2): """This takes two version strings and returns an integer to tell you whether the versions are the same, val1>val2 or val2>val1. """ # quick short-circuit if val1 == val2: return 0 valkey = val1 + " " + val2 # cache lookup try: return __vercmp_cache__[valkey] try: return - __vercmp_cache__[val2 + " " + val1] except KeyError: pass except KeyError: pass # consider 1_p2 vc 1.1 # after expansion will become (1_p2,0) vc (1,1) # then 1_p2 is compared with 1 before 0 is compared with 1 # to solve the bug we need to convert it to (1,0_p2) # by splitting _prepart part and adding it back _after_expansion val1_prepart = val2_prepart = '' if val1.count('_'): val1, val1_prepart = val1.split('_', 1) if val2.count('_'): val2, val2_prepart = val2.split('_', 1) # replace '-' by '.' # FIXME: Is it needed? can val1/2 contain '-'? val1 = val1.split("-") if len(val1) == 2: val1[0] = val1[0] + "." + val1[1] val2 = val2.split("-") if len(val2) == 2: val2[0] = val2[0] + "." + val2[1] val1 = val1[0].split('.') val2 = val2[0].split('.') # add back decimal point so that .03 does not become "3" ! for x in xrange(1, len(val1)): if val1[x][0] == '0' : val1[x] = '.' + val1[x] for x in xrange(1, len(val2)): if val2[x][0] == '0' : val2[x] = '.' + val2[x] # extend varion numbers if len(val2) < len(val1): val2.extend(["0"]*(len(val1)-len(val2))) elif len(val1) < len(val2): val1.extend(["0"]*(len(val2)-len(val1))) # add back _prepart tails if val1_prepart: val1[-1] += '_' + val1_prepart if val2_prepart: val2[-1] += '_' + val2_prepart # The above code will extend version numbers out so they # have the same number of digits. for x in xrange(0, len(val1)): cmp1 = relparse(val1[x]) cmp2 = relparse(val2[x]) for y in xrange(0, 3): myret = cmp1[y] - cmp2[y] if myret != 0: __vercmp_cache__[valkey] = myret return myret __vercmp_cache__[valkey] = 0 return 0 def explode_deps(s): """ Take an RDEPENDS style string of format: "DEPEND1 (optional version) DEPEND2 (optional version) ..." and return a list of dependencies. Version information is ignored. """ r = [] l = s.split() flag = False for i in l: if i[0] == '(': flag = True #j = [] if not flag: r.append(i) #else: # j.append(i) if flag and i.endswith(')'): flag = False # Ignore version #r[-1] += ' ' + ' '.join(j) return r def explode_dep_versions(s): """ Take an RDEPENDS style string of format: "DEPEND1 (optional version) DEPEND2 (optional version) ..." and return a dictionary of dependencies and versions. """ r = {} l = s.replace(",", "").split() lastdep = None lastver = "" inversion = False for i in l: if i[0] == '(': inversion = True lastver = i[1:] or "" #j = [] elif inversion and i.endswith(')'): inversion = False lastver = lastver + " " + (i[:-1] or "") r[lastdep] = lastver elif not inversion: r[i] = None lastdep = i lastver = "" elif inversion: lastver = lastver + " " + i return r def join_deps(deps): """ Take the result from explode_dep_versions and generate a dependency string """ result = [] for dep in deps: if deps[dep]: result.append(dep + " (" + deps[dep] + ")") else: result.append(dep) return ", ".join(result) def extend_deps(dest, src): """ Extend the results from explode_dep_versions by appending all of the items in the second list, avoiding duplicates. """ for dep in src: if dep not in dest: dest[dep] = src[dep] elif dest[dep] != src[dep]: dest[dep] = src[dep] def _print_trace(body, line): """ Print the Environment of a Text Body """ # print the environment of the method min_line = max(1, line-4) max_line = min(line + 4, len(body)) for i in xrange(min_line, max_line + 1): if line == i: logger.error(" *** %.4d:%s" % (i, body[i-1]) ) else: logger.error(" %.4d:%s" % (i, body[i-1]) ) def better_compile(text, file, realfile, mode = "exec"): """ A better compile method. This method will print the offending lines. """ try: return compile(text, file, mode) except Exception as e: # split the text into lines again body = text.split('\n') logger.error("Error in compiling python function in: %s" % (realfile)) logger.error(str(e)) if e.lineno: logger.error("The lines leading to this error were:") logger.error("\t%d:%s:'%s'" % (e.lineno, e.__class__.__name__, body[e.lineno-1])) _print_trace(body, e.lineno) else: logger.error("The function causing this error was:") for line in body: logger.error(line) raise def better_exec(code, context, text, realfile = ""): """ Similiar to better_compile, better_exec will print the lines that are responsible for the error. """ import bb.parse if not hasattr(code, "co_filename"): code = better_compile(code, realfile, realfile) try: exec(code, _context, context) except Exception: (t, value, tb) = sys.exc_info() if t in [bb.parse.SkipPackage, bb.build.FuncFailed]: raise logger.exception("Error executing python function in '%s'", code.co_filename) # print the Header of the Error Message logger.error("There was an error when executing a python function in: %s" % code.co_filename) logger.error("Exception:%s Message:%s" % (t, value)) # Strip 'us' from the stack (better_exec call) tb = tb.tb_next import traceback textarray = text.split('\n') linefailed = traceback.tb_lineno(tb) tbextract = traceback.extract_tb(tb) tbformat = "\n".join(traceback.format_list(tbextract)) logger.error("The stack trace of python calls that resulted in thie exception/failure was:") for line in tbformat.split('\n'): logger.error(line) logger.error("The code that was being executed was:") _print_trace(textarray, linefailed) logger.error("(file: '%s', lineno: %s, function: %s)" % (tbextract[0][0], tbextract[0][1], tbextract[0][2])) # See if this is a function we constructed and has calls back into other functions in # "text". If so, try and improve the context of the error by diving down the trace level = 0 nexttb = tb.tb_next while nexttb is not None: if tbextract[level][0] == tbextract[level+1][0] and tbextract[level+1][2] == tbextract[level][0]: _print_trace(textarray, tbextract[level+1][1]) logger.error("(file: '%s', lineno: %s, function: %s)" % (tbextract[level+1][0], tbextract[level+1][1], tbextract[level+1][2])) else: break nexttb = tb.tb_next level = level + 1 raise def simple_exec(code, context): exec(code, _context, context) def better_eval(source, locals): return eval(source, _context, locals) @contextmanager def fileslocked(files): """Context manager for locking and unlocking file locks.""" locks = [] if files: for lockfile in files: locks.append(bb.utils.lockfile(lockfile)) yield for lock in locks: bb.utils.unlockfile(lock) def lockfile(name): """ Use the file fn as a lock file, return when the lock has been acquired. Returns a variable to pass to unlockfile(). """ path = os.path.dirname(name) if not os.path.isdir(path): logger.error("Lockfile destination directory '%s' does not exist", path) sys.exit(1) if not os.access(path, os.W_OK): logger.error("Error, lockfile path is not writable!: %s" % path) sys.exit(1) while True: # If we leave the lockfiles lying around there is no problem # but we should clean up after ourselves. This gives potential # for races though. To work around this, when we acquire the lock # we check the file we locked was still the lock file on disk. # by comparing inode numbers. If they don't match or the lockfile # no longer exists, we start again. # This implementation is unfair since the last person to request the # lock is the most likely to win it. try: lf = open(name, 'a+') fileno = lf.fileno() fcntl.flock(fileno, fcntl.LOCK_EX) statinfo = os.fstat(fileno) if os.path.exists(lf.name): statinfo2 = os.stat(lf.name) if statinfo.st_ino == statinfo2.st_ino: return lf lf.close() except Exception: continue def unlockfile(lf): """ Unlock a file locked using lockfile() """ os.unlink(lf.name) fcntl.flock(lf.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) lf.close() def md5_file(filename): """ Return the hex string representation of the MD5 checksum of filename. """ try: import hashlib m = hashlib.md5() except ImportError: import md5 m = md5.new() for line in open(filename): m.update(line) return m.hexdigest() def sha256_file(filename): """ Return the hex string representation of the 256-bit SHA checksum of filename. On Python 2.4 this will return None, so callers will need to handle that by either skipping SHA checks, or running a standalone sha256sum binary. """ try: import hashlib except ImportError: return None s = hashlib.sha256() for line in open(filename): s.update(line) return s.hexdigest() # Variables which are preserved from the original environment *and* exported # into our worker context def preserved_envvars_export_list(): return [ 'BB_TASKHASH', 'HOME', 'LOGNAME', 'PATH', 'PWD', 'SHELL', 'TERM', 'USER', 'USERNAME', ] # Variables which are preserved from the original environment *and* exported # into our worker context for interactive tasks (e.g. requiring X) def preserved_envvars_export_interactive_list(): return [ 'COLORTERM', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS', 'DESKTOP_SESSION', 'DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID', 'DISPLAY', 'GNOME_KEYRING_PID', 'GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET', 'GPG_AGENT_INFO', 'GTK_RC_FILES', 'SESSION_MANAGER', 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK', 'XAUTHORITY', 'XDG_DATA_DIRS', 'XDG_SESSION_COOKIE', ] # Variables which are preserved from the original environment into the datastore def preserved_envvars_list(): v = [ 'BBPATH', 'BB_PRESERVE_ENV', 'BB_ENV_WHITELIST', 'BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE', 'LANG', '_', ] return v + preserved_envvars_export_list() + preserved_envvars_export_interactive_list() def filter_environment(good_vars): """ Create a pristine environment for bitbake. This will remove variables that are not known and may influence the build in a negative way. """ removed_vars = [] for key in os.environ.keys(): if key in good_vars: continue removed_vars.append(key) os.unsetenv(key) del os.environ[key] if len(removed_vars): logger.debug(1, "Removed the following variables from the environment: %s", ", ".join(removed_vars)) return removed_vars def create_intereactive_env(d): for k in preserved_envvars_export_interactive_list(): os.setenv(k, bb.data.getVar(k, d, True)) def clean_environment(): """ Clean up any spurious environment variables. This will remove any variables the user hasn't chose to preserve. """ if 'BB_PRESERVE_ENV' not in os.environ: if 'BB_ENV_WHITELIST' in os.environ: good_vars = os.environ['BB_ENV_WHITELIST'].split() else: good_vars = preserved_envvars_list() if 'BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE' in os.environ: good_vars.extend(os.environ['BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE'].split()) filter_environment(good_vars) def empty_environment(): """ Remove all variables from the environment. """ for s in os.environ.keys(): os.unsetenv(s) del os.environ[s] def build_environment(d): """ Build an environment from all exported variables. """ import bb.data for var in bb.data.keys(d): export = bb.data.getVarFlag(var, "export", d) if export: os.environ[var] = bb.data.getVar(var, d, True) or "" def remove(path, recurse=False): """Equivalent to rm -f or rm -rf""" import os, errno, shutil try: os.unlink(path) except OSError, exc: if recurse and exc.errno == errno.EISDIR: shutil.rmtree(path) elif exc.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise def prunedir(topdir): # Delete everything reachable from the directory named in 'topdir'. # CAUTION: This is dangerous! for root, dirs, files in os.walk(topdir, topdown = False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: if os.path.islink(os.path.join(root, name)): os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) else: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) os.rmdir(topdir) # # Could also use return re.compile("(%s)" % "|".join(map(re.escape, suffixes))).sub(lambda mo: "", var) # but thats possibly insane and suffixes is probably going to be small # def prune_suffix(var, suffixes, d): # See if var ends with any of the suffixes listed and # remove it if found for suffix in suffixes: if var.endswith(suffix): return var.replace(suffix, "") return var def mkdirhier(dir): """Create a directory like 'mkdir -p', but does not complain if directory already exists like os.makedirs """ try: os.makedirs(dir) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise e def movefile(src, dest, newmtime = None, sstat = None): """Moves a file from src to dest, preserving all permissions and attributes; mtime will be preserved even when moving across filesystems. Returns true on success and false on failure. Move is atomic. """ #print "movefile(" + src + "," + dest + "," + str(newmtime) + "," + str(sstat) + ")" try: if not sstat: sstat = os.lstat(src) except Exception as e: print("movefile: Stating source file failed...", e) return None destexists = 1 try: dstat = os.lstat(dest) except: dstat = os.lstat(os.path.dirname(dest)) destexists = 0 if destexists: if stat.S_ISLNK(dstat[stat.ST_MODE]): try: os.unlink(dest) destexists = 0 except Exception as e: pass if stat.S_ISLNK(sstat[stat.ST_MODE]): try: target = os.readlink(src) if destexists and not stat.S_ISDIR(dstat[stat.ST_MODE]): os.unlink(dest) os.symlink(target, dest) #os.lchown(dest,sstat[stat.ST_UID],sstat[stat.ST_GID]) os.unlink(src) return os.lstat(dest) except Exception as e: print("movefile: failed to properly create symlink:", dest, "->", target, e) return None renamefailed = 1 if sstat[stat.ST_DEV] == dstat[stat.ST_DEV]: try: os.rename(src, dest) renamefailed = 0 except Exception as e: if e[0] != errno.EXDEV: # Some random error. print("movefile: Failed to move", src, "to", dest, e) return None # Invalid cross-device-link 'bind' mounted or actually Cross-Device if renamefailed: didcopy = 0 if stat.S_ISREG(sstat[stat.ST_MODE]): try: # For safety copy then move it over. shutil.copyfile(src, dest + "#new") os.rename(dest + "#new", dest) didcopy = 1 except Exception as e: print('movefile: copy', src, '->', dest, 'failed.', e) return None else: #we don't yet handle special, so we need to fall back to /bin/mv a = getstatusoutput("/bin/mv -f " + "'" + src + "' '" + dest + "'") if a[0] != 0: print("movefile: Failed to move special file:" + src + "' to '" + dest + "'", a) return None # failure try: if didcopy: os.lchown(dest, sstat[stat.ST_UID], sstat[stat.ST_GID]) os.chmod(dest, stat.S_IMODE(sstat[stat.ST_MODE])) # Sticky is reset on chown os.unlink(src) except Exception as e: print("movefile: Failed to chown/chmod/unlink", dest, e) return None if newmtime: os.utime(dest, (newmtime, newmtime)) else: os.utime(dest, (sstat[stat.ST_ATIME], sstat[stat.ST_MTIME])) newmtime = sstat[stat.ST_MTIME] return newmtime def copyfile(src, dest, newmtime = None, sstat = None): """ Copies a file from src to dest, preserving all permissions and attributes; mtime will be preserved even when moving across filesystems. Returns true on success and false on failure. """ #print "copyfile(" + src + "," + dest + "," + str(newmtime) + "," + str(sstat) + ")" try: if not sstat: sstat = os.lstat(src) except Exception as e: print("copyfile: Stating source file failed...", e) return False destexists = 1 try: dstat = os.lstat(dest) except: dstat = os.lstat(os.path.dirname(dest)) destexists = 0 if destexists: if stat.S_ISLNK(dstat[stat.ST_MODE]): try: os.unlink(dest) destexists = 0 except Exception as e: pass if stat.S_ISLNK(sstat[stat.ST_MODE]): try: target = os.readlink(src) if destexists and not stat.S_ISDIR(dstat[stat.ST_MODE]): os.unlink(dest) os.symlink(target, dest) #os.lchown(dest,sstat[stat.ST_UID],sstat[stat.ST_GID]) return os.lstat(dest) except Exception as e: print("copyfile: failed to properly create symlink:", dest, "->", target, e) return False if stat.S_ISREG(sstat[stat.ST_MODE]): os.chmod(src, stat.S_IRUSR) # Make sure we can read it try: # For safety copy then move it over. shutil.copyfile(src, dest + "#new") os.rename(dest + "#new", dest) except Exception as e: print('copyfile: copy', src, '->', dest, 'failed.', e) return False finally: os.chmod(src, sstat[stat.ST_MODE]) os.utime(src, (sstat[stat.ST_ATIME], sstat[stat.ST_MTIME])) else: #we don't yet handle special, so we need to fall back to /bin/mv a = getstatusoutput("/bin/cp -f " + "'" + src + "' '" + dest + "'") if a[0] != 0: print("copyfile: Failed to copy special file:" + src + "' to '" + dest + "'", a) return False # failure try: os.lchown(dest, sstat[stat.ST_UID], sstat[stat.ST_GID]) os.chmod(dest, stat.S_IMODE(sstat[stat.ST_MODE])) # Sticky is reset on chown except Exception as e: print("copyfile: Failed to chown/chmod/unlink", dest, e) return False if newmtime: os.utime(dest, (newmtime, newmtime)) else: os.utime(dest, (sstat[stat.ST_ATIME], sstat[stat.ST_MTIME])) newmtime = sstat[stat.ST_MTIME] return newmtime def which(path, item, direction = 0): """ Locate a file in a PATH """ paths = (path or "").split(':') if direction != 0: paths.reverse() for p in paths: next = os.path.join(p, item) if os.path.exists(next): return next return "" def init_logger(logger, verbose, debug, debug_domains): """ Set verbosity and debug levels in the logger """ if debug: bb.msg.set_debug_level(debug) elif verbose: bb.msg.set_verbose(True) else: bb.msg.set_debug_level(0) if debug_domains: bb.msg.set_debug_domains(debug_domains)