# # BitBake Graphical GTK User Interface # # Copyright (C) 2011 Intel Corporation # # Authored by Joshua Lock # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import glib import gobject import gtk from bb.ui.crumbs.tasklistmodel import TaskListModel, BuildRep from bb.ui.crumbs.hobeventhandler import HobHandler from bb.ui.crumbs.configurator import Configurator from bb.ui.crumbs.hobprefs import HobPrefs from bb.ui.crumbs.layereditor import LayerEditor from bb.ui.crumbs.runningbuild import RunningBuildTreeView, RunningBuild from bb.ui.crumbs.hig import CrumbsDialog import xmlrpclib import logging import Queue extraCaches = ['bb.cache_extra:HobRecipeInfo'] class MainWindow (gtk.Window): def __init__(self, taskmodel, handler, configurator, prefs, layers, mach): gtk.Window.__init__(self) # global state self.curr_mach = mach self.machine_handler_id = None self.image_combo_id = None self.generating = False self.files_to_clean = [] self.selected_image = None self.selected_packages = None self.stopping = False self.model = taskmodel self.model.connect("tasklist-populated", self.update_model) self.model.connect("image-changed", self.image_changed_string_cb) self.handler = handler self.configurator = configurator self.prefs = prefs self.layers = layers self.save_path = None self.dirty = False self.build_succeeded = False self.connect("delete-event", self.destroy_window) self.set_title("Image Creator") self.set_icon_name("applications-development") self.set_default_size(1000, 650) self.build = RunningBuild(sequential=True) self.build.connect("build-failed", self.running_build_failed_cb) self.build.connect("build-succeeded", self.running_build_succeeded_cb) self.build.connect("build-started", self.build_started_cb) self.build.connect("build-complete", self.build_complete_cb) vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) vbox.set_border_width(0) vbox.show() self.add(vbox) self.menu = self.create_menu() vbox.pack_start(self.menu, False) createview = self.create_build_gui() self.back = None self.cancel = None buildview = self.view_build_gui() self.nb = gtk.Notebook() self.nb.append_page(createview) self.nb.append_page(buildview) self.nb.set_current_page(0) self.nb.set_show_tabs(False) vbox.pack_start(self.nb, expand=True, fill=True) def destroy_window(self, widget, event): self.quit() def menu_quit(self, action): self.quit() def quit(self): if self.dirty and len(self.model.contents): question = "Would you like to save your customisations?" dialog = CrumbsDialog(self, question, gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING) dialog.add_buttons(gtk.STOCK_NO, gtk.RESPONSE_NO, gtk.STOCK_YES, gtk.RESPONSE_YES) resp = dialog.run() dialog.destroy() if resp == gtk.RESPONSE_YES: if not self.save_path: self.get_save_path() if self.save_path: self.save_recipe_file() rep = self.model.get_build_rep() rep.writeRecipe(self.save_path, self.model) # Prevent the busy cursor being shown after hob exits if quit is called # whilst the busy cursor is set self.set_busy_cursor(False) self.handler.remove_temp_dir() gtk.main_quit() """ In the case of a fatal error give the user as much information as possible and then exit. """ def fatal_error_cb(self, handler, errormsg, phase): lbl = "Error!\nThere was an unrecoverable error during the" lbl = lbl + " %s phase of BitBake. This must be" % phase lbl = lbl + " rectified before the GUI will function. The error" lbl = lbl + " message which which caused this is:\n\n\"%s\"" % errormsg dialog = CrumbsDialog(self, lbl, gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR) dialog.add_button("Exit", gtk.RESPONSE_OK) response = dialog.run() dialog.destroy() self.set_busy_cursor(False) gtk.main_quit() def scroll_tv_cb(self, model, path, it, view): view.scroll_to_cell(path) def running_build_succeeded_cb(self, running_build): self.build_succeeded = True def running_build_failed_cb(self, running_build): self.build_succeeded = False def image_changed_string_cb(self, model, new_image): # disconnect the image combo's signal handler if self.image_combo_id: self.image_combo.disconnect(self.image_combo_id) self.image_combo_id = None cnt = 0 it = self.model.images.get_iter_first() while it: path = self.model.images.get_path(it) if self.model.images[path][self.model.COL_NAME] == new_image: self.image_combo.set_active(cnt) break it = self.model.images.iter_next(it) cnt = cnt + 1 # Reconnect the signal handler if not self.image_combo_id: self.image_combo_id = self.image_combo.connect("changed", self.image_changed_cb) def image_changed_cb(self, combo): model = self.image_combo.get_model() it = self.image_combo.get_active_iter() if it: path = model.get_path(it) # Firstly, deselect the previous image userp, _ = self.model.get_selected_packages() self.model.reset() # Now select the new image and save its path in case we # change the image later self.toggle_package(path, model, image=True) if len(userp): self.model.set_selected_packages(userp) def reload_triggered_cb(self, handler, image, packages): if image: self.selected_image = image if len(packages): self.selected_packages = packages.split() def data_generated(self, handler): self.generating = False self.image_combo.set_model(self.model.images_model()) # Without this the image combo is incorrectly sized on first load of the GUI self.image_combo.set_active(0) self.image_combo.set_active(-1) if not self.image_combo_id: self.image_combo_id = self.image_combo.connect("changed", self.image_changed_cb) self.enable_widgets() def machine_combo_changed_cb(self, combo, handler): mach = combo.get_active_text() if mach != self.curr_mach: self.curr_mach = mach # Flush this straight to the file as MACHINE is changed # independently of other 'Preferences' self.configurator.setLocalConfVar('MACHINE', mach) self.configurator.writeLocalConf() handler.set_machine(mach) handler.reload_data() def update_machines(self, handler, machines): active = 0 # disconnect the signal handler before updating the combo model if self.machine_handler_id: self.machine_combo.disconnect(self.machine_handler_id) self.machine_handler_id = None model = self.machine_combo.get_model() if model: model.clear() for machine in machines: self.machine_combo.append_text(machine) if machine == self.curr_mach: self.machine_combo.set_active(active) active = active + 1 self.machine_handler_id = self.machine_combo.connect("changed", self.machine_combo_changed_cb, handler) def set_busy_cursor(self, busy=True): """ Convenience method to set the cursor to a spinner when executing a potentially lengthy process. A busy value of False will set the cursor back to the default left pointer. """ if busy: cursor = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.WATCH) else: # TODO: presumably the default cursor is different on RTL # systems. Can we determine the default cursor? Or at least # the cursor which is set before we change it? cursor = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.LEFT_PTR) window = self.get_root_window() window.set_cursor(cursor) def busy_idle_func(self): if self.generating: self.progress.pulse() return True else: if not self.image_combo_id: self.image_combo_id = self.image_combo.connect("changed", self.image_changed_cb) self.progress.set_text("Loaded") self.progress.set_fraction(0.0) self.set_busy_cursor(False) return False def busy(self, handler): self.generating = True self.progress.set_text("Loading...") self.set_busy_cursor() if self.image_combo_id: self.image_combo.disconnect(self.image_combo_id) self.image_combo_id = None self.progress.pulse() gobject.timeout_add (100, self.busy_idle_func) self.disable_widgets() def enable_widgets(self): self.menu.set_sensitive(True) self.machine_combo.set_sensitive(True) self.image_combo.set_sensitive(True) self.nb.set_sensitive(True) self.contents_tree.set_sensitive(True) def disable_widgets(self): self.menu.set_sensitive(False) self.machine_combo.set_sensitive(False) self.image_combo.set_sensitive(False) self.nb.set_sensitive(False) self.contents_tree.set_sensitive(False) def update_model(self, model): # We want the packages model to be alphabetised and sortable so create # a TreeModelSort to use in the view pkgsaz_model = gtk.TreeModelSort(self.model.packages_model()) pkgsaz_model.set_sort_column_id(self.model.COL_NAME, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING) # Unset default sort func so that we only toggle between A-Z and # Z-A sorting pkgsaz_model.set_default_sort_func(None) self.pkgsaz_tree.set_model(pkgsaz_model) # We want the contents to be alphabetised so create a TreeModelSort to # use in the view contents_model = gtk.TreeModelSort(self.model.contents_model()) contents_model.set_sort_column_id(self.model.COL_NAME, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING) # Unset default sort func so that we only toggle between A-Z and # Z-A sorting contents_model.set_default_sort_func(None) self.contents_tree.set_model(contents_model) self.tasks_tree.set_model(self.model.tasks_model()) if self.selected_image: if self.image_combo_id: self.image_combo.disconnect(self.image_combo_id) self.image_combo_id = None self.model.set_selected_image(self.selected_image) self.selected_image = None if not self.image_combo_id: self.image_combo_id = self.image_combo.connect("changed", self.image_changed_cb) if self.selected_packages: self.model.set_selected_packages(self.selected_packages) self.selected_packages = None def reset_clicked_cb(self, button): lbl = "Reset your selections?\n\nAny new changes you have made will be lost" dialog = CrumbsDialog(self, lbl, gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING) dialog.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) dialog.add_button("Reset", gtk.RESPONSE_OK) response = dialog.run() dialog.destroy() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: self.reset_build() self.search.set_text("") return def reset_build(self): if self.image_combo_id: self.image_combo.disconnect(self.image_combo_id) self.image_combo_id = None self.image_combo.set_active(-1) self.model.reset() if not self.image_combo_id: self.image_combo_id = self.image_combo.connect("changed", self.image_changed_cb) def layers_cb(self, action): resp = self.layers.run() self.layers.save_current_layers() self.layers.hide() def add_layer_cb(self, action): self.layers.find_layer(self) self.layers.save_current_layers() def preferences_cb(self, action): resp = self.prefs.run() self.prefs.write_changes() self.prefs.hide() def about_cb(self, action): about = gtk.AboutDialog() about.set_name("Image Creator") about.set_copyright("Copyright (C) 2011 Intel Corporation") about.set_authors(["Joshua Lock "]) about.set_logo_icon_name("applications-development") about.run() about.destroy() def save_recipe_file(self): rep = self.model.get_build_rep() rep.writeRecipe(self.save_path, self.model) self.dirty = False def get_save_path(self): chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title=None, parent=self, action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_SAVE, gtk.RESPONSE_OK,)) chooser.set_current_name("myimage.bb") response = chooser.run() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: save_path = chooser.get_filename() else: save_path = None chooser.destroy() self.save_path = save_path def save_cb(self, action): if not self.save_path: self.get_save_path() if self.save_path: self.save_recipe_file() def save_as_cb(self, action): self.get_save_path() if self.save_path: self.save_recipe_file() def open_cb(self, action): chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title=None, parent=self, action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) response = chooser.run() rep = BuildRep(None, None, None) if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: rep.loadRecipe(chooser.get_filename()) chooser.destroy() self.model.load_image_rep(rep) self.dirty = False def bake_clicked_cb(self, button): build_image = True rep = self.model.get_build_rep() if not rep.base_image: lbl = "Build empty image or only packages?\nA base image" lbl = lbl + " has not been selected.\n\'Empty image' will build" lbl = lbl + " an image with only the selected packages as its" lbl = lbl + " contents.\n'Packages Only' will build only the" lbl = lbl + " selected packages, no image will be created" dialog = CrumbsDialog(self, lbl, gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING) dialog.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) dialog.add_button("Empty Image", gtk.RESPONSE_OK) dialog.add_button("Packages Only", gtk.RESPONSE_YES) response = dialog.run() dialog.destroy() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: return elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_YES: build_image = False elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: rep.base_image = "empty" if build_image: self.handler.make_temp_dir() recipepath = self.handler.get_temp_recipe_path(rep.base_image) image_name = recipepath.rstrip(".bb") path, sep, image_name = image_name.rpartition("/") rep.writeRecipe(recipepath, self.model) # In the case where we saved the file for the purpose of building # it we should then delete it so that the users workspace doesn't # contain files they haven't explicitly saved there. if not self.save_path: self.files_to_clean.append(recipepath) self.handler.build_image(image_name, self.configurator) else: self.handler.build_packages(rep.allpkgs.split(" ")) self.nb.set_current_page(1) def back_button_clicked_cb(self, button): self.toggle_createview() def toggle_createview(self): self.build.model.clear() self.nb.set_current_page(0) def build_complete_cb(self, running_build): self.stopping = False self.back.connect("clicked", self.back_button_clicked_cb) self.back.set_sensitive(True) self.cancel.set_sensitive(False) for f in self.files_to_clean: os.remove(f) lbl = "Build completed\n\nClick 'Edit Image' to start another build or 'View Messages' to view the messages output during the build." if self.handler.building == "image" and self.build_succeeded: deploy = self.handler.get_image_deploy_dir() lbl = lbl + "\nBrowse folder of built images." % (deploy, deploy) dialog = CrumbsDialog(self, lbl) dialog.add_button("View Messages", gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) dialog.add_button("Edit Image", gtk.RESPONSE_OK) response = dialog.run() dialog.destroy() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: self.toggle_createview() def build_started_cb(self, running_build): self.back.set_sensitive(False) self.cancel.set_sensitive(True) def include_gplv3_cb(self, toggle): excluded = toggle.get_active() self.handler.toggle_gplv3(excluded) def change_bb_threads(self, spinner): val = spinner.get_value_as_int() self.handler.set_bbthreads(val) def change_make_threads(self, spinner): val = spinner.get_value_as_int() self.handler.set_pmake(val) def toggle_toolchain(self, check): enabled = check.get_active() self.handler.toggle_toolchain(enabled) def toggle_headers(self, check): enabled = check.get_active() self.handler.toggle_toolchain_headers(enabled) def toggle_package_idle_cb(self, opath, image): """ As the operations which we're calling on the model can take a significant amount of time (in the order of seconds) during which the GUI is unresponsive as the main loop is blocked perform them in an idle function which at least enables us to set the busy cursor before the UI is blocked giving the appearance of being responsive. """ # Whether the item is currently included inc = self.model[opath][self.model.COL_INC] # If the item is already included, mark it for removal then # the sweep_up() method finds affected items and marks them # appropriately if inc: self.model.mark(opath) self.model.sweep_up() # If the item isn't included, mark it for inclusion else: self.model.include_item(item_path=opath, binb="User Selected", image_contents=image) self.set_busy_cursor(False) return False def toggle_package(self, path, model, image=False): inc = model[path][self.model.COL_INC] # Warn user before removing included packages if inc: pn = model[path][self.model.COL_NAME] revdeps = self.model.find_reverse_depends(pn) if len(revdeps): lbl = "Remove %s?\n\nThis action cannot be undone and all packages which depend on this will be removed\nPackages which depend on %s include %s." % (pn, pn, ", ".join(revdeps).rstrip(",")) else: lbl = "Remove %s?\n\nThis action cannot be undone." % pn dialog = CrumbsDialog(self, lbl, gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING) dialog.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) dialog.add_button("Remove", gtk.RESPONSE_OK) response = dialog.run() dialog.destroy() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: return self.set_busy_cursor() # Convert path to path in original model opath = model.convert_path_to_child_path(path) # This is a potentially length call which can block the # main loop, therefore do the work in an idle func to keep # the UI responsive glib.idle_add(self.toggle_package_idle_cb, opath, image) self.dirty = True def toggle_include_cb(self, cell, path, tv): model = tv.get_model() self.toggle_package(path, model) def toggle_pkg_include_cb(self, cell, path, tv): # there's an extra layer of models in the packages case. sort_model = tv.get_model() cpath = sort_model.convert_path_to_child_path(path) self.toggle_package(cpath, sort_model.get_model()) def pkgsaz(self): vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 6) vbox.show() self.pkgsaz_tree = gtk.TreeView() self.pkgsaz_tree.set_headers_visible(True) self.pkgsaz_tree.set_headers_clickable(True) self.pkgsaz_tree.set_enable_search(True) self.pkgsaz_tree.set_search_column(0) self.pkgsaz_tree.get_selection().set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_SINGLE) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Package') col.set_clickable(True) col.set_sort_column_id(self.model.COL_NAME) col.set_min_width(220) col1 = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Description') col1.set_resizable(True) col1.set_min_width(360) col2 = gtk.TreeViewColumn('License') col2.set_resizable(True) col2.set_clickable(True) col2.set_sort_column_id(self.model.COL_LIC) col2.set_min_width(170) col3 = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Group') col3.set_clickable(True) col3.set_sort_column_id(self.model.COL_GROUP) col4 = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Included') col4.set_min_width(80) col4.set_max_width(90) col4.set_sort_column_id(self.model.COL_INC) self.pkgsaz_tree.append_column(col) self.pkgsaz_tree.append_column(col1) self.pkgsaz_tree.append_column(col2) self.pkgsaz_tree.append_column(col3) self.pkgsaz_tree.append_column(col4) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() cell1 = gtk.CellRendererText() cell1.set_property('width-chars', 20) cell2 = gtk.CellRendererText() cell2.set_property('width-chars', 20) cell3 = gtk.CellRendererText() cell4 = gtk.CellRendererToggle() cell4.set_property('activatable', True) cell4.connect("toggled", self.toggle_pkg_include_cb, self.pkgsaz_tree) col.pack_start(cell, True) col1.pack_start(cell1, True) col2.pack_start(cell2, True) col3.pack_start(cell3, True) col4.pack_end(cell4, True) col.set_attributes(cell, text=self.model.COL_NAME) col1.set_attributes(cell1, text=self.model.COL_DESC) col2.set_attributes(cell2, text=self.model.COL_LIC) col3.set_attributes(cell3, text=self.model.COL_GROUP) col4.set_attributes(cell4, active=self.model.COL_INC) self.pkgsaz_tree.show() scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS) scroll.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) scroll.add(self.pkgsaz_tree) vbox.pack_start(scroll, True, True, 0) hb = gtk.HBox(False, 0) hb.show() self.search = gtk.Entry() self.search.set_icon_from_stock(gtk.ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY, "gtk-clear") self.search.connect("icon-release", self.search_entry_clear_cb) self.search.show() self.pkgsaz_tree.set_search_entry(self.search) hb.pack_end(self.search, False, False, 0) label = gtk.Label("Search packages:") label.show() hb.pack_end(label, False, False, 6) vbox.pack_start(hb, False, False, 0) return vbox def search_entry_clear_cb(self, entry, icon_pos, event): entry.set_text("") def tasks(self): vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 6) vbox.show() self.tasks_tree = gtk.TreeView() self.tasks_tree.set_headers_visible(True) self.tasks_tree.set_headers_clickable(False) self.tasks_tree.set_enable_search(True) self.tasks_tree.set_search_column(0) self.tasks_tree.get_selection().set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_SINGLE) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Package Collection') col.set_min_width(430) col1 = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Description') col1.set_min_width(430) col2 = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Include') col2.set_min_width(70) col2.set_max_width(80) self.tasks_tree.append_column(col) self.tasks_tree.append_column(col1) self.tasks_tree.append_column(col2) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() cell1 = gtk.CellRendererText() cell2 = gtk.CellRendererToggle() cell2.set_property('activatable', True) cell2.connect("toggled", self.toggle_include_cb, self.tasks_tree) col.pack_start(cell, True) col1.pack_start(cell1, True) col2.pack_end(cell2, True) col.set_attributes(cell, text=self.model.COL_NAME) col1.set_attributes(cell1, text=self.model.COL_DESC) col2.set_attributes(cell2, active=self.model.COL_INC) self.tasks_tree.show() scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS) scroll.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) scroll.add(self.tasks_tree) vbox.pack_start(scroll, True, True, 0) hb = gtk.HBox(False, 0) hb.show() search = gtk.Entry() search.show() self.tasks_tree.set_search_entry(search) hb.pack_end(search, False, False, 0) label = gtk.Label("Search collections:") label.show() hb.pack_end(label, False, False, 6) vbox.pack_start(hb, False, False, 0) return vbox def cancel_build(self, button): if self.stopping: lbl = "Force Stop build?\nYou've already selected Stop once," lbl = lbl + " would you like to 'Force Stop' the build?\n\n" lbl = lbl + "This will stop the build as quickly as possible but may" lbl = lbl + " well leave your build directory in an unusable state" lbl = lbl + " that requires manual steps to fix.\n" dialog = CrumbsDialog(self, lbl, gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING) dialog.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) dialog.add_button("Force Stop", gtk.RESPONSE_YES) else: lbl = "Stop build?\n\nAre you sure you want to stop this" lbl = lbl + " build?\n\n'Force Stop' will stop the build as quickly as" lbl = lbl + " possible but may well leave your build directory in an" lbl = lbl + " unusable state that requires manual steps to fix.\n\n" lbl = lbl + "'Stop' will stop the build as soon as all in" lbl = lbl + " progress build tasks are finished. However if a" lbl = lbl + " lengthy compilation phase is in progress this may take" lbl = lbl + " some time." dialog = CrumbsDialog(self, lbl, gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING) dialog.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) dialog.add_button("Stop", gtk.RESPONSE_OK) dialog.add_button("Force Stop", gtk.RESPONSE_YES) response = dialog.run() dialog.destroy() if response != gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: self.stopping = True if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: self.handler.cancel_build() elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_YES: self.handler.cancel_build(True) def view_build_gui(self): vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 12) vbox.set_border_width(6) vbox.show() build_tv = RunningBuildTreeView(readonly=True) build_tv.show() build_tv.set_model(self.build.model) self.build.model.connect("row-inserted", self.scroll_tv_cb, build_tv) scrolled_view = gtk.ScrolledWindow () scrolled_view.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scrolled_view.add(build_tv) scrolled_view.show() vbox.pack_start(scrolled_view, expand=True, fill=True) hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 12) hbox.show() vbox.pack_start(hbox, expand=False, fill=False) self.back = gtk.Button("Back") self.back.show() self.back.set_sensitive(False) hbox.pack_start(self.back, expand=False, fill=False) self.cancel = gtk.Button("Stop Build") self.cancel.connect("clicked", self.cancel_build) self.cancel.show() hbox.pack_end(self.cancel, expand=False, fill=False) return vbox def create_menu(self): menu_items = ''' ''' uimanager = gtk.UIManager() accel = uimanager.get_accel_group() self.add_accel_group(accel) actions = gtk.ActionGroup('ImageCreator') self.actions = actions actions.add_actions([('Quit', gtk.STOCK_QUIT, None, None, None, self.menu_quit,), ('File', None, '_File'), ('Save', gtk.STOCK_SAVE, None, None, None, self.save_cb), ('Save As', gtk.STOCK_SAVE_AS, None, None, None, self.save_as_cb), ('Open', gtk.STOCK_OPEN, None, None, None, self.open_cb), ('AddLayer', None, 'Add Layer', None, None, self.add_layer_cb), ('Edit', None, '_Edit'), ('Help', None, '_Help'), ('Layers', None, 'Layers', None, None, self.layers_cb), ('Preferences', gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES, None, None, None, self.preferences_cb), ('About', gtk.STOCK_ABOUT, None, None, None, self.about_cb)]) uimanager.insert_action_group(actions, 0) uimanager.add_ui_from_string(menu_items) menubar = uimanager.get_widget('/MenuBar') menubar.show_all() return menubar def info_button_clicked_cb(self, button): info = "We cannot accurately predict the image contents before they are built so instead a best" info = info + " attempt at estimating what the image will contain is listed." dialog = CrumbsDialog(self, info, gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_INFO) dialog.add_buttons(gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.RESPONSE_OK) resp = dialog.run() dialog.destroy() def create_build_gui(self): vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 12) vbox.set_border_width(6) vbox.show() hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 12) hbox.show() vbox.pack_start(hbox, expand=False, fill=False) label = gtk.Label("Machine:") label.show() hbox.pack_start(label, expand=False, fill=False, padding=6) self.machine_combo = gtk.combo_box_new_text() self.machine_combo.show() self.machine_combo.set_tooltip_text("Selects the architecture of the target board for which you would like to build an image.") hbox.pack_start(self.machine_combo, expand=False, fill=False, padding=6) label = gtk.Label("Base image:") label.show() hbox.pack_start(label, expand=False, fill=False, padding=6) self.image_combo = gtk.ComboBox() self.image_combo.show() self.image_combo.set_tooltip_text("Selects the image on which to base the created image") image_combo_cell = gtk.CellRendererText() self.image_combo.pack_start(image_combo_cell, True) self.image_combo.add_attribute(image_combo_cell, 'text', self.model.COL_NAME) hbox.pack_start(self.image_combo, expand=False, fill=False, padding=6) self.progress = gtk.ProgressBar() self.progress.set_size_request(250, -1) hbox.pack_end(self.progress, expand=False, fill=False, padding=6) ins = gtk.Notebook() vbox.pack_start(ins, expand=True, fill=True) ins.set_show_tabs(True) label = gtk.Label("Packages") label.show() ins.append_page(self.pkgsaz(), tab_label=label) label = gtk.Label("Package Collections") label.show() ins.append_page(self.tasks(), tab_label=label) ins.set_current_page(0) ins.show_all() hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 1) hbox.show() label = gtk.Label("Estimated image contents:") self.model.connect("contents-changed", self.update_package_count_cb, label) label.set_property("xalign", 0.00) label.show() hbox.pack_start(label, expand=False, fill=False, padding=6) info = gtk.Button("?") info.set_tooltip_text("What does this mean?") info.show() info.connect("clicked", self.info_button_clicked_cb) hbox.pack_start(info, expand=False, fill=False, padding=6) vbox.pack_start(hbox, expand=False, fill=False, padding=6) con = self.contents() con.show() vbox.pack_start(con, expand=True, fill=True) bbox = gtk.HButtonBox() bbox.set_spacing(12) bbox.set_layout(gtk.BUTTONBOX_END) bbox.show() vbox.pack_start(bbox, expand=False, fill=False) reset = gtk.Button("Reset") reset.connect("clicked", self.reset_clicked_cb) reset.show() bbox.add(reset) bake = gtk.Button("Bake") bake.connect("clicked", self.bake_clicked_cb) bake.show() bbox.add(bake) return vbox def update_package_count_cb(self, model, count, label): lbl = "Estimated image contents (%s packages):" % count label.set_text(lbl) def contents(self): self.contents_tree = gtk.TreeView() self.contents_tree.set_headers_visible(True) self.contents_tree.get_selection().set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_SINGLE) # allow searching in the package column self.contents_tree.set_search_column(0) self.contents_tree.set_enable_search(True) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Package') col.set_sort_column_id(0) col.set_min_width(430) col1 = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Brought in by') col1.set_resizable(True) col1.set_min_width(430) self.contents_tree.append_column(col) self.contents_tree.append_column(col1) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() cell1 = gtk.CellRendererText() cell1.set_property('width-chars', 20) col.pack_start(cell, True) col1.pack_start(cell1, True) col.set_attributes(cell, text=self.model.COL_NAME) col1.set_attributes(cell1, text=self.model.COL_BINB) self.contents_tree.show() scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS) scroll.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) scroll.add(self.contents_tree) return scroll def main (server, eventHandler): import multiprocessing cpu_cnt = multiprocessing.cpu_count() gobject.threads_init() taskmodel = TaskListModel() configurator = Configurator() handler = HobHandler(taskmodel, server) mach = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "MACHINE"]) sdk_mach = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "SDKMACHINE"]) # If SDKMACHINE not set the default SDK_ARCH is used so we # should represent that in the GUI if not sdk_mach: sdk_mach = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "SDK_ARCH"]) distro = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "DISTRO"]) bbthread = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "BB_NUMBER_THREADS"]) if not bbthread: bbthread = cpu_cnt handler.set_bbthreads(cpu_cnt) else: bbthread = int(bbthread) pmake = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "PARALLEL_MAKE"]) if not pmake: pmake = cpu_cnt handler.set_pmake(cpu_cnt) else: # The PARALLEL_MAKE variable will be of the format: "-j 3" and we only # want a number for the spinner, so strip everything from the variable # up to and including the space pmake = int(pmake.lstrip("-j ")) selected_image_types = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "IMAGE_FSTYPES"]) all_image_types = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "IMAGE_TYPES"]) pclasses = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "PACKAGE_CLASSES"]).split(" ") # NOTE: we're only supporting one value for PACKAGE_CLASSES being set # this seems OK because we're using the first package format set in # PACKAGE_CLASSES and that's the package manager used for the rootfs pkg, sep, pclass = pclasses[0].rpartition("_") incompatible = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE"]) gplv3disabled = False if incompatible and incompatible.lower().find("gplv3") != -1: gplv3disabled = True build_toolchain = bool(server.runCommand(["getVariable", "HOB_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN"])) build_headers = bool(server.runCommand(["getVariable", "HOB_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS"])) prefs = HobPrefs(configurator, handler, sdk_mach, distro, pclass, cpu_cnt, pmake, bbthread, selected_image_types, all_image_types, gplv3disabled, build_toolchain, build_headers) layers = LayerEditor(configurator, None) window = MainWindow(taskmodel, handler, configurator, prefs, layers, mach) prefs.set_parent_window(window) layers.set_parent_window(window) window.show_all () handler.connect("machines-updated", window.update_machines) handler.connect("sdk-machines-updated", prefs.update_sdk_machines) handler.connect("distros-updated", prefs.update_distros) handler.connect("package-formats-found", prefs.update_package_formats) handler.connect("generating-data", window.busy) handler.connect("data-generated", window.data_generated) handler.connect("reload-triggered", window.reload_triggered_cb) configurator.connect("layers-loaded", layers.load_current_layers) configurator.connect("layers-changed", handler.reload_data) handler.connect("config-found", configurator.configFound) handler.connect("fatal-error", window.fatal_error_cb) try: # kick the while thing off handler.current_command = handler.CFG_PATH_LOCAL server.runCommand(["findConfigFilePath", "local.conf"]) except xmlrpclib.Fault: print("XMLRPC Fault getting commandline:\n %s" % x) return 1 # This timeout function regularly probes the event queue to find out if we # have any messages waiting for us. gobject.timeout_add (100, handler.event_handle_idle_func, eventHandler, window.build, window.progress) try: gtk.main() except EnvironmentError as ioerror: # ignore interrupted io if ioerror.args[0] == 4: pass finally: server.runCommand(["stateStop"])