# # BitBake Graphical GTK User Interface # # Copyright (C) 2011 Intel Corporation # # Authored by Joshua Lock # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import gtk import gobject import re class BuildRep(gobject.GObject): def __init__(self, userpkgs, allpkgs, base_image=None): gobject.GObject.__init__(self) self.base_image = base_image self.allpkgs = allpkgs self.userpkgs = userpkgs def loadRecipe(self, pathname): contents = [] packages = "" base_image = "" with open(pathname, 'r') as f: contents = f.readlines() pkg_pattern = "^\s*(IMAGE_INSTALL)\s*([+=.?]+)\s*(\".*?\")" img_pattern = "^\s*(require)\s+(\S+.bb)" for line in contents: matchpkg = re.search(pkg_pattern, line) matchimg = re.search(img_pattern, line) if matchpkg: packages = packages + matchpkg.group(3).strip('"') if matchimg: base_image = os.path.basename(matchimg.group(2)).split(".")[0] self.base_image = base_image self.userpkgs = packages def writeRecipe(self, writepath, model): template = """ # Recipe generated by the HOB require %s IMAGE_INSTALL += "%s" """ empty_template = """ # Recipe generated by the HOB inherit core-image IMAGE_INSTALL = "%s" """ if self.base_image and not self.base_image == "empty": meta_path = model.find_image_path(self.base_image) recipe = template % (meta_path, self.userpkgs) else: recipe = empty_template % self.allpkgs if os.path.exists(writepath): os.rename(writepath, "%s~" % writepath) with open(writepath, 'w') as r: r.write(recipe) return writepath class TaskListModel(gtk.ListStore): """ This class defines an gtk.ListStore subclass which will convert the output of the bb.event.TargetsTreeGenerated event into a gtk.ListStore whilst also providing convenience functions to access gtk.TreeModel subclasses which provide filtered views of the data. """ (COL_NAME, COL_DESC, COL_LIC, COL_GROUP, COL_DEPS, COL_BINB, COL_TYPE, COL_INC, COL_IMG, COL_PATH) = range(10) __gsignals__ = { "tasklist-populated" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()), "contents-changed" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_INT,)), "image-changed" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_STRING,)), } """ """ def __init__(self): self.contents = None self.tasks = None self.packages = None self.images = None self.selected_image = None gtk.ListStore.__init__ (self, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, gobject.TYPE_STRING) def contents_changed_cb(self, tree_model, path, it=None): pkg_cnt = self.contents.iter_n_children(None) self.emit("contents-changed", pkg_cnt) def contents_model_filter(self, model, it): if not model.get_value(it, self.COL_INC) or model.get_value(it, self.COL_TYPE) == 'image': return False name = model.get_value(it, self.COL_NAME) if name.endswith('-native') or name.endswith('-cross'): return False else: return True """ Create, if required, and return a filtered gtk.TreeModel containing only the items which are to be included in the image """ def contents_model(self): if not self.contents: self.contents = self.filter_new() self.contents.set_visible_func(self.contents_model_filter) self.contents.connect("row-inserted", self.contents_changed_cb) self.contents.connect("row-deleted", self.contents_changed_cb) return self.contents """ Helper function to determine whether an item is a task """ def task_model_filter(self, model, it): if model.get_value(it, self.COL_TYPE) == 'task': return True else: return False """ Create, if required, and return a filtered gtk.TreeModel containing only the items which are tasks """ def tasks_model(self): if not self.tasks: self.tasks = self.filter_new() self.tasks.set_visible_func(self.task_model_filter) return self.tasks """ Helper function to determine whether an item is an image """ def image_model_filter(self, model, it): if model.get_value(it, self.COL_TYPE) == 'image': return True else: return False """ Create, if required, and return a filtered gtk.TreeModel containing only the items which are images """ def images_model(self): if not self.images: self.images = self.filter_new() self.images.set_visible_func(self.image_model_filter) return self.images """ Helper function to determine whether an item is a package """ def package_model_filter(self, model, it): if model.get_value(it, self.COL_TYPE) != 'package': return False else: name = model.get_value(it, self.COL_NAME) if name.count('-native') or name.count('cross'): return False return True """ Create, if required, and return a filtered gtk.TreeModel containing only the items which are packages """ def packages_model(self): if not self.packages: self.packages = self.filter_new() self.packages.set_visible_func(self.package_model_filter) return self.packages """ The populate() function takes as input the data from a bb.event.TargetsTreeGenerated event and populates the TaskList. Once the population is done it emits gsignal tasklist-populated to notify any listeners that the model is ready """ def populate(self, event_model): # First clear the model, in case repopulating self.clear() for item in event_model["pn"]: atype = 'package' name = item summary = event_model["pn"][item]["summary"] lic = event_model["pn"][item]["license"] group = event_model["pn"][item]["section"] filename = event_model["pn"][item]["filename"] depends = event_model["depends"].get(item, "") rdepends = event_model["rdepends-pn"].get(item, "") if rdepends: for rdep in rdepends: if event_model["packages"].get(rdep, ""): pn = event_model["packages"][rdep].get("pn", "") if pn: depends.append(pn) self.squish(depends) deps = " ".join(depends) if name.count('task-') > 0: atype = 'task' elif name.count('-image-') > 0: atype = 'image' self.set(self.append(), self.COL_NAME, name, self.COL_DESC, summary, self.COL_LIC, lic, self.COL_GROUP, group, self.COL_DEPS, deps, self.COL_BINB, "", self.COL_TYPE, atype, self.COL_INC, False, self.COL_IMG, False, self.COL_PATH, filename) self.emit("tasklist-populated") """ Load a BuildRep into the model """ def load_image_rep(self, rep): # Unset everything it = self.get_iter_first() while it: path = self.get_path(it) self[path][self.COL_INC] = False self[path][self.COL_IMG] = False it = self.iter_next(it) # Iterate the images and disable them all it = self.images.get_iter_first() while it: path = self.images.convert_path_to_child_path(self.images.get_path(it)) name = self[path][self.COL_NAME] if name == rep.base_image: self.include_item(path, image_contents=True) else: self[path][self.COL_INC] = False it = self.images.iter_next(it) # Mark all of the additional packages for inclusion packages = rep.userpkgs.split(" ") it = self.get_iter_first() while it: path = self.get_path(it) name = self[path][self.COL_NAME] if name in packages: self.include_item(path, binb="User Selected") packages.remove(name) it = self.iter_next(it) self.emit("image-changed", rep.base_image) """ squish lst so that it doesn't contain any duplicate entries """ def squish(self, lst): seen = {} for l in lst: seen[l] = 1 return seen.keys() """ Mark the item at path as not included NOTE: path should be a gtk.TreeModelPath into self (not a filtered model) """ def remove_item_path(self, path): self[path][self.COL_BINB] = "" self[path][self.COL_INC] = False """ Recursively called to mark the item at opath and any package which depends on it for removal. NOTE: This method dumbly removes user selected packages and since we don't do significant reverse dependency tracking it's easier and simpler to save the items marked as user selected and re-add them once the removal sweep is complete. """ def mark(self, opath): usersel = {} removed = [] it = self.get_iter_first() name = self[opath][self.COL_NAME] self.remove_item_path(opath) # Remove all dependent packages, update binb while it: path = self.get_path(it) it = self.iter_next(it) inc = self[path][self.COL_INC] deps = self[path][self.COL_DEPS] binb = self[path][self.COL_BINB] itype = self[path][self.COL_TYPE] iname = self[path][self.COL_NAME] # We ignore anything that isn't a package if not itype == "package": continue # If the user added this item and it's not the item we're removing # we should keep it and its dependencies, the easiest way to do so # is to save its name and re-mark it for inclusion once dependency # processing is complete if binb == "User Selected": usersel[iname] = self[path][self.COL_IMG] # FIXME: need to ensure partial name matching doesn't happen if inc and deps.count(name) and name not in removed: # found a dependency, remove it removed.append(name) self.mark(path) if inc and binb.count(name): bib = self.find_alt_dependency(name) self[path][self.COL_BINB] = bib # Re-add any removed user selected items for u in usersel: npath = self.find_path_for_item(u) self.include_item(item_path=npath, binb="User Selected", image_contents=usersel[u]) """ Remove items from contents if the have an empty COL_BINB (brought in by) caused by all packages they are a dependency of being removed. If the item isn't a package we leave it included. """ def sweep_up(self): it = self.contents.get_iter_first() while it: binb = self.contents.get_value(it, self.COL_BINB) itype = self.contents.get_value(it, self.COL_TYPE) remove = False if itype == 'package' and not binb: oit = self.contents.convert_iter_to_child_iter(it) opath = self.get_path(oit) self.mark(opath) remove = True # When we remove a package from the contents model we alter the # model, so continuing to iterate is bad. *Furthermore* it's # likely that the removal has affected an already iterated item # so we should start from the beginning anyway. # Only when we've managed to iterate the entire contents model # without removing any items do we allow the loop to exit. if remove: it = self.contents.get_iter_first() else: it = self.contents.iter_next(it) """ Find the name of an item in the image contents which depends on the item name. Returns either an item name (str) or None """ def find_alt_dependency(self, name): it = self.contents.get_iter_first() while it: # iterate all items in the contents model path = self.contents.get_path(it) deps = self.contents[path][self.COL_DEPS] itname = self.contents[path][self.COL_NAME] inc = self.contents[path][self.COL_INC] if itname != name and inc and deps.count(name) > 0: # if this item depends on the item, return this items name return itname it = self.contents.iter_next(it) return "" """ Check the self.contents gtk.TreeModel for an item where COL_NAME matches item_name Returns True if a match is found, False otherwise """ def contents_includes_name(self, item_name): it = self.contents.get_iter_first() while it: path = self.contents.get_path(it) if self.contents[path][self.COL_NAME] == item_name: return True it = self.contents.iter_next(it) return False """ Add this item, and any of its dependencies, to the image contents """ def include_item(self, item_path, binb="", image_contents=False): name = self[item_path][self.COL_NAME] deps = self[item_path][self.COL_DEPS] cur_inc = self[item_path][self.COL_INC] if not cur_inc: self[item_path][self.COL_INC] = True self[item_path][self.COL_BINB] = binb # We want to do some magic with things which are brought in by the # base image so tag them as so if image_contents: self[item_path][self.COL_IMG] = True if self[item_path][self.COL_TYPE] == 'image': self.selected_image = name if deps: # add all of the deps and set their binb to this item for dep in deps.split(" "): # If the contents model doesn't already contain dep, add it # We only care to show things which will end up in the # resultant image, so filter cross and native recipes dep_included = self.contents_includes_name(dep) path = self.find_path_for_item(dep) if not dep_included and not dep.endswith("-native") and not dep.endswith("-cross"): if path: self.include_item(path, name, image_contents) else: pass # Set brought in by for any no longer orphan packages elif dep_included and path: if not self[path][self.COL_BINB]: self[path][self.COL_BINB] = name """ Find the model path for the item_name Returns the path in the model or None """ def find_path_for_item(self, item_name): it = self.get_iter_first() path = None while it: path = self.get_path(it) if (self[path][self.COL_NAME] == item_name): return path else: it = self.iter_next(it) return None """ Empty self.contents by setting the include of each entry to None """ def reset(self): # Deselect images - slightly more complex logic so that we don't # have to iterate all of the contents of the main model, instead # just iterate the images model. if self.selected_image: iit = self.images.get_iter_first() while iit: pit = self.images.convert_iter_to_child_iter(iit) self.set(pit, self.COL_INC, False) iit = self.images.iter_next(iit) self.selected_image = None it = self.contents.get_iter_first() while it: oit = self.contents.convert_iter_to_child_iter(it) self.set(oit, self.COL_INC, False, self.COL_BINB, "", self.COL_IMG, False) # As we've just removed the first item... it = self.contents.get_iter_first() """ Returns two lists. One of user selected packages and the other containing all selected packages """ def get_selected_packages(self): allpkgs = [] userpkgs = [] it = self.contents.get_iter_first() while it: sel = self.contents.get_value(it, self.COL_BINB) == "User Selected" name = self.contents.get_value(it, self.COL_NAME) allpkgs.append(name) if sel: userpkgs.append(name) it = self.contents.iter_next(it) return userpkgs, allpkgs def image_contents_removed(self): it = self.get_iter_first() while it: sel = self.get_value(it, self.COL_INC) img = self.get_value(it, self.COL_IMG) if img and not sel: return True it = self.iter_next(it) return False def get_build_rep(self): userpkgs, allpkgs = self.get_selected_packages() # If base image contents have been removed start from an empty rootfs if not self.selected_image or self.image_contents_removed(): image = "empty" else: image = self.selected_image return BuildRep(" ".join(userpkgs), " ".join(allpkgs), image) def find_reverse_depends(self, pn): revdeps = [] it = self.contents.get_iter_first() while it: name = self.contents.get_value(it, self.COL_NAME) itype = self.contents.get_value(it, self.COL_TYPE) deps = self.contents.get_value(it, self.COL_DEPS) it = self.contents.iter_next(it) if not itype == 'package': continue if deps.count(pn) != 0: revdeps.append(name) if pn in revdeps: revdeps.remove(pn) return revdeps def set_selected_image(self, img): self.selected_image = img path = self.find_path_for_item(img) self.include_item(item_path=path, binb="User Selected", image_contents=True) self.emit("image-changed", self.selected_image) def set_selected_packages(self, pkglist): selected = pkglist it = self.get_iter_first() while it: name = self.get_value(it, self.COL_NAME) if name in pkglist: pkglist.remove(name) path = self.get_path(it) self.include_item(item_path=path, binb="User Selected") if len(pkglist) == 0: return it = self.iter_next(it) def find_image_path(self, image): it = self.images.get_iter_first() while it: image_name = self.images.get_value(it, self.COL_NAME) if image_name == image: path = self.images.get_value(it, self.COL_PATH) meta_pattern = "(\S*)/(meta*/)(\S*)" meta_match = re.search(meta_pattern, path) if meta_match: _, lyr, bbrel = path.partition(meta_match.group(2)) if bbrel: path = bbrel return path it = self.images.iter_next(it)