#!/usr/bin/env python # # BitBake Graphical GTK User Interface # # Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation # # Authored by Dongxiao Xu # Authored by Shane Wang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import gtk import glib from bb.ui.crumbs.hobcolor import HobColors from bb.ui.crumbs.hobwidget import HobViewTable, HobNotebook from bb.ui.crumbs.hoblistmodel import RecipeListModel from bb.ui.crumbs.hobpages import HobPage # # RecipeSelectionPage # class RecipeSelectionPage (HobPage): pages = [ { 'name' : 'Included', 'filter' : { RecipeListModel.COL_INC : [True], RecipeListModel.COL_TYPE : ['recipe', 'task'] }, 'columns' : [{ 'col_name' : 'Recipe Name', 'col_id' : RecipeListModel.COL_NAME, 'col_style': 'text', 'col_min' : 100, 'col_max' : 400 }, { 'col_name' : 'Brought in by', 'col_id' : RecipeListModel.COL_BINB, 'col_style': 'text', 'col_min' : 100, 'col_max' : 500 }, { 'col_name' : 'Included', 'col_id' : RecipeListModel.COL_INC, 'col_style': 'check toggle', 'col_min' : 50, 'col_max' : 50 }] }, { 'name' : 'All recipes', 'filter' : { RecipeListModel.COL_TYPE : ['recipe'] }, 'columns' : [{ 'col_name' : 'Recipe Name', 'col_id' : RecipeListModel.COL_NAME, 'col_style': 'text', 'col_min' : 100, 'col_max' : 400 }, { 'col_name' : 'License', 'col_id' : RecipeListModel.COL_LIC, 'col_style': 'text', 'col_min' : 100, 'col_max' : 400 }, { 'col_name' : 'Group', 'col_id' : RecipeListModel.COL_GROUP, 'col_style': 'text', 'col_min' : 100, 'col_max' : 400 }, { 'col_name' : 'Included', 'col_id' : RecipeListModel.COL_INC, 'col_style': 'check toggle', 'col_min' : 50, 'col_max' : 50 }] }, { 'name' : 'Tasks', 'filter' : { RecipeListModel.COL_TYPE : ['task'] }, 'columns' : [{ 'col_name' : 'Task Name', 'col_id' : RecipeListModel.COL_NAME, 'col_style': 'text', 'col_min' : 100, 'col_max' : 400 }, { 'col_name' : 'Description', 'col_id' : RecipeListModel.COL_DESC, 'col_style': 'text', 'col_min' : 100, 'col_max' : 400 }, { 'col_name' : 'Included', 'col_id' : RecipeListModel.COL_INC, 'col_style': 'check toggle', 'col_min' : 50, 'col_max' : 50 }] } ] def __init__(self, builder = None): super(RecipeSelectionPage, self).__init__(builder, "Recipes") # set invisiable members self.recipe_model = self.builder.recipe_model # create visual elements self.create_visual_elements() def create_visual_elements(self): self.label = gtk.Label("Recipes included: %s" % len(self.builder.configuration.selected_recipes)) self.eventbox = self.add_onto_top_bar(self.label, 73) self.pack_start(self.eventbox, expand=False, fill=False) self.pack_start(self.group_align, expand=True, fill=True) # set visiable members self.ins = HobNotebook() self.tables = [] # we need modify table when the dialog is shown # append the tabs in order for page in self.pages: columns = page['columns'] tab = HobViewTable(columns) filter = page['filter'] tab.set_model(self.recipe_model.tree_model(filter)) tab.connect("toggled", self.table_toggled_cb) if page['name'] == "Included": tab.connect("row-activated", self.tree_row_activated_cb) label = gtk.Label(page['name']) self.ins.append_page(tab, label) self.tables.append(tab) self.ins.set_entry("Search recipes:") # set the search entry for each table for tab in self.tables: tab.set_search_entry(0, self.ins.search) # add all into the window self.box_group_area.pack_start(self.ins, expand=True, fill=True) button_box = gtk.HBox(False, 6) self.box_group_area.pack_end(button_box, expand=False, fill=False) self.build_packages_button = gtk.Button() label = gtk.Label() mark = "Build packages" % self.span_tag('24px', 'bold') label.set_markup(mark) self.build_packages_button.set_image(label) self.build_packages_button.set_size_request(205, 49) self.build_packages_button.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color(HobColors.ORANGE)) self.build_packages_button.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT, gtk.gdk.Color(HobColors.ORANGE)) self.build_packages_button.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_SELECTED, gtk.gdk.Color(HobColors.ORANGE)) self.build_packages_button.set_tooltip_text("Build packages for customization") self.build_packages_button.set_flags(gtk.CAN_DEFAULT) self.build_packages_button.grab_default() self.build_packages_button.connect("clicked", self.build_packages_clicked_cb) button_box.pack_end(self.build_packages_button, expand=False, fill=False) self.back_button = gtk.LinkButton("Go back to Image Configuration screen", "<< Back to image configuration") self.back_button.connect("clicked", self.back_button_clicked_cb) button_box.pack_start(self.back_button, expand=False, fill=False) def tree_row_activated_cb(self, table, tree_model, path): binb = tree_model.get_value(tree_model.get_iter(path), RecipeListModel.COL_BINB) if binb: self.builder.show_binb_dialog(binb) def build_packages_clicked_cb(self, button): self.builder.build_packages() def back_button_clicked_cb(self, button): self.builder.show_configuration() def refresh_selection(self): self.builder.configuration.selected_image = self.recipe_model.get_selected_image() _, self.builder.configuration.selected_recipes = self.recipe_model.get_selected_recipes() self.label.set_text("Recipes included: %s" % len(self.builder.configuration.selected_recipes)) self.ins.show_indicator_icon("Included", len(self.builder.configuration.selected_recipes)) def toggle_item_idle_cb(self, path): if not self.recipe_model.path_included(path): self.recipe_model.include_item(item_path=path, binb="User Selected", image_contents=False) else: self.recipe_model.exclude_item(item_path=path) self.refresh_selection() self.builder.window_sensitive(True) def table_toggled_cb(self, table, cell, view_path, toggled_columnid, view_tree): # Click to include a recipe self.builder.window_sensitive(False) view_model = view_tree.get_model() path = self.recipe_model.convert_vpath_to_path(view_model, view_path) glib.idle_add(self.toggle_item_idle_cb, path)