# BitBake Graphical GTK User Interface # # Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Intel Corporation # # Authored by Dongxiao Xu # Authored by Shane Wang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import gtk import gobject import os import os.path import sys import pango, pangocairo import math from bb.ui.crumbs.hobcolor import HobColors from bb.ui.crumbs.persistenttooltip import PersistentTooltip class hwc: MAIN_WIN_WIDTH = 1024 MAIN_WIN_HEIGHT = 700 class hic: HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))), ("ui/icons/")) ICON_RCIPE_DISPLAY_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('recipe/recipe_display.png')) ICON_RCIPE_HOVER_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('recipe/recipe_hover.png')) ICON_PACKAGES_DISPLAY_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('packages/packages_display.png')) ICON_PACKAGES_HOVER_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('packages/packages_hover.png')) ICON_LAYERS_DISPLAY_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('layers/layers_display.png')) ICON_LAYERS_HOVER_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('layers/layers_hover.png')) ICON_TEMPLATES_DISPLAY_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('templates/templates_display.png')) ICON_TEMPLATES_HOVER_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('templates/templates_hover.png')) ICON_IMAGES_DISPLAY_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('images/images_display.png')) ICON_IMAGES_HOVER_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('images/images_hover.png')) ICON_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('settings/settings_display.png')) ICON_SETTINGS_HOVER_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('settings/settings_hover.png')) ICON_INFO_DISPLAY_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('info/info_display.png')) ICON_INFO_HOVER_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('info/info_hover.png')) ICON_INDI_CONFIRM_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('indicators/confirmation.png')) ICON_INDI_ERROR_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('indicators/denied.png')) ICON_INDI_REMOVE_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('indicators/remove.png')) ICON_INDI_REMOVE_HOVER_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('indicators/remove-hover.png')) ICON_INDI_ADD_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('indicators/add.png')) ICON_INDI_ADD_HOVER_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('indicators/add-hover.png')) ICON_INDI_REFRESH_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('indicators/refresh.png')) ICON_INDI_ALERT_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('indicators/alert.png')) ICON_INDI_TICK_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('indicators/tick.png')) ICON_INDI_INFO_FILE = os.path.join(HOB_ICON_BASE_DIR, ('indicators/info.png')) class hcc: SUPPORTED_IMAGE_TYPES = { "jffs2" : ["jffs2"], "sum.jffs2" : ["sum.jffs2"], "cramfs" : ["cramfs"], "ext2" : ["ext2"], "ext2.gz" : ["ext2.gz"], "ext2.bz2" : ["ext2.bz2"], "ext3" : ["ext3"], "ext3.gz" : ["ext3.gz"], "ext2.lzma" : ["ext2.lzma"], "btrfs" : ["btrfs"], "live" : ["hddimg", "iso"], "squashfs" : ["squashfs"], "squashfs-lzma" : ["squashfs-lzma"], "ubi" : ["ubi"], "tar" : ["tar"], "tar.gz" : ["tar.gz"], "tar.bz2" : ["tar.bz2"], "tar.xz" : ["tar.xz"], "cpio" : ["cpio"], "cpio.gz" : ["cpio.gz"], "cpio.xz" : ["cpio.xz"], "vmdk" : ["vmdk"], "cpio.lzma" : ["cpio.lzma"], } class HobViewTable (gtk.VBox): """ A VBox to contain the table for different recipe views and package view """ __gsignals__ = { "toggled" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)), "row-activated" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)), "cell-fadeinout-stopped" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)), } def __init__(self, columns): gtk.VBox.__init__(self, False, 6) self.table_tree = gtk.TreeView() self.table_tree.set_headers_visible(True) self.table_tree.set_headers_clickable(True) self.table_tree.set_enable_search(True) self.table_tree.set_rules_hint(True) self.table_tree.get_selection().set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_SINGLE) self.toggle_columns = [] self.table_tree.connect("row-activated", self.row_activated_cb) for i, column in enumerate(columns): col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(column['col_name']) col.set_clickable(True) col.set_resizable(True) col.set_sort_column_id(column['col_id']) if 'col_min' in column.keys(): col.set_min_width(column['col_min']) if 'col_max' in column.keys(): col.set_max_width(column['col_max']) if 'expand' in column.keys(): col.set_expand(True) self.table_tree.append_column(col) if (not 'col_style' in column.keys()) or column['col_style'] == 'text': cell = gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(cell, True) col.set_attributes(cell, text=column['col_id']) elif column['col_style'] == 'check toggle': cell = HobCellRendererToggle() cell.set_property('activatable', True) cell.connect("toggled", self.toggled_cb, i, self.table_tree) cell.connect_render_state_changed(self.stop_cell_fadeinout_cb, self.table_tree) self.toggle_id = i col.pack_end(cell, True) col.set_attributes(cell, active=column['col_id']) self.toggle_columns.append(column['col_name']) elif column['col_style'] == 'radio toggle': cell = gtk.CellRendererToggle() cell.set_property('activatable', True) cell.set_radio(True) cell.connect("toggled", self.toggled_cb, i, self.table_tree) self.toggle_id = i col.pack_end(cell, True) col.set_attributes(cell, active=column['col_id']) self.toggle_columns.append(column['col_name']) elif column['col_style'] == 'binb': cell = gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(cell, True) col.set_cell_data_func(cell, self.display_binb_cb, column['col_id']) scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS) scroll.add(self.table_tree) self.pack_start(scroll, True, True, 0) def display_binb_cb(self, col, cell, model, it, col_id): binb = model.get_value(it, col_id) # Just display the first item if binb: bin = binb.split(', ') cell.set_property('text', bin[0]) else: cell.set_property('text', "") return True def set_model(self, tree_model): self.table_tree.set_model(tree_model) def set_search_entry(self, search_column_id, entry): self.table_tree.set_search_column(search_column_id) self.table_tree.set_search_entry(entry) def toggle_default(self): model = self.table_tree.get_model() if not model: return iter = model.get_iter_first() if iter: rowpath = model.get_path(iter) model[rowpath][self.toggle_id] = True def toggled_cb(self, cell, path, columnid, tree): self.emit("toggled", cell, path, columnid, tree) def row_activated_cb(self, tree, path, view_column): if not view_column.get_title() in self.toggle_columns: self.emit("row-activated", tree.get_model(), path) def stop_cell_fadeinout_cb(self, ctrl, cell, tree): self.emit("cell-fadeinout-stopped", ctrl, cell, tree) """ A method to calculate a softened value for the colour of widget when in the provided state. widget: the widget whose style to use state: the state of the widget to use the style for Returns a string value representing the softened colour """ def soften_color(widget, state=gtk.STATE_NORMAL): # this colour munging routine is heavily inspired bu gdu_util_get_mix_color() # from gnome-disk-utility: # http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-disk-utility/tree/src/gdu-gtk/gdu-gtk.c?h=gnome-3-0 blend = 0.7 style = widget.get_style() color = style.text[state] color.red = color.red * blend + style.base[state].red * (1.0 - blend) color.green = color.green * blend + style.base[state].green * (1.0 - blend) color.blue = color.blue * blend + style.base[state].blue * (1.0 - blend) return color.to_string() class HobButton(gtk.Button): """ A gtk.Button subclass which follows the visual design of Hob for primary action buttons label: the text to display as the button's label """ def __init__(self, label): gtk.Button.__init__(self, label) HobButton.style_button(self) @staticmethod def style_button(button): style = button.get_style() button_color = gtk.gdk.Color(HobColors.ORANGE) button.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, button_color) button.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT, button_color) button.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_SELECTED, button_color) button.set_flags(gtk.CAN_DEFAULT) button.grab_default() label = "%s" % gobject.markup_escape_text(button.get_label()) button.set_label(label) button.child.set_use_markup(True) class HobAltButton(gtk.Button): """ A gtk.Button subclass which has no relief, and so is more discrete """ def __init__(self, label): gtk.Button.__init__(self, label) HobAltButton.style_button(self) """ A callback for the state-changed event to ensure the text is displayed differently when the widget is not sensitive """ @staticmethod def desensitise_on_state_change_cb(button, state): if not button.get_property("sensitive"): HobAltButton.set_text(button, False) else: HobAltButton.set_text(button, True) """ Set the button label with an appropriate colour for the current widget state """ @staticmethod def set_text(button, sensitive=True): if sensitive: colour = HobColors.PALE_BLUE else: colour = HobColors.LIGHT_GRAY button.set_label("%s" % (colour, gobject.markup_escape_text(button.text))) button.child.set_use_markup(True) @staticmethod def style_button(button): button.text = button.get_label() button.connect("state-changed", HobAltButton.desensitise_on_state_change_cb) HobAltButton.set_text(button) button.child.set_use_markup(True) button.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE) class HobImageButton(gtk.Button): """ A gtk.Button with an icon and two rows of text, the second of which is displayed in a blended colour. primary_text: the main button label secondary_text: optional second line of text icon_path: path to the icon file to display on the button """ def __init__(self, primary_text, secondary_text="", icon_path="", hover_icon_path=""): gtk.Button.__init__(self) self.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE) self.icon_path = icon_path self.hover_icon_path = hover_icon_path hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 10) hbox.show() self.add(hbox) self.icon = gtk.Image() self.icon.set_from_file(self.icon_path) self.icon.set_alignment(0.5, 0.0) self.icon.show() if self.hover_icon_path and len(self.hover_icon_path): self.connect("enter-notify-event", self.set_hover_icon_cb) self.connect("leave-notify-event", self.set_icon_cb) hbox.pack_start(self.icon, False, False, 0) label = gtk.Label() label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) colour = soften_color(label) mark = "%s\n%s" % (primary_text, colour, secondary_text) label.set_markup(mark) label.show() hbox.pack_start(label, True, True, 0) def set_hover_icon_cb(self, widget, event): self.icon.set_from_file(self.hover_icon_path) def set_icon_cb(self, widget, event): self.icon.set_from_file(self.icon_path) class HobInfoButton(gtk.EventBox): """ This class implements a button-like widget per the Hob visual and UX designs which will display a persistent tooltip, with the contents of tip_markup, when clicked. tip_markup: the Pango Markup to be displayed in the persistent tooltip """ def __init__(self, tip_markup, parent=None): gtk.EventBox.__init__(self) self.image = gtk.Image() self.image.set_from_file(hic.ICON_INFO_DISPLAY_FILE) self.image.show() self.add(self.image) self.set_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE | gtk.gdk.ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK | gtk.gdk.LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK) self.ptip = PersistentTooltip(tip_markup) if parent: self.ptip.set_parent(parent) self.ptip.set_transient_for(parent) self.ptip.set_destroy_with_parent(True) self.connect("button-release-event", self.button_release_cb) self.connect("enter-notify-event", self.mouse_in_cb) self.connect("leave-notify-event", self.mouse_out_cb) """ When the mouse click is released emulate a button-click and show the associated PersistentTooltip """ def button_release_cb(self, widget, event): self.ptip.show() """ Change to the prelight image when the mouse enters the widget """ def mouse_in_cb(self, widget, event): self.image.set_from_file(hic.ICON_INFO_HOVER_FILE) """ Change to the stock image when the mouse enters the widget """ def mouse_out_cb(self, widget, event): self.image.set_from_file(hic.ICON_INFO_DISPLAY_FILE) class HobTabBar(gtk.DrawingArea): __gsignals__ = { "blank-area-changed" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_INT,)), "tab-switched" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_INT,)), } def __init__(self): gtk.DrawingArea.__init__(self) self.children = [] self.tab_width = 140 self.tab_height = 52 self.tab_x = 10 self.tab_y = 0 self.width = 500 self.height = 53 self.tab_w_ratio = 140 * 1.0/500 self.tab_h_ratio = 52 * 1.0/53 self.set_size_request(self.width, self.height) self.current_child = None self.font = self.get_style().font_desc self.font.set_size(pango.SCALE * 13) self.update_children_text_layout_and_bg_color() self.blank_rectangle = None self.tab_pressed = False self.set_property('can-focus', True) self.set_events(gtk.gdk.EXPOSURE_MASK | gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK) self.connect("expose-event", self.on_draw) self.connect("button-press-event", self.button_pressed_cb) self.connect("button-release-event", self.button_released_cb) self.connect("query-tooltip", self.query_tooltip_cb) self.show_all() def button_released_cb(self, widget, event): self.tab_pressed = False self.queue_draw() def button_pressed_cb(self, widget, event): if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS: return result = False if self.is_focus() or event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS: x, y = event.get_coords() # check which tab be clicked for child in self.children: if (child["x"] < x) and (x < child["x"] + self.tab_width) \ and (child["y"] < y) and (y < child["y"] + self.tab_height): self.current_child = child result = True self.grab_focus() break # check the blank area is focus in or not if (self.blank_rectangle) and (self.blank_rectangle.x > 0) and (self.blank_rectangle.y > 0): if (self.blank_rectangle.x < x) and (x < self.blank_rectangle.x + self.blank_rectangle.width) \ and (self.blank_rectangle.y < y) and (y < self.blank_rectangle.y + self.blank_rectangle.height): self.grab_focus() if result == True: page = self.current_child["toggled_page"] self.emit("tab-switched", page) self.tab_pressed = True self.queue_draw() def update_children_size(self): # calculate the size of tabs self.tab_width = int(self.width * self.tab_w_ratio) self.tab_height = int(self.height * self.tab_h_ratio) for i, child in enumerate(self.children): child["x"] = self.tab_x + i * self.tab_width child["y"] = self.tab_y if self.blank_rectangle: self.resize_blank_rectangle() def resize_blank_rectangle(self): width = self.width - self.tab_width * len(self.children) - self.tab_x x = self.tab_x + self.tab_width * len(self.children) hpadding = vpadding = 5 self.blank_rectangle = self.set_blank_size(x + hpadding, self.tab_y + vpadding, width - 2 * hpadding, self.tab_height - 2 * vpadding) def update_children_text_layout_and_bg_color(self): style = self.get_style().copy() color = style.base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] for child in self.children: pangolayout = self.create_pango_layout(child["title"]) pangolayout.set_font_description(self.font) child["title_layout"] = pangolayout child["r"] = color.red child["g"] = color.green child["b"] = color.blue def append_tab_child(self, title, page, tooltip=""): num = len(self.children) + 1 self.tab_width = self.tab_width * len(self.children) / num i = 0 for i, child in enumerate(self.children): child["x"] = self.tab_x + i * self.tab_width i += 1 x = self.tab_x + i * self.tab_width y = self.tab_y pangolayout = self.create_pango_layout(title) pangolayout.set_font_description(self.font) color = self.style.base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] new_one = { "x" : x, "y" : y, "r" : color.red, "g" : color.green, "b" : color.blue, "title_layout" : pangolayout, "toggled_page" : page, "title" : title, "indicator_show" : False, "indicator_number" : 0, "tooltip_markup" : tooltip, } self.children.append(new_one) if tooltip and (not self.props.has_tooltip): self.props.has_tooltip = True # set the default current child if not self.current_child: self.current_child = new_one def on_draw(self, widget, event): cr = widget.window.cairo_create() self.width = self.allocation.width self.height = self.allocation.height self.update_children_size() self.draw_background(cr) self.draw_toggled_tab(cr) for child in self.children: if child["indicator_show"] == True: self.draw_indicator(cr, child) self.draw_tab_text(cr) def draw_background(self, cr): style = self.get_style() if self.is_focus(): cr.set_source_color(style.base[gtk.STATE_SELECTED]) else: cr.set_source_color(style.base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]) y = 6 h = self.height - 6 - 1 gap = 1 w = self.children[0]["x"] cr.set_source_color(gtk.gdk.color_parse(HobColors.GRAY)) cr.rectangle(0, y, w - gap, h) # start rectangle cr.fill() cr.set_source_color(style.base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]) cr.rectangle(w - gap, y, w, h) #first gap cr.fill() w = self.tab_width for child in self.children: x = child["x"] cr.set_source_color(gtk.gdk.color_parse(HobColors.GRAY)) cr.rectangle(x, y, w - gap, h) # tab rectangle cr.fill() cr.set_source_color(style.base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]) cr.rectangle(x + w - gap, y, w, h) # gap cr.fill() cr.set_source_color(gtk.gdk.color_parse(HobColors.GRAY)) cr.rectangle(x + w, y, self.width - x - w, h) # last rectangle cr.fill() def draw_tab_text(self, cr): style = self.get_style() for child in self.children: pangolayout = child["title_layout"] if pangolayout: fontw, fonth = pangolayout.get_pixel_size() # center pos off_x = (self.tab_width - fontw) / 2 off_y = (self.tab_height - fonth) / 2 x = child["x"] + off_x y = child["y"] + off_y if not child == self.current_child: self.window.draw_layout(self.style.fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL], int(x), int(y), pangolayout, gtk.gdk.Color(HobColors.WHITE)) else: self.window.draw_layout(self.style.fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL], int(x), int(y), pangolayout) def draw_toggled_tab(self, cr): if not self.current_child: return x = self.current_child["x"] y = self.current_child["y"] width = self.tab_width height = self.tab_height style = self.get_style() color = style.base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] r = height / 10 if self.tab_pressed == True: for xoff, yoff, c1, c2 in [(1, 0, HobColors.SLIGHT_DARK, HobColors.DARK), (2, 0, HobColors.GRAY, HobColors.LIGHT_GRAY)]: cr.set_source_color(gtk.gdk.color_parse(c1)) cr.move_to(x + xoff, y + height + yoff) cr.line_to(x + xoff, r + yoff) cr.arc(x + r + xoff, y + r + yoff, r, math.pi, 1.5*math.pi) cr.move_to(x + r + xoff, y + yoff) cr.line_to(x + width - r + xoff, y + yoff) cr.arc(x + width - r + xoff, y + r + yoff, r, 1.5*math.pi, 2*math.pi) cr.stroke() cr.set_source_color(gtk.gdk.color_parse(c2)) cr.move_to(x + width + xoff, r + yoff) cr.line_to(x + width + xoff, y + height + yoff) cr.line_to(x + xoff, y + height + yoff) cr.stroke() x = x + 2 y = y + 2 cr.set_source_rgba(color.red, color.green, color.blue, 1) cr.move_to(x + r, y) cr.line_to(x + width - r , y) cr.arc(x + width - r, y + r, r, 1.5*math.pi, 2*math.pi) cr.move_to(x + width, r) cr.line_to(x + width, y + height) cr.line_to(x, y + height) cr.line_to(x, r) cr.arc(x + r, y + r, r, math.pi, 1.5*math.pi) cr.fill() def draw_indicator(self, cr, child): text = ("%d" % child["indicator_number"]) layout = self.create_pango_layout(text) layout.set_font_description(self.font) textw, texth = layout.get_pixel_size() # draw the back round area tab_x = child["x"] tab_y = child["y"] dest_w = int(32 * self.tab_w_ratio) dest_h = int(32 * self.tab_h_ratio) if dest_h < self.tab_height: dest_w = dest_h # x position is offset(tab_width*3/4 - icon_width/2) + start_pos(tab_x) x = tab_x + self.tab_width * 3/4 - dest_w/2 y = tab_y + self.tab_height/2 - dest_h/2 r = min(dest_w, dest_h)/2 if not child == self.current_child: color = cr.set_source_color(gtk.gdk.color_parse(HobColors.DEEP_RED)) else: color = cr.set_source_color(gtk.gdk.color_parse(HobColors.GRAY)) # check round back area can contain the text or not back_round_can_contain_width = float(2 * r * 0.707) if float(textw) > back_round_can_contain_width: xoff = (textw - int(back_round_can_contain_width)) / 2 cr.move_to(x + r - xoff, y + r + r) cr.arc((x + r - xoff), (y + r), r, 0.5*math.pi, 1.5*math.pi) cr.fill() # left half round cr.rectangle((x + r - xoff), y, 2 * xoff, 2 * r) cr.fill() # center rectangle cr.arc((x + r + xoff), (y + r), r, 1.5*math.pi, 0.5*math.pi) cr.fill() # right half round else: cr.arc((x + r), (y + r), r, 0, 2*math.pi) cr.fill() # draw the number text x = x + (dest_w/2)-(textw/2) y = y + (dest_h/2) - (texth/2) cr.move_to(x, y) self.window.draw_layout(self.style.fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL], int(x), int(y), layout, gtk.gdk.Color(HobColors.WHITE)) def show_indicator_icon(self, child, number): child["indicator_show"] = True child["indicator_number"] = number self.queue_draw() def hide_indicator_icon(self, child): child["indicator_show"] = False self.queue_draw() def set_blank_size(self, x, y, w, h): if not self.blank_rectangle or self.blank_rectangle.x != x or self.blank_rectangle.width != w: self.emit("blank-area-changed", x, y, w, h) return gtk.gdk.Rectangle(x, y, w, h) def query_tooltip_cb(self, widget, x, y, keyboardtip, tooltip): if keyboardtip or (not tooltip): return False # check which tab be clicked for child in self.children: if (child["x"] < x) and (x < child["x"] + self.tab_width) \ and (child["y"] < y) and (y < child["y"] + self.tab_height): tooltip.set_markup(child["tooltip_markup"]) return True return False class HobNotebook(gtk.VBox): def __init__(self): gtk.VBox.__init__(self, False, 0) self.notebook = gtk.Notebook() self.notebook.set_property('homogeneous', True) self.notebook.set_property('show-tabs', False) self.tabbar = HobTabBar() self.tabbar.connect("tab-switched", self.tab_switched_cb) self.notebook.connect("page-added", self.page_added_cb) self.notebook.connect("page-removed", self.page_removed_cb) self.search = None self.search_name = "" self.tb = gtk.Table(1, 100, False) self.hbox= gtk.HBox(False, 0) self.hbox.pack_start(self.tabbar, True, True) self.tb.attach(self.hbox, 0, 100, 0, 1) self.pack_start(self.tb, False, False) self.pack_start(self.notebook) self.show_all() def append_page(self, child, tab_label): self.notebook.set_current_page(self.notebook.append_page(child, tab_label)) def set_entry(self, name="Search:"): for child in self.tb.get_children(): if child: self.tb.remove(child) hbox_entry = gtk.HBox(False, 0) hbox_entry.show() self.search = gtk.Entry() self.search_name = name style = self.search.get_style() style.text[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = self.get_colormap().alloc_color(HobColors.GRAY, False, False) self.search.set_style(style) self.search.set_text(name) self.search.set_editable(False) self.search.set_icon_from_stock(gtk.ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY, gtk.STOCK_CLEAR) self.search.connect("icon-release", self.set_search_entry_clear_cb) self.search.show() self.align = gtk.Alignment(xalign=1.0, yalign=0.7) self.align.add(self.search) self.align.show() hbox_entry.pack_end(self.align, False, False) self.tabbar.resize_blank_rectangle() self.tb.attach(hbox_entry, 75, 100, 0, 1, xpadding=5) self.tb.attach(self.hbox, 0, 100, 0, 1) self.tabbar.connect("blank-area-changed", self.blank_area_resize_cb) self.search.connect("focus-in-event", self.set_search_entry_editable_cb) self.search.connect("focus-out-event", self.set_search_entry_reset_cb) self.tb.show() def show_indicator_icon(self, title, number): for child in self.tabbar.children: if child["toggled_page"] == -1: continue if child["title"] == title: self.tabbar.show_indicator_icon(child, number) def hide_indicator_icon(self, title): for child in self.tabbar.children: if child["toggled_page"] == -1: continue if child["title"] == title: self.tabbar.hide_indicator_icon(child) def tab_switched_cb(self, widget, page): self.notebook.set_current_page(page) def page_added_cb(self, notebook, notebook_child, page): if not notebook: return title = notebook.get_tab_label_text(notebook_child) label = notebook.get_tab_label(notebook_child) tooltip_markup = label.get_tooltip_markup() if not title: return for child in self.tabbar.children: if child["title"] == title: child["toggled_page"] = page return self.tabbar.append_tab_child(title, page, tooltip_markup) def page_removed_cb(self, notebook, notebook_child, page, title=""): for child in self.tabbar.children: if child["title"] == title: child["toggled_page"] = -1 def blank_area_resize_cb(self, widget, request_x, request_y, request_width, request_height): self.search.set_size_request(request_width, request_height) def set_search_entry_editable_cb(self, search, event): search.set_editable(True) search.set_text("") style = self.search.get_style() style.text[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = self.get_colormap().alloc_color(HobColors.BLACK, False, False) search.set_style(style) def reset_entry(self, entry): style = entry.get_style() style.text[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = self.get_colormap().alloc_color(HobColors.GRAY, False, False) entry.set_style(style) entry.set_text(self.search_name) entry.set_editable(False) def set_search_entry_reset_cb(self, search, event): self.reset_entry(search) def set_search_entry_clear_cb(self, search, icon_pos, event): self.reset_entry(search) class HobWarpCellRendererText(gtk.CellRendererText): def __init__(self, col_number): gtk.CellRendererText.__init__(self) self.set_property("wrap-mode", pango.WRAP_WORD_CHAR) self.set_property("wrap-width", 300) # default value wrap width is 300 self.col_n = col_number def do_render(self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags): if widget: self.props.wrap_width = self.get_resized_wrap_width(widget, widget.get_column(self.col_n)) return gtk.CellRendererText.do_render(self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags) def get_resized_wrap_width(self, treeview, column): otherCols = [] for col in treeview.get_columns(): if col != column: otherCols.append(col) adjwidth = treeview.allocation.width - sum(c.get_width() for c in otherCols) adjwidth -= treeview.style_get_property("horizontal-separator") * 4 if self.props.wrap_width == adjwidth or adjwidth <= 0: adjwidth = self.props.wrap_width return adjwidth gobject.type_register(HobWarpCellRendererText) class HobIconChecker(hic): def set_hob_icon_to_stock_icon(self, file_path, stock_id=""): try: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(file_path) except Exception, e: return None if stock_id and (gtk.icon_factory_lookup_default(stock_id) == None): icon_factory = gtk.IconFactory() icon_factory.add_default() icon_factory.add(stock_id, gtk.IconSet(pixbuf)) gtk.stock_add([(stock_id, '_label', 0, 0, '')]) return icon_factory.lookup(stock_id) return None """ For make hob icon consistently by request, and avoid icon view diff by system or gtk version, we use some 'hob icon' to replace the 'gtk icon'. this function check the stock_id and make hob_id to replaced the gtk_id then return it or "" """ def check_stock_icon(self, stock_name=""): HOB_CHECK_STOCK_NAME = { ('hic-dialog-info', 'gtk-dialog-info', 'dialog-info') : self.ICON_INDI_INFO_FILE, ('hic-ok', 'gtk-ok', 'ok') : self.ICON_INDI_TICK_FILE, ('hic-dialog-error', 'gtk-dialog-error', 'dialog-error') : self.ICON_INDI_ERROR_FILE, ('hic-dialog-warning', 'gtk-dialog-warning', 'dialog-warning') : self.ICON_INDI_ALERT_FILE, ('hic-task-refresh', 'gtk-execute', 'execute') : self.ICON_INDI_REFRESH_FILE, } valid_stock_id = stock_name if stock_name: for names, path in HOB_CHECK_STOCK_NAME.iteritems(): if stock_name in names: valid_stock_id = names[0] if not gtk.icon_factory_lookup_default(valid_stock_id): self.set_hob_icon_to_stock_icon(path, valid_stock_id) return valid_stock_id class HobCellRendererController(gobject.GObject): (MODE_CYCLE_RUNNING, MODE_ONE_SHORT) = range(2) __gsignals__ = { "run-timer-stopped" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()), } def __init__(self, runningmode=MODE_CYCLE_RUNNING, is_draw_row=False): gobject.GObject.__init__(self) self.timeout_id = None self.current_angle_pos = 0.0 self.step_angle = 0.0 self.tree_headers_height = 0 self.running_cell_areas = [] self.running_mode = runningmode self.is_queue_draw_row_area = is_draw_row self.force_stop_enable = False def is_active(self): if self.timeout_id: return True else: return False def reset_run(self): self.force_stop() self.running_cell_areas = [] self.current_angle_pos = 0.0 self.step_angle = 0.0 ''' time_iterval: (1~1000)ms, which will be as the basic interval count for timer init_usrdata: the current data which related the progress-bar will be at min_usrdata: the range of min of user data max_usrdata: the range of max of user data step: each step which you want to progress Note: the init_usrdata should in the range of from min to max, and max should > min step should < (max - min) ''' def start_run(self, time_iterval, init_usrdata, min_usrdata, max_usrdata, step, tree): if (not time_iterval) or (not max_usrdata): return usr_range = (max_usrdata - min_usrdata) * 1.0 self.current_angle_pos = (init_usrdata * 1.0) / usr_range self.step_angle = (step * 1) / usr_range self.timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(int(time_iterval), self.make_image_on_progressing_cb, tree) self.tree_headers_height = self.get_treeview_headers_height(tree) self.force_stop_enable = False def force_stop(self): self.emit("run-timer-stopped") self.force_stop_enable = True if self.timeout_id: if gobject.source_remove(self.timeout_id): self.timeout_id = None def on_draw_pixbuf_cb(self, pixbuf, cr, x, y, img_width, img_height, do_refresh=True): if pixbuf: r = max(img_width/2, img_height/2) cr.translate(x + r, y + r) if do_refresh: cr.rotate(2 * math.pi * self.current_angle_pos) cr.set_source_pixbuf(pixbuf, -img_width/2, -img_height/2) cr.paint() def on_draw_fadeinout_cb(self, cr, color, x, y, width, height, do_fadeout=True): if do_fadeout: alpha = self.current_angle_pos * 0.8 else: alpha = (1.0 - self.current_angle_pos) * 0.8 cr.set_source_rgba(color.red, color.green, color.blue, alpha) cr.rectangle(x, y, width, height) cr.fill() def get_treeview_headers_height(self, tree): if tree and (tree.get_property("headers-visible") == True): height = tree.get_allocation().height - tree.get_bin_window().get_size()[1] return height return 0 def make_image_on_progressing_cb(self, tree): self.current_angle_pos += self.step_angle if self.running_mode == self.MODE_CYCLE_RUNNING: if (self.current_angle_pos >= 1): self.current_angle_pos = self.step_angle else: if self.current_angle_pos > 1: self.force_stop() return False if self.is_queue_draw_row_area: for path in self.running_cell_areas: rect = tree.get_cell_area(path, tree.get_column(0)) row_x, _, row_width, _ = tree.get_visible_rect() tree.queue_draw_area(row_x, rect.y + self.tree_headers_height, row_width, rect.height) else: for rect in self.running_cell_areas: tree.queue_draw_area(rect.x, rect.y + self.tree_headers_height, rect.width, rect.height) return (not self.force_stop_enable) def append_running_cell_area(self, cell_area): if cell_area and (cell_area not in self.running_cell_areas): self.running_cell_areas.append(cell_area) def remove_running_cell_area(self, cell_area): if cell_area in self.running_cell_areas: self.running_cell_areas.remove(cell_area) if not self.running_cell_areas: self.reset_run() gobject.type_register(HobCellRendererController) class HobCellRendererPixbuf(gtk.CellRendererPixbuf): def __init__(self): gtk.CellRendererPixbuf.__init__(self) self.control = HobCellRendererController() # add icon checker for make the gtk-icon transfer to hob-icon self.checker = HobIconChecker() self.set_property("stock-size", gtk.ICON_SIZE_DND) def get_pixbuf_from_stock_icon(self, widget, stock_id="", size=gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG): if widget and stock_id and gtk.icon_factory_lookup_default(stock_id): return widget.render_icon(stock_id, size) return None def set_icon_name_to_id(self, new_name): if new_name and type(new_name) == str: # check the name is need to transfer to hob icon or not name = self.checker.check_stock_icon(new_name) if name.startswith("hic") or name.startswith("gtk"): stock_id = name else: stock_id = 'gtk-' + name return stock_id ''' render cell exactly, "icon-name" is priority if use the 'hic-task-refresh' will make the pix animation if 'pix' will change the pixbuf for it from the pixbuf or image. ''' def do_render(self, window, tree, background_area,cell_area, expose_area, flags): if (not self.control) or (not tree): return x, y, w, h = self.on_get_size(tree, cell_area) x += cell_area.x y += cell_area.y w -= 2 * self.get_property("xpad") h -= 2 * self.get_property("ypad") stock_id = "" if self.props.icon_name: stock_id = self.set_icon_name_to_id(self.props.icon_name) elif self.props.stock_id: stock_id = self.props.stock_id elif self.props.pixbuf: pix = self.props.pixbuf else: return if stock_id: pix = self.get_pixbuf_from_stock_icon(tree, stock_id, self.props.stock_size) if stock_id == 'hic-task-refresh': self.control.append_running_cell_area(cell_area) if self.control.is_active(): self.control.on_draw_pixbuf_cb(pix, window.cairo_create(), x, y, w, h, True) else: self.control.start_run(200, 0, 0, 1000, 200, tree) else: self.control.remove_running_cell_area(cell_area) self.control.on_draw_pixbuf_cb(pix, window.cairo_create(), x, y, w, h, False) def on_get_size(self, widget, cell_area): if self.props.icon_name or self.props.pixbuf or self.props.stock_id: w, h = gtk.icon_size_lookup(self.props.stock_size) calc_width = self.get_property("xpad") * 2 + w calc_height = self.get_property("ypad") * 2 + h x_offset = 0 y_offset = 0 if cell_area and w > 0 and h > 0: x_offset = self.get_property("xalign") * (cell_area.width - calc_width - self.get_property("xpad")) y_offset = self.get_property("yalign") * (cell_area.height - calc_height - self.get_property("ypad")) return x_offset, y_offset, w, h return 0, 0, 0, 0 gobject.type_register(HobCellRendererPixbuf) class HobCellRendererToggle(gtk.CellRendererToggle): def __init__(self): gtk.CellRendererToggle.__init__(self) self.ctrl = HobCellRendererController(is_draw_row=True) self.ctrl.running_mode = self.ctrl.MODE_ONE_SHORT self.cell_attr = {"fadeout": False} def do_render(self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags): if (not self.ctrl) or (not widget): return if self.ctrl.is_active(): path = widget.get_path_at_pos(cell_area.x + cell_area.width/2, cell_area.y + cell_area.height/2) # sometimes the parameters of cell_area will be a negative number,such as pull up down the scroll bar # it's over the tree container range, so the path will be bad if not path: return path = path[0] if path in self.ctrl.running_cell_areas: cr = window.cairo_create() color = gtk.gdk.Color(HobColors.WHITE) row_x, _, row_width, _ = widget.get_visible_rect() border_y = self.get_property("ypad") self.ctrl.on_draw_fadeinout_cb(cr, color, row_x, cell_area.y - border_y, row_width, \ cell_area.height + border_y * 2, self.cell_attr["fadeout"]) return gtk.CellRendererToggle.do_render(self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags) '''delay: normally delay time is 1000ms cell_list: whilch cells need to be render ''' def fadeout(self, tree, delay, cell_list=None): if (delay < 200) or (not tree): return self.cell_attr["fadeout"] = True self.ctrl.running_cell_areas = cell_list self.ctrl.start_run(200, 0, 0, delay, (delay * 200 / 1000), tree) def connect_render_state_changed(self, func, usrdata=None): if not func: return if usrdata: self.ctrl.connect("run-timer-stopped", func, self, usrdata) else: self.ctrl.connect("run-timer-stopped", func, self) gobject.type_register(HobCellRendererToggle)