# # BitBake Process based server. # # Copyright (C) 2010 Bob Foerster # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ This module implements a multiprocessing.Process based server for bitbake. """ import bb import bb.event import itertools import logging import multiprocessing import os import signal import sys import time from Queue import Empty from multiprocessing import Event, Process, util, Queue, Pipe, queues from . import BitBakeBaseServer, BitBakeBaseServerConnection, BaseImplServer logger = logging.getLogger('BitBake') class ServerCommunicator(): def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection def runCommand(self, command): # @todo try/except self.connection.send(command) while True: # don't let the user ctrl-c while we're waiting for a response try: if self.connection.poll(20): return self.connection.recv() else: bb.fatal("Timeout while attempting to communicate with bitbake server") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass class EventAdapter(): """ Adapter to wrap our event queue since the caller (bb.event) expects to call a send() method, but our actual queue only has put() """ def __init__(self, queue): self.queue = queue def send(self, event): try: self.queue.put(event) except Exception as err: print("EventAdapter puked: %s" % str(err)) class ProcessServer(Process, BaseImplServer): profile_filename = "profile.log" profile_processed_filename = "profile.log.processed" def __init__(self, command_channel, event_queue): BaseImplServer.__init__(self) Process.__init__(self) self.command_channel = command_channel self.event_queue = event_queue self.event = EventAdapter(event_queue) self.quit = False self.keep_running = Event() self.keep_running.set() def run(self): for event in bb.event.ui_queue: self.event_queue.put(event) self.event_handle = bb.event.register_UIHhandler(self) bb.cooker.server_main(self.cooker, self.main) def main(self): # Ignore SIGINT within the server, as all SIGINT handling is done by # the UI and communicated to us signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) while self.keep_running.is_set(): try: if self.command_channel.poll(): command = self.command_channel.recv() self.runCommand(command) self.idle_commands(.1) except Exception: logger.exception('Running command %s', command) self.event_queue.cancel_join_thread() bb.event.unregister_UIHhandler(self.event_handle) self.command_channel.close() self.cooker.stop() self.idle_commands(.1) def idle_commands(self, delay): nextsleep = delay for function, data in self._idlefuns.items(): try: retval = function(self, data, False) if retval is False: del self._idlefuns[function] elif retval is True: nextsleep = None elif nextsleep is None: continue elif retval < nextsleep: nextsleep = retval except SystemExit: raise except Exception: logger.exception('Running idle function') if nextsleep is not None: time.sleep(nextsleep) def runCommand(self, command): """ Run a cooker command on the server """ self.command_channel.send(self.cooker.command.runCommand(command)) def stop(self): self.keep_running.clear() class BitBakeProcessServerConnection(BitBakeBaseServerConnection): def __init__(self, serverImpl, ui_channel, event_queue): self.procserver = serverImpl self.ui_channel = ui_channel self.event_queue = event_queue self.connection = ServerCommunicator(self.ui_channel) self.events = self.event_queue def terminate(self, force = False): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) self.procserver.stop() if force: self.procserver.join(0.5) if self.procserver.is_alive(): self.procserver.terminate() self.procserver.join() else: self.procserver.join() while True: try: event = self.event_queue.get(block=False) except (Empty, IOError): break if isinstance(event, logging.LogRecord): logger.handle(event) self.ui_channel.close() self.event_queue.close() if force: sys.exit(1) # Wrap Queue to provide API which isn't server implementation specific class ProcessEventQueue(multiprocessing.queues.Queue): def waitEvent(self, timeout): try: return self.get(True, timeout) except Empty: return None def getEvent(self): try: return self.get(False) except Empty: return None class BitBakeServer(BitBakeBaseServer): def initServer(self): # establish communication channels. We use bidirectional pipes for # ui <--> server command/response pairs # and a queue for server -> ui event notifications # self.ui_channel, self.server_channel = Pipe() self.event_queue = ProcessEventQueue(0) self.serverImpl = ProcessServer(self.server_channel, self.event_queue) def detach(self): self.serverImpl.start() return def establishConnection(self): self.connection = BitBakeProcessServerConnection(self.serverImpl, self.ui_channel, self.event_queue) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda i, s: self.connection.terminate(force=True)) return self.connection